It's Not What It Seems

By ithinkalildifferent

793 70 4

Trinity's wedding is ruined and gets revenge on her ex finance while keeping a secret from her new lover and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 5

32 3 0
By ithinkalildifferent


Currently, it is 1:20 pm. I am about to leave to go meet with Aiden's wife. Yes, I know what we did was wrong but it's his marriage, not mine. Technically mine too but I don't care for Zion like he didn't care for me. Karma's a bitch, I know he's in for something. That's why I'm not even mad. He did what he did and that's that. I can't do anything about that.

I sound so cold, excuse that. That's just where I am mentally. I'm letting everything flow. I probably just need to focus on myself mainly but I also don't want to be alone. Being alone is a fear of mine and I just hope I'm never alone. I already am mentally I can't be physically as well.

Zion was the only guy I let in. I told him how I actually felt. I got that comfortable with him to tell him how I was feeling just for him to cheat on me and get another girl pregnant. Even though I'm close with multiple people, they don't know the real and true me. I have multiple personalities and it honestly depends on you which one you get. I sound crazy but I'm telling the truth.

Anyway, I dressed professional-casual because their house is just big and fancy. Now that I think of it, I wonder what she does for a living. She did leave on a business trip I think. I never really asked but I'm just assuming that's what happened. I'll ask.

I got there right on the dot of 2. I ring their beautiful doorbell and the door opened within seconds. She was very, very pretty. She had long like mid-back brown hair. She did a little bump and curl to her hair and a very natural look with her make up today. She was around average height and her smile was warming. I wonder why Aiden decided to mess with me when he has her. I'm not downing myself or anything but I'm just saying. I'm nothing special. Not in my eyes.

"Oh, yes," I smiled shaking her hand. "Nice to meet you Bianca isn't it ?"

"Yes and nice to meet you too, Trinity," she smiled walking me to the living room. "Well, Aiden said he'll be right back. He didn't think you'll be here right on the dot of two but he shouldn't be long," she said handing me a water bottle.

"Thank you," I smiled. "He talks about you a lot, but I never saw a picture," I shook my head taking a sip of water. "But hey, he probably doesn't want his relationship all out there."

"Yeah. He's always liked things to be low key. That's what I've always loved about him," she smiled sitting down.

"That's good. You know he didn't want me to meet you," I said as my phone dinged. I flipped it over as she spoke.

"Oh yes. He never wants his workers to meet me but I think he's here," she said joyfully. She went and opened the front door letting him in with a deep kiss on the lips. I almost wanted to say something but I didn't. He's not my man. I'm not his girl. I took a deep breath smiling as he walked towards me with a clearly fake smile.

During the kiss, he looked as if it was a surprise. Like she doesn't do it often, but maybe I'm just being too observant, next.

"Hey Aiden, we were just talking about you," I smiled.

"All good things, I suppose," he said like the guys in movies. So cringe.

"Well how about we all play a game and get to know each other ?"

"I don't know if Tri-" Aiden started.

"I would love to," I smiled standing up. "What game ?"

"Um, a question game. Who wants to start ?"

"I will," I raised my hand like I was in school. That's just a habit I never let go of. I started doing it at home even. Whenever I wanted to speak and people were talking I would raise my hand and wait. "How long have y'all been married ?"

"A good 7 years," Bianca said quickly.

"Dang that's good," I said I guess softly because Aiden butted in.

"Trinity was supposed to get married but something came up. She's the one I was talking to you about," he said as I frowned my eyebrows.

"Oh yeah," she said then pouted. "Aww what happened, ?" she looked at me.

"Umm while we were at the altar and the pastor was asking if someone would like to object, my best friend, Tiana said I and told me she was pregnant with my fiancé's babies," they both gasped even though Aiden already knew. "Then her water broke as I left to go change and go home because I called off the wedding," I said shrugging.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry," she said coming to give me a hug.

"It's quite alright," I smiled with showing teeth to be specific. "I have nothing to do with either of them but I do need to get a divorce because he drugged me and made me marry him."

"Gosh, that is terrible."

"Okay well next question, I don't want anyone to get into there feelings," Aiden spoke up. I think he only did because he didn't like to hear about me being married. I don't see why he's more bothered by it than me.

"That's fine," I said taking a sip of my water as my phone dinged.

"Well, I know it's kind of quick but do you have your eye on anyone or plan to try again, ?" Bianca asked.

"Well as of today, no I don't," I said sitting down. "I do plan on trying again just not with the person I was talking with."

"Why's that, ?" Aiden surprisingly asked.

"Because...I think I'd be ruining something and hurting someone in the process of that. And that's not what I set out to do. I think it's better..if I know...take it slow and let it come to me," I finally got it out.

So basically the game ended with the first question and it turned into mainly about me and how I was doing. I'm not upset. Bianca was really nice. She was asking if I was doing good mentally and etc. She's really caring. I can't act as if I'm not sleeping with her man. I'm just going to have to leave him alone. I feel awful and usually, I don't but I can't not if she's like that.

Through our little meeting, he seemed annoyed. Of what? I would love to tell you but I don't know. I don't think it was because of me so it had to have been because of her but she wasn't doing anything wrong to me and I see everything. She didn't say anything slick. Well, she made jokes like every other couple but nothing actually serious.

Anyway, I'm thinking too much clearly. I'm just going to take a nice shower and go to sleep.

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