Something to Smile About

By Marvinlover99

80.1K 1.2K 371

Cassandra Charlotte Cat, aka Cass, is the Cheshire Cat's daughter. Cass was always a cheery, mischievous, evi... More

All About Me
In the Beginning . . .
Rotten to the Core
Saying Goodbye and Limo ride
First Meetings and Dorm room
Plan A . . . Fail!
Classes. . .*yawn*
I'm friends with. . . . A DOG!?
Magic in the Kitchen & Some Sauce in a Shoe
Did I Mention that Bennyboo loves Pixie?
Sniffles and Purring
Parents and Pictures
Defend the Kingdom!
Let's Blow This Popscile Stand
I Crown Thee King Pupper!
Something To Smile About
New Story Out Now!

A Little Too Much Catnip and An Awesome Concert

2.5K 46 8
By Marvinlover99

"I'm so excited that you'll get to meet my Dad. You'll love him, he's a real sweetheart." Smiley says helping me over a rock. We were walking around the woods before the parents day festival started.

"Judging from how nice you and your older brother are, I'll believe it." I pause, as we start down the trail.

"I wish you're Dad could've come. I'd love to meet him. He sounds really cool from the way you talk about him."

"Eh, yeah, he is a cool Dad sometimes, but most of the time he's overprotective of me."

"Aw but that's what makes it cuter! A Daddy Cat with his kitten-"

"I'm not a kitten, Smiley." I interrupt, irritated that everyone still thinks I am.

"Well, you know what I mean, father and daughter cats. It would just be an adorable picture."

"And one that would go down in my kitten book as another embarrassing picture of my life."

"C'mon Kitty, it can't be that bad."

"Yeah right," I huff, "my Dad has captured moments from almost every event ever. What's worse is that he still treats me like I'm a -" I stop as I smell a very strong scent of catnip.

"What?" Peppy asks, confused at my stopping. I dig in my purse and grab my tin of catnip. I sniff it but the smell's not coming from it.

"Do you smell that?" I ask Smiley as I place my tin back in my bag. She sniffs the air but doesn't smell it.

"No, what does it smell like?"

"Smells like catnip, but where's it coming from?"

"Probably from the opening, c'mon, I'll show you." She replies before leading to a huge feild. Whoa. . .

Evie's POV

"Be our guest.
Be our guest.

Put our service to the test.
Tie your napkin 'round your neck, Cherie,
And we'll provide the rest."

"Soup du jour,
Hot hors d'oeuvres,
Why, we only live to serve.
Try the grey stuff.
It's delicious!
Don't believe me?
Ask the dishes.

They can sing, sing sing.
They can dance dance dance.
After all, Miss, this is France,
And the dinner here is never ever second best."

"Go on, unfold your menu,
Take a glance and then you'll
Be our guest,
Oui, our guest,
Be our guest.
C'mon, yeah be our guest, guest guest." We hear Ben and his little music group sing as we step out on the balcony. I take a breath and prepare to go down with the others.

"You sure we should go to this?" I hear Carlos asks Mal.

"Gonna have to face them eventually." She says as we head back inside and down the stairs.

"We tell jokes.
I do tricks,
With my fellow candlesticks
And it's all in perfect taste
That you can bet." We hear as we make it outside and into the clearing. We head by the snack table and Mal grabs a strawberry as me and her go to watch the rest of the performance in front of the chocolate fountain.

"Come on and lift your glass.
You've won your own free pass,
To be our guest.
If you're stressed,
It's fine dining we suggest.
Be our guest.
Be our guest.
Be our guest.
Be our guest.
Be our guest." The group finishes and the crowd cheers. I take Dude from Carlos so him and Jay can indulge in the chocolate fountain before me and Mal hear our other furry friend.

"Ribbon! Pixie! Ribbon! Pixie! Ribbon! Evie! Mal! Pixie! Robin hood! Tarzan! Michael Jackson!" I turn to see Cass run up and change into human form. Omg, she looks high!

"You won't believe what me and Smiley found! It's has to be the bestest thing ever!" she blink, "Wait, no! That's a lie! The bestest thing ever is when I found out that tuna here comes out of a lake and I don't have to go catch them while they're swinging through the rock candy trees on the island of pop tarts, but it's still really big news!"

"What happened? Did you run through a feild of catnip or something?" Mal asks looking at our friend as if she'd lost her mind. Cass grabs her shoulders and gets about an inch within Mal's face.

"Did you turn psychotic overnight!?" She let's her go, "That's exactly what happened!" She then starts speeding through her words and gesturing wildly.

"It's was crazy! Me and Smiley were just walking through the woods talking about Dad stuff when I suddenly smell catnip. I check my stash. It wasn't my stash. I asked Peppy what it was. She led me to a feild of flowers and said that catnip here just grows out of the ground! I was like, 'WHAA?'. Then she said she didn't think all the flowers were catnip and so I decided to go through and make sure. So it took me like, ten minutes to sniff all 583 plants, and then go back and sniff 'em again because I didn't count the first time but to be honest, I think I've had a liiiiittle too much for today." She finishes staring blankly at us. It took a solid 20 seconds before one of us finally spoke.

"A little too much?" Mal asks for Cass to nod.

"Kitty you sniff 1,166 whiffs of catnip and you think you've had a little too much?" I say, having done the math in my head.

"In all honesty, I feel great." She smiles. We chuckle.

"Well, um, why don't you and Dude go get some milk and then you can meet up with the other kittens that you talked about yesterday."

"Sure. Can I have mine how I like my fur?"

"You mean striped?"

"Actually, I meant pink, but if they have striped, I'll be cartwheeling around the courtyard." She corrects before turning into cat form as I set Dude down. The two run off before I hear Ben calling for Mal.

"I have to go." She says before adding, "Might want to find out what counteracts catnip." I nod as she walks over to Ben. Hopefully Cass can stay out of trouble.

Dude's POV

"Man Cat, I've seen some pretty crazy things, but you smelling five hundred plants of catnip beats everything." I say as we head into the school.

"Well, ya can't beat the madness of wonderland, that's for sure. Now," she pauses as we get into the kitchen, "where's that pink milk at?"

"Should be in a jug in the fridge." I say scratching my ear. She looks at me in shock.

"You're pullin' my tail! You guys get your strawberry milk from a jug!? Back home me and my dad had to travel a 100 miles over the candy cane mountains while avoiding the flaming gumdrops being breathed at us by the horrible antlered squirrels."

"Antlered squirrels?"

"Then we had to go another 50 miles across the orange soda ocean while keeping watch for the surfing balloon spider monkey that throws electric chocolate donuts at everyone."


"Mm hm. We had to face all that just to get to the giant play-do factory on top of the toothpaste hill to see the watermelon fountain that shoots out hot chocolate change into a giant pinapple that shoots the pink milk."

"Are you for real?" I ask still trying to comprehend the first part with the flaming gumdrops shot by squirrels.

"Mm hm and it only happens on the night of the gummy bear moon, but for yours to just come in a jug?" She shakes her head. "It's just amazing!"

"Well how bout you stop yapping and get us some?" I say, shaking off the confusing wonderland stuff she was talking about. She quickly turns to human form.

"Alright, but I actually want to prepare a special surprise. You're not allergic to anything are you? Only chocolate right?"

"Right. Just chocolate."

"Alright well stand back cause I'm making us some cream a la cream a la Cat." She smiles before getting to work. I couldn't see what she was mixing but it did smell really good. She finally finished and poured it in two bowls that she then set on the ground for us.

"Smells like strawberries." I say before taking a drink. Tasted like it too.

"Well the original recipe called for white milk but I like pink because it has better color to it."

"Better color?" I ask looking at the stuff, "It's just grey to me."

"It is?" She pauses before face pawing, "Of course! You doggos are blinded of color! Ugh, well, I also use pink milk for the taste so at least you can tell that."

"Right." I say before we go back to drinking the milk. Until Berlioz came in.

"Hey, there you guys are!" He pauses as he sees our treat, "Oh, sorry if I'm interrupting snack time."

"You're fine 'Loz." I say before pushing the bowl towards him, "Cass made some special cream, but I need to be heading back to Carlos. You can have the rest." I turn to Cass, "I'll catch you later Cat, alright?"

"Seven-nine Doggo." She says for me to nod and head back outside to find Carlos.

Berlioz POV

"So what exactly is this Cass?" I ask as I sniff the cream while looking at her. Man she's really pretty today, especially with that ribbon on her.

"Oh, it's just some cream a la cream a la Cat. It's like cream a la cream a la Edgar but minus the sleeping pills and switching the white milk for pink." She explains as I take a drink.

"Mm, wow, it tastes great. You're a really good cook."

"Thanks." She pauses as she finishes off the last of her cream, "So does your family have anything special planned for today, or are we just gonna play castle some more."

"Well actually, Uncle Scat and the other alley cats are here and wanted to show you their famous song."

"Woah, woah, woah." She pauses, holding up a paw, "You mean, I get to see a live concert from the famous Alley Cat Band? Seriously?! Like all of them are here and want to show me, the mad cat from Crazy Town their famous hit song?" I nod as I finish the cream.

"Yeah, they're up in the band room now."

"Then what are we waiting for!?" She exclaims before bolting out for me to follow. Guess we can wait on cleaning up our dishes.

In the Band Room

"Are you really related to Si and Am? How'd you learn to play piano? Or read squiggles? Can you play different instruments or just your main ones? What's the best part of playing swing set music?" Cass asks, not stopping between any of her sentences.

"Woah Cass, slow it down a bit. We can't understand you." Toulouse says for Cass to take a breath.

"Sorry, I'm just a colossally huge ceiling fan and have so many questions." She smiles at Uncle Scat.

"Well little lady, let me elucidate ya." Uncle Scat starts for Cass to have a smile that could brighten up the whole world.

"Everybody wants to be a cat. Because a cat's the only cat, who knows where it's at."

"Tell me. Everybody's pickin' up on that feline beat." I join in as I walk up to Cass, "Cause everything else is obsolete."

"Strictly high button shoes." Marie says jumping down from the piano seat.

"A square with a horn, makes you wish you weren't born, every time he plays," Toulouse pauses before we make our tails into a square, "But with a square in the act you can set music back, to the cave man days Cha cha ba dum bo day."

"I've heard some corny birds that have tried to sing." Dad starts for Momma to join in.

"Still, a cat's the only cat who knows how to swing, Darling." She sings pointing to Uncle Billy Bass.

"Who wants to dig a long haired gig or stuff like that?

"When every body wants to be a cat?" Toulouse and Marie sing as I play a few notes on the piano with Cass sitting on the seat. "A square with a horn makes you wish you weren't born every time he plays."

"Oh a rinky tinky tinky," Marie adds.

"Cause with a square in the act, you can set music back to the caveman days." The two sing before Cass jumps in.

"Oh a rinky tinky tinky. Everybody wants to be a cat, because a cat's the only cat. who knows where its at. When playin' jazz you always have a welcome mat. Cause everybody wants to be a cat." The three sing as my Uncles start joining in the music and picking up the pace while they're at it.

"C'mon fellas! Let's rock this joint!" Uncle Shun Gon says.

"Groovy cats groovy!" Uncle Bill adds as I start playing my solo. I look to see Cass smiling at me.

"Wanna join me? If you can keep up that is."

"Way ahead of you Berlioz." She smiles as I look to see four cat paws were playing along with me.

"Ha, well played Cass," I jump down. "Now how bout you and me? Leave the piano to the big cats?"

"Sure thing 'Loz. Let's swing it!" She smiles as we jump onto the floor and start dancing beside Momma and Dad.

"Groovy Son, Groovy!" Dad smiles at me before I hear Uncle Scat talking to Toulouse.

"Blow it small fry, blow it." He says holding down his trumpet. Toulouse blows into it only for it not to sound right.

"Well, he blew it." Cass giggles as we keep dancing. Man, her laugh is really cute. Hey, where'd she go? I then hear the harp start playing and the music slows. I look over and see her playing the giant string instrument.

"If you want to turn me on. Play your horn, don't spare the tone, and blow a little soul into the tune." She sings for Uncle Scat to blow a soft harmony as I walk over to her.

"Let's take it to another key."

"Modulate, wait for me." My brother sings, "I'll take a few ad-libs and pretty soon. . . "

"The other cats will all commence, congregating on the fence." Marie adds.

"Beneath the alley's only light." I start.

"Where every note is out of sight." She finishes before our Uncles pick the music back up.

"Everybody! Everybody! Everybody, wants to be a cat! Hallelujah! 

Everybody! Everybody! Everybody, wants to be a cat! I'm tellin' you!

Everybody! Everybody! Everybody, wants to be a cat! Yeah!

Everybody! Everybody! Everybody, wants to be a cat! Mmmm!

Everybody! Everybody! Everybody, wants to be a cat! Hallelujah!

Everybody! Everybody! Everybody, wants to be a cat! Meow!"

"Woo Hoo! I love that song! Thanks for playing it!" Cass cheers as our Uncles catch their breath. They aren't as young as they used to be.

"No problem little lady. If you ever just wanna jam, give us a call." Uncle Scat smiles before him and the other alley cats have to go. Cass turns to us.

"Seriously though, that was awesome. You are so lucky to have them as family."

"Yeah, but your family's probably really cool too." I say for her to sigh.

"Eh, not really. Back home it's mainly just me and my Dad. We're really the only alley cats in our county of Wonderland and also on the isle." She admits.

"Well, what's wrong with that? I bet it made you the toughest cat there is. Maybe even tough enough to take me." Toulouse pauses jumping off the drum set, "Mrow! FTT FTT  FTT! Mrow! FTT FTT FTT! Mrow!"

"Alright Tiger, take it easy on the girl." Dad says as Cass laughs.

"Well I wouldn't say I was the toughest but I can get pretty feisty sometime." She smiles, "Mrow! FTT FTT FTT! Mrow!" We laugh. Wow, she's cute and feisty, perfect combination.

"Speaking of feisty." Mother starts, "It has been a while since we have seen Dude."

"Don't worry Mrs. Duchess. I can go find him. I kinda do need to be checking in with my other friends anyway." Cass says before biding us farewell for now. Wow . . . What a cat. . .

Will Berlioz admit his feelings to Cass? What will happen when Cass finds the others? Will Cass run into some trouble before she finds her friends? Stay tuned in my cats!

Oh and sorry for not posting in a while. My phone is messed up, again so hopefully we can get it fixed soon.

Also I did hear of what happened to the beloved Cameron Boyce and my heart still weeps the loss. He was an inspiration to millions, a good friend to many, and a brother figure to others. My heart goes out to those mourning still.

Rest in Peace Cameron. Rest in Peace. . .

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