but do we dare split apart...

By soultrappedstjiub

5.6K 255 1.7K

sequel to see you on the other side of the screen **tw** - adultery - grieving - mental health decline - suic... More

one ⭐ a new era
two ⭐ his hoosier and a loser
three ⭐ table fucking
four ⭐ enough love to go around
five ⭐ date night
six ⭐ the fears from lust
seven ⭐ "my boyfriend"
eight ⭐ racehorse awsten
nine ⭐ awsten confesses
ten ⭐ pussy power
eleven ⭐ la esperma de Geoff
twelve ⭐ overreacting
thirteen ⭐ almost like they're exes
fourteen ⭐ patty will drown... dramatically
fifteen ⭐ meeting judi
sixteen ⭐ her graduation
seventeen ⭐ hot chick!
eighteen ⭐ calling jawn and otto out
nineteen ⭐ lewis
twenty ⭐ airplane anxiety
twenty-one ⭐ TBPID!:track:16:err
twenty-two ⭐ pawsten or gawsten?
twenty-three ⭐ fucking jawn, my god
twenty-four ⭐ her discovery
twenty-five ⭐ the theory that stuns
twenty-six ⭐ words hurt more than anything
twenty-seven ⭐ bloody bottles and razor sharp tongues
twenty-eight ⭐ lil starfucks
twenty-nine ⭐ falling asleep
thirty ⭐ forever and always
thirty-one ⭐ "i love you" to the second power
thirty-two ⭐ Oh, It's Her.
thirty-three ⭐ purple is the color of love
thirty-four ⭐ Patty's video
thirty-five ⭐ baby boy content
thirty-six ⭐ whatta babe
thirty-seven ⭐ rollercoaster of conflicts
thirty-eight ⭐ two sluts with one man
thirty-nine ⭐ cherry baby
forty ⭐ august 2021
forty-one ⭐ depression at its finest
forty-two ⭐ a conflict for a month
forty-three ⭐ spoiled yet grateful
forty-four ⭐ faguette
forty-five ⭐ gawsten inc.
forty-six ⭐ family of unnatural hair
forty-seven ⭐ awsten: a trainwreck
forty-eight ⭐ a friend, a father and a lover
fifty ⭐ patty's songs
fifty-one ⭐ getting back to gawsten, i promise
fifty-two ⭐ dear future us
fifty-three ⭐ jatty inc.
fifty-four ⭐ boys day out [with the kid]
fifty-five ⭐ never forgetting his past
fifty-six ⭐ halloweiner
fifty-seven ⭐ one million streams
fifty-eight ⭐ beating fate
fifty-nine ⭐ the biggest family
sixty ⭐ secrets
sixty-one ⭐ life's greatest moments
sixty-two ⭐ navidad para mis niños
sixty-three ⭐ candles
sixty-four ⭐ babies
sixty-five ⭐ love of all kinds
sixty-six ⭐️ pantrépsou me?
sixty-seven ⭐️ at last
sixty-eight ⭐️ a new chapter
sixty-nine ⭐️ name change
seventy ⭐️ revisiting the brown bread
seventy-one ⭐️ dreams
seventy-two ⭐️ misses walters
seventy-three ⭐️ until again, the owl coordinate
seventy-four ⭐️ i only have eyes for you

forty-nine ⭐ a night of fun turns into regret

59 3 61
By soultrappedstjiub

tw: rape, self-harm.

not edited very well

"Owl Coordinate! You're out in ten!"

A smile pulled at my lips as our name gets called. It's always exciting to hear that and know they're talking to me. I'm in a band with my best friends who actually love and support me.

Awsten sits alone on a torn up old barstool gently tuning his guitar. He looks sad, like a piece of himself is missing. Maybe he had a fight with Geoff about Patty or something.

A hand lands on my shoulder, rubbing it softly. They lean into my ear, beginning to whisper soft words into my head.

"How are you, Jude?" He says in his very high-pitched voice.

"Good. You?" I reply, biting my lip when our eyes meet. We had a little bit of fun before tour ended, and the pleasure released from me has turned into an infatuation.

"A bit lonely," he nods towards Awsten. "Where's his bitchass of a fiancé?"

I pull his hand into mine. "Getting drunk, I guess. I haven't seen him since we got here,"

He makes me move over so he can plop himself next to me. Patty pushes his arm behind us, moving it towards my back. I know what he's trying to do, he's not smooth. "That's unfortunate,"

His arms wrap around my waist, and I lean onto his shoulder. I wish he could be mine.


After the show.

AWSTEN: [to the band] Me and Geoff are going home.

JUDI acknowledges him.

JUDI: Patty and I will be staying for a few drinks.

AWSTEN: You're eighteen.

JUDI: He's buying them for me.

AWSTEN: Don't get too drunk.

JUDI: I won't.

GEOFF: [to AWSTEN] Awsten, you ready?


GEOFF: Alright, let's go.

They don't say goodbye.

JUDI: [to PATTY] What's up with you and Awsten?

PATTY: It's nothing. [smiles] Let's go get those drinks!

They head to the bar, where Patty orders two beers and a speciality unique to the bar.

JUDI: Thank you.

PATTY: You're welcome.

A couple next to them talk silently, the woman acting particularly childish. She calls her boyfriend Daddy, and JUDI immediately realizes what's going on between the two. She sighs in response.

PATTY: What?

JUDI: I wish I had a daddy.

PATTY: Really?

JUDI: Yep. Wholesome Judi is desperate for a daddy, both sexually and non-sexually.

PATTY: Oh shit.

JUDI: [smiles and blushes] I can't believe I just told you that.

PATTY: It's okay...

They sit in silence for a while 

PATTY: So you want a caregiver?

JUDI: Yeah.

PATTY: Why? Like, you're okay, right? You're not depressed or anything?

JUDI: No. I just miss having someone to take care of me.

PATTY: Oh... [chuckles] I can't imagine you being a little, like with stuffies and shit.

JUDI: How do you know so much about DDLG?

PATTY: I'm a daddy.

JUDI: For real?

PATTY: Yeah.

JUDI: Both ways?

PATTY: Nope. I only like it non-sexually. I don't enjoy feeling like I'm fucking a kid, you know?

JUDI: Yeah. I'm mostly non-sexual.

PATTY: Well then, guess we learned something new, huh?

JUDI: [chuckles] I guess so.

The couple leave and one of their seats is replaced by a handsome man probably slightly older than Patty. He watches JUDI and PATTY as they continue their discussion about DD/LG. The guy pushes his way into their conversation.

PATTY: Seriously?

MAN: Yep. Bitch left me because I wasn't 'sensitive enough'.

JUDI: But she was into it sexually! If you like it sexually then you gotta expect to be dominated! Daddies aren't meant to be nice when it's just for sex!

PATTY: Calm down.

JUDI: That makes me mad! This dude over here was just trying to get off and she fucking bitch slapped his lifestyle because it wasn't a kink! Oh my god, I just realized I don't know your name. What is it?

MAN: Remington, but you can call me Remy.

JUDI: [seductivly] Or Daddy.

They laugh together as PATTY tries to keep calm. That's his friend and his girl.

REMY: So, you're looking for a caregiver?

JUDI: Yeah!

PATTY: [taps her shoulder] We need to get going.

JUDI: Why?

PATTY: You're drunk as fuck and we need to get you home before you fucking pass out.

JUDI: But I want to stay here!

PATTY: Fine. Half an hour and we're leaving after that.

JUDI: Okie dokie.

PATTY: I'm going to go to the restroom. Be safe, okay?

JUDI: Okay!

Little did they know the next time they'd be seeing each other, she wouldn't be safe.


PATTY makes his way back to the bar after taking many photos with fans. He hoped Judi didn't leave her spot.

PATTY: Jude?

No answer. He looks all around, but cannot find her.

PATTY: Judi?!

BARTENDER: Are you looking for the girl who was with you?

PATTY: Yeah.

BARTENDER: She passed out so the guy called a cab for her.

PATTY: Okay, thank you.

BARTENDER: No problem.

PATTY didn't like that some random guy called a cab for her. She was passed out, how could he know where she lives? He decides to text her just in case.

are you going home?

your house

Judi was very specific about living spaces. Houses were houses, not apartments. Still, he brushed it off. She could easily just say house instead of apartment.

He hated how he knew such a random detail about her. He pays too much attention to her.

didn't you pass out?

only momentarily

see you soon

see you

He decided he'd call her if she wasn't home when he got there. He didn't quite trust that guy, but he was sure Judi was still smart enough to fight back if she needed to...

Unless she was drugged. He didn't want to think of the possibility of her being drugged. The poor girl being used however that guy wished scared him to death, but hopefully that wasn't going to happen. He didn't want to see such a beautiful, sweet woman become broken from being assaulted.

Patty shook the thoughts from his head. Why the hell did he care so deeply for her? Perhaps it was because she was so kind and warmhearted. Or maybe it was because of the little things he noticed about her that made him like her, even more, every day. It might also be the fact that he's... no. No, he's not. He can't feel like that.

The last reason could simply be because she made him realize he was bisexual. He'd never felt romantic feelings for a woman until he met her.

And that's when it hit him. He wasn't in love with Awsten anymore; he was in love with her.


JUDI becomes conscious again, taking in the foreign surroundings. She's not anywhere she recognizes.

JUDI: [hoarse] Patty?

REMY: Shh, calm down. You're okay?

JUDI: Who are you?

REMY: I'm Remy, remember? We met at the bar.

JUDI: What?

REMY begins to climb on top of her.

JUDI: What are you doing?

REMY ignores her, wrapping his hands around her wrists tightly.

JUDI: [voice quivering] That hurts, please stop.

REMY: Shut up.

JUDI: Please don't hurt me, please.

REMY: Be quiet, bitch.

JUDI: [squirms] Please! Get off of me! [tries to kick him]

REMY: Jesus fuck, you like to play rough, huh? Luis! I need your help!

LEWIS waltzes into the room, gripping scissors covered in blood in his hand as he bleeds out from cuts along his stomach.

LEWIS: Yes sir?

REMY: Put a fucking mask on and come cut her clothes.

LEWIS: Okay Daddy. I'll be right back.

REMY: Be quick.

LEWIS begins to leave, but REMY adds an extra comment.

REMY: Bring sparkling water with a napkin, okay?

LEWIS: You want to give her something else too?

REMY: Just Daddy's special drink.

LEWIS: Okay.

LEWIS leaves.

REMY: Just sit back and relax, you'll have a lot of fun.

Judi silently fears what she knows is coming.


im going to cry writing this, i need a break so badly.

anyway, on a lighter note, it's extremely likely that I'll be seeing dominic live and I'm very excited!



She wasn't home.

Patty sat on his bed, crying the hardest he'd cry in his life up until that moment. She wasn't answering his calls or texts at all in the past five hours. He couldn't find her location on anything anywhere, and he was starting to panic. Judi was taken by a man she didn't know and Patty had no way of finding out where to get her or what to do. He tried calling the police, but all they could do was file a missing person report and the man had no time to fill something out when he could be searching for her on his own. Patty was beginning to feel like he had failed as her protector. He was supposed to keep her safe that night, but instead, she was kidnapped and nowhere to be found.

He just wanted his best friend back, safe and happy in his arms, away from the pain in the world. If she suffered, he would too. That was his Judi, his partner in crime. His love. Now she was off somewhere probably getting hurt, both physically and emotionally.

He got a message on his phone, and when he went to check it, it was only from his provider telling him he needed to pay his bill before the end of the week. "Fuck that!" he screamed, throwing his phone at the wall. It landed on the shelf across from him containing blankets. He was silently thanked luck for saving his phone but soon cursed it for stealing his Judi away from him.

-- later --

Patty basically jumped up at the sound of his phone buzzing text message after text message, though it was across the room. He had fallen asleep next to a pile of her clothes she had left there a few days ago.

He hurried over to his phone. When he saw the name two waves crashed over him; relief and worry.

i can't call you rugjt2not w but im scared
patty im scared
please answer ms
i domt know where i am
i was hurt
he pushed himselfinto me and kissed me
im bleeding
he foreced himself into me patty pelade answer me im scated
im scared
he hurt me and stuck me in a closet
im scared
i don't want him ti hurt me anymore
please answer me

im here baby im here

he hurt me alrwady and tje otehr guy here is scary too please help me

im trying baby girl i am
turn on your location

i found it
im sending a screenshot
please hurry
please im scared

how did you get your phone baby girl

i lefyt the door cravked and snuck out when he fell asleep bug he's awale and im too scsred to get out

i promise I'll be there soon
just hang on
keep your phone on you but hidden
make sure to keep it charged as long as possible
i love you

he's coming please hurry

He ran out the door and down to the parking lot as fast as he possibly could. He inserted the location into the GPS as quickly as his fingers could move.

She was raped. She was fucking raped. Patty could've prevented it but he didn't force the man away when it was his chance.

"Hey Siri, call Geoff,"

"I didn't quite get that,"

"Fuck!" He hit the steering wheel. "CALL. GEOFF."

"Calling Geoff."

Geoff: Patty? What are you calling for so late?

Patty: Judi was raped and I need some fucking help.

Geoff: What?!

Patty: I-I know. She gave me her location so I'm heading there right now.

Geoff: Can you send it to me?

Patty: Yeah, hold on. [does his thing while crying]

Geoff: Are you crying?

Patty: My b-best friend got raped, what do you expect? She said she's scared and hurt and locked inside a closet.

Geoff: No...

Patty: There, I sent it.

Geoff: I'll call an ambulance for her.

Patty: Okay, thank you. I'm almost there.

Geoff: Stay with her.

Patty: That's what I plan on doing.

Geoff: Good, that's definitely what she'll need. I'm going to get Awsten up and get ready to meet you guys at the hospital whenever.

Patty: Do that. Just... just let me get to her. She needs someone.

Geoff: Okay.

Patty: Bye.

Geoff: Bye.


yet another long chapter

yet another chapter about judi and patty

yet another chapter about the past



im here

[picture of a window]
this is what i see feom where o ams pleDe hurry

i am i am i promise

i libe youpatty i do i live yoy so muvj

i love you too

Patty heads to the window Judi is closest to. He jumps up and waves, getting her attention. She rushes over, opening it quietly.

"Come on baby girl, I got you, come on," he holds his arms out for her. She accepts, letting herself fall into his tight grasp. Judi immediately sobs into his chest.

"Shh, it's okay, I'm here now, I have you, it'll be okay,"

Everything afterwards happens in a flash. Remy gets arrested, Judi and Patty go to the hospital together. Lewis realizes something.

Nobody made it out of that house happily, and nobody would after that.


the ending turned to real shit

remember to report the person who assaulted you if you're ever raped or sexually assaulted ASAP

look up your assault victims hotline to your country if you're ever too scared to tell friends and/or family

and speak up if you see something happening.

it's important that you and others stay safe and get the justice you deserve

love you

~ryan <3

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