Little Wolf (Sansa/Petyr)

By paigelindssay

22.7K 631 27

What if Sansa had not pushed Petyr away? What if she had entertained the idea of fulfilling his dream? Could... More

Changing Ambitions
Evening by the Fire
Knowledge is Power
Playing Games
A Mild Inconvenience
Decision Making
The Arrival
Women of Power
The Feast
Ruined Plans
Wounded Ego
Unharnessed Power
Money Matters
The Announcement
The Fire
A Boy's Proposal
A Moment Together
Three Days
Venturing North
Home Early
The Queen's Choice
Asking Questions
The Wedding


526 17 0
By paigelindssay

Daenerys had never been a true Queen before, and she had never had the responsibilities of being a Monarch. This was the first time in her reign that she had exercised her power for a large social gathering. She had invited subjects from all corners of the kingdom to celebrate the prosperous nature of the Kingdom due to the success of the Dragon Glass venture. They flooded through the borders of King's Landing, into the Red Keep, to celebrate the first time of prosper that the Seven Kingdoms had experienced for a long while.

The halls of the Red Keep now were filled with ladies and lords, all in their finery and luxury. Sansa had been anxious of their arrival. There were still wounds that had been created through the death of the Lannisters and many still mourned the victims of the bombing. However, when they began to arrive, many seemed jubilant and merry at the fact that the crown was finally stable again.

The celebrations had not been formally dedicated to Petyr, but Daenerys had said as much when they had spoken about the proceedings. They had almost completely cancelled their debt with the sales of dragon glass being so affluent. Petyr had never seen the crown so out of debt and he knew that it was because of him.

The situation between Petyr and Sansa had become more difficult now. When he saw her, Petyr longed to touch her, to be near her, to kiss her. But, he knew, that until the arrangement was announced that he had no choice but to keep his distance and continue biting the inside of his cheek.

With the increase of people in the Red Keep, Brienne had a harder task of protecting the Queen. However her life had been made harder by the sudden call back to Winterfell that Tormund had received.
"I must go, Jon Snow needs me, my people need me." His gruff voice whined to her, his hand firmly placed on her arm.
"I know. I know that you must do your duty for Jon Snow." Her voice shook, she was weak now. She never allowed her weakness to show, but she allowed it now as one tear drop fell onto her cheek. She had allowed herself to love a man and it had fired back at her most tremendously.
"Don't cry now. I am sure I shall be back soon." He wiped the tear off of her cheek and held her face in his hand. Her eyes met his and a pained smile graced her face.
"I don't want you to leave." She chuckled at herself for saying something so pathetically cliched.
"I don't want to go. But I must." He pulled her into an embrace, pulled her close and kissed her as if it as the last time he was ever going to see her. No more was said. A last glance was shared and then he was gone. Once she saw his fiery hair disappear into the Red Keep, she sat on her bed and allowed herself to weep, as she had never done before.

Sansa had greeted people all day, alongside Varys. They whispered about the guests, in between their arrival and enjoyed each other's company. When Sansa saw Theon approaching the gates, her hands began to tingle with excitement. She had heard that his rehabilitation was going well and that he was more like himself than ever. He accepted her embrace when she flung herself into his arms.
"I have missed you." She whispered against his neck and his arms tightened around her waist.
"I have missed you too." He pulled her to arms distance and truly looked at her, finding her quiet healthy and even radiant.
"We must speak later." Sansa insisted and Theon nodded before moving along.

Olenna had travelled from Dorne to be at the celebration. However, the long journey was not much trouble for her. She had no excitement left in her life, she thought she might as well be surrounded by excited people and enjoy their energy. She arrived a few days earlier than most of the guests and she was shocked to see Sansa Stark in King's Landing, thinking that she might have stayed in the North with her brother. However, after watching her for a few days, it became evident what was going on.

Sansa was nervous to see Olenna Tyrell again. So much had happened since they had last seen each other, and when they had last spoken, Margaery had been there to soften the tension. But now, without Margaery, Sansa was very worried about their appointment.

The table had been laid with fine Dornish wine and lemon cakes. Sansa smiled as she approached the table, flattered that Lady Tyrell would remember such a personal fact about Sansa.
"Hello, Lady Stark. Please, sit." Her voice was stony yet caring. Sansa sat opposite Olenna and observed her for a short while. Her face had become sad and old looking, where she had once been vibrant and bright for her age.
"I am sorry for your lo-"
"Please stop, neither you nor I, dare I say Margaery nor Loras would like you speaking of my loss. We must speak of the future, do you not agree?" Olenna cut off Sansa abruptly. She remained silent in her response.
"Do not fear me, child. You have no need to. I am simply interested in your relationship with Lord Baelish. Would you care to tell me a little about it?" She asked. She knew that she was putting Sansa into an uncomfortable position, but she was a sweet child and Olenna did not wish to see her hurt.
"I do not know of what you speak, Lady Tyrell."
"Do not lie to me, I have seen you, seen how he watches you. Now, tell me." Sansa shuddered under her gaze.
"I-I cannot." She stuttered and Olenna understood now. She smiled and perched back in her seat, taking a sip of wine.
"I see now. You are a good girl, Sansa, following your Queen's orders." She stated, complementing Sansa.
"It is strange, Littlefinger seems to truly love you. I've never seen him love anyone apart from himself before. He is a powerful man and a valuable ally, but be careful that he does not engulf you in his world of mystery and sleaze." She advised Sansa, before leaving her without the opportunity to reply.

Sansa sat for a long time after. She wondered if it really was so obvious, her attachment to Petyr, or whether Olenna's skills of deduction were just as acute as she had always remembered them. It did not bother her so much if people knew that she was engaged to Lord Baelish. But, something else that Olenna had said had worried Sansa. She did not want to lose herself in the love that Petyr gave her. He had the ability to entrance and manipulate and she knew that he would never do that to her purposefully, but she could not guarantee he would not subconsciously, and that thought scared her stiff, forcing her to remain in her seat.

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