7 Bullies In Love *BOOK1* |CO...

By Yhopee200

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7 bullies becomes your destiny... Ft. GOT7️⃣ Read and enjoy this "BTS FF" ;)❤️ More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
•Chapter 35•
•Chapter 36•
•Chapter 37•
•Chapter 38•
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 39

13.8K 442 118
By Yhopee200

A/n: I know it's been a very long time, I seriously have no words than saying "Sorry" maybe this chapter is not good.. and I'm really sorry for how bad my ideas are, love you all~💕😔

~The next day~

~I slowly blink my eyes and squint them due to the freaking sunlight hitting my eyes~

~I slowly got up and looked around for my phone, and while I found it, BUT It's not opening!~

Y/n: Ughhh this phone is not working since I was at Mark's place! Like seriously phone?! I bought you last fucking year!!!

~Then I suddenly heard knocking on my door~

Jimin: Y/n?

Y/n: Oh yes, come in

~Jimin opened the door came in with a mug in his hand and smiled very brightly~

Jimin: Sorry for my unexpected appearance, I just heard you and thought your awake

~I smiled back to him~

Y/n: No problem at all

Jimin: Great, come on, the boys are still asleep let's give them a small little prank so they would wake up

Y/n: I'm coming just give me a minute for bathroom

Jimin: Sure, the boys are heavy sleepers, these days we probably like never slept for you

Y/n: Awww thank you guys.!

Jimin: Your welcome, now take your time

~He left and I looked back at my phone~

Y/n: *whisper* Fuck you phone!

~I went to the bathroom, finished my job there and went to the livingroom seeing Jimin sitting on the couch and working on his phone~

Y/n: I'm back

Jimin: Great let's go annoy the 6 Ninja Turtles!

~I chuckled~

Jimin: So! While you were not present, I prepared this.

~He picked up two big buckets of ice water and three bags of flour putting them infront of me~

Jimin: You're going to scream as loud as you can just don't hurt your throat

Y/n: Srsly?

Jimin: Lol then as the boys barge in, we're going to give them a cold welcome

Y/n: Oh that's too much! Let's just let them sleep

Jimin: Come on Y/n join my game please.~.~.~.~


Y/n: Fine! But it ain't my fault boy

Jimin: Yes! Got it

~We went to our position with our buckets and flour then Jimin gave me a sign to start and I breathed one more time and screamed my lungs out~

~Jimin covered his ears and I giggled~

Boys: *chanting* It was Y/n!
Boys get up! 
I heard Y/n's voice!
Come on get up let's go go go!!!

~The boys converged from upstairs and downstairs and all came to the livingroom~

Namjoon: W-where? Where's the voice??

Taehyung: It was from here

Jhope: Y/n!!

Y/n: Hey boys~

~They turned around to face me while Jimin and I splashed the water and poured flours on them~

Jimin: Surprise!!!! See? Who needs a morning alarm?

Y/n: Oh my god I feel so bad!!

Jin: *unamused* Yes you do.

Yoongi: Seriously?! We litterally just thought something happened to you!

Y/n: I'm sorry boys... BUT! IT WAS THIS HIS IDEA!

~I pointed to Jimin and all he did was laughing to death seeing the boys in this situation and I could BARELY hold my laughter~

Jungkook: There's no way you guys are forgiven! If you don't wanna be tickled to death right now then just run for your lives!

Jimin: Oh shit Y/n Run!!

~Me and Jimin grabbed hands and ran away while the boys followed us~

~We kept running around until Jimin tripped~

Y/n: Oh god are you okay??

Jimin: I'm fine Oh!

Namjoon: We got them boys!

Jimin: Run Y/n RunNNn!!!!!!

~I started running as I couldn't stop laughing~

~I heard Jimin's loud laughing, I looked back and saw the boys holding Jimin's hands and legs, tickling him so bad~

Yoongi: No! Y/n is running away, Get her!

~Then the boys came for me and all I did was running as fast as I could BUT TOO LATE!~

~I got caught on the ground and the boys just started tickling me while coloring my face and clothes with flour~


Taehyung: This is a lesson to never listen to what Jimin says


~We all laughed then we got up from the ground~

Jin: Good now let's make breakfast

Yoongi: Like this??

Jin: Come on we'll get dirty anyways cuz this breakfast isn't going to be normal!

~We laughed then headed to the kitchen~

Jin: You're going to help us Y/n?

Y/n: Sure!

Jin: Great! Let's make omlet! Jungkook bring in the eggs

~Jungkook opened the fridge and brought 6 eggs, handing them to Jin~

Jin: Thanks Kook now bring the round breads too

~Jungkook also brought the round breads but gazing at them~

Jungkook: Why these round breads are kinda fucking big?

Jimin: What do you mean dummy?

Jungkook: They look like my balls but in a larger version!

Boys: SHUT UP!

Y/n: Oh god..

Jin: BACK with the omlet!

~We finished cooking and we just got more dirty from throwing ingredients at each other ~

Jhope: Let's eat!

~Time skip, we finished eating  and we all took a shower and the boys sat on the livingroom couch watching tv, on their phones~

~I headed there and scratched the back of my neck in confusion~

Y/n: Boys?~

~They all turned to me~

Taehyung: Yup?

Y/n: Okay so this is weird and I don't know what's the freaking problem ,but my phone is not working..

Namjoon: Let me see

~I handed him the phone and he looked at it for some seconds but immediately looked at the boys with a shocked expression~

Yoongi: What is it?

Y/n: Is there anything wrong?

Namjoon: Since when it's not working?

Y/n: Like.. the time I was at Mark's place..

Namjoon: It's hacked!

Y/n: W-what do you mean?

Namjoon: Someone is tracking you through this device

Jin: Give it to me

~Jin puts the remote controller down and starts checking the phone~

Jin: What the fuck?.  Those freaks must've done that

~I started to feel a little frightened~

Y/n: So.. you mean they're t-tracking me?.

~The boys took glances then looked at me~

Jin: Oh pft don't even worry about it, I'm going to unlock this device and they'll never be able to find you or anything to harm you

Jimin: Look Y/n don't worry, You're with us, nothing is going to happen to you we promise

Boys: Yeah

~I looked at them and I could see their faith in them and I just didn't want to ruin our whole happiness mood~

Y/n: Well whatever happens, I trust you guys more than anything else

~They smiled and I smiled back trying to get bad thoughts off my mind~

Yoongi: Anyways, today we'll be camping

Y/n: Camping?

Yoongi: Yup

~I thought for some seconds~

Y/n: Oh my god I remembered something!

~The boys looked at me confused, ready for the next speech~

Y/n: My mom is coming back tommorow!

~The boys took glances at each other very weirdly~

Jhope: Oh. Is that so?.

Y/n: Yes?. Why you guys suddenly-

Taehyung: Yay! She's coming back! Then you can spend much time with her

Y/n: I know right?!! Yass!

~I laughed in excitement and the boys tried hard to smile as I looked at the atmosphere and my laugh slowly faded~

Y/n: Wait. But.. how do you know I want to spend as much time with her?

Taehyung: ..

Taehyung: I mean Hehe who wouldn't like to spend time with their parents no? Hehe

Y/n: Hmm that's weird..

Jimin: BUT anyways! Since it might be the last day staying here with us, let's spend the day happily!

Boys: Y-yeah! Let's do that

Jin: Then let's prepare things, and also everyone get change

Y/n: Okay

~I left the livingroom going inside my room changing~

~I wore a gray sweater with a black ripped jeans which the boys bought for me yesterday and wow they're a perfect fit for me! I look at the more stuff there and see some makeup there, I put a little and simple makeup on my face and give some touched to my hair, then heading to the livingroom after 15 minutes~

Y/n: You guys need any help?

Jungkook: We're almost done packing

~The boys put everything inside the car's trunk and we drive~

~Time skip and after a really long drive we got there, arranging everything~

~I was taking the amazing fresh air then looked over to J-hope and Jimin struggling with the camping tent~

Y/n: You guys need help?

J-hope: No we're fine Just! This! Ugh.! We can't do it Jimin

Namjoon: Wait let me help

J-hope: Oh no you're only going to break it

~J-hope kicked the tent in frustraition~

Namjoon: Oh seriously I'm the one breaking it

~Namjoon kept trying and trying but couldn't fix the tent~

Y/n: Yup you guys do need help

~I picked up the camping tent putting each pole to its position and now it's done~

~The guys were amazed~

J-hope: H-how?

Jimin: Well I have never opened a tent so thanks Y/n

~I giggled~

Y/n: You're welcome~

Yoongi: I seriously didn't thought it would take us this long to get here like it's almost night, I'm gonna open a fire

Jin: let's grill!

~The boys prepared the camping grill and Jin started grilling when the beautiful and delicious smell hit my nose as I went and sat beside him looking at him~

~Jin picked up a piece and holding it infront of my face~

Y/n: Wait it must be hot..

~He blowed it a few times and fed me and my eyes just widened~


Jin: I know right!

~We laughed until a blanket covered my back and shoulders as I turned around and saw Taehyung smiling~

Taehyung: It's getting cold don't get sick

Y/n: Thank you Taehyung~

~After some minutes it really got dark but thanks to Yoongi's fire it kept us together~

~Jin kept making sandwhiches for us or fed us~

Jin: Who need more?

Jungkook: I'm SO full!

Y/n: Same! But it was amazing and with Jin's hands it was the BEST!

Jimin: I don't think I can doubt his cooking skill anymore

Jin: Haha see boys? this is the point where you all admit!

Namjoon: I don't, after treating us with a deadly soup


Namjoon: Well it made me sick for a whole week

~We all laughed as Jin had a anamused expression~

Y/n: It was long ago you gotta forget it now he is an expert

Jin: See? Only She can say the truth!

~We laughed then we all sat in a circle with the camp fire in the middle, all of us covered with blankets~

~I sighed~

Y/n: Well. Gazing at this fire, Now I feel my mind is really empty.

~The boys also gazed at the fire~

Y/n: It feels like every memories are gone, well.. bad memories, it's like I remember them one by one but also starting to forget them~...

~I took a deep breath before speaking~

Y/n: To the day you guys bullied me, hated me, made me suffer, and-.. anything bad you guys did to me.. now it doesn't even worth to remember any of them when you guys are really caring for me... it was you guys saving me...  

~The boys looked at me and listened very carefully as if I was telling a story~

Y/n: Mark?.. I-I- From someone obviously so kind I loved to a dog crap I hate! This is all confusion.. did everything litterally just went upside down? Or I'm in a dream?

Yoongi: Listen Y/n, no matter what happened in the past. It's gone now! We can't reach for it again to help it change, no. The past is no longer infront of you

~The boys slowly noded in agreement~

Jungkook: And yes we were VERY stupid but then we didn't know your price, but.. you were never for sale Y/n.. cuz you're just a girl of pure and kindness

~The boys words flattered me~

Y/n: Well thank you boys very much for everything~

~The boys smiled~

Y/n: And.. something about my mom... Well I guess you guys already know, the cancer.. 

J-hope: Wait but. How did you know that we knew about your mother's cancer?

~I scoffed~

Y/n: Come on boys. You guys were that kind that you even knew what my next step was gonna be, you guys litterally knew everything about me

~The boys took glances at each other but again turned to me~

Y/n: Just for my mother's sake.. I did everything just that she wouldn't feel sad. Always wanted to see a smile across her face, not only happy on the outside but also wanted her happy in the inside..

~A tear rushed down my face as I smiled and wiped it~

Y/n: Why am I telling you guys this right now? I'm just ruining the atmosphere

Jin: No. Y/n it's alright, No matter what happens we're with you anytime and help you anytime

Y/n: Thanks boys, I'm really thankfull!

~We all smiled in return as Jungkook looked up in the sky~

Jungkook: Hey guys! Look at the sky! It's beautiful!

~We all looked up and saw thousands of beautiful constellation in the dark sky~

Taehyung: Oh just got an idea, I brought sparklers, let's lit them up and take pictures

Jin: Ooh I've got my camera!

Jungkook: Come on get up

~We all got up with our blankets as Taehyung lit the sparklers and gave it to us and we played with it while Jin took awesome pictures~

Jin: Hey guys! Surround the fire, we're gonna take a pic together, point to the sky!

~Jin positioned the camera and left it on countdown when he rushed standing with us~



"And those were great memories~"


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