Heartless ( 1D Fanfiction)

By GwenBookAddict

508K 7K 1.7K

"You're not allowed to fall in love with him. It's for the saftey of our clients." Easier said then done, Whe... More

1) "I didn't break in....The door was open."
2) "Daddy?!?!"
3) "So you come in, Uninvited, Forget my name and demand to watch my TV?"
4) Pfffffffffft! Date One Direction? Um, EW!
5) . "Hundreds and Thousands. Even Kayla Blue eats it."
6) Kayla on sugar... not pretty.
7) "Is your Bikini Pink?"
9) Ok, so whose girlfriend am i?
10) Do you have these nightmares often?
11) And Remember, You're madly in love.
12) The game of ❤
13) "I must defend the lady!"
14) Introducing Prince Charming...
15) "We're going to torture you."
16) Truth or Dare???
17) this is war
18) The Great Kayla Fiasco
19) A New Friendship arises
20) Daddy calls
21) Charector interview, NOT A CHAPTER
23) Get kissed by a frog

8) Yes, I am a girl.

21.8K 299 74
By GwenBookAddict

So No more Team Harry? It’s mostly just Louis, Liam and Niall now. I guess Zayn and Harry are going to have to walk away with their head hanging low.

X Gwen





It was like a torture chamber.

And I’m not even joking. I will never be able to get those eight hours of my life back. Those hours where four girls fluttered over me, applying makeup, giving me pedicures and manicures. I have never felt so scared.

The shampooed my hair, blow dried it, curled it. They curled my eyelashes and used dark eyeliner and mascara. They made my lips shine, and made them pinker.

I felt, and looked like a stupid barbie doll. Then they brought a rack of dresses, which all looked equally hideous to me, and began to flip through them. The first couple of ones that I tried on where hideous, too pink, too tight, too lady gaga.

And then they chucked me a dress that wasn’t that hideous, a blue sleeveless that reached my knees, It was the prettiest blue and was kind of… elegant? I couldn’t really put a word to it.

I didn’t love it, but it was better than every other dresses.  I slipped it on, along with a pair of cream flats. I came out of my dressing room and did a little twirl. My makeup girls clapped.

“It looks great!” One said.

“It doesn’t.” I said, being realistic as usual. “But it’s better than the others.”

“Louis is going to be amazed.”

I smiled. “Honey, everyone is going to be amazed.”

“Amazed? No one’s going to be recognize you.”

“That’s what I’m wishing for.” I whisper.




I’m waiting anxiously outside the boys trailer, I’m nervous because I have no idea what to except . Harry pops his head out and spots me, he smirks and jumps down the steps, He’s wearing a suit, which looks surprisingly, ew, good on him.

“Hello.” He says with a smirk. “I’m Harry.”

I just stare at him.

He leans closer. “And you are..?”

I clamp one hand on his wrist and give him a deadly chinese burn. “Get. Off.”

His eyes widen. “Kayla?”

“No, it’s the tooth fairy.” I say through gritted teeth.

“Kayla.” He says, taking a step back.


“What are you doing here?”

“Mindlessly stalking you.” I say with a smug smile.

He grins. “I knew you couldn’t resist.”

“Harry, Where are the others?” Bea asked, coming up to me. “We where supposed to be there half an hour ago.”

“Hey Bea! Hey Haz!” Liam calls, bouncing towards us. He stops when he sees me and narrows his eyes. “Have I met you before?”

I sigh and turn around. “You know what.. I give up.”

“Do we know her?” Liam asked Harry.

Harry just grins, and then Liam goes “Ooooh.” And a spark of recognition lights up in his eyes. “Kayla?”

I smack him on the head. “Yes, you dimwit. I hope all boys aren’t like this.”

“Kayla.” Bea says, sounding slightly annoyed. “You’re going to be walking with the boys, But remember to act smitten with Louis.”

“Ok.” I say, through clenched teeth.

“Hey Bea, Haz, Liam!” Niall cried, emerging from the trailer. He spotted me and stopped in his tracks, hid mouth hanging. “Whoa.”

“I’m going.” I said, turning away, but Harry grabbed my hand.

“Wait.” He said. “I’m sorry, it’s just you look really nice, and we haven’t seen you looking nice before.”

Liam nodded. “You really do look amazing.”

I softened. “Fine.”

“Where’s Louis and Zayn?” Bea asked, tapping her foot impatiently.

“Here!” Zayn called, running  out of the trailer, and bumping into Niall who was still staring. “Who-“

“Kayla.” Liam said quickly.

“Yes, I am a girl.”

Zayn cocked his head. “I.. You…”

“No need to panic!” Louis called, running out of the trailer, and over to us, at the last second avoiding Zayn and Niall. “I am....” And then he saw me and frowned. “Kayla?”

“Let’s go.” I said, turning away.





There was only about a million screaming girls, The boys shrugged this fact of casually, whereas I, on the other hand clutched Niall’s hand, my heart racing, there where so many people here, It scared me. The excited screams penetrated my ears and I winced, It was very loud. I felt a feeling I hadn’t felt in a long time, I felt… scared, I think? Overwhelmed. Freaked out.

I looked down and studied my feet as the car jerked to a stop.
“Shit.” I whispered. And Liam, who was on the other side of me, laughed.

“It won’t be that bad.” He said, grinning. I glared at him.

“Ok, It might be a bit overwhelming.” He admitted.

“A bit?”

“Just try and be positive.”

“Do I look like a positive sort of person?” I asked in an angry whisper.

“Why are you whispering?”

“I don’t know!” I said.

Zayn opened the door and got out, and then Liam, and ten he was gone to, and it was my turn to get out. I gulped.

“Does one of you guys want to go in front of me?” I asked nervously.

In response Louis pushed me forward, I jumped out of the car and quickly covered my eyes from the blinding light, Louis slipped his hand into mine, and whispered “It’s ok.” And I let myself be dragged away from the car and into the crowd of frenzy photographers and reporters. They yelled things at me like ‘Is this you’re new girlfriend?’ and ‘Louis, care to say something about your ban on Plastic Beiber?’ Whoever the hell Plastic Beiber was. I mean, how can someone plastic and a beaver? It just does not make sense.

And then we were inside a building, and I opened my eyes tentatively to see Louis and Harry both staring nervously at me.

“What?” I asked.

“I thought you passed out.” Said Harry quickly, and Louis hauled me to my feet.

“Do we have to go through more of that?” I asked nervously.

“Yes. We haven’t even gotten to the red carpet yet.”

“And we might get slimed.”


“Oh no, it’s ok, they probably won’t do it to you.”


“Kayla.” Bea said, coming over to me. “The others are all ready, we’re going to be out there soon.”

Louis slipped his hand in mine, I looked at him, surprised.

“What?” He said. “We’re dating, remember?”

“Oh yeah.” I say, smoothing down my dress. “Right.” And then we joined the others, and when the strange lady dressed in black, talking to someone on the phone, jerked her head, the boys walked outside, and Louis pulled me, leaving me no choice but to follow them.










And the screaming begun.





(: So, What did you think of that chapter? Also, Has anyone changed their minds? I just haven’t really decided who she’s’ going to end up, so I need some advice, so please state who you want her to end up with and why below.

X Gwen

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