One Day is All You Need (Kell...

By x_masked_angel

65K 1.4K 441

Taylor Foster has been abused all her life. Her only sense of peace is found through her headphones that sing... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Eighteen (cont.)
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Sadly Not an Update
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Update about the sequel!
Who Wants Chapter One??

Chapter Twenty-Two

1.1K 26 2
By x_masked_angel

Two chapters in one night? WHAAA?!?!?! Well, you see, these two were originally gonna go together but they ended up being pretty long (well, this one's pretty short but the last one was longer) so I put them into two seperate chapters...YOU'RE WELCOME!!!

The next morning, I woke up with a smile on my face for the first time since I was five years old. Maybe knowing that I had school today should’ve depressed me, and it did a little bit, but then I remembered that I had nothing to be depressed about. I was Kellin Quinn’s girlfriend! I felt like I was on cloud nine. I was practically floating on air as I went through my morning routine of shower, brush my teeth, hair and make-up, dress, pack for school, and leave.

I didn’t see any of my family members this morning so that made my day only that much better. I could get through this. There was nothing in my way.

As I waited on the curb for Kris to pick me up, my phone buzzed from my back pocket. I assumed that it was Kris telling me that she was running late, again. But to my surprise, a different name was on the screen. A smile lit up my face and spread wider as I read his words. ‘Good morning, beautiful. I hope you have a wonderful day.’

I started to type a reply when it buzzed again with a new message. ‘By the way, my mom says you’re beautiful,’ he says with a winky face attached at the end. I felt my face flush red knowing that he’s told his parents about me and they know what I look like; but at the same time, it made me happy to know that Kellin would tell his parents about me.

‘You told your parents about me?’ I texted him back, still grinning from ear to ear.

It took less than a minute to get a response. ‘I told my mom. She kinda guessed though, too. Said she could tell by the look on my face when I talked about our day in L.A.’

‘Well I’m flattered,’ I sent back with a smiley face.

‘Do you have school today?’

‘Yes, don’t remind me too much, you’ll bring down my good mood.’

‘Sorry, but I am happy to hear you’re happy,’ smiley face.

‘Of course, I’m happy,’ heart eyes.

At that moment, Kris finally pulled up to the curb in her blue Corolla. I climbed into the passenger seat and greeted her happily.

“Somebody’s cheeky this morning,” she commented, handing me a muffin that she’d brought me, knowing that I’d skipped out on breakfast. My dear best friend, she always looking out for my well-being and making sure that I stayed healthy, and I did the same for her.

“I woke up in a really good mood this morning. Can we skip school? I don’t want that place to bring me down.” I gave her a small puppy dog pout, but she wasn’t buying it.

I did manage to get a small laugh from her though. “Nice try, butterfly, but you know we have a lab in chemistry today, and Mr. Jones isn’t going to let us make it up.” I huffed back in my seat and took another bite of my muffin.

My phone buzzed once again in my lap, bringing my smile back to my face. Kris chuckled softly beside me. Opening the text, I read: ‘God, I miss you so much already. Can we video chat tonight? I want to see your pretty face.’

‘Sure, I’ll let you know when a good time is,’ I typed back. Looking over at Kris, she was still smiling with her eyes locked on the road in front of her. I leaned over the console and laid my head against her shoulder. “Today’s gonna be a good day. I can feel it.”


And I was right. That Monday was the best Monday I’ve ever had. I spent the majority of my time in class texting Kellin nonstop. Sitting in the back and never saying a word has its advantages. Outside of class, I went to my locker and my next class at a leisurely pace today. For the first time, I wasn’t worried about Rachel and her clones bagging on me. I was confident that there was nothing anyone could say or do to me right now to bring me down from this high.

However, that didn’t stop them from trying. In between third and fourth period, they caught up to me at my locker. “Well if it isn’t Little Miss Emo-Skank.” I turned my head towards the sound of Jayden Elder’s squeaky voice and found Rachel and her posse surrounding me in a half-circle.

Their arms were crossed in a way that made their average sizes breasts stick out from their low-cut tanks and their legs were sticking out from underneath too-short blue jean shorts. Rachel stood in the middle of them while Jayden, Bailey Lindsey and Mary Ann Biggs flanked her on each side.

“Did you enjoy your weekend in Los Angeles?” Rachel piped in. “You know, I must say, that lead singer, what’s his name? Kellin Quinn? He’s pretty hot.” My hands balled into fists at my sides. I didn’t want anyone, especially not Rachel Blackburn talking Kellin that way. “Hell, I’d fuck him.” My nails dug into my hand. I could feel the skin just about to break when my vision of the girl was blocked by a head of fiery red hair.

“Back of, Blackbeard, before I kick your white trash ass to Mexico,” Kris fired at Rachel.

Rachel and the girls looked taken aback for a second but they quickly recovered. Rachel flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder and stepped forward to get in Kris’s face. “I’d like to see you try, Pippi Longstocking.”

“Don’t test me, bitch.” Kris took a step forward, causing Rachel to step back. She was now growling through her teeth. “Why don’t you stop harassing and stalking my friend and get a life of your own? How pathetic do you have to be to find joy in making others feel pain? I’ve had it up to here with your bullshit, Rachel. Leave Taylor alone for good or my foot will be up your ass so fast your fucking head will spend. Got me?”

Rachel put on a good front, but anyone close enough could see the fear building in her eyes. Confidence was radiating off of me, so I took a step forward to stand next to Kris. “And another thing, Kellin would never go for a girl like you. Unlike the douche bags you sleep around with, he has standards, and you don’t meet them by ten miles.”

The three of us stood in a stare off for a good fifteen seconds before a teacher-I wasn’t sure of his name-steps out of one of the classrooms and booms in a loud voice, “What is going on here? Get to class!”

Suddenly the crowd that our little show had gathered dispersed like ants avoiding a giant foot. The three of us continued to stare until the teacher joined our circle. “Is there a problem here?”

Kris and I cocked our eyebrows, allowing Rachel to answer that question. “No problem, just a little misunderstanding,” she told him. I could hear a small shake in her voice as she said it. I smiled cockily as she turned and walked away alone seeing as how her friends had ditched her when the teacher came to break it up.

Kris and I turned in the other direction and headed for our next class, giggling and cheering and celebrating the defeat of Rachel. I was glad that she wouldn’t be bothering me anymore and I was even happier knowing that I had a small part in her defeat. For the first time, I stood up for myself. It felt good.

A/N: AHHH go Taylor!!! :D

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