Fragments 1: One Piece X Pira...

By thanatos324

165K 3.5K 926

Story Details inside. Mature Story be Warned! More

Important Story Details/Character Bio 1
Chapter 1: The Genius and The Fighter
Chapter 2: The Assassin and The Princess
Chapter 3: The Assassin, The Princess, and A "Failure"
Chapter 4: We'll Meet Again
Chapter 5: Thread of Fate; Farewell to the Assassin
Additional Story Details/Character Bio 2
Chapter 6: The Sweet Commander's "Tutelage"
EX 1 A: Pudding
Chapter 7: Shakky's Rip Off Bar
Chapter 8: Let's Destroy the World
Chapter 9: Avoid the eye's of the Marines
Chapter 10: Incoming from an unknown archer!
Leviathan Crew
Chapter 11: A New Adventure
Chapter 12: The Tartarus
Chapter 13: Escaping the Triangle
Chapter 14: Water 7
Chapter 15: A night of fun!
Chapter 16: Danger Approaching
Chapter 17: Two Demons Clash, the battle against time begins
Chapter 18: Kuzunoha and Abe
Chapter 19: The Battle between Demons Conclude
Ex 2: Valentine Special
Chapter 20: Getting Ready for Hell
Leviathan Crew
Chapter 21: Letter from the World Government
Chapter 22: The Two "Super Rookies"
Chapter 23: Family
Chapter 24: To the New World
Chapter 25: Fish-Man Island
Chapter 26: Fury of the Leviathan
Chapter 27: Madam Shyarly
Chapter 28: Vivre Card
Chapter 29: Leaders of the Next Generation
Ex 3: A Normal Day On The Tartarus
Chapter 30: Party Preparations Begin
F/n Current Major Devil Fruit Abilities
Chapter 31: Fire-Fist Ace Vs Demonic Kitsune F/n
Chapter 32: Promise between Rivals
Chapter 33: Demons
Chapter 34: Ripple in the Underworld
Chapter 35: Pudding's New Friend
Chapter 36: Unwavering Feelings
Chapter 37: Welcome Home
Chapter 38: A Stranger's Memory
Chapter 39: Last Night
Chapter 40: Unseen Trouble
Chapter 42: The Scars that can't be seen
Ex 4: Foreign Substance
Side Material Data Book 1: Y/n
Chapter 43: Honeymoon
Chapter 44: A Bright Spark
Y/n Timeline Recap notes
Chapter 45: Red
Chapter 46: A Silent Demon
Chapter 47: End Of the Journey
Chapter 48: Eram Quod Es, Eris Quod Sum Finale Part 1
A/n note to be deleted Upon Vol 1 completion
Chapter 49: Eram Quod Es, Eris Quod Sum Finale Part 2
Epilogue: The King of Fire and Queen of the Sky

Chapter 41: Two becomes One

1.1K 35 15
By thanatos324

                                            (Rooftop Whole Cake Chateau)(No-ones Pov)

    A trio of musician Bears wearing black dress suits, played their instrument the large homies "animals" being used to draw attention with their music to introduce the arrival of the soon to be married couple. Standing off to the side near the Vip table carrying a small blue transponder snail was a male wearing a top hat with half of a mask that resembled a jester's face, coughing into the receiver to draw the attention of the guest, his voice rang throughout each of the speakers the Transponder snail was connected to on the rooftop.

Announcer: Now then! Ladies and Gentlemen! Friends and guest! Big Mom is proud to present to you all the Main Event of her Tea Party.

The crowds of guest sitting at each of the table began clapping when a Giant cake came out from the Ground, on the very top of the cake was a wedding altar with a old male priest wearing silver and white robes waiting on it.

Announcer: Today we present you the wedding of the 14th daughter of the Charlotte Family and One of the Sweet Commanders of the Big Mom Pirates, the Minister of Juice: Charlotte Smoothie! And The Man who has made a huge name for himself since appearing over a year ago after word spread of him Killing a Celestial Dragon, He is the Captain of the Leviathan Pirates and became a newly crowned Emperor of the Underworld after killing the previous loan shark king Du Feld and taking his place: The Demonic Kitsune Y/n! A Fearsome Couple Duo will be united as one in Marriage! Let us hear a round of Applauds!

Each table clapped and cheered loudly, when black and pink confetti came raining down from the sky, looking up towards the sky was a large floating fluffy looking white cloud wearing a hat carrying a large Tea cup standing on the very top of it for all guest to see was the couple. Smoothie wearing a long white wedding dress that sparkled in the sun's light, covering her face with a matching white see through veil, and next to her stood Y/n wearing his black wedding suit, the guest staring at him slightly let down to see he was wearing the same mask that was shown on his wanted poster.

                                                                         (Crew's location)

   Kuan: HaaHaaHaa well what did they expect from him, my partner isn't dumb enough to go  around showing his face to just anyone, without trying to hide his identity.

Kuan smiled watching as the giant cloud carrying the couple toward the cake floated by their table.

Kuan: Partner! you look stiff in all of that fancy clothing! it doesn't SUIT you at all! HaaHaahaa ouch!

A spark of electricity ran through the panda mink's body making her jump out of her seat and into the air, drawing the attention of those in the tables next to them. Looking up towards Y/n his fingers was pointed like a gun at Kuan.

Kuan: HaaHaaHaa I think he heard me!!!

Ebisu: Hahaha of course he did it's not like you were being quiet. 

Sachi: It's amazing though isn't it? To be a-able to s-share this moment with our Captain.

Boudica looked up at the sky noticing Smoothie stealthily punch Y/n in the arm forcing him to lower it and return it to a normal position of waving at the guest with her.

Boudica: even today he acts like such a troublemaker.....

???: Munch Munch Munch

Pudding watched the male with black hair and freckles on his face shoving food into his mouth, even while he looked up at the couple.

Pudding: really why would Y/n even invite someone like you......

???: That's rude little's because the two of us our Friends after our battle. Besides a fight is the only way two men can understand each other by beating the hell out of the other until one remains standing

Kuan: Even though you lost? Fire-Fist HaaHaaHaa

Ace choked on the food that was in his mouth caught off guard by her words.

Ace: More like a tie.....

Ebisu stared at the grilled fish stacked in the pile of food inching his hand towards it, licking his lips.

Sachi: b-but I could've swore t-the captain s-said you lost

Ace: it was a tie, I wouldn't lose to him....

Kuan: even though you passed out first?

Ace: ....................................................MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH

Boudica: ...................I see now I understand why Y/n formed such a strange connection, the two of you are very similar.

Pudding:  ......I agree the two of them are both idiots, fighting to understand each other doesn't even make sense.

                                                            (Smoothie/ Y/n's Location)

    Y/n chuckled under his mask feeling a slight pain on his arm while waving at the guest down below, sparks of (F/c) neon electricity shooting out of his hair, listening to the conversation taking place below with his crew.

Y/n: he came. That's a relief I thought I would be surrounded by nothing but enemies or boring people.

Smoothie placed a hand on Y/n's shoulder.

Smoothie: How are you feeling?

Y/n: I'm feeling great Smoothie,....why? could it be that your actually feeling nervous? I don't blame you. Just think about it soon you'll have to kiss me in-front of all these people. I know how embarrass you get showing affection in public.

Smoothie: That's not true at all.....

Y/n: Sure it isn't, here....

Y/n held out his hand toward Smoothie, the tall female looking at it wondering why he was offering his hand to her.

Y/n: Just take it......There's no deep meaning to it all, but maybe it will make you feel a bit better.

Smoothie took Y/n hand intertwining her fingers with his enjoying the warm feeling that came with it. The large cloud homie approached the front of the wedding cake altar, Smoothie tightly holding onto Y/n's hands as they stepped out of the tea cup and onto the solid top portion of the large cake towering over the guest.

                                                                       (Vip Location)

    Big Mom licked her lips counting down the moments until the wedding was over and she could dig into the large cake, watching as Y/n and her daughter stepped out of the large tea cup and walked onto the top of the cake standing across from each other in-front of the priest.

Stussy: Such a beautiful wedding, the color of the cake even matches with your daughter's wedding dress Linlin, but to think you would marry off one of your commanders to a pirate that just showed up.

Big Mom: Mamamama, that troublemaker has always had a way of sweet talking himself into what he wants.

The blonde hair female put a hand her cheek, trying to draw as much information out of the large emperor as she could.

Stussy: whatever do you mean?

Big Mom: I had plans of bringing his crew under my rule and with just a few words he changed all of that in a way that benefited himself while pretending it was for my sake.

Stussy: and you just let him get away with it?

Big Mom: Mamamama for's better to have him on my side as an ally then waste precious resources to crush him and his crew.

Stussy: Is that so, I would love to get the chance to speak to him and perhaps even make an alliance that could benefit myself and him.

Stussy glared at the male standing at the altar, thinking about how much trouble he caused after killing a world noble and the effort it required from CP0 to suppress the information from reaching the public eye, and somehow it still leaked through the underworld. 

Morgans: This wedding is going to be Big News! Readers from across the seas will be shocked to learn about an alliance being solidified through the Big Mom Pirates and the Leviathan Pirates! I wonder what the World Government is going to do once they find out about it.

Big Mom: They won't make a move against us just yet, in order to keep the balance between Us Pirates and them. They'll wait and plan out how to deal with him.

The giant Bird man switched between snapping pictures and rapidly taking notes of the conversation.

Drug Peclo: Even so it would be wise to be careful, around the type that kills without second thought. Men like that Demonic Kitsune tend to be more dangerous when they think there's nothing to lose and don't understand the concept of fear.

Big Mom face twisted into a large sinister smile staring at the large man wearing a brown jacket with the number 495 on it, then looked at her daughter.

Big Mom: that's probably what he think at the moment, but if Y/n isn't careful. Happiness can be snatched away from him just as easily as it was given.

                                                                (Y/n's/Smoothie Location)

   Smoothie used her hands to fan herself, feeling the air in the area growing intense with heat, looking over at Y/n the source of the heat coming from his direction. She saw the eyes of the mask he was wearing staring below towards the direction of the guest, sparks of (f/c) neon electricity rapidly shooting out of his hair.

Smoothie: It's okay Y/n calm down....

Y/n: Sorry I just heard something that pissed me off.........i'll ignore it for now.....I don't want to ruin our day.

Priest: Ahem!!

The large elderly priest stepped in closer facing down towards the crowd below, his voice spoke in a loud tone silencing everyone who was watching. Smoothie and Y/n stood face to face across from each other, the tall woman looking down with red blushing cheeks when she felt both her hands being held with a gentle squeeze. The eyes of the Kitsune mask Smoothie gave Y/n when he became a pirate staring up towards the large blue eyes he fell in love with when he first arrived on Whole Cake Island as a teen.

Priest: Family, Friends, Allies, we are gathered here today to bear witness to the union of Charlotte Smoothie, and Y/n.......

Y/n: .........L/n

A few gasp could be heard coming from below, for most it was the first time they heard the last name of the Captain of the Leviathan Pirates, and for those like Stussy and Morgans the knowledge that came with his name. Morgans made note to remember that important detail and how Y/n could be the son of the famous inventor that worked under Doctor Vegapunk.

Y/n: ..............................

Smoothie felt Y/n hand slightly shake, giving it a small squeeze and rubbing her fingers against his skin to calm him down.

Smoothie:'s okay

Priest: Y/n, do you take Smoothie to be your wife? Do you promise to be faithful to her in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love her and to honor her for the rest of your life.

Y/n: Of Course

Y/n answered the priest without hesitating, with a caring voice coming from out of the mask.

Priest: Smoothie, do you take Y/n to be your Husband? Do you promise to be faithful to him in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love him and to honor him for the rest of your life.

Smoothie: I do.

Smoothie smirked trying to hold back the tears building up in her eyes.

Priest: The two have declared their consent to be married in-front of everyone here today, If anyone wishes to object let them speak now.

The area and people stayed silent any who thought about making any type of sound knowing it was a bad idea.

Priest: the rings?

Y/n: ...oh! Yeah! I have them!

Y/n let go of both of Smoothie's hands digging around the pocket of his pants and pulling out a small red velvet box. Opening the box upside down over his free hand two rings dropping out of it. The two rings sharing a similar skull design with diamonds all around them. Y/n handed Smoothie the ring that she was supposed to put on his finger and kept the one meant to be put on her finger.

Y/n: .........Fufuhahaha I know it's probably looks pretty lame but,....I guess even if I deny...

The mask he was wearing looked down at the ring in his hand finger touching the skulls on it.

Y/n: I would've never met you if it wasn't for that side of me, so in a way i'm very thankful to it. So i'll get rid of the negative image that skull mask brings to me by replacing it with two happy memories the day I first fell in love with you and the day I married you.

Smoothie heard a slight change in the tone of Y/n's voice it getting lower, but it was quickly replace with his normal tone when he talked happily to her. Holding her left hand Y/n placed the ring on the finger next to her little one.

Y/n: ..........I Love You Smoothie, and even if it take me a long time i'll free you from your past the same way you did for me. This ring I give to you is a symbol of my love for you and that promise.

Y/n spoke in a soft gentle tone just loud enough for only Smoothie to hear, looking up towards Smoothie watching the tears starting to pour down the side of her eyes, the voice coming out of her mouth cracking as she failed to hold back the tears.

Smoothie: ......Y/n....i don't think words can express my feelings for you...i remember....that idiot teen who once fought with my brothers just to prove how much he loved matter how bloody and broken his body after day.........i kept hidden watching over you just waiting for you to give pained me to see you hurt...but you never did.....just knowing the hell you put your body through just for me.....made my heart pound with happiness like never before......with you I experienced so many first....our first kiss.....our first date......and so many emotions I thought wasn't possible....I promise I will never let you face this cruel world alone ever again....until my last breath.....i'll always love you Y/n

Kneeling down to his level, Smoothie felt a hand wiping away the tears coming from her eyes.

Y/n: ..................

Taking Y/n's left hand, she placed the ring on the one next to his little finger. When she did a warm feeling entered her body the source of it coming from the ring she was wearing.

Smoothie: .....................?

Y/n let out a small chuckle at the confused look coming from Smoothie.

Y/n: Consider it a special invention from the greatest inventor in the's not complete just yet....but for now as long as you and I wear our rings no matter how far apart we'll know i'm okay....since I know how much you worry...

Smoothie let out a soft chuckle nodding her head at his words. The priest raised both hands in the air ready to finish the Wedding Ceremony.

Priest: Smoothie and Y/n when you came here today, the two of you entered as individuals but will leave as Husband and Wife, creating a fearsome family. The story of your life together is still yours to write, and this is but just one of many big moments in an even greater story waiting to be written by what happens next. Everyone for the First Time ever I present to you Y/n and Smoothie L/n.   Y/n you may now kiss the bride.

Y/n looked around the area then back at Smoothie, giving her a brief nod. The sky above the roof darkening in color as multiple large Pillars of flame and dark purple electricity surrounded the couple blocking the priest and those below from seeing them.

Y/n: ..........................

Reaching over and taking off his Kitsune mask, Smoothie stared with a loving gaze into his (E/c) eye and Red/Black eye, with him staring back into Smoothie's blue eyes wiping away the remaining tears from her face. The Husband and Wife leaned forward pressing their lips against each other with their eyes closed enjoying the intimate moment that signaled the start of their life together. 

                                                                (Narrator Pov)

   "A Love if strong enough can conquer even time two lovers destined to meet...will always meet, lifetime after lifetime they will always end up falling in love and enjoying those moments of happiness no matter how brief or long it may be. For Y/n and Smoothie i'm sure they would consider their wedding such a moment, a moment that if the two could stay in they would never leave.............."

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