Breathing In

By hellaxhemmings

7K 420 97

After the accident, Luke might have to try to start over if he really wants to win Alex back. More

Chapter // One
Chapter / / Two
Chapter // Three
Chapter // Four
Chapter // Five
Chapter // Six
Chapter // Seven
Chapter // Eight
Chapter / / Nine
Chapter // Ten
Chapter // Eleven
Chapter // Twelve
Chapter // Thirteen
Chapter // Fourteen
Chapter // Fifteen
Chapter / / Sixteen
Chapter // Seventeen
Chapter // Eighteen
Chapter // Nineteen
Chapter // Twenty
Chapter / / Twenty One
Chapter // Twenty Two
Chapter // Twenty Four
Chapter // Twenty Five
Chapter // Twenty Six
Chapter // Twenty Seven
Chapter // Twenty Eight
Chapter//Twenty Nine
Chapter // Thirty
Chapter // Thirty One
Chapter // Thirty Two
Chapter // Thirty Three
Chapter // Thirty Four
Chapter // Thirty Five
Chapter // Thirty Six
Chapter // Thirty Seven
Chapter // Thirty Eight
Chapter // Thirty Nine
Chapter // Forty
Chapter // Forty One

Chapter / / Twenty Three

131 9 1
By hellaxhemmings

Luke POV

I wake up and look at the clock. 10am. I grab my phone to see if I missed any calls or texts. One text from Alex pops up.

Hey Luke.

Hey Alex (:

So what are we doing to day?

Whatever you want.

Today marks the day of our one year anniversary. One year with Alex. She has made my life a better place. She's always there for me and I don't know if I could live without here.

I crawl out if bed slowly. I'm still tired from rehearsals yesterday. I grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans Alex got me.

All of a sudden Calum runs in.

"Hey. Big party tonight!"

"Where? I'll bring Alex for our.."

"No Alex. It's for our tour. You don't want Alex to know."

"Calum she needs to know. It's our one year anniversary."

"Before Alex you were all about the band. Don't let a girl come between us."

"I guess you're right."

"I know I'm right."

I walk out of my room into the kitchen to see the boys. Michael was smiling real big.

"Guys what's going on?"

"We have some drugs to sell luke." Michael says putting bags on the counter.

"What? I thought we quit."

"Well we are back at it."

"Are you guys trying to get me and Alex to break up? I quit all this for her."

"Calm down luke. She won't find out."

I can't believe I'm about to do this.


"I'm done with my pile." Ashton says creaming from his room.

"Damn you quick!" Michael says from his.

I can't believe I'm doing this. I told Alex I wouldn't. It does kind of feel nice doing this again.  Back to the real me. Wait no. Alex didn't change me. She made me a better person.

"Luke almost done?" Calum screams.

"Yea. I actually just got done."

"Good the party is about to start."

The door bell rings. People start coming through the door. This place gets packed real quick.

"Go talk to people luke." Calum says walking over to me.

"All I can think about is Alex."

"Oh come on. Have a little fun."

"Just shut up Calum. Please."

He walks away pissed I can tell. He just doesn't understand I love Alex. I start to drink. I'm just so angry with myself. In 10 minutes I'm on my 5th drink. Which is probably not good.

"Hi Luke." The girl smiles "I'm Veronica Taylor."

"Hi. Luke Hemmings, but you already know that."

"Yea. You here alone?"

"Yea i guess. I want someone here but she isn't coming."

"Well I'm here."

"Yea. It's not her."

"I'm not trying to be, but this party is for you. Enjoy it babe."

"Don't call me babe."

I grab a few more drinks to calm down.

"Hey don't get drunk on me."


I walk off and start to talk go people.

A few minutes later I look over to see Alex walk through the door. She's finally here.

"Hey baby, why did you come earlier?" I say walking closer.

"Maybe because you didn't invite me."

She walks off to the bathroom and Veronica comes back over to me.

"Hey luke." She says as she pulls me. My lips touch hers and we are kissing.

She pulls away and I look over to Alex crying.

"Alex! I-I-it's not what it-" I don't get to finish because she starts running away and I run after her.

I catch up to her and I grab her arm.

"Alex p-please let me explain." I begs, my eyes red.

"LUKE ROBERT HEMMINGS GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" She screams and trys to pry my hands off of her.

I starts to panic. "No Alex please don't do this." I plead loud enough for only her to hear.

"FUCK THIS AND YOU! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN! I HATE YOU!" She screams and crystal harder.

My soul is shattering. I don't know what to do. I'm losing her.


"Alex!" I scream and I run faster after her. She drives faster and faster then my world fell apart.

The world seems to slow down all at once. Car debris is scattered everywhere with a Honda in the middle of the road and an old truck tossed to the side. I let out an unholy scream. As I'm running toward Alex I pull out my phone and dial 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" says a women on the other line.

"There's been a car accident on Ivy Road! Please send help!" I yell into the phone.

"We'll send help right away sir. Be safe." She says and hangs up. Sirens begin to ring off in the distant.

"Oh my god." I whisper to myself and place my hands over my mouth. Alex is covered in so much blood and doesn't move.

"Alex!" I scream and try to help get her out. No luck.

"Don't do this!" I scream angrily and let a single tear fall.

"You did this!" She screams.

I turn  around to see her. How?  She's in the car.


"Yes. You did this luke. Why?"

"I'm sorry. I don't know why. The boys and I don't know." I start crying

"I thought you changed for the good. I helped you be a better person. Then you go back doing drugs. You caused all this. Why am I giving you a second chance?"

"Because you still love me."

"Do I really? I don't even remember you. Maybe I don't really love you. Maybe I just think that."

"Alex what are you saying?"

"You're taking advantage of me. I don't remember you so you are going to try and cover it up. I will remember Luke."

"Alex I'm sorry."


I wake up in a panicking sweat. It was all a drean. More like nightmare. I look down to see Alex sleeping so peacefully. I decide to leave her. That nightmare scared me. What if she doesn't truly love me anymore. I write her a note.

Hey Alex just wanted to say I left early.  Hope to see and talk to you soon. Text me.

I leave the note on her nightstand and I walk out. This second chance I have to earn.

(A:N Hey its Lex(: Hope you like this update. Sorry it's late. Supposed to be up yesterday but I fell asleep then wattpad deleted it)

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