I Object! {A Gwuncan Love Sto...

By Queen_221464

5.9K 159 185

A promise the second their graduation ended to love each other forever after her 25th birthday, as she was mo... More

A/N (Please Read)
=11= (final)


628 19 20
By Queen_221464

I just to warn you this is almost 3,000 words and I hope you enjoy it and thanks for the support in the first chapter, but don't be afraid to comment your opinions, I'll reply always. Thanks.

Seven Years Later

Gwen's POV
I was 24, turning 25 in about about three months as it was near the end of August and my birthday was in November. It was 7 o'clock P.M. and I sat down on my very expensive couch as my two dogs Rascal and Jack ran to me. Rascal is a  husky and Jack is a pit bull. I also have two lizards Viola and Angus. I walked over to them and rubbed their heads and then gave them both their food. I put Rascal's and Jack's food out and then my phone started ringing.

Alejandro walked into my apartment, uninvited like he always does, and I answered my phone.

"Hey Amanda" I said to my agent
"Guess what" She said
"What?" I asked
"Your very own museum is going to opening in two weeks in your old town in New York." She said

"No way" I said and Alejandro looked over at me
"Yes, and I'm so serious Gwen....yes." She said
"Oh my god!" I yelled and Alejandro, and all my pets looked at me like I was insane.

"Like my museum, not just a few paints...all my paintings and all my photos?" I asked
"Yes" She said

Alejandro looked at me and I mouthed 'oh my fucking god'. He laughed and started petting Rascal.

"Gwen they're gonna need you there in two days...so you get down there as soon as possible." She said
"Okay" I said
"Bye" She said
"Bye" I said

I hung up and hugged Alejandro. He hugged me back.
"What just happened?" He asked
I laughed and them started to explain.

Duncan's POV
I'm 25 now and a professional tattoo artist at my own tattoo parlor. It was 10 o'clock at night and I was at my parents house, visiting, well we weren't visiting my mother was making all of us come over and have dinner for a whole week, and when I say all of us I mean Dominic who was 33 now, Robbie who was 28, Randy who 27, Ashley who was 26, and Ronald who was 15.

I was sitting with my fiancé Courtney, who was a year into her residency to become a general surgeon, and I had my arms around her. I kissed her head and she curled up against me. Ashley looked at us with disgust. She was the only one in the family who didn't like Courtney, she says she changed me in ways she didn't like, but no one cared about her opinion. Well actually, Ronnie didn't like her either and....to be honest none of my siblings like her that much, but my parents loved her. Her parents and her brother loved me and that's why we were always over at her parents house. I did know that Courtney had another older brother who I've never meet and mostly won't, because Courtney says they never really got along.

Ronnie walked down the stairs I could tell he was about to ask my mother something.
"Yes Ronald?" She asked
"Can Brody and his family come over for dinner tomorrow?" He asked
"Kid, they're already coming over." Ashley said

"Yeah" my mother said and Ronnie walked back upstairs.

"Those are the Russo's right?" She asked
I cringed when she asked me that. All my siblings gave me a look.
"Your fiancé doesn't even known who the Russo's are." Robbie said shaking his head
"Guys stop she's never over here enough." I said sticking up for Courtney

She knew they didn't like her much, but she didn't care and just ignored them, when ever she over. That's why we were never over. My siblings hated her.

"I wish she wasn't ever over." Randy mumbled and my mother slapped him.
Dominic laughed and leaned back.

Ronnie ran back down the stairs. We all looked at him.
"Brody says thanks, and please set up an extra chair." He said
"Why?" My mother asked
"Tristen's wife probably." Ashley said

"We set up one for Alec, each guy Russo, and their plus one." My father said walking in from work
"Brody's girlfriend" I said
"Yeah Stephanie might be coming." Ronnie said

"Okay" my mother said and Ronnie walked up the stairs.

Courtney looked at me.
"Do the Russo's like me?" She asked
"They usually don't talk to you, because they don't know you...but Tristen's a heart surgeon so two you could maybe get along." I said

"Good luck with Zariah on his ass, he doesn't talk to any woman unless she's a patient." Dominic said and Robbie laughed
Courtney sighed and kissed her cheek.
"They'll be fine when we get married." I said
"Yeah, because we won't be fucking talking to you, when you decide to get married." Ashley said
I flipped them all off and my mother sighed. Courtney shook her head and I rubbed her back.

Ronnie walked down the stairs.
"Are Barlow's are coming too?" He asked
"All, but Brandon." My mother said
He nodded and walked up the stairs.

Two Hours Later

Gwen's POV
I rubbed all my pets heads as Alejandro and I were on our way to New York. Our friend DJ, who a professional chef was taking care of the animals. We walked to my car and I drove us to the airport.

The Next Day

Duncan's POV
I was at work and texting Courtney. She was telling me about the clothes she was wearing as she wanted to impress the Russo's. I laughed as she said she just had too. I looked at my desk and saw the picture of us, and smiled. I texted her I love you as she was in the middle of telling me something.

Gwen's POV
I woke up around 12:30 and I groaned and dragged myself out of the hotel bed. Alejandro was sitting there and looked at me. He asked me if I was ready and I nodded. We walked down to the rental car and I drove to the museum that was opening up.

Three Hours Later

Gwen's POV
I was walking around the museum and I was tearing up it was amazing. I hugged Amanda and she put her arm around me. The people looked at me and smiled. We went to the third floor and it was breathtaking.

"So we don't want people coming here once and never come back again, so we will have a theme cycles, different paintings and pictures a changed every four months, special events, and if you're up for it maybe sometimes you can come and speak or teach classes." Mrs. Montgomery said

I nodded and she smiled.
"Your opening tickets were sold out in eight hours." She said
I smiled and I was so excited. Alejandro saw me and laughed.

Five Hours Later

Duncan's POV
It was 8:41 on the couch talking to Tristen, Valentine, and James after dinner. Dominic, Robbie, Randy, and Ashely were talking to them too. Brody and Ronnie were upstairs in Ronnie's room. Courtney was hugging me and I put my arm around her and kissed her cheek.

"I love you" I said
"I love you too." She said

My parents, Alec, and Courtney's mother Connie were laughing together. Both boys came running down the stairs. We looked at them.

"Yes?" My mother asked
"Gwen" Brody said
"What?" Alec asked
"Gwen's on tv." Ronnie said

"What?" Alec asked
"Channel five" Brody and Ronnie said
Ashely grabbed the remote and went to channel five. It was on a commercial.

"Nice one Ronald." Dominic said while putting his arm around his wife, Meredith.
Tristen laughed and we all watched the commercials.

Once it came back my old friend Izzy. She looked at the camera.

"And we're back...if you're just turning the tv on now famous artist and photographer Gwendolyn Russo is opening her very own museum in her old town she grew up in. It's rumored to be called the Russo Museum and with tickets selling out in eight hours and more going up at midnight for the grand opening in two weeks." Izzy said

We were all shocked. The put a pictures of her art on the screen.
"I actually went to grade through high school with her." Izzy said

"I was trying to get us tickets all day, today." Courtney said
We all looked at her.
"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked
"I wanted it to be a surprise a fun date night." Courtney said
I laughed and kissed her cheek.

"Oh this just with our reporter Geoffrey Morrison, on scene Gwen and sports model Alejandro Burromuerto are leaving the museum." Izzy said

It cut to Geoff standing in front the old museum Gwen and I used to go to all the time. The door opened and a guy walked out and held the door. Gwen walked out and Geoff looked.

"Here she is." Geoff said

Gwen and the guy I'm guessing Alejandro walked out of the museum and made their ways to a car. She looked at the camera and then Geoff. She had sunglasses on and moved them down. She gave the guy the keys to the rental car and Geoff said he had a few questions Gwen walked over to him.

"About?" She asked
"Has the museum been named yet?" He asked
"That will be revealed opening night." Gwen said

Geoff nodded and looked at her.
"Do you plan on opening any other museums?" He asked
"I don't know, maybe...I've always wanted to teach an art class." She said
Geoff nodded and looked at her.

"You working on any new paintings?" He asked
"Yes I am." Gwen said
Geoff put his notepad away. He got out of his reporter face and looked at her, how he would of in high school. She smiled and looked at him.
"Yeah one more question...why did it take you seven years to come back?" He asked

She laughed and opened her sunglasses.
"That's a good question, and I will have to answer that about forty more times soon." Gwen said
Geoff shook his head. The live camera turn off and Izzy started talking about Gwen.

Gwen's POV
The cameras turned off and I hugged Geoff. He hugged me back.
"Oh please tell me you and Bridgette are married." I said
"Two years on the 21st...we sent you an invitation, but you didn't show up." He said
"I was depressed for two years and didn't want to leave my apartment, then my career kicked off and I was never at home." I said

"How long are you staying?" Geoff asked
"Two weeks to a month." I said
He nodded and I looked at him. I saw Alejandro getting impatient.
"Tell Bridgette I said hi and that I'm sorry I wasn't able to come to the wedding." I said
He nodded and he laughed.

I hugged him again and then ran to the rental car. I got in and Alejandro looked at me.

"You know him?" He asked
"No I just hugged a stranger." I said
He laughed and shook his head.

I started the car and he looked at me.
"Where the fuck are we going?" I asked
"That's a great question, I think we should get some food." Alejandro said

Duncan's POV
Izzy finished the segment on Gwen and Ashley took her computer out. She looked up.
"I have to pay to see someone I grew up with." She said
"That's just life nowadays." Randy said and she sighed

"She looks like Mary." Alec said
Courtney looked at me, as she had no idea who that was.
"His dead wife." I whispered
She nodded and I put my arm around her.

"What are you doing?" My mother asked
"I'm waiting in a line...online." Ashley said
"That's technology now." Tristen said
Ashley huffed and I looked at tv.

There was a knock at the door and Teresa got up and walked to the door.
"Connie" She said
Courtney's mother looked and a guy who looked to be Randy's age walked in.
"Brandon?" Connor asked

Courtney's mother smile and got up.
"You're late, but who cares." She said and hugged him
He hugged her back. Courtney looked at him and rolled her eyes.

Brandon the whole time didn't even look at her.

Two Hours Later

Gwen's POV
After Alejandro and I went to a nice restaurant and ate I was driving to my father's house. As I drove by I noticed he wasn't home and I hit the steering wheel and Alejandro looked at me like I was insane.

"Let's just go to a hotel, before you kill someone." Alejandro said
"No, today's the 30th and a Friday which means Teresa's having her last dinner before Brody and Ronnie go back to school, which means they're at the Nelson's." I said and started driving towards their house
Alejandro was confused and I drive faster.

"Nelson...as in the Duncan Nelson you think you're gonna marry in three months?" Alejandro asked
I looked at the engraved promise ring I made for myself and I nodded.
"Yeah" I said

Duncan's POV
It was 11:15 P.M. and we were all sitting around the couch. No one had work tomorrow, and they were actually trying to make plans. Courtney was asleep in my arms and I ran my hand through her hair. She told me to wake her up around 11:45 so she could try and get tickets. Ashley was in line and buy tickets for the Russo's, and her family, but Courtney knew that Ashley was not going to buy her one. My mother was buying tickets for the adults, Brody, and Ronnie.

As time past and it was 11:50. Courtney was awake and on the website. I looked at them and then the doorbell rung.
"Who's coming at this time of day?" Connor asked looking at the time
"People who are late." Brandon said then took a sip of something

He told everyone not to buy him a ticket as he had a special pass. My mother walked to the door and Alec took over, the computer.

Gwen's POV
I saw literally everyone's cars there and lights on. I walked to the door and rung the doorbell. Alejandro was shaking his head. I got a text from Amanda that there was a malfunction with the tickets and they had to be set back an hour. I sent okay back. Alejandro looked at me.

"What?" I asked
"Watch this be a whole different family and you're disturbing them for no reason." Alejandro said
"I hate you." I said
"You didn't say that on the first day of school when I handed you that coffee." Alejandro said
I pushed him away from me and he laughed.

"If I didn't hand you that coffee we wouldn't be here." Alejandro said
I gave him a look and he laughed. The door opened and the woman standing there looked at me.

"Yes?" She asked
"Do the Nelson's still live here?" I asked

She stood there and stared at me.
"Come here" Teresa said
I hugged her and she hugged me back.

Alejandro looked around and shook his head.
"I told you." I said
He rolled his eyes and I laughed.

"What the hell do you mean the tickets are coming out at 1 A.M.." A familiar voice yelled
I looked at Teresa and she looked at me.

"Was that Ash?" I asked
"Yes...it was." Teresa said she looked back. She walked and ran to her computer.

I looked in and everyone looked stressed out except a familiar person, Brandon Barlow.
"Is that Brandon?" Alejandro asked laughing
"I think" I said

We walked in the house and I closed the door. Everyone looked over and no one said a word. I smiled and Brandon looked at me laughed.
"Someone's in trouble." He said

I rolled my eyes and looked at everyone.
"Gwen?" Brody asked at the top of the stairs
"Brody" I said

He ran down the stairs and hugged me. I hugged him back and I saw Ronnie and told him to come over. He hugged me too.

Duncan's POV
Courtney was pissed that she had to wait around hour for tickets. I was rubbing her back. My mother walked back into the room and I looked at Courtney. Ashley was pissed and just screamed at the stop of her lungs.

"It's like it doesn't want us to go." Courtney said
I kissed her cheek and she hugged me.
"I just want to have a fun date night." She said
"Everything date night is fun." I said

"Someone's in trouble." Brandon said
"Gwen?" Brody asked

We all looked and Gwen was standing there. Brody hugged her and she hugged her back. The guy who was on tv earlier with her was standing behind her. Ronnie ran and hugged her too she hugged both of them.

"Oh my god" Ashley said
Gwen looked over and Gwen ran to her. They hugged each other and Courtney looked at me.

"Ashley knows....?"
"We all know her." I said

I watched Gwen hug her brothers and then my brothers. She looked at me and I got up. I hugged her and she hugged me back.
"Seven years?" I asked
"I'm depressed for two years and was able to leave my house, and then for the next five years I was never in one place longer than a week." She said

I nodded and hugged her tighter. She did the same.
"Who's that?" Gwen asked
I looked and Courtney was watching us. I let go of Gwen and pulled her over.

"My fiancé Courtney." I said
Gwen looked at her and smiled.

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