The Heart Mender

By emmaluvsjb

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His Heart Would Break A Thousand Times... Until Her... His Heart Mender. This Story Has Been Told Throughout... More

Before The Fall.
Chapter 2 How did I catch "Bieber " fever?
Chapter 3 Justin POV: The destruction of the Teen Dream.
Chapter 4: Twinkles and Ogre
Chapter 5 Justin POV: Swans & Forts
Ch 6: The Feeling
Chapter 7 Sabatoge: Justin's POV
Chapter 8: Boys like him
Chapter 9 Justin's POV: Mark My Words
Chapter 10: Confessions
Chapter 11: Operation Blue Ball Bieber
Chapter 12: Runaway With Me
Chapter 13 Basically and Regardless
Chapter 14: The Deep End
Chapter 15 Collateral Damage
Chapter 16: Take Me Home
Chapter 17: Lime Jello & Sponge Baths.
Chapter 18: Twin Flames
Chapter 20: The HBIC
Chapter 21: The Old Fashioned Way
Chapter 22: Turning Page
Chapter 23: You + Me = We
Chapter 24: #1 Dad
Chapter 25: The Book of Love
Chapter 26: Wet The Bed.
Chapter 27: Man Down
Chapter 28: Chamber of Secrets
Chapter 29: McDonald's & The Great Witch
Chapter 30: Team BayBee Daddy & the Watermelon Belly Queen
Chapter 31: My Favorite Girl
Chapter 32: Daddy Duties & Wine Slushies
Chapter 33: Raspberries,Redheads,and the Wolf.

Chapter 19: The Wheelchair

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By emmaluvsjb

Justin's POV:
One week down in the French countryside.
My recovery was slow going.
Hailey and my Mom were relentless about making sure I was as stress free as possible.
They literally had me on a freaking schedule.
Everything I ate was organic and
"good for me".
They filled my days with movies and games.
Hailey and I would spend hours just laying on a blanket outside.
She would read to me.
We would listen to music.
Sometimes I'd write new songs.
It was nice.
Not a care in the world.
Except the 3 to 4 headaches I'd get a day.
Or the fact that I wasn't allowed to walk around on my own yet.
Still restricted to a wheelchair.
I just wanted to feel some independence.
Don't get me wrong, I loved having my Mom,Dad,and Hailey around.
But they were smothering me.
Not so much Hailey, but my Mom was off the chain.
She was like our 3rd wheel.
Everytime I'd try and kiss Hails....Mom would magically appear.
And it seemed like Hailey didn't even care.
Her and my Mom were thick as thieves.
I was feeling restless in this paradise, surrounded by the people I loved the most.
I just wanted some alone time.
I didn't want to hurt their feelings.
Hailey was pretty much in tune with my moods and could always tell when something was up.
Even when I'd try to hide it.
"Ogre, you haven't touched a thing on your plate. And you're staring off into space again. What's up?"
Do I tell her the truth?
That I need some space?
Or do I hold it in?
"Stop trying to think up an excuse.
No bullshit, babe.
Just be honest.
I won't be mad, promise."
All girls say that.
And they get mad anyway.
But I can't lie to her.
" I'm just feeling, ummm...well...
I feel like I need some me time.
You and Mom have been great.
But your both so strict and you don't even let me grab your boobs at night.
She's always cock blocking me, and you seem to not mind.
Your both teaming up on me."
I sat there, biting on my lip.
Waiting for her to snap at me.
But she just started to laugh and kissed my cheek.
"Justin Drew Bieber, your seriously adorable right now.
You're pouting because you can't grab my boobs?
Babe, trust me...I'd love to have your hands on them.
But that leads to other pressing matters.
And you need to recover.
Your Mom isn't trying to cock block you, silly boy.
She just wants to be around you as much as possible.
She almost lost you.
I almost lost you.
We just want you to take time to heal.
I completely understand how you feel about us constantly smothering you.
Maybe I can take her out for the day.
Give you time to yourself.
Scooter is leaving for a couple days and your Dad leaves soon.
Plus I have to leave in 2 days for a shoot.
You'll have plenty of alone time coming up."
What did she just say?
"Hailey you're not leaving. I meant a couple hours of alone time.
Not for you to leave.
I need you here."

"Justin, I'll only be gone for 2 days.
I have a shoot that I can't get out of in London.
If you don't want me to go, I'll cancel it.
I was worried about leaving you anyway."
I'm a dick.
First I tell her I need space.
Then I tell her not to leave me.
I'm turning into "that" guy already.
"Hails, don't cancel your shoot.
I'll be fine.
Better with you here, but I'll survive for 2 days.
But 2 days only.
And you have to let me grab your boobs whenever...starting now."
She pulled my wheelchair away from the breakfast table.
She put the breaks on.
Then she climbed into my lap and straddled me.
Putting her boobs right in my face.
Then she took my hands and placed them on her ass.
"But I don't want to leave you."
She was testing my resolve.
All I wanted to do was pick her up and carry her to our bed.
Have my way with her.
I went to move my hands to her breasts.
But she slapped them away and placed them back on her behind.
"With your mouth."
She didn't have to ask twice.
I looked around quickly, making sure my Mom wasn't about to appear.
"She's at the market.
Your Dad went with her."
She then took her shirt off and unclasped her bra, letting it slip slowly off of her chest.
Her breasts were at perfect eye level.
Her nipples hardening to the exposed air.
"Fuck baby, you are so damn sexy."
I took one of her breasts into my mouth.
Licking around her hard nipple.
Then I took her other breast into my mouth and sucked greedily.
I'm an equal opportunist after all.
She arched her back as I slowly licked the soft skin between her breasts.
My fingers had a death grip on her behind as she slowly started to press down and ride me.
I could feel her slow motions against my already rock hard dick.
Everything in me was electrically charged to the sensations she was providing.
"I need more,Justin.
I know we shouldn't, but I need you buried inside me."
And that's how easy my will power evaporated.
Our clothes came off in seconds.
And Hailey slowly lowered herself onto me,until I was completely inside of her.
I leaned up to kiss her as she started to ride me.
Our tongues connected as she took my body.
It's hard to explain the intensity of two souls connecting into one.
But watching her body move over mine.
Watching her lean her head back as I gripped her hips and met her thrust for thrust.
I knew that this was it.
She was it.
And I had complete clarity.
"I can't wait till we're married.
I want you to have my babies.
I want it now.
I want you forever. "
In that moment we both exploded into the most powerful release.
She stared into my eyes as we both began to catch our breath.
I could see the silent questions behind her eyes.
"I meant it. Every word."
Tears started to trickle down her face.
She leaned down and softly connected our mouths again.
Then she leaned back and rested her hands on my chest.
"Justin Drew Bieber, I love you.
I am yours forever.
Can love be fierce?
Because mine is.
And I can't picture a world without me connected to you."
I wiped her tears away, as my own were falling down my face.
"Then marry me.
Hailey Rhode Baldwin be my wife.
I know we're sitting here naked in this wheelchair, after having the greatest wheelchair sex in history.
I know this is not how I'm supposed to ask you.
And I don't have a ring...yet.
I know everyone will think we're crazy.
But I don't care.
I only care about starting our life together.
Will you be my wife?"
She smiled as she wiped away my tears.
"I will marry you baby.
You and Me.
We've got this."
We spent the rest of the day in complete bliss knowing that we made this commitment to each other.
When my parents came back,they knew something was up.
My Mom kept giving my Dad the side eye.
I was in such a euphoric state of mind that I couldn't hold it in.
"Mom...Dad...I asked Hailey to marry me.
And she said yes."
Twinkles was now pintching my thigh.
Clearly not ready for my declaration.
"Twinkles stop pintching me. They need to know. Because I want to marry you as soon as possible."
My parents were silent for a minute. Digesting everything.
My Dad surprisingly spoke first.
"Justin. Hailey. This is kinda wild.
But when you know you know.
I support you both."
My Mom was looking at me so intently.
She looked from me to Hailey and then back again.
"I knew it the first time I saw you two together.
I knew it when I watched Hailey protect you in that hospital.
I knew it by the look in your eyes whenever you speak of her.
Watching you both gravitate to each other, even in a crowded room.
I knew it then.
But it's not going to be easy.
Committing yourselves to each other as such a young age.
Life is going to challenge you both.
If it was anyone else, I'd fight this tooth and nail.
But I truly believe that you are each other's half.
You have my blessing."
We all laughed and cried.
We celebrated with an amazing dinner.
I called Hailey's father and asked for his blessing.
Which thank God I got!
It was the best day of my life.
That night as I laid next to my future wife, I was so thankful to be alive.
Twinkles leaned in and whispered in my ear.
"We're keeping the wheelchair by the way, Ogre."
That's my girl.
"Damn straight, Twinkles.
You.Me. The Wheelchair. For Life."
She smirked at me.
"Engagement rings are so overrated.
Wheelchairs are where it's at."
We both began laughing hysterically.
Talking about wheelchair tattoos and wheelchair jewelry.
My next single would be all about the wheelchair.
About doing a sit down interview with Ellen one day, and casually mentioning the pivotal role a wheelchair played.
We were corny.
But that's just it.
She got me. I got her.
And I couldn't wait for our next wheelchair ride.

A/N: I am so freaking sorry I've been M.I.A for soooo long.
Had a crazy adventurous summer thus far.
But I'm back.
Hope you stick with me😘
Songs from the wheelchair:
Drunk in Love by Beyonce
(the Kanye West remix)

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