HIS EYES ON YOU *smut warning*

By mydarkeyed

286K 4.7K 5.6K

~ OT7 SMUT FIC ~ You have been best friends with Mark since high school. Once he joined GOT7 and became famou... More

Plump Lips
Lollipops & Kisses
Wet (smut)
Spanking & Beer
Drunken Cuddles
Hot Breakfast (smut)
Expensive Boys
Kinky Jr.
Steamy Showers (smut *dom/sub*)
Wake Up Call
The Favor (smut *bdsm*)
Coffee & Interruptions
The Club Grind
Camera Shots (smut *threesome*)
Two Promises
Awkward Massages
Unexpected Guests
Cookies with Daddy (smut *spanking*)
Asking for Trouble (smut)
Bail Out & Dancing
Your Best Best Friend
Jackson's Surprise
Q & A Responses
Just Leader Things
Missions Impossible
Baby Boy (smut *dom/sub switch*)
Splash Zone
Bed Time
Sugar and Spice (smut *overstimulation*) PART ONE
Sugar and Spice (smut *overstimulation*) PART TWO
Cocktail Hour (smut *toy in public*)
Dinner Time (smut *semi-public*)
Jelly Bean
The Hangover
The Hangover Part II

Marky Mark Say What

5.8K 97 253
By mydarkeyed


(btw this chapter has a lot of dialogue bc I needed more character development lol) 



You got dressed in leggings and a slightly oversized T-shirt. You put your hair back into a bun for now and made a mental note to shower later. The memories of the events last night are floating around in your head. You met half of JYP Entertainment last night and drank a shit ton. You feel a little light-headed, but you likely just need some water. You leave your room and grip the railing as you slowly walk downstairs. You wonder if Jinyoung is still here or if he left. You are kind of hoping that he left because he may still be mad at you from before. However, that whole thing that happened this morning between him and BamBam still does not make much sense to you. Jinyoung knows that you are sleeping with quite a few members of Got7, so why did he get so angry? He literally had a threesome with you and Jackson! How could he get so mad that you had sex with BamBam? You have no idea why he acted that way, but you suppose maybe you can have a talk with him later.

You yawn as you enter the kitchen where Mark is sitting at the table with a cup of coffee. There is no sign of Jinyoung, to which you are a bit relieved. You pull out a chair and sit next to Mark, who is preoccupied on his phone.

"Whatcha doing?" You asked.

"Business things," he replied shortly.

Without looking up from his phone, he reached out to grab the mug of coffee and slid it over to you. You grinned and took the cup eagerly with both hands.

"Cream and sugar?" you asked.

"Of course," he replied.

You hummed contently as you brought the cup to your lips. You took a fairly large gulp of the coffee, knowing that it would burn a bit. You need to wake yourself up a bit, after all, it is afternoon already.

"By the way," you began, "I know I already said it, but thank you for everything."

"You don't have to keep thanking me," Mark chuckled.

"I want to!" You replied, "If I had the money, I'd buy you a giant 'Thank You' fruit basket or some shit like that."

"...A fruit basket?"

"Or maybe a muffin basket?"

Mark chuckled.

"Look, Y/N, if things were reversed and I was kicked out of where I live, I know you would do the exact same for me," Mark said, sliding his phone into his pocket.

"Yeah, we'd both be squished into my tiny apartment, and one of us would be sleeping on that uncomfortable couch," you said, taking another sip of coffee.

"I think we both know you'd be sleeping on that couch."

You giggled. "You're probably right."

You both sat in silence for a few moments as you drank the rest of your coffee.

"So, what 'business things' were you doing on your phone?" you asked finally.

"Well... I don't want to tell you yet..." Mark said, the corner of his mouth curling up a bit.

"Wha- Why not?!" You asked, a little offended.

"First of all, I'm really excited about it and I want it to be a surprise. Second of all, the other guys don't even know about it yet, so I don't want you to say anything."

"I won't say anything! Tell me!!!!"

"Y/N, you suck at keeping secrets! No way!"

You would have to disagree with that statement completely, but you keep that to yourself.

"Maaarrrkkk," you pouted, "Tell me pleasseeee."

"You will find out when everyone else does," he said, getting up from his chair.

"And when is that going to be?"

"Tonight at dinner."


Mark nodded as he took your, now empty, coffee mug and put it in the sink.

"Do you enjoy springing things on me all the time?" you asked him.

"Actually yes," he said, "I love surprising you because you get all happy afterward. You're like a puppy or something."

"Thanks? I think?" You laughed a little.

"Well, I have to go to JYP for a bit to finalize some things. I'll come back to pick you up before dinner around like..." Mark thought for a moment, "...8:00?"

"Sounds good," You replied, standing up.

"Cool," Mark was about to walk away, but he turned back around, "Oh, and don't forget about tomorrow!"

Tomorrow? What's tomorrow? You wracked your brain trying to remember what in the hell he could be talking about.

"Oh yeah! Tomorrow!" You exclaimed.

"You forgot, didn't you?" Mark crossed his arms and shook his head disapprovingly.

You frowned and nodded. Mark chuckled and came a little closer to you.

"Ohh, Y/N," Mark cupped your cheeks in his hands, "What am I gonna do with you?"

"You're gonna love me forever, right?" you asked, pouting a bit.

Mark squeezed your cheeks together, making you giggle. "Of course."

You hugged Mark tightly. He hugged you back instantly, as usual, but you don't really feel like letting go. You kind of just want to stay here, like this for a little bit.

"Do you promise?" You whispered against his shoulder.


"Do you promise?" you said a little louder.

"Promise to love you forever?" he asked, a little taken aback.

You nodded, and he only hugged you tighter.

"Aw, Y/N," he rubbed your back soothingly, "Yes. Of course. I promise."

You knew this would be his response, but you just had to hear it. With everything going on in your life, you had to be reminded of the one person you can always count on. You two remained like this for a few more seconds.

"Hey," Mark broke the hug to take a look at your face, "Are you alright?"

You gave him a soft smile. "When I'm with you, always."

Mark smiled at you and hugged you again, only shorter this time.

"So, about the thing that's tomorrow that you FORGOT ABOUT..." Mark reminded.

"Oh shit, yeah, sorry," You murmured, scratching your head.

"The concert. The Got7 concert that you said you wanted to come to...?"


Mark chuckled. "Well, it's tomorrow. You have VIP and stuff so you have to come a little early if you want to see us backstage."

"Ooooh, I'm excited."

"Oh, and also, I don't want you coming all by yourself. Maybe you should bring your friend."

You cocked your head to the side, a little confused.

"Your coworker friend. I think her name is Hyunah? She was at the party last night," Mark continued.

"Oh my god, yes, Hyunah!" You remembered, "Sorry, I'm definitely more hungover than I thought."

Mark chuckled. "Well, you can invite her if you want. She seemed pretty cool."

You nodded. 

"Alright, I have to go now. I'll see you tonight, okay?" Mark said, grabbing his keys. 

"Okie Dokie."

With that, Mark left. You marched back upstairs to text Hyunah about tomorrow and saw a ton of missed calls from her. Whoops. She probably wanted to check on you after leaving last night. You called her back, but it went to voicemail. You decided to leave a little message.

"Hey, Hyunah! It's me. I'm alive, haha. I hope you got home alright last night. I'm just calling to see if you want to come with me to the Got7 show tomorrow. Sorry that it's so last minute, I kind of forgot about it. Text me and let me know if you want to come! Byeee."

After leaving the message, you decide that there's someone else you need to call. You took a deep breath before calling him. 

"Hello?" a familiar voice answered.

"Hi Jinyoung..." you began, "I wanted to talk to you about this morning..."

He sighed a bit, "What is there to discuss?"

"Well, I wanted to know why you got so angry with me. We damn well aren't in a relationship or anything like that, so why were you so pissed to see me in bed with another guy?"

"It's not that... It's-"

"And then you called me a slut! Which is fine in the right context, y'know, but I was actually hurt by how you said it then. It's like you were disgusted with me!"

"I-I mean I kind of was disgusted..."

"What the fu-"

"Y/N, can you let me explain?"


"It's not that I was angry to see that you slept with another guy. I don't really care much about that... It was..."

"....was what?"

He signed deeply this time.

"I-I just-" he stammered, "Why did it have to be BamBam?"

You're quite confused now. He was only upset because you slept with BamBam? That makes absolutely no sense to you at all.

"W-What?" You asked, "Why does that matter...?"

"It just does. I don't want to get into it right now."

"But, you were fine with me having sex with Jackson and Yugyeom?"


"But, not BamBam?"


"I'm confused."

"Y/N, Angel, I can't get into this now. Okay?"

"...Alright. Are you still mad at me?"

"Only a little bit. It's okay though, I have a plan for later."

"But Mark is taking us all out to dinner later."

"I know."

"...So how do you have a pl-"

"Just trust me, Angel."

"O-Okay then."

"I'll see you tonight."

"See you then."

And then he hung up. Nothing he said makes any sense to you at all. What could Jinyoung possibly have against BamBam? You thought all of Got7 got along just fine, but now you aren't so sure. You sigh. What you need right now is a big glass of water and a long shower. You might also take a quick nap before dinner, but you aren't sure yet. You just want to clear your head and chill out for the day. Well, at least until dinner time.


"I'm outside."


You hung up the phone and checked your appearance in the mirror once more. You decided to wear a white blouse along with a black pencil skirt that stops above your knees. You did some winged eyeliner and red lipstick to complete the look. You slicked your hair back into a hight ponytail and added some hoop earrings. You quickly grabbed your purse and phone as you headed outside to meet Mark. 

"Lookin' good," Mark said as you entered his car. 

"Thanks," You replied, glancing at his outfit, "You look cute."

"I was going for like hot or sexy, but thanks."

You laughed a little and put on your seat belt before he drove off. 

"So how did it go at JYP?" you asked him. 

"I'll tell you later when I announce what I've been working on," he said with a grin. 

"You won't even give me a hint about what it is??"

"Hell no."


You crossed your arms and turned your body away from him, being fake mad. He just laughed. 

"Ya, you'll find out in like an hour. Chill."

You're getting super curious about it now. You have literally no idea what Mark is going to announce to everyone, and you don't know whether to be excited or scared. You sighed and opened up your phone. Surprisingly, Jinyoung texted you. 

Jinyoung: Are you and Mark on your way?

You: Yeah, we just left. 

Jinyoung: Damn. 

You: Why? 

Jinyoung: I wanted to see what you're wearing. 

You: You're going to see me in a few minutes...

Jinyoung: I know. I just wanted an excuse to get a picture of you. I bet you're wearing something sexy. 

You: Why would you assume that? 

Jinyoung: You always wear sexy things around me. 

You: Lol, you think so?

Jinyoung: Absolutely. 

You: Well, I think you purposefully look sexy around me too. 

Jinyoung: That is purely accidental. I can't help being good looking. 

You: -_-

Jinyoung: Haha! I'm joking... kind of. 

You: Are you on your way yet?

Jinyoung: Not yet. I am leaving soon though. 

You: So, how about you send me a picture instead ;)

Jinyoung: Now why would I do that?

You: Because...

Jinyoung: Because?

You: I want to see how sexy you look right now.

Jinyoung: That seems like a good reason. 

You: ;)


You: Well damn. You look hot as hell. 

Jinyoung: See you soon, Angel. x

"What are you smiling at?" Mark asked suddenly. 

You locked your phone, "What?"

"You were smiling at your phone like an idiot," Mark said, "Who was it?"

"Oh. I-It was just a meme I thought was funny."

"You had your texts open though."

"Yeah, someone sent me a meme."


"Hyunah. Damn. Why do you care?"

"I was just wondering."


You arrived at a very fancy restaurant and got out of the car. Mark handed the keys to the valet person before locking arms with you and heading inside. The place is dimly lit with candles at all of the tables. The walls have some intricate art painted on them, and everyone is dressed very nicely. You almost feel a bit underdressed. 

"This place is really nice," you murmured. 

"The food is really good too," Mark gushed as he approached the host stand, "Reservation for Tuan."

The host nodded and motioned for you both to follow him. He brought you to the very back of the restaurant, into a private room with a large table. Youngjae and Jaebum are already there, chatting with each other. 

"What's up, guys?" Mark greeted the two, sitting down at the head of the table. 

"Not much," Youngjae said, greeting the older. 

"We were just talking about you," JB said teasingly. 

"All good things, I hope," Mark chuckled. 

"Oh yeah, of course." JB laughed. 

It seems like he has already had a few drinks. He must have gotten here a bit early. 

"Hello," You greeted, more properly than Mark did. 

Jaebum looked at you and smirked. "Hello Y/N."

He stood up to greet you, which made Youngjae feel a bit awkward if he didn't do the same. You giggled lightly at him, making his cheeks a little red. Jaebum hugged you first and put his lips near your ear. 

"You look sexy, as usual, Princess," he whispered, giving your ass a slight squeeze in the process. 

"Easy tiger," You murmured against his ear. 

He winked at you before returning to his seat. Youngjae gave a much more appropriate greeting as he hugged you without whispering things to you. He pulled away and smiled at you. 

"You look really nice, Y/N," he stated. 

"Thank you," you replied, "You look nice as well."

Youngjae returned to his seat next to JB, and you decided to sit next to Mark. The server came by to take drink orders while you continued to look at the drink menu. 

"Another scotch, sir?" The waiter asked Jaebum. 

"You're drinking scotch?" You asked him. 

"Yes and yes please," he replied to both of you. 

"I'll just have water," Youngjae said, "I'm driving scotch boy home later."

"I'll have a beer," Mark said. 

The waiter looked at you, patiently awaiting a response. 

"I'll have..." you looked over the menu once more, " a 'Sex on the Beach' please."

Jaebum snorted and you shot him a dirty look. The waiter walked away to go place the drink orders. 

"What?" He asked, "That's such a girly drink."

"Why? Because it's sweet?" Mark asked. 

"Have you ever heard a guy ask for a 'Sex on the Beach'? No, because it's a girly drink." JB replied. 

"Well it's a good thing I'm a girl," you scoffed. 

"I didn't mean it like that," Jaebum relented, "I meant like, teenage girls drink it. Have you tried other drinks?" 

You shook your head, "I usually get sweet stuff all of the time." 

"How about after that drink, I'll order you one." 

"Fine, but nothing strong." 

"I think I can find one you'll like." 

Just then, Yugyeom and Jinyoung walked in. You got up to greet them both with hugs. You hugged Yugyeom first. As he pulled away, he looked you up and down and smiled. 

"Cutie," he murmured subtly as he went to go greet the others. 

You giggled, and then stopped when you saw Jinyoung. He can really dress well when he wants to. He smirked and hugged you briefly. After he pulled away, he took your hands in his. You were confused at first, but then you felt him press an item into your palm. 

"I've been wanting to do this with you for a while now," he whispered before letting go of your hands and walking over to greet the rest. 

You closed your palm and nonchalantly returned to your seat. While the others were preoccupied with chatting and sitting down, you peaked at the item Jinyoung gave you. You almost gasped, but you managed to hold it in at the last second. You looked back up and saw a grinning Jinyoung sitting across from you. You took a deep breath. Tonight is going to be pretty interesting for you.


Quick question!

Are you okay with smut that includes anal? If too many people are uncomfortable with it then I will not include it in this story. 

(This is for a much later chapter, not the one after this)


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