part - 1

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In the dark stormy night, deep in a jungle one girl is running badly as someone is following her. The forest seemed to never end, tall silhouettes shadowing the ground, ravens circling overhead, and screams echoing through the wind.She is totally mess and very scared, her hairs are messy, spread all over her face and dress are ripped from different places.

She stop for a moment to take breath and remove her hairs from her face, which shows her face clearly she is none other than ragini. when she heared a roar of lion from somewhere and get scared more and start running again...Suddenly someone pull her and pinned her to one tree, she closed her eyes, and scream in fear, he placed his hand on her mouth..

" sshhh, don't shout, i won't hurt you, i am here to save you.." she open her eyes slowly and found one man standing very close to her placing his hand on her mouth. His whole face is cover in a mask, only his eyes are shown which are fixed on her..for a moment ragini forget all her fear, all she could think about is those deep brown eyes, in which she are drowning more and more...

Slowly her hand move toward his face to remove mask, her hand was inch apart when he said.." you are getting late for college.." her hands stop in middle and eyes get widen because he was talking in her mother's voice, " in five seconds, i am going to throw water of bucket on you, if you don't open your eyes.." now in her brother's voice. Ragini was still confused, what he is talking, she is staring him with widen eyes and he his asking her to open her eyes..before she could understand lots of water fall on her, and she get up with shout and found her mother and sanskar standing beside her with folded arms..

She got confused.." mom, sanskar what are you both doing here in jungle, and where is that stranger..." they both look her confusion for a second then laugh.." idiot we are not in jungle..we are in your room.." sanskar said.." but how did i came here, i was in jungle..." she is still in confusion.." you were dreaming ragu.." janki said sitting beside her..." now get up fast, you are already late.."she nodd with confusion...

Far from them, a big room is shown, full with ragini's photos, from childhood to now and on every photo there was a cross mark on her face with red marker, there is only a one bulb in a room, which is not even working properly, again and again it was switching on and off. In the middle of the room, a man is sitting on a rocking chair staring at photos, the bulb and the noise of rocking chair are making the place more creepy, but the man is least affected with them. He is a handsome man with a sharp features,but his face is hard and cold and eyes showing rage, anger and hate..

Suddenly he got up from the chair and come closer to one picture and touch that, " you really wants to be bella or cinderella, baby your prince is here to fulfill your wish, soon you'll become my Bella, just wait a little bit more, your prince is coming baby..." he laugh maniacally...

In Kolkata University two girls are talking and laughing randomly, suddenly a girl shout.." lucky.." same man from the room, who was walking from there freeze on his place, he look at the girl who was waving her hand toward him, he got confused, because she is stranger for him, then why she is calling him.

Before he could react one girl passes him and went to that girl, and hug her, " what lucky again you are late.." his hand squeeze in a fist, " you had already snatched my everything and now my nickname too..I hate you miss. Gadodia.." the girl was ragini, he left from there in anger not before giving a one last hateful glare to her...ragini suddenly felt someone cold eyes on her and shiver down her spine, she look above but found no one..

In evening after completing college ragini drive her car for going home. Usually she goes with her friends but today because of the detention she got late... that insult when infront of whole class he gave her detention is still hurting her, she pout.. on the way to home suddenly two van block her car and some men wearing black mask with metal rode came out..

The wish which was not supposed to be fulfilled ( completed )Where stories live. Discover now