Harry Potter and the Altered...

By SamanthaPerry0

1.2M 46.6K 26.8K

Percy Jackson was nineteen, nearly twenty years old and was the boss of an aquarium of his own. Demigod life... More

Warning for Story
Prologue: The Abused Boy
Chapter 1: The Letter
Chapter 2: Diagon Alley
Chapter 3: The Sorting
Chapter 4: Classes
Chapter 5: The Duel
Chapter 6: Halloween Feast
Chapter 7: The Match Disaster
Chapter 8: Christmas Parties
Chapter 9: The New Years Party
Chapter 10: The Mirror
Chapter 11: The Forest
Chapter 12: The Minion
Chapter 13: Summer Holidays
Chapter 14: The House Elf and Diagon
Chapter 15: The Dysfunctional Platform
Chapter 16: New Friends and Second Year
Chapter 17: Babied Plants and An Idiot Professor
Chapter 18: Teaching DADA and the Strange Ravenclaw
Chapter 19: The Black Lake
Chapter 20: I Swear I Really Did Hear a Voice in the Wall
Chapter 21: Deathday Party is a Thing Apparently
Chapter 22: The Writing in Blood
Chapter 23: Lockhart (As Usual) Makes a Fool of Himself
Chapter 24: The Talk with Dumbledore
Chapter 25: Christmas Hols
Chapter 26: The Diary
Chapter 27: T.M.Riddle
Chapter 28: The Chamber of Secrets
Chapter 29: Recap
Chapter 30: Reveal
Chapter 31: Summer Year 2
Chapter 32: The Dog
Chapter 33: Wanted Sirius Black
Chapter 34: Dementors
Chapter 35: First Day Classes
Chapter 37: The Werewolf
Chapter 38: The Giant Sleepover
Chapter 39: The Haunted Game
Chapter 40: Christmas
Chapter 41: The Patronus
Chapter 42: The Interesting Case of Sirius Black
Chapter 43: Exams with a New Creature
Chapter 44: Welp, Never Getting a Rat as a Pet
Chapter 45: Moony and his Cub
Chapter 46: The Godfather Oath and an Idiot Minister
Chapter 47: Summer Year 3
Chapter 48: The Beginning of the End
Chapter 49: The World Cup
Chapter 50: What in Hades is the Dark Mark Doing at the World Cup?
Chapter 51: The Start of Year 4
Chapter 52: The Three Unforgivables
Chapter 53: The Other Schools
Chapter 54: Harry's Idea
Chapter 55: The Unintentional Fourth Champion
Chapter 56: First Duel of the Dueling Tournament
Chapter 57: Oh Look Another Dragon
Chapter 58: Harry's Next Duel in Dueling Tournament
Chapter 59: The Ear Splitting Shriek That Neville Says Comes Out of the Egg
Chapter 60: Yule Ball
Chapter 61: I Gain New Friends
Chapter 62: The Mad Couch...I Mean Mr.Crouch
Chapter 63: The Third Task
Chapter 64: The Reveal
Chapter 65: The Hidden Minion
Chapter 66: The Parting of Ways
Chapter 67: Summer Year 4
Chapter 68: The Cold Wind
Chapter 69: The Order of the Phoenix
Chapter 70: The Idiot Minister
Chapter 71: The Warnings From a Hat
Chapter 72: That's It, Dolores Umbridge is From Tartarus
Chapter 73: It Was Not Worth It
Chapter 74: A Godly Wrath

Chapter 36: The Wardrobe Seems Possessed

11.5K 536 112
By SamanthaPerry0

I do not own Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban or the Percy Jackson series/characters.

Quotes from book


Mind Talking between Familiar/Bonded

Because the wound had been given from a magical animal, Harry was going to have a scar when the wound had been healed magically. It didn't exactly mind because if it healed the Mundane way, it still would've left a scar.

Which meant that there was a long scratch from the elbow to just a little above his wrist from where Buckbeak had managed to land the hit. Harry didn't blame the beast for the new scar on him.

From that point, and a small blood replenisher, Harry continued with the rest of his classes for that day. Including a class with the first year students for DADA with Professor Lupin seeming also enthralled with Harry's teaching from his own desk, he had his first Ancient Runes class, and finally had his first Mastery Class with Madam Pomfrey where she set a guideline of what she would like to accomplish this year.

By Thursday his normal routine of classes had been slightly more interesting as he had his first DADA lesson with Professor Lupin himself. He had heard from Cedric that the class was nothing like Lockhart's or Quirrel's which gave Harry some hope that he wouldn't have to Self Study the class again.

He had taken them toward the staffroom where an old wardrobe was.

As Professor Lupin went to stand next to it, the wardrobe gave a sudden wobble, banging off the wall.

"Nothing to worry about," said Professor Lupin calmly because a few people had jumped backward in alarm. "There's a boggart in there."

Most people seemed to feel that this was something to worry about. Neville gave Professor Lupin a look of pure terror, and Draco eyed the now rattling doorknob apprehensively.

"Boggarts like dark, enclosed spaces," said Professor Lupin. "Wardrobes, the gap beneath beds, the cupboards under sinks — I've even met one that had lodged itself in a grandfather clock. This one moved in yesterday afternoon, and I asked the headmaster if the staff would leave it to give my third years some practice.  So, the first question we must ask ourselves is, what is a bog- gart?" (- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Page 133)

Harry ignored Daphne's answer about how it's a shape-shifter and takes whatever shape that most frightens a person as he stared calculating at the door.

He wondered for a second what the answer would be, it wouldn't be Voldemort, he had no reason to fear Tom, maybe young Tom? No, that didn't sound right. His uncle? Maybe, but after living with his father for so long he didn't fear his uncle, aunt, or cousin anymore. So what would his fear be?

"Couldn't have put it better myself," said Professor Lupin. "So the boggart sitting in the darkness within has not yet assumed a form. He does not yet know what will frighten the person on the other side of the door. Nobody knows what a boggart looks like when he is alone, but when I let him out, he will immediately become whatever each of us most fears.

"This means," said Professor Lupin, choosing to ignore Neville's small sputter of terror, "that we have a huge advantage over the boggart before we begin. Have you spotted it, Harry?" (- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Page 133) 

Harry answered without much hesitation, "Because there are so many of us, the boggart may get confused on whose fear to choose."

"Precisely," said Professor Lupin, "It's always best to have company when you're dealing with a boggart. He becomes confused. Which should he become, a headless corpse or a flesh-eating slug? I once saw a boggart make that very mistake — tried to frighten two people at once and turned himself into half a slug. Not remotely frightening.

"The charm that repels a boggart is simple, yet it requires force of mind. You see, the thing that really finishes a boggart is laughter. What you need to do is force it to assume a shape that you find amusing.

"We will practice the charm without wands first. After me, please . . . riddikulus!"

"Riddikulus!" said the class together.

"Good," said Professor Lupin. "Very good. But that was the easy part, I'm afraid. You see, the word alone is not enough. And this is where you come in, Neville."(- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Page 134) 

Neville stepped up first after Harry pushed his shoulder against his friends lightly, offering silent support that he was there to help Neville if need be.

Neville looked back and grinned at Harry gratefully before stepping toward Professor Lupin.

He answered the man's question about what feared his most (Professor Snape to Harry's surprise) and then answered the Professors' questions about what his grandmother might possibly wear.

Harry quickly realized what the Professor was trying to do and hide a grin. Yes, Harry suppose Snape wearing Grandma clothing wouldn't be scary to Neville, the image itself almost made Harry start snickering.

With everyone thinking about what their fears were, Harry went toward the middle of the line right behind Draco but in front of Daphne.

"What do you think your fear is?" Draco whispered as the line started getting smaller.

"I don't know," Harry said thoughtfully not noticing the slight surprise on the teachers face (who though Harry's biggest fear would've been Voldemort).

By the time it was Harry's turn, he was actually curious to know what his fear would be. As he stepped forward quickly, he felt the air turn cold and the same feeling from the train entered the room.

Though, Harry could feel the slight difference, like a mimic in magic. Steeling himself up, and feeling Regina and Lunar's own magical core surround his to starve off the cold magic, Harry pictured the Dementor that had come out of the closet in a Hello Kitty Shirt with a I <3 NY hat and a teddy doll that had I'm with Stupid on a shirt pointing to the person holding the teddy.

"Riddikulus!" Harry shouted smoothly and with false confidence.

But for what his confidence lacked, his magic helped smooth out the spell and watched it connect to the Dementor and watched the change take effect. The dark suffocating magic seemed to lift as the Dementor wore the outfit that Harry had graced it with.

Quickly he moved aside and allowed Daphne to take his spot. Watching the Dementor morph into a younger girl that had similar characteristics of Daphne but seemed to be very ill, probably near death.

Daphne, who was pale at seeing her Dementor, seemed to fall behind her mask once more and squared her shoulders before saying the spell.

Spell after spell until the last person went, until the last person went and Lupin walked forward to deliver the last confusing Riddikulus and powered it to make the boggart explode from being too confused and shifting too much.

Harry felt a bit remorse as tiny wisps of smoke floated around them. He wondered briefly if Boggart's were misunderstood but knew that he couldn't do much about it now.

"Very well, everyone, an excellent lesson. Homework, kindly read the chapter on boggarts and summarize it for me . . . to be handed in on Monday. That will be all."

Talking excitedly, the class left the staffroom.(- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Page 139) 

"Harry, can you stay back please?" Professor Lupin's voice asked through the crowd of students leaving the staffroom.

Harry blinked and nodded toward Draco, Daphne, Blaise, and Neville to go forward without him. Seeing as this was his last class for the day before Astronomy, he wasn't worried about time.

"Yes, Professor?" Harry asked.

"We're waiting on Professor McGonagall and Professor Sprout," his professor said kindly.

Harry shrugged and took a seat across from his DADA teacher as they waited for the other professors to arrive.

"I did mean to thank you for the candy that you gave me from the Hogwarts Train, that was very kind of you," Lupin said as he broke the silence.

Harry shrugged with a small bit of embarrassment. "You didn't seem to be waking and it would've been a shame if you didn't get some candy from the cart. Everyone deserves some good chocolate from time to time," Harry muttered awkwardly as he ducked his head slightly.

"It was still very thoughtful, it's been awhile since I received a gift like that," Lupin said almost unconsciously as he stared thoughtfully at the wall toward the entrance of the staffroom.

Because he was staring off into space and thinking about his old friends, he missed Harry's worried gaze before Harry seemed to straighten his back with a determined expression on his face.

He would make sure the Professor got gifts from now, even if the man doesn't stay past this year, everyone deserves some type of gift. To let them know that they weren't alone in the world.

With this in mind, Harry noted the arrival of the two female professors and gave them a grin. Watching their face seeming to become softer and, Harry would say, fonder.

"Hello, Professors," Harry said brightly.

"Hello, Harry," Professor Sprout, Harry's Head of House, answered as she sat next to Harry. "Do you know why you've been asked to stay behind?"

Harry shook his head negatively as Deputy Headmistress McGonagall sat next to Professor Lupin.

"Because you are teaching the lower DADA years, we thought we would fill you in on some information," McGonagall said sternly, ignoring the way that Lupin had tensed beside her but didn't seem to contribute to the discussion.

"Oh? Are you certain? I know I teach the younger years, but I'm not exactly a professor. I understand why I cannot know things. I mean, I talk about my students with only you, Professor," Harry said with concern.

He wasn't really a professor, and he understood that. The only reason he got away with teaching the younger years was because it would go toward a Mastery in the Subject (with Dumbledore technically overviewing it) and because that way the curse didn't affect him. But he didn't attend teacher meetings, any meeting he had as the professor toward the younger years was only with Professor McGonagall and sometimes Dumbledore at the end to make sure he received the yearly Mastery Credit

"We still think it would be best if you knew. You see, Professor Lupin here, is a werewolf. So on days of Full Moons, he will not be able to teach a class the next day, if you had any concerns or questions for him regarding the younger years, you will have to see him in the hospital wing. Just know he will most likely be asleep for most of the day," Spout said softly.

"Will you be okay? Professor Lupin? I'm sure the transformation isn't nice when your by yourself. Unless you have a pack you go to?" Harry asked curiously, feeling concern for his DADA professor.

With Harry feeling concern and mostly focused on his DADA professor, he didn't notice the surprise the other professors (including Lupin) had about his lack of reaction toward learning his teacher was a werewolf.

"I'll make do. I have a safe place for transforming, but no, I do not have a pack. I am curious as to how you know a pack makes the transformation easier though?" Lupin asked.

Harry shrugged unconcern. "We have a pack by my house in the forest. My dad has this set of wards around the place for the Full moon, but they pretty much live out there. Boris, their Alpha, is pretty cool. Heck, I'm sure if you wanted to spend the full moons with them that they would agree. That way you wouldn't have to be alone," Harry pointed out without much concern.

"You...you live beside a werewolf pack. That's very dangerous," his DADA professor said softly in concern.

"Not really. Because the pack is so well put, Boris keeps his mind during the transformation as the Alpha and makes sure everyone stays in check. My dad and I are in no real danger," Harry said as his face contorted slightly like the idea of being in danger from the werewolf pack was a stupid idea.

"Harry," Professor McGonagall started sternly and seeming of concern, "would it be alright if we Flooed your father to talk more about this pack-" with a glance toward Lupin, "- the possibility of Remus here attending those transformation. I want to know myself to make sure that you really are safe during the full moon."

Harry shrugged but his face held a smile of understanding on it, "Yeah, you can do it before the Full Moon. My dad and probably Boris can show you how they handle the Full Moon. Professor Lupin can go with you so he can see if he really wants to do it or not," Harry said.

His professor's asked a few more questions, mostly letting him know that Professor Snape was going to take over the days after the Full Moon, before dismissing Harry and letting him arrive to Dinner on time.

Word Count: 2160

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