Rain - A Zombie Apocalypse St...

By ReissRow

511K 20.7K 8K

Rain falls from the clouds and plummets down to the lands where it is then devoured by the earth. Rain is wha... More

Chapter One: A Grey Departure
Chapter Two: Robyn Kale
Chapter Three: Vanished
Chapter Four: Shoes
Chapter Five: Trapped Again
Chapter Six: Breaking and Entering
Chapter Seven: Police Station
Chapter Eight: The School
Chapter Ten: Drive Fast
Chapter Eleven: A Fighter is Born
Chapter Twelve: Bitten
Chapter Thirteen: Are You Okay?
Chapter Fourteen: Q.V.B
Chapter Fifteen: Playing in the Rain
Chapter Sixteen: The Office
Chapter Seventeen: The Long Walk
Chapter Eighteen: Bye Bitches
Chapter Nineteen: Tunnel of Love
Chapter Twenty: Shopping for Blood
Chapter Twenty One: Bike Riding & Stair Falling
Chapter Twenty Two: Beginning of the End
Chapter Twenty Three: The Sounds of Silence
*Extended Ending* Part One
*Extended Ending* Part Two
*Extended Ending* Part Three
*Extended Ending* Part Four
Authors Note - The End
Authors Note - Sequel

Chapter Nine: Mr. Murphy

12.9K 654 143
By ReissRow

I hope those who are still reading this story enjoy. :-)

Chapter Nine

Mr. Murphy

Melody's P.O.V

I awoke to the sound of chalk scraping against a board. A thunderous ache in the back of my head forced me to grimace in pain. I felt immensely dozy and couldn't yet convene the strength to open my eyes. I sat still, only now noticing I couldn't move my arms or legs. Mustering all the strength I had in me, I slowly opened my eyes. A strangled groan escaped me as the fluorescent lights escalated the severe pain. I looked down at the small square desk I was occupying and frowned at the thick leather straps that bound me. I shut my eyes tight as the pain continued to increase.

I bit my lip in grief as the loud drums pounded through my skull. I gritted my teeth and groaned in pain and frustration. I desperately tried to wriggle my arms out of the heavy straps but failed miserably. I leaned back in the cold hard chair and tried opening my eyes a second time. The pain surged slightly but not as severely as the first time. I looked around the room, at first only seeing a mash of blurry objects but after several blinks things slowly became clearer.

A tall man in a black suit stood at the front of the room with his back turned to me. He stood still, frantically scribbling on the dark board. I silently choked as fear swallowed me whole. I pulled, tugged and tried to bite my way out of the bands but it was all useless. They were too thick and tight. I hung my head in the air, temporarily defeated.

"Psst, hey!" A voice smaller than a whisper spoke. I looked to my right and found a pale, muscular man with short spiky brown hair staring at me intently. He, like me was tied to a table with thick bands.

"Where are we?" I asked quietly, afraid that the man at the front of the room may hear us. Every fibre in my body told me he was evil.

"We're still in the school. Are you the girl I asked to come help me?" His grey eyes were dark and full of sorrow, he looked utterly exhausted. Like he hadn't slept in years. I nodded my head slowly, looking him up and down. I had expected him to be wearing a uniform. Not black cargo pants and a tight-fitting white shirt. He shook his head and muttered under his breath, a look of pain crossing his features.

"I'm so sorry, I never should have asked you to come here." He stated, carefully avoiding my gaze. He kept his head down as if he were truly ashamed of asking for my help. I looked to the front of the room and back, scanning the room for anyone else. Out of the twenty or so desks we were the only two occupying them. I looked at the man standing at the front of the room. He continued to write on the board, as if there was nothing else in the world.

"Who's he?" I squeaked, directing my question to Carl but keeping my gaze on the man.

"No idea. I thought he was with you until he knocked me out and I found you sitting next to me." I shivered in trepidation.

I clenched my fists shut and tried my best not to quiver. The mans hand left the board and dropped to his side, the small piece of chalk falling to the ground with a soft thud. Slowly, he turned around and faced the two of us. His vacant expression escalated my fear to no end. His short grey hair held slithers of white, and his dark brown eyes conflicted with his paper white skin. He cleared his throat and stepped to the side, giving me a clear view of the black board. In the centre of the board scribbled white letters read: Mr. Murphy.

"Good morning class. Seeing as though most students decided to take the day off today, we shall dedicate our time to a simple pop quiz." His croaky voice made me shake with trepidation. There was no telling what the hell this lunatic was thinking.

"We'll start with you young lady. When is it appropriate to use a semicolon?" He walked away from the board and stood beside my desk, looking down at me expectantly.

Fear raced through me, overtaking all rational control. My mind was abuzz with screaming questions, all demanding answers. My lips shook as I parted them, debating whether to scream.

"Wh-what do you want with me?" I stammered, my voice breaking at the end as tears escaped my eyes. He shook his head and clucked his tongue. My body trembled with fear as he continued to linger beside me.

"Wrong answer," he whispered, reaching behind his back and pulling out a long steel knife. My body shook violently at the sight of the menacing blade. My mouth gaped open in horror but I failed to produce any sound. Slowly, as if purposely torturing me he lowered the blade down to my left arm. Furiously I shook my head in protest, pure terror gripping my heart.

In one swift movement he dug the the tip of the blade into my flesh and sliced my arm open. I screamed in pain as blood gushed from the cut and collected into a large puddle on the table. Like a waterfall the blood streamed over the side of the desk and formed into a pool of blood beneath my feet. I stared at the blade he clutched in his hand, my blood glistening on the metallic surface. A wave of dizziness overwhelmed me as I whimpered in fear.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" I shrieked, tears tumbling down my cheeks. He pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped the blood from the blade. He leaned down and placed his mouth inches from my ear.

"Its the only way you'll learn!" He hissed, his breathing warm against my cold cheek. His lips formed into a thin line as he pulled away. He walked over to Carl and looked down at him the same way he did to me. My arm ached ferociously but I refused to look at it. I didn't want to see the damage he had done. I could feel the blood continue to pour from the gash. I swallowed the lump in my throat and blinked away the tears, desperately trying to regain rational thought.

"Perhaps you will fair better young man. How old was the Egyptian pharaoh, Tutankhamun when he died?" Carl stared at him, his mouth agape. The man, with the knife still in his hand raised an eyebrow, awaiting a response.

"Uh.. um.. h-he was ei-eighteen?" Carl stuttered, his answer sounding more like a question. The man smiled and laughed a deep cackling sound. Carl squeezed his eyes shut and tensed his whole body, preparing for what was to come.

"Very good young man! If only all my students were as intelligent and polite as you." He craned his neck and looked at me with a dark glare. I cowered under his gaze and squirmed as far away from him as the bands would allow. Carl opened his eyes and looked at me with concern.

I began quivering uncontrollably as he walked over to me once again. He stood beside me silently for a few moments before he leaned down to my level. I shut my eyes and pursed my lips, attempting to gain control over my fear. His heavy breathing forced strands of hair to flutter around my face, a reminder of his presence.

"I hope for your sake that you get this question right girl. Where did the twelve Greek gods reside?" He asked, each word sounding like a hiss from a snake.

I thought furiously, racking my brain for the answer. I knew the answer, I just couldn't think with the fear coursing through my veins. My eyes caught sight of the steel blade he clutched in his hand and my fear amplified. All rational thoughts I held disappearing completely.

"Mount Olympus!" Carl hissed.

The mans face turned sour as his brows knotted together. He stood up straight and turned around, walking towards Carl.

"There is no cheating in this classroom!" He roared, raising the knife high in the air.

A loud crash resonated down the halls and reached the classroom, making everyone freeze. Everyone's head snapped towards the door as a low moan echoed in the hall. The mans arm fell limp at his side, the knife still in his grip.

"Well class, it seems as if we have a late comer." He walked over to the door and wrenched it open, disappearing into the darkness of the hallway. I looked back at Carl who was writhing around in his seat, desperately trying to break free. I followed his example and leaned down, biting down on the thick leather with as much strength as I could muster. I gnawed at the band to no avail. I tried pulling my arm out but the leather was too tightly wrapped.

I gasped in fright as a scream pierced the air, followed by a clatter and a flurry of footsteps. My gaze locked on the door as perspiration drenched my face. The footsteps drew closer and closer. Each step sent a stab of fear through my body. The steps became louder and louder until it was inevitable that the culprit had reached the door. They twisted the handle and flung the door open. My eyes widened as relief hugged me.

"Alan!" I croaked, still too afraid to raise my voice. He looked at me, specks of blood painted on his face. His eyes widened considerably as he examined my arm. Wordlessly he limped over to me and began fiddling with the band that constricted my left arm.

"Jesus fucking christ I knew something was wrong." He muttered, savagely tugging at the strap.

"Alan we have to hurry! He might come back any second!" I whimpered, looking back and forth between him and the door. His brow furrowed in confusion as the restraint loosened its grip on my arm.

"Who might come back?" His attention left the restraint and instead focused on my panicked expression. I wrenched my arm out of the restraint and gasped in pain. Repressing a scream I bit my lip and shut my eyes.

"Well, well, well. It looks like someone will be receiving a detention!" My eyes snapped open at the sound of his voice.

Drenched in blood, with knife in hand he stood at the door. His nostrils flared as he looked upon Alan, a fire of hatred flickering in his eyes. The solace Alan brought crumbled instantly and was replaced by the very familiar fear and terror. With the knife pointed at Alan he stalked forward. Alan stepped back, his eyes wide with horror.

"Hey hold on a second! Wh-" He lunged at Alan, knife raised in the air. Alan grabbed his arm and slammed his fist in his jaw, an audible crack piercing the air. Blood filled his mouth and poured down his chin, bathing him in his own blood.

I squeezed my arm out of the restraint, gritting my teeth in pain. Temporarily ignoring the agony I was feeling I hastily scrambled to remove the other restraints. I didn't dare look up, afraid of what I might have seen. A loud crash and a pain filled roar halted my movements. I shut my eyes, fear bending me mercilessly. I looked up, only to find the two of them wrestling on the floor. Alan was pinned to the ground. The knife inches from his throat.

I freed my right arm and rapidly released both my legs. I stood up, my head snapping left and right. I ran towards the front, tripping and stumbling on chairs and desks. I grabbed the large atlas and ran over to them. I raised it above my head and swiftly brought it down.

Blood splashed over me as his head cracked open. His body went limp, only to be shoved aside by Alan. His unmoving body lay on the floor, the knife still clutched in his hand. I stepped back, the atlas fell from my hand as I crumbled to the floor. My body trembled mercilessly. Gasps and sobs left me whimpering in silence. With a shaky hand I wiped the tears from my eyes. I retched uncontrollably until I finally threw up all over the floor. The blood on the floor seeped into the vomit, together they mingled creating a revolting liquid. The sight of it only making me gag more.

Alan pulled me up from the floor, his bare arms covered in shallow cuts. I kept my head down, avoiding his gaze. He cupped my cheeks in his hands and pulled my head up. His eyes met mine. "You did the right thing." He whispered before dropping my face and turning around. I swallowed the lump in my throat and followed him wordlessly to the other side of the room. He walked up to Carl, his eyes angry.

"You the cop we came here to save?" He growled, both fists clenched.

"Yeah but you have to understand!" He exclaimed, his gaze swapping between me and Alan. Without warning Alan raised his fist and punched him in the face.

"Alan! It's not his fault!" I exclaimed, pushing him away from Carl. A stream of blood fell from his nose and soaked into his white shirt. Alan walked to the front of the class and dropped into one of the chairs. He leaned forward and cursed under his breath. Shakily I turned back to Carl. Tears continuing to fall I unlatched his restraints and stepped back.

For a moment we were silent. Carl's gaze was fixated on my arm and Alan was still slumped over the table. I stared out the window. My mind blank. The feel of the blood trickling down my arm the only reminder of how real everything was. I wiped the tears away, snapping out of my dazed state I looked at Carl. His eyes trailed from my wounded arm up to my eyes.

"We should leave." I whispered. Stepping forward I collapsed. The fuzzy carpet between my fingers was the last thing I felt before unconsciousness had me in its grasp once again.


So obviously this needs a lot of editing. However that can be done at a later date. I really just want to grind the whole story out and edit it all once its finished. I hope this chapter wasn't too painful to read.

Thanks for reading guys!

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