Revenge Daddy (Under Editing)

By persistent_love_

33.5K 887 72

Juliette Snow got the perfect, ideal marriage with her high school sweetheart... til the moment she sees him... More

| Introduction |
1 | Darling Couple
2 | Secrets
3 | The Cheating Expert
4 | Revenge Daddy
6 | Liam William
7 | Aspen
8 | Lust
9 | Captive Me

5 | Breathing Down My Neck

3.2K 87 2
By persistent_love_

Yes, yes. I've gone mad. Completely and utterly mad. What was I thinking?! I said yes?! Good job, Juliette. You're digging your own grave right now. Having the cheating expert on your back now. Revenge Daddy... Who called themselves that? It was like a bad Halloween name or something a crazy person would call themselves.

It was too late to turn back too... I signed. I signed to that stupid contract. I was legally bound to his services now. Maybe it wasn't that bad though... I would find out the truth. Everyone deserves the truth. I deserve the truth. But wasn't it crazy? Maybe. Maybe not. I loved John. He's my snowman and husband. My everything... the thought of him cheating... it didn't exist in my world. It just couldn't. My heart and everything we've built would be ruined. He... he couldn't be right.

Liam William... the Revenge Daddy couldn't be right about him... My mind was racing and my thoughts were everywhere. I wasn't logical anymore. Fear consumed me as sorrow and hate rumbled my heart. Liam William, that's the name behind my new found frenemies.

I woke up from my thoughts as I saw John pack our things. The Aspen trip came earlier than I thought. At least, it felt like that. John packed like we would stay there for ages. Maybe we would, mother always created grand events. The masquerade would be the party of the year. Everyone who was something would be there. Celebrities, millionaires, our closest friends and my friends. Family and aristocrats. You name it.

I wasn't fond of big events like that. I usually retired early and had pizza in my room along with Netflix. I didn't enjoy them so much anymore... not like when my father was alive. He made them fun, joking about it. We would joke about their clothes or appearances, or how they spoke or what they spoke about. And later, it would always be the father-daughter dance. It was the centre of attention and the part of the evening I had fun.

But, it was only memories now. He worked in the military and never came back once. And once was enough to effect a whole life time. I was ten at the time. Ridge Winter, that was his name. I was gonna name my son after him, if I ever had one. It was my promise to him. The promise I made standing in front of his grave when I was ten, mourning my father. I never really stopped. Honestly, I don't think anyone really stop mourning someone. The scar is still there but with time it hurts less.

"We leave tonight, Snowflake. The plane leaves 07:55 pm." I smiled and nodded as I finished my breakfast.

"I know, I'll just work a bit before we leave and we can enjoy our weekend with mother."

"I wouldn't say enjoy...", He mumbled.


"What? She hates me. Truly hates me."

I'm starting to understand why... I thought to myself. I finished up and walked up to him, smacking his head.

"Behave! You're going to have fun and enjoy this!" I said it a harsh, annoyed tone and walked out, driving off from our driveway. My dance studio was my peace centre. I always felt relaxed there. Like nothing could harm me. No John. No Liam aka Revenge Daddy.

Just me and my dance. Nothing else mattered when I danced. It was like I was sent to another world. My world. So, I continued to dance. Jana, the girl I met in the club, and I danced together. She was actually pretty good. Lights steps, good memory, a trained body. I saw potential in her if she would continue. Maybe she would become the next star dancer. Anything was possible, right?

My day went on, without any bigger surprises. My dancers came in time. My lunch was delicious and it was only a few hours between me and Aspen by now. I was excited to back. I always missed mother and Yvette, my step-sister. I couldn't say the same about Steve but he was only my step-father. We weren't blood and I tolerated him for mother but, honestly, there would only be one father for me. And that was my dad.

But as the day turned to evening, I was thinking about Liam. When I signed the contact, he took off his mask. I was shocked but kept my emotions to myself. I'm sure he noticed though. He had blue eyes. The same blue like the sky had on a summer day. Intense sky blue eyes. His hair was black like raven feathers and his skin looked smooth like silk. When he smiled, it felt like the world smiled. Bright white teeth with a kind, beautiful smile. But, when he wanted to tease, he got this seductive smirk. He could seduce anyone in his way with just one touch. And even more dangerous, one kiss. He became an angel in disguise.

That scared me. That thought scared me to death, honestly. I was a faithful woman. I always followed my vows and I honoured them. But, something inside of me told me be careful when I was around him. It was a feeling. Like a sixth sense, maybe. But I've never felt anything like it before. Not that kind of... hate, disgust, frustrating... attraction. I would never think anything... indecent, but I was scared of the feelings I felt towards him. I couldn't decide if I was feeling hate or something else... But one thing was clear:
I need to be careful. No, I had to. It was a demand from my inner self. His cockiness and arrogance made it easier to feel hate but still, something was different.


It was a hot summer evening. Jana and I had finished for the evening and I stayed a bit longer after she left. Finishing up, taking my things, collecting myself to go home, ignoring the yarning pain in my chest. When I finished I started to walk to my car as I looked at my newsfeed. Sale times, the best time of the year, according to me. I wasn't cheap but I moved a bargain. Sales were women's sport like football for guys. It was to me at least. The joy to find something was huge and the fun with the hunt gave a lot of pleasure.

I skipped a bit and stood right next to my silver colored car. A BMW, not too small but not too big. I couldn't handle big cars because I crashed them too easily. It wasn't really the size I had a program with but big cars had too much left-over space in them that I didn't use. And since I didn't use it I didn't count it in my driving, forgetting I had a front and a back of the car. Stupid, maybe... But that's the reason why I didn't use big cars.

But, before I knew it. I dropped my phone to the ground. My heart started to beat faster every second and I felt small sweat drops drip from my forehead. No, my heart raced by now. Not beating, racing. I gulped and took my hands up... slowly. I held my tears as I felt its cold, mental part against the back of my head. Breathing... Someone was breathing down my neck. The hot air against my neck made me shiver and my skin turned to ice in fear. This couldn't happen...

Someone was holding a gun against my head...


I hope you enjoyed the chapter!!! Who is holding a gun towards Juliette? Will she survive? If you enjoyed it, don't forget to vote <3

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