The wish which was not suppos...

By raglak__forever

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The story of a innocent crazy girl and arrogant heartless man... More

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Part - 4

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By raglak__forever

Ragini opened her eyes slowly with the heavy head looking blankly at the take some moment for her to understand the surrounding... her eyes opened in jerk in a second and she jumped from the bed looking all around was a big beautiful room, walls were painted with baby pink colour..her big photo frame was behind king sized bed, infront of the bed was a dressing table where branded perfume and makeup kit were placed.. and lots of teddy bears were all over the hanging chair in a big balcony.. this room was simply like she always dreamed..

She look everywhere like a scared cat...then rush toward the door and tried to open but the door was locked from outside which increase her fear.. she came toward the balcony but it was too high to jump.. the view of outside was so pleasant, but she didn't like anything at that moment... her mind start working fast..she again came inside searching for something which will help her to jump from the balcony.. when suddenly heard a voice of opening door...she turned back immediately and found one girl around her age came inside in formal clothes...she smile looking at her...

" good morning maam..what would you like to eat in breakfast..." her voice had lots of respect for her.." who are you...? And where am i..?" she asked in confusion.." maam i am Tina, laksh sir's PA..and right now we are in Raglak mansion..." ragini's eyes get widen..." what...laksh..? He kidnapped me..." she become angry.. " i won't leave that moron.. " saying she march out from the room while Tine was running behind her trying to stopped her..

Ragini came down in the hall and shout for laksh, in a fraction of second, he came infront of her like the genie of the lamp.. " what the hell i dare you to kidnapped me..." she shout loudly as much as she can to show her anger but somewhere she was still scared what if laksh got angry and hurt her like before but on the other side laksh was totally calm, he had already prepared himself for this storm..he hold her through shoulder.. " bachha...calm down...i didn't kidnapped you...i just bring you at your husband house...your real home.." she jerk him back...

" no no..this is not my home, i wanna to go back to my mom me it is better for you to take me back orelse you will regret because California's law is really strict..." she tried to scared him but he laugh instead.." indeed, California's law is really strict but baccha here we have to deal with Indian law not California's..." ragini look him in horror.." wha...what do you mean..?" She understood but her heart was not ready to believe...laksh smile slightly..." i don't think my baccha is this dumb that she didn't understand me..."

" you can't do this to me...i wanna to go back...take me back..." ragini start shouting punching him on chest.. laksh was still calm..he didn't stopped her..she placed her head it on his chest cryingly when she get tired of punching him...laksh caresses her hairs from back.." sshhh baccha..calm down.. i will take you back to family when the right time comes but not me this time.." ragini had no strength to argue...hunger and missing family both were making her weak..she just keep standing like that..

Laksh wait for some moments but didn't found any response..then he pick her up in bridal style, she didn't said anything even than...he felt bad and take her in the room and made her lay on the bed..." don't think anything just take some rest...till then i'll bring food for you..." and kissed on her forehead..ragini turned her face away from his side.. laksh look he for a moment..then exhaling the deep breath he left and soon she fall asleep...

Ragini open her eyes slowly..looking out of window she found the night has came while when she woke up before that time the sun was very hot must be that was noon..she hold her head.. " did I slept this much.. i can't stay here anymore...i have to go back..." she tried to get up but the weakness didn't allowed her and she again fell on the bed...she don't even remember when the last time she ate.. looking around she found food tray placed on the table..when laksh came back with the food she had already slept so he didn't disturb her and left the tray there only...

In any other situation she would may never touched that food, but right now she needs the energy which only food can give...taking a deep breath she helped herself for sitting at the sofa and serve food for herself...after satisfying her hunger she start thinking what to do next...only one thing comes in her away from here... but looking the darkness of outside her heart become weak but not her mind..heart don't wanted to take any risk by running away in the dark night..but mind was determined that staying here is more dangerous...after the small battle between mind and heart..mind wins and she decided to run...

Ragini came out from her room unlike from the noon the door was not locked..she look all around carefully, no one was there..taking a breath in relieve she came out from the soon as she step in the lawn heard bark of dogs...her heart stopped beating..she give a brief scared look to the lawn and found nothing..the dogs must be tied somewhere...she wait a moment to stable her breaths..then walked toward the gate but her mind boil seeing a guards with gun standing at the gate...

" This laksh...." she gritted her teeth angrily, then changed the expression controlling her emotions and walked toward them.." open the gate.." she ordered confidently..but the guards ignore her just like they didn't heard her..her brow raised in annoyed..." i said open the door damn it..." she shout..." they won't.." instead of them she heard laksh voice from behind...he was standing closed to her folding both hands together looking her with his killer smile..." you can't imprison me here..i am going back..." she said angrily while laksh chuckle unintentionally on her silliness..

" oh my dear wife... i think you didn't heard me clearly before..we are in India..I bring you here in my private jet without any of your legal documents..your passport, identity card everything are still in California..which mean there is only one place you can go after running out from here that is jail..which i am sure you don't wants to..." he said mischievously while ragini looked him in shock.. he was right, she didn't thought about this but she don't wanted to become weak infront of him...

" i don't care..because jail would be much better then staying here with you..." she again turned back but laksh hold her wrist pulling her toward himself which result she fell on his broad chest..." but i do my love..." he tugged her hairs behind her ear.." there is only one jail i want you to be imprisoned and that is my embrace.." saying he pick her up in his arms and take back inside while she was continuesly shouting and struggling to get free...

Next morning ragini open her eyes clumsily feeling some waight on her stomach looking down find the hand of the person who was sleeping beside her..." laksh..." she shout in anger pushing him back..and the laksh who was in deep sleep not ready for this fall on the floor..." ouch..." he shout in pain rubbing his butt... " what is this bachha..?why did you pushed me...?" he asked while ragini was glaring him angrily..." how dare you too sleep on my bed..?"

Laksh smile getting up and came closer to her.." atleast you accept this that it is your bed..." ragini become speechless and cursed herself for saying that..." now i am sure, slowly slowly you will accept this room, then this house, then this deewana.." he was coming more closer and closer.. ragini's heart was beating in her ears, she pushed him back and get up while he fell on bed.." i didn't mean that..don't create wrong hopes..." she avoid looking him, he chuckle laying on his back..." that we will see..." and she run inside the washroom without saying further..

After taking bath ragini came out and found laksh is still laying on bed looking her with smile... she came out from the room avoiding him..with his non lasting smile laksh went to the bathroom..

Ragini came down in the hall thinking what to do, and sit on the sofa still deep lost in thinking..." good morning maam..." suddenly she jump on her place hearing the voice and found the maid standing beside her..." what would you like to have in breakfast..?" She asked respectfully.. " what you can make..?" She questioned back.. " anything whatever you like..." she answered... " good then i would like to have 2 nutela sandwiches and one boil egg..." " sure maam.. " saying obidently she went inside the kitchen while ragini was still sitting there thinking something.. suddenly her eyes shine and she run toward the kitchen..

" what to do of this maid..i can't do my work infront of her..." she think with a pout.. " listen.." she called her..." yes you need anything...?" Geeta asked with her professional smile.." yes..can you please bring me phone from my room..." ragini said hiding her phone behind which was in her hands only.. " sure maam..." as soon as she left the kitchen, ragini came inside and start seaching for something...soon she found what she was searching for..." now i will show you mr. Laksh Maheshwari...who am I..." she think with a smirk...

Geeta came down and found her sitting on the sofa watching tv.." sorry maam..i didn't found your phone in the room..." " ooh its ok...i will check by may go..." ragini wait till she vanished in the kitchen and then quickly get up and bring out the oil container which she was hiding under the sofa and smirk looking above at laksh room...

She came above to the stairs and pour the oil carefully on the stairs without getting slip her ownself and again came and sit on the sofa happily...when geeta came out from the kitchen and placed her breakfast on the dining table then placed one glass of juice in the tray and walked toward the stairs...ragini become scared and stopped her..." where are you doing...?"

" laksh sir's always take morning juice in his room..." she answered obidently, ragini made a face..." today he will take it at dining may go and do other works.." she take the tray from her hands and placed on the table and start eating her breakfast and waiting for laksh...

Soon laksh came out from his room adjusting his hairs with hands and came toward the stairs...ragini look him excitemently forgetting her breakfast..he was about to placed a foot on the oil when suddenly his phone rang and he took a step back again picking up the call and start talking standing there only.. ragini punched on the table with her fist lightly..." shit...damn come fast..."

Suddenly Omi came out from laksh's room making ragini's eyes widen..." when did he came...? Oh shit.." he was coming toward stairs..before ragini could do anything he placed the foot on the oil and on another moment whole raglak mansion filled with his painful screams...everyone look him with widen eyes.

Laksh carefully came down without stepping on the oil.." omi...are you okay buddy...?" He asked in concern..." haay meri kamar..." he cried..." damn it..who told him to insert his butt inbetween...idiot..." ragini get annoyed.." my plan..." she galre him like she is planning to kill him by look.. " plan can't be fail...i have to do something..." when her gaze fall on laksh juice glass..she smirk grabbing the salt bottle and pour full bottle in the glass mixing them well..." ewww...poor laksh..." and chuckle lightly...

He was still busy in trying to calm him..." omi..calm down will be absolutely all right.." while omi was not ready to listen him...ragini get bored with the drama and again start eating her breakfast ignoring them...suddenly laksh took the glass of juice in which ragini had mixed the salt and forward to him..." drink will feel better..." " shit..." ragini placed the hand on the mouth in shock...omi grabbed the glass and drink in a one sip..soon his throat start burning and he start shouting more loudly jumping on his place..

Laksh get confused.." what happened now..?" " god.. this.. this.. juice... salt.. aahhh... my..throat..." he was not able to complete his sentence but they understood..geeta become frightened.." no sir i didn't mixed salt.." it didn't take time for laksh to understand who did it.. " ragini..." he turned toward dining table but she was not there...he shook his head in unbelief..

Ragini was walking here an there in her room in tension..." shit shit could i be so laksh will kill me...damn..." when she saw laksh coming up toward the room..." oh no.." she locked the door from inside..." the door.." and heard his voice with a knock..she shook her head without saying anything...

"Ragini listen to me and open this damn door..." with his each knock her heart was beating slower and slower...she sits on the bed hugging the teddy bear tightly..." fine don't open....geeta...geeta..." he called the maid and asked her to bring duplicate keys...listening this ragini eyes become widen, she hadn't thought about this...before she could think anything laksh was inside the room...

Laksh came inside and found her sitting on the bed, he came closer and made her stand pulling her through arms.." what's wrong with you ragini...why you did that..?" His voice was mixed with anger..Instead of giving any answer she held her head down biting her lips.. " answer me orelse..." but suddenly she interrupt looking at him.." what will you do haa..? Will you again beat me like before..." she shout with a teary eyes making his anger vanished..he cupped her face...

" bacchaa..don't say like this...i know i was wrong before but i can never think of repeating that mistake again even in my dreams..." but ragini jerk his hands taking a step back..." stop your can never trap me again with your fake concern...just wait and watch soon i am going to run away from this jail..." her challenging face make him smile..." ooh really...i like your confidence but it is really better to know everything about this mansion before doing anything..."saying he grabbed her hand and take her outside...

He takes her to the backside of the bungalow where three big huskies dogs were tied with a chain...they were glaring her dangerously..ragini throat become dry in a moment... " meet my loyal friends, Aslan, Buck and my cutie me Jenna only looks innocent but she is more dangerous then these two..she will never hasitate to attack on you..." but who was listening him as she was busy in looking them with widen eyes and open mouth..

Laksh smirk and whispered in her ears..." do you wanna to say hii from closer..." she shivered and hug him tightly..." no please.. " he laugh..." better for you but i am not done yet...come.." he grabbed her waist and walk.." and if incase you get save from them but here no one can help you..." they were standing infront of wall..." you see these wires, currents are going through it..if you ever try to jump over the wall..these current will simply send you to the heaven..." he inform her very calmly while she stamped her foot on the ground glaring him angrily..and walked inside without uttering a single word..while laksh laugh on her antics going toward his car...

In Mm everyone were doing their breakfast when laksh came..." lucky..where were you from last week..?" Swara asked with her cheesy smile which boils his anger..his mood which was fresh some moments ago because of ragini is now flushed away seeing the bose family...he simply ignored her sitting beside ap..." maa..i am hungry.. please serve me the breakfast..."

Swara's face become dull which shamishta noticed..." laksh beta...shona is asking because she cares for you...why you are ignoring her...?" Laksh felt disgust seeing their face...he wanted to shout because she is the murderer of my child because you are the murderer of my father..but he didn't as he plan the another punishment for them...he smile fakely...

" sorry aunty...actually i didn't heard the way how is your studies going, kavi..?" He turned toward kavita once again ignoring swara...she punched her fist on table with a red face..while he was busy in talking with his sister...

Laksh get up after completing his breakfast.." maa i am leaving..." "you just came a while ago and now leaving again...?" Ap asked in motherly anger..he smile holding her through shoulders.. " maa please tolerate this some more days...i am working on surprise for you..." ap was happy to see his smile while kavita get curious about surprise..." what surprise bhai..." he chuckle pinching her nose..." you have to wait some days more.." she pouts.. he turned toward bose family who was looking them with their evil eyes.." i have a surprise for you too..." they get happy without understanding the intensity of his words..he smirk leaving from there but again swara crossed his path like a black cat...

" Laksh my car is punctured...please drop me to the college..." she tried to sound innocent..old laksh would be fall in that but this laksh knew her each colour..." sorry swara...i have a important meeting, you can go with kavita.." saying he didn't wait for her answer and went in his car...he look her shadow in the side mirror in rage..." your good time is you will have to pay for your each sin with interest..just wait and watch..." he pick out his phone and call on one number.. " hello.... start your work now..." he start his car giving a last smirk on swara...

Swara and kavita reached to the college, kavita went to her class while swara came in canteen..she ordered burger and coke for herself and turned back when suddenly dash with someone and her coke fell down..she was already in bad mood and this accident make her more angry..." are you blind or something..." she shout..." i am sorry.. i didn't saw you as i was in hurry..." he said sorry even though it was not his mistake as swara took the wrong turn...

She glare him and marched toward one table and sit eating her burger..after some moments waiter came to her table and give her one chocolate pastry..swara get confused as she didn't ordered that when her gaze fall on the card placed besides the was the sorry card, she look above and found the same guy looking her with soon as their eyes mate...he hold his ears saying sorry...she chuckle lightly...

Laksh came to his office and start working, in evening he left the office planing to go to raglak mansion.. he was about to open the door of his car when suddenly someone turned him back punching on his nose forcefully..he was not ready for this and fell down on the ground but the other person was not in mood to give him a chance and pulled him up grabbing the collars and roared..." Where is my sister..?"

" kiddo.." laksh said calmly freeing his collar from his hands and wiping the blood from nose..." long time have really change so much..." he said happily...while sanskar glared him..." stop your drama and tell me where is my sister..." his face was showing how much he is controlling himself not to kill laksh right on this moment..." your means ragini...but haven't you guys took her away somewhere.." he asked blinking his eyes innocently...

" laksh don't test my patience..just tell me where you hide her..?" Sanskar roared but nothing changed in laksh calmness.." how do i know.. you guys hides her from last one years.." no one can detect he was laying seeing the confidence and the truth on his face but sanskar was not ready to accept that... " you bloody bas**d..tell me or i will kill you.. " he again grabbed his collar, this time laksh pushed him back glaring angrily..

" now you are crossing your limits sanskar..when i said i don't know where your sister is, i mean me or not its up to you but i don't want any problem in my office, so it is better for you to leave or i will have to call the guards..." sanskar glare him for a moment then.." i will find my sister at any can't hide her..." and left withouting waiting for his answer...

Laksh sit in his car and start driving..after thinking something he turned the car toward Mm and call the Tina..." Listen, some urgent work has come up so it is not possible for me to go raglak mansion today...i want you to go there and stay with ragini for a night as i can't trust anyone else in her case..." he ordered..." sure sir i will go after completing my office time..." she answer obidently..." no..go right now..don't worry about the office..i will take care of it..." " okay sir.." he cuts the call and opened ragini's picture in his phone gallery..." sorry we can't meet.. thanks to your brother, who is surely following me right now..." he look at the black car from side mirror and shook his head...

Swara was waiting for an auto outside of college, as kavita left early without informing her and now she have to go alone...her mood was very bad thinking of going by auto...suddenly one Audi stop infront of her and same guy from canteen came out..." need help...?" Swara hesitates..he chuckle..." don't need to hesitate. I am a good guy, you can trust me..." swara think for a moment, rejecting this offer is totally her lost...she smile..." actually my car got punctured..."

" well then it is my pleasure to drop you at your home...please...?" He opened the door for her...she blush sitting in the car..." btw...i am Sahil Malhotra.. " swara mouth open wide..." the same sahil malhotra who is the son of top businessman in New York, came here to complete his educations..?" Sahil chuckle shurging his shoulder..." well yes..." " hii i am swara...swara bose..." swara was trying hard to hide her excitement but not able to.. " nice to meet you beautiful..." now her mind get totally clean by traping laksh and now something new start planning in that...

Its been a week of her living in the raglak this week laksh tried everything to make her happy, except the two thing, he was not letting her go out neither let her talk with her parents while on the other hand she tried everything for this only but nothing worked.. right now she was sitting on the swing in the lawn thinking how to contact with family..suddenly she heard the voice of childern laughing...looking here and there she found two childerns were playing in the neighbours lawn...they were playing some game in the phone..when the idea clicked in her mind..

She immediately went closer to the wall and called the childern..they also came toward her running..." hii baby..can you give me your phone for two minutes if i give big chocolates..." they both nodd happily..." good...wait two minutes.." she went inside the bungalow and bring lots of chocolates for them she was about to give them when suddenly a women came out from the bungalow..she becomes horried seeing the childern close to ragini..and immediately came toward them and take the childern away, ragini tried to stop her but she didn't listen and went inside the bungalow...

Ragini become confused with her behaviour..."strange..." she turned back and found laksh standing there with his killer smirk..for some reasons she suspected this was his work..." what you told her about me...?" She asked with a narrowed eyes.. laksh smile coming closer to her and said mischievously...

" i told everyone here in neighbourhood that my wife have a mental problem..if they wants to keep themselve save so its better to stay away from her..." ragini look him with widen eyes and shout..." how dare could you do this..." he smile.. " exactly...your this behaviour..your shouts and screams helped my every lie to become true and they trust my words..." he laugh pinching her cheeks while she jerk his hand back.." you are disgusting laksh...i hate you..." and ran away..

Laksh was about to follow her when his phone rang... it was Tina, asked him to come to office as they got some important evidence against kumar bose... he went toward ragini who was sitting on the swing with pout..." bachha... go back is getting cold.." but she ignore turning her face away..he smile kissing her forehead.. " i will be back soon.." but she didn't react and he left...

After completing the work he was about to left when ap called him...she asked him to come home, he tried to denied but ap insists because she was missing him, atlast he agreed and came to the Mm..and didn't noticed the times passed..when he noticed it was very late..he left for raglak mansion..ap tried to stopped him as it was raining heavily outside but he didn't because the ragini was alone there...

He came back in the middle of the night and directly went to his room but the room was empty..he changed his clothes and came down calling for ragini.. " baccha...bachha where are you...?" He checked the dining room and kitchen but she was not there...his heart was sending bad vibes he rush toward the guards to asked if she left the bungalow but they said no...he took a breath in relieve but still tension was there...suddenly he remembered something and ran toward the backside of bungalow hoping he was wrong...but he was not..

Ragini was still sitting on the swing..."baccha..." laksh run toward her..her eyes wer closed, lips were blue and she was totally wet shivering continuesly...laksh tapped her cheeks..." baccha open your eyes.." but she didn't..he covered her with his coat and rush inside picking up her in bridal style...he made her lay on the bed covering with blanket and called to the servants, soon the whole mansion filled with noise...everyone were trying their best to help ragini, doctor came, they become calm after he confirmed that she is okay and will get the conscious till by one everyone left but laksh spend whole night hugging her tightly.. the fear of losing her was not letting him take rest...

Ragini opened her eyes slowly finding herself in laksh embrace who slept in sitting position...even in the sleep his face was tensed..ragini tried to get free from his grip which break his sleep..." are you are feeling now...?" He asked in concern cupping her face..." i am fine..." as soon as she answered his expression change into anger..." how could you do this ragini...don't you have even a little mind...have you ever thought about me...what would i do if something happened to you.."

Ragini look him with widen eyes..." don't you have any shame are scolding me even knowing that i am sick..first you made me angry by saying me mad...because of you i sit their in that cold and now.. " laksh didn't let her complete and hug her tightly..." my bachha is have no idea how much scared i i would may died if something happened to you..."

She pout..." what kind of love is caged me here..not letting me go out or meet my family, who did like this with their loveones..." laksh broke the hugged and cupped her face..." don't say like this baccha..i never wanted to caged you, but i am scared if i let you go, you may never come back... promise i will take you to your family by my own when i will become assure that you will not going to leave me ever again..please bear me till that..." ragini look him in confusion without saying anything....

Afet that laksh didn't leave her even for a single second till she didn't get recovered totally..his days started with caring her and end with her only..ragini smiles seeing his care and slowly slowly start behaving good to him...laksh become happy seeing her change...

It was a normal day laksh came back from office and found ragini wearing a red saaree..his heart skip a beat seeing her beauty..his heart wanted to caged her in his embrace and love her like never but he control himself as he promised to ownself not to do anything with her forcefully.. he wanted her to accept him by her wish not forcefully...

Later in night Laksh came in his room and start working on his lp.. after sometimes ragini also came and went to the balcony and stand there...the wind was playing with her open hair and saaree which makes her more sexy.. again and again his eyes fall on her, it becomes more difficult for laksh to concentrate on work..

Laksh get up from his place and walked toward her unknowingly and stand behind her..ragini turned back feeling his presence, before she could asked anything he placed his lips on her making her eyes was a smooth gentle kiss, soon he pulled away with a guilt..." i am sorry...i didn't mean to.." he turned back to leave but ragini pulled him back and sealed his lips with her.. this time it was passionate, full with love and lust..both were showing how much they carved for each other... they pulled apart when they felt needs for breath...both were looking each other with heavy breaths and love filled eyes...

Laksh cupped her face looking in her eyes and whispered.." I love you bachha..." making her red, she hide her face in his chest in response...

Laksh wake up in the morning and found empty bed beside him, when he heard the shower voice... he smile remembering their love confession of last he is planing to mark her his again but this time he wanted to create a special memory, to make her feel special, to make her feel love, to forget the bitter past...

He was lost in his thought when the door of washroom opened and she came out...laksh get shock seeing has been almost one years he saw her in magalsutra an sindhoor..and today she is standing infront of him being his wife wearing magalsutra and sindhoor...laksh felt unknown happiness seeing her like this...

He get up from the bed and hugged her from the behind who was wearing other jewelleries standing infront of mirror.." good morning bachha..." " good morning.." she answered with a sweet smile...he turned her back trying to kiss her but she placed a hand in between..he pout.." what..?" She glare him..." atleast brush your teeth first.." he leave her with fake anger and went to the washroom hearing her instant chuckle from behind...

Two days passed, raglak were start loving each other like before, today laksh planned a surprise night for her... he was very happy waiting for a night... ragini was in kitchen while laksh was sitting in the hall, " tonight i will tell you everything, about my accident too...i know your love is not that weak that you leave me for my disability..." he think looking at the lucky pendant chain and planning to gift her again tonight when suddenly the door bell rang...he get confused...normally the guards inform him whenever anyone came but today someone came at the door without any information...he open the door and get shock seeing the sanskar with police...

" what it this sanskar..?" He asked angrily.." we have complain against you that you kidnapped his sister.." instead of sanskar police answered... " this is not true..." he said in rage..." we have warrant to check your house..." saying police came inside forcefully..." what happened laksh who came...?" Ragini who was coming outside get shock to see sanskar and police.." sanskar...?"

Sanskar eyes become teary seeing her..." see sir i told you he kidnapped her making her hostage.." sanskar roared..." no sir... she is my wife and we loves each other..." laksh said..while sanskar get angry..." don't talk rubbish about my sister..." he grabbed his collar and both were about to start fighting...police separate them and turned toward ragini..." you tell us what is true...?"

Ragini look from sanskar to laksh, then took a deep breath and said..." he is saying truth..." laksh smile while sanskar get shock..she move forward stand beside sanskar..." he kidnapped me making me hostage here..." laksh look her with shocked face..." bachha.." she smirk..." why mr. Laksh Maheshwari, what do you thought..? Only you know how to fake a love...?"

To be continued...

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