Short Stories...

Від ScaryFree1983

269 20 14

My first series of short stories dedicated to my best friend mskeiya who encouraged me to finally get on this... Більше

My Sister's Keeper
The Twin that wasn't
The Self Portrait
A long list of victims....
Lucky number 7
Musical Chairs...
Deadly Fetish.....(warning, violent sexual content)
The Beautiful Garden
Community Service
A Good Little Girl

Bitches and Dragons

74 3 4
Від ScaryFree1983

She ran her fingers across the invitation left in her mailbox. She couldn't hold back the excitement. It was in a black envelope and her name was written in a lovely metallic gold script. Serena. She hastily opened it and pulled out a metallic gold cardstock and read the words:

                          Dragon's Den

As Serena sat and twirled a strand of her fire red curls around her finger, she smiled coyly at the thought that she had just recieved an invite to one of the most exclusive and elite underground establishments in Atlanta. She couldn't wait to tell her friends about her invite. She called them all to meet up at her apartment and assist her in getting for her big night.

Later that night....

Serena sat in front of her vanity mirror mulling over the perfect shade of red for her lips while her 3 best friends Megan, Shiela, and Patrice offered their opinions.
"I love the Cherry Red" said Megan as she tucked her short dark behind her ear and adjusted her glasses. "Of course you do" Serena said sarcastically while rolling her eyes. "As a virgin you would love anything that has to do with cherries"  Megan dropped her head and went silent, every chance Serena got, she brought up the fact that Megan was a 23 year old virgin.
"So the red dress over the black huh?" Patrice questioned in regards to Serena's choice of dress. "Well I know why you would go with the black black dress, but being that I'm a size 4, I'm not worried about what color makes me appear the thinnest" Patrice fell silent. She was actually a sexy size 10, curvy in all the right places, but the consistent jabs from little miss perfect size 4 had taken its toll on her confidence over the years. "So what do you even know about this Dragon's Den place? How did you even get an invite? Do you even know anyone whose a member?" Shiela inquired curiously.  " I know that it's one of the most elite spots in the entire world, and you definitely have to be of great importance to be invited in. Why do you sound so pressed about it? You sound like you're just jealous that you didn't get an invite" Serena said with a giggle " "don't worry hun at some point that brain of yours will get you  somewhere, some of us just don't have to rely on smarts to get far in the world of elite" she said while shrugging her shoulders.
After Serena's friends departed and she put the final touches on her ensemble,  she stood and gave herself one last look over.  She wore a silky red spaghetti strapped low back dress with a high split up the thigh. She accessorized with a pair of gold strappy sandals and gold hoops. She wore her red hair in an upswept single braid. She finished the look with a popping crimson red lip.
As she approached the front of her buckhead apartment building,  she noticed a sleek, black town car waiting curbside with a handsome young driver.  "Serena Charles" he said. " that would be Moi", she said seductively as she slid into the town car.
The car pulled into an alley and in front of a door you could easily miss if you weren't looking. The driver assisted her getting out of the car and escorted her to the door. The guard who opened the door was young and handsome as well. "Welcome to the Dragon's  Den Miss Charles " he said with a smile. He proceeded to lead her into the club and she was in awe, everyone within view was young and beautiful, men and women both. The ambiance of the club was dim yet alluring, black sheer drapes hung intricately from the ceiling and vintage Victorian style couches decorated the floors. Something about the vibe here seemed old and ancient but captivating. A woman approached her and stared her up an down with what seemed like intrigue, the woman, Serena had to admit was drop dead gorgeous.  She had short curly black hair, blue eyes, and full lips, her figure was perfection and she had not a flaw in site. She wore a gold mini tassle dress with straps that crossed in the back and it gave her a great Gatsby vibe. She handed Serena a shot. "Come with me" she said in a voice as soft as velvet. Serena followed her without question, as she downed the shot. She was led to a room towards the back of the club and could barely hold in her excitement.  Once in the room she noticed a rectangular table with 6 cloaked figures already seated, 3 on each side leaving the top seat and the seat at the foot open. The mystery woman took a seat at the head and Serena took her seat at the bottom.
The woman spoke for the first time since entering the room. " My name is Elena, the founder of the the Dragon's Den. Do you know why you are here tonight?"
Serena confidently responded "I believe because I meet the requirements to be a member of this organization" she said with a smirk. " oh you indeed meet certain....requirements " Elena said. "You see the Dragon's Den isn't just a clever club name, it's sooooo much more than that. You see our members aren't "chosen" per say. They are bred, and born, but we need a bit of help with that." Serena began to look confused. The cloaked figures sat quietly.  "I'm not sure I understand,  you need help with what? " Serena asked. "Well we are a Den of Talisi Dragons. A rare dying breed you see." Serena couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Ok you have totally lost me here, I'm still not following this dragon story of yours" Elena smiled " I understand,  this may be a bit of a shock to you but soon you will understand,  but first let me introduce to you some of our born and bred members." The hooded figures removed their hoods and Serena couldn't believe her eyes on one side of the table sat 3 devilishly handsome men she'd never seen in her life but on the other side sat Megan, Sheila,  and Patrice, her 3 best friends. Serena's mouth dropped open. "How is this possible? What the fuck is going on here?!" Sheila smiled "Why so shocked?" Serena was at a loss for words. Elena spoke once more "I know this is a lot to process but let me spell it out for you in the simplest way possible.  " Talisi Dragons are dying breed because don't reproduce like the average creature. Female Talisi Dragons are barren so the Male Talisi Dragon's need to breed with a human female in order to reproduce. Every year we select about a dozen or so beautiful young creatures like yourself for our Males to breed with." "Breed with?!" Do I look like a fucking dog or something ?!" Serena couldn't believe what she was hearing. "You are on some sick bullshit lady! This has to be a fucking joke and let me guess, you 3 bitches are the ones behind it right?!" She slid her seat back and attempted to get up to leave the table but at that moment everyone at the table jumped up and the most terrifying thing that Serena had ever seen took place right before her eyes. They all began to shift form, their skin became blue and scaly and their eyes glittered with gold specks, and they slithered snakelike tongues.  They grew talons in place of their fingers. It was majestic and terrifying all at the same time. Serena was frozen in her tracks.  " why?" Serena said with a hint of fear in her voice. "Why me?" Elena spoke "you were chosen my dear, by my 3 little Dragons here. See every year they bring me the cream of the crop of beautiful,  self centered, evil little bitches like yourself. Girls like you make the best hosts for our little dragon babies. The babies will not only draw strength from your body physically but psychologically as well. " Serena's eyes widened  " so you think I'm about to just be okay with being a surrogate mother for some hideous dragon creature?! And I suppose you want me to raise the little beasts as well?" Elena let out a cackle " oh no my dear you completely misunderstand your role here. You are not simply a surrogate,  you are far more important than that." Serena noticed everyone was closing in around her and she started to shake with fear. "Surrogates are simply a means for a baby to enter this world and provide a simple "temporary housing" for the little one. You will be more of a....a host. The biggest difference between you and a surrogate is that the surrogate....well.....lives. our precious dragon babies are going to grown inside of you and then feast on you from the inside out. I'm afraid you wont survive to see the little darling be born, let alone raise it." Serena stumbled back a bit "No! You can't!" Her body started to feel heavy and everything was going dark, she struggled to stay awake and she remembered the shot she was given upon arrival.  She realized she was doomed from the moment she opened her invitation. As she slipped into unconsciousness she thought to herself,  " If only I weren't such a bitch" Then everything went black.

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