the art of letting go (s.stan)

Por sebstanny

28K 709 625

she runs away when things are good; she never really understood (partly social media) Mรกs

independence day
push rewind
honey I'm good
like this
particular taste
treat you better
nobody's home
coming down
on your side
take me home
girls talk boys
don't let me down
love yourself

we don't talk anymore

1.4K 37 48
Por sebstanny



just told him we were out of guacamole and this happened #dramaticass #nicethighstho #someonegivehimanoscarforthis #iatetheguacbutdonttellhim

tagged: imsebastianstan



user1: same seb

elizabetholsenofficial: that's what you get when you live with a woman that considers guac to be her main food group

bridawson: elizabetholsenofficial stfu

user2: "give this man an oscar" bri omg

user3: bri you are so funny please go on a standup comedy tour

bridawson: why does everyone want me to go on tour??? it would literally just be me eating on a stage for an hour

elizabetholsenofficial: I would buy out an entire venue just to see that to be honest


bridawson: iamhalsey im gonna get a restraining orderrrrr

imsebastianstan: I am so hungry and you just crushed my dreams like the container you threw in the trash

imsebastianstan: and I posted that comment from the position pictured above

bridawson: stay there. you would make a nice decorative rug imsebastianstan

anthony_mackie: every time I facetime bri on set there is a 98% chance she will answer while eating chips and guac

bridawson: anthony_mackie what can I say??? I love chipotle, chipotle is my liiiife

imsebastianstan: someone tell bri to stop watching vine compilations because I do not understand why they're so funny

bridawson: seb your inner old man side is showing

user4: bri and seb get married already challenge

imsebastianstan: user4 challenge accepted

bridawson: imsebastianstan SHUT UP, PLEASE!!!



user7: Sebastian and Bri's 72 Day Marriage



elizabetholsenofficial: BRI YOU SLY DOG

imsebastianstan: I have to keep my figure for my girl, you all know this <3 <3 <3 can't wait to be married to her <3

bridawson: I am disabling the comments because sebastian is so annoying AND keeps asking for food


"You know what?" Sebastian asked, finally rising from the floor.

Bri looked at him with a raised brow. She was putting a movie in the DVD player and just wanted to lay down on the couch and sleep. "What?"

"I was thinking about you."

"In a loving way or a murderous way?" Bri questioned, pulling the blankets onto her legs once she settled on the couch. She didn't bother to turn to look at him. "Or was that supposed to be a pickup line?"

Seb hopped over the back of the couch and plopped down next to her. "None of those options, but if it was a pickup line... did it work?"


"Damn." He combed through his hair with his fingers and sighed. "I want to know more about you. I feel like we're at that stage in our friendship where we can tell each other anything, but we don't know everything about anything."

"Sebastian, that made no sense."

He puffed up his cheeks and let out the most obnoxious stream of air. "Tell me all your secrets."

Bri crossed her arms and leaned back. "Why would I? Don't I need a lawyer present?"

"LET ME IN!" Seb pretended to punch the imaginary wall in front of him.

"You get to ask as many questions as you want until our food is delivered. I won't answer a single thing once my burrito is in my mouth." Bri sat her phone on her leg, revealing the order confirmation for plates full of delicious food. "The library is open for like...fifteen minutes."

Sebastian nodded and let his eyes roam around the room as he thought of ways to word his questions. 

Bri snorted at him and started to sing the Jeopardy theme song before she received a swat on the thigh. 

"You said you came here to get away from family, right?" He waited for her to respond with a tiny nod. "Do you mind if I ask why?"

Bri licked her bottom lip and huffed. "My mom works with Chris' dad. They're both dentists and run an office together. When I graduated college, my mother was under the impression that I had went to NYU for dentistry, which was dumb to assume." She was biting her knuckle with a smirk.

Seb giggled under his breath. "How did you hide the fact that you were studying..."

"Oh, music and business."

"How did you hide that?!"

"Easy." Bri clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth. "I rarely went home and hardly talk to her."

Sebastian quirked an eyebrow at her response. He waved his hand for her to continue with her explanation. 

She and Chris never really talked about their families, so for Bri to just answer random questions about them meant she was slowly opening up to Seb.

"You remember when I told you me and Chris had sex?" Bri saw his eyes widen and his head snap towards her. "That night was literally when my life was starting to fall apart, ironically."

"Ew, gross. Please don't scar me again-" He wanted to gag.

"My parents were getting a divorce at the time and didn't tell me. They were going to Nashville to move my dad into his new house before I moved into college. Julienne even knew, but she apparently sided with my mom." Bri picked at the loose thread on the couch cushion.

"That's fucked up." 

Bri shrugged. "My dad is like hella supportive, so it's fine."

"Are you guys close?" Seb slung his feet to rest on the coffee table so he could turn to look at Bri better. 

"Sort of." Bri crinkled her nose. "He used to take Chris, Scott, and I camping all the time because he wanted a son of his own and he got me."

Seb couldn't help but to snicker at that. "I couldn't imagine Chris camping."

"I don't think he ever liked going, but Scott and I loved it so he went along anyways." She explained. "It's nice that I can go see my dad all the time, now that I am only four hours away. I hated having to buy plane tickets just to visit for a few days."

"Why didn't you go live with him? Nashville is like a music sanctuary." He watched her play with her fingers as she popped her knuckles.

"My dad is living the bachelor life right now. I would rather live in a garbage can than meet how ever many girlfriends he has at the moment." Bri scoffed. "Plus, he turned the spare bedroom in his house into a weird comic book man cave."

"You dad sounds like everything I want to be when I'm older." Sebastian could picture himself unmarried and unbothered for the rest of his life. He hoped that wouldn't be his actual fate.

"Yeah, he's like obsessed with you, too." Bri laughed. "He makes Chris send him autographed merchandise all the time. He has about ten Bucky posters with your signature on them."

Sebastian gave her a confused look, then remembered that Chris did have the Marvel cast sign a few things when movies would wrap up. He said he wanted it for memorabilia.

"But my dad also knew I had a huge crush on you when the first Cap movie came out, so most of the stuff in that room is mine." Bri covered her mouth to stop her laughter. "Chris didn't know, so my dad would ask for 'extra things from Sebastian'."

Seb looked like a fish out of water. He was gasping and had his mouth wide open. He had pieced together the amount of times he could have met Bri all these years, but Chris was the middleman. 

"Honestly a woman that can hustle me without even meeting me is a woman I want in my life." Sebastian gulped and looked at her with heart eyes. "And to think we could have been friends a long time ago." 

Bri frowned. "Yeah. We were even in New York at the same times."

Sebastian shook his head and laid his head on the back of the couch. The two were silent for a minute. The only sound in the room was the theme song of Arrested Development that was playing softly on the television.

He started playing out fake scenarios in his mind and his brain steered him in the direction of what a potential relationship with Bri would be like. 

Seb knew she was really caring, but made sure to take time for herself. He liked that she didn't rely on anyone because she knew what independence meant.

He imagined them in his apartment in New York. Waking up to fresh coffee and the few of a busy street, but laying on clean sheets that started to smell like her shampoo. 

He could almost picture the way they would decorate their shared room. All of the pictures on their instagrams, printed and framed, lining the shelves and tables against the wall. 

Sebastian wanted to kiss her forehead on the early, rainy mornings and hold her close until their alarms blared. He wanted to do cliche things with her, like brushing their teeth in front of the bathroom mirror together, and picking out each others outfits. 

If things were well, he wanted to invite their friends over for a home cooked meal and catch up with each of them while holding hands over a linen table cloth. Seb couldn't wait to just curl up on his, their, own couch and fall asleep together while watching a cheesy movie that Bri would probably make fun of. 

He really wanted it all.

"Wanna makeout?" Bri asked, lazily turning her head towards him. 

The look on his face was so serene, but Bri could literally see the wheels turning in his head.

It took Seb a minute to process her words, but when he did he was sputtering and choking on air. "W-WHAT?! BRI!! You can't just say stuff like that?" Sebastian was still coming down from his daydream.

"The silence was killing me and you looked like you were thinking too hard. I needed to create some chaos." Bri winked.

Before he could come up with an even wittier response, the doorbell rang and Bri went charging towards the door with money in hand. He had to take a few breaths and snap himself out of his daze.

Bri collected the multiple bags of food and tipped the delivery guy a few extra dollars. He had been a little startled when she opened the door so fast. All she could think about was the spread of burritos, rice, and beans that were about to inhaled.

"Okay, the Q&A is done and the library is closed...officially." Bri clapped her hands and wiped them on her shirt. "You don't get to ask anymore questions until we're married."

Sebastian was still sitting in the position she left him in. He softly smiled at her and waited for her to dip her serving from the boxes. 

"You okay?" She asked, handing him a spare plate.

"Yep, never better." His smile widened once she reciprocated it. "Wanna watch The Covenant?"

"I thought you said you were okay!!"




this pretty little human gave me his flannel because his dumbass threw a container of salsa at me and it exploded. he doesn't know it, but he is never going to see this shirt ever again. #heldhostageduetosoftness #smellslikemybodywashtbh

tagged: imsebastianstan



imsebastianstan: I gently tossed it 

imsebastianstan: you do know I can just go get it out of the laundry right? you live a room over from me

bridawson: imsebastianstan explain the scent of said flannel. WHAT WAS THE REASON???

user1: I love y'all but why did he THROW the salsa??

user2: Sebastian is the hottest man on earth I will take no criticism

elizabetholsenofficial: one day mackie and I will crash your little dates and we will post the content everyone wants #THETRUTH

anthony_mackie: yeah what she said

bridawson: anthony_mackie I expected a stronger response from you

user3: Sebastian steals Bri's body wash and she steals his clothes. seems like a fair trade if I'm being honest

bridawson: user3 RIGHT??? (except I didn't know he was using it until five minutes ago) BUT STILL!!!

iamhalsey: could you two be any cuter?

imsebastianstan: iamhalsey yes

imsebastianstan: iamhalsey but just remember that you asked for it


bridawson: too strong anthony_mackie

elizabetholsenofficial: y'all have taken more steps in this nonexistent relationship than I have ever taken in my real life relationships

elizabetholsenofficial: I mean, sharing clothes, wanting to use each others body wash, always eating together, taking cute pics of each other, sharing a bed to watch the office in.. I am so invested in dawstan you have no idea

user4: am I the only one screaming because of this post and all the comments. they said they weren't dating and their friends are trying to PUSH IT



"I don't know what to do." Chris leaned over his knees to catch his breath.

Anthony jumped off the treadmill beside him and shrugged. He really didn't want to be involved in his drama, especially when he didn't know the background between Chris and Bri that well. "Just apologize."

"I did." Chris pouted and shifted his weight to grab his water bottle. "And she still hasn't said a word to me. I feel like I'll have to beg on my knees."

"Buying her a new Coach purse and makeup is not apologizing." Anthony rolled his eyes. "At least my man, Seb, wrote her a genuine note and took her out for a day of relaxation."

Chris grimaced at the memory of the instagram posts he had seen when he arrived at the gym. "It's like he's stealing her away from me. He doesn't even know her, Anthony! I just want my Bri back."

Anthony pointed a finger at him and began to walk towards the door to leave. "Maybe she doesn't want to be that Bri anymore. She's a grown woman, Chris. Let her go and let her grow."

"She's not Groot." He sassed. 

Chris sat on the bench behind him and groaned to himself. He knew Bri came to him, originally, to find a job and escape her own family. 

He was more than happy to help her out, but he didn't realize he had unconsciously made his own set of expectations. She had made new friends, scored an amazing job, and was fulfilling her true potential.

It felt like she had sort of abandoned him once Sebastian moved in. They started leaving him out of inside jokes, watched his favorite movies without him, and even made dinner for just the two of them.

He didn't want to her to fall back into the trap of developing feelings once attention was given to her. Chris had seen how her first relationship went. 

She was a completely different person and rarely came around to visit. It was like it was all happening again. 

Chris opened his phone again to see yet another post by Bri that was of Sebastian. He almost wondered what it would be like if he hadn't let either one of them stay at his place. 

He kind of missed being the main point of Bri's instagram too.

Ridding himself of his selfish and jealous thoughts, Chris gathered his car keys and gym bag. At this point, he just wanted to go home and force himself to sleep so he could stop thinking for five solid minutes.

Chris knew his possessiveness and jealousy was deeply rooted within him. He had never been like this with any of his past girlfriends, and certainly wasn't with Jenny. 

Chris kept telling himself that it was his over-protective-big-brother instincts showing through.

He blamed himself for his actions and for driving his best girl away. They had been through everything together. He just wanted the best for her, but maybe Anthony was right.

Chris needed to let Bri go. She needed to grow on her own.




I remember dropping off a small bostonian girl at a large college in new york just after The Avengers premiere. 

She was so nervous and was worried that making friends and taking on a new challenge would be difficult, but she soared past everyones expectations. 

She was consistently on the deans list and the top of her class. I cannot believe the woman she has become today. She got a super cool job doing what she loves, she made even more new friends after a big move to a new state, and she somehow manages to put up with me even when I am as stubborn as a mule.

I just want her to know that I love and miss her. 

I know I haven't been the best friend that she could ask for, or the best friend that she needs, but she continues to make me the proudest friend each day. #prouddadmoment

tagged: bridawson



*comments on this post have been disabled*


baby bri

your post was nice

johnny america

it should have been done earlier

im so sorry

baby bri

could we talk when you get home?

johnny america


I'm leaving the gym and going to pick up food, so I'll be home in about thirty minutes

baby bri

I ordered a few carnitas for you if you want them

I can heat them up for you

johnny america

you had me at carnitas

I'll be home in ten

baby bri

okay x

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