Shadow Light

By AlessandraxAlex

39 6 0

Astrid Shadows is the only Light wolf in the Shadow Light pack, bound to the future Alpha of her pack she nev... More

Shadows and Stone
Hidden Shadows and Stonewalling
Two Stones and One Shadow
Disguised Shadows and Alpha Stone
The Shadow Among Stones

The Harmony of Light and Shadow

5 1 0
By AlessandraxAlex

I steeled my resolve by the time Phoenix came outside, how long ago did we fight? It felt so long as I was consumed in my thoughts the entire time I was out here. I didn't turn to look at him as he approached me from behind me, the anger had simmered down. We can never understand each other as long as there was this threat hanging over us, knowing this the solution is clear.

"Astrid-" He began.

I cut him off, "I'll be back Phoenix, please forgive me." I dared to glance at him over my shoulder before shifting and taking off. The memory of his voice would forever be burned in the back of my mind, as well as him yelling out my name. If he tried to pursue me or tell his border patrol to stop me, it was too late. My speed was unmatched by any living being, the last vestiges of magic granted to the wolves of light in me allowed me to travel at the speed of light.

My heart started aching as it always did when I left Phoenix, after being so close to him for so long the ache was enough to slow me down. I grunted in annoyance and continued pushing myself, Shadow Light was a considerable distance when running in wolf form. Driving would have been easier if I had the luxury, but this was a stealth mission on both sides. If I didn't have my gift it would probably take me a week to reach there, but with the combination of my speed and determination I could probably reach there by noon tomorrow. My body will pay the price for it, but I learned to break down my mental barrier long ago. There was no such thing as "at my limit".

I pass through territories unseen, like a ghost. A trick of the eye, with my silver fur reflecting light. The scenery blended together, broken only by where highways divided nature. The closer I got to Shadow Light, the more I slowed my pace because making it into the territory at night undetected would be better than risk being sensed in the day. Alpha Caine and I being the only ones able to manipulate the shadows means that no one would hear the whispers or feel my presence cloaked in shadow.

It was noon, the next day that I made it outside Shadow Light territory. I stayed away from the border to keep my scent from blowing into the wolves on patrol, if I was caught there would be no leaving. Skirting away from the border in search of a nearby creek to quench my thirst, my senses were on high alert. My ears were swiveling around, catching every sound within the vicinity. Wary of being found out. My eyes also kept a look out on the shadows that danced on the border, if I got too close and Alpha Caine was home they would alert him right away.

Those shadows were the reason rogues or outsiders hardly ever survived passing through the border, they belonged to the Alpha. Since the beginning those shadows have been connected to the current Alpha, it allowed the Alpha himself to physically manifest himself to where the shadows have been disturbed wherever he is in the territory. Legend says if you feed the shadows your blood, you can return in an instant from wherever you are.

I wasn't sure about the legend, if it's true I have no doubt Alpha Caine would've done it meaning I was in trouble either way. I was gambling a lot on this, hoping my own connection with the shadows would cloak me from him.

The water from the creek was refreshing, exactly what I needed after a long journey. I was hungry but couldn't risk hunting or else the blood would attract someone. Trotting to the area where I could quickest reach Nathaniel's home from the border, I laid in the cover of some bushes using my shadows to shield me from view. The waiting game sucked, and time seemed to move slower, it took every ounce of self-control to not fidget in impatience.

Finally, the sun was setting I could get up from my hiding spot and stretch my body before my mad dash into my pack. Entering in my physical form would get Alpha Caine on me before I fully crossed, I had to go in my shadow form. It was something I didn't like to use, it took a lot out of me and left me feeling weak afterwards. My skin crawled, and my body lost all of its heat. It was advantageous but risky, using the shadows so much led lesser wolves into a descent of madness. If it weren't for me being a light wolf, the ability to use shadows would be easier but it took a blood oath with the shadows to get them to work with me. Every new moon, I had to feed them my blood to keep them happy.

While I lived with Phoenix, it was difficult to do so. I had to offer them my blood under the new moon and they were not satisfied by my offering this time around, but I appeased them by offering them blood right now. It was the only way I would get them to cooperate with me tonight.

My time was limited, my heart raced with anxiety as I entered Nate's room. Our bond hummed, I knew it would alert him to my presence and he was already in front of me.

He looked the same as always, but his eyes were different. In those silver eyes, there was a softness I've never seen. They were clearer and brighter, shining like. I smiled at him, "Hi." I breathed out.

Nathaniel was quick to wrap his arms around me, his cheek nuzzling into mine, and his nose inhaling my scent. His chest rumbled, "Astrid." His breath fanned across my neck, I nuzzled him back. My arms tightened around him, the bond sang in our blood. My bond mate, my chosen mate, my only friend. I missed him. I was indulging a bit too much, but because of our marks we were still bound to each other.

He released me and looked me over, amusement lit up his features. There was a question in his eyes, "You're not wearing a dress." Translation, why are you in another male's clothing.

I let out a chuckle, "You'll never guess what happened to me." I looked at him, my lips upturned in a bitter smile. "I found my true mate." I told him the story, all while watching his facial expression.

His expression tightened at the kidnapped and held against my will part, not that I expected any less from my mate. I then explained my plan, "I need you to do the ceremony with your mate, it's the only way for us to be with our true mates. Please, Nate." I whispered the last part and looked at him pleadingly.

Nate ran his hand through his ink black hair, "I'm glad you're alive Astrid. I've been so worried about you." He moved away from me, "Guilt has been consuming me, when I found Mari I felt even more guilty because I was starting to forget you when I was with her." A pang to my heart, he moved back to stand face to face with me. His hands came to cup my cheeks, the intensity in his eyes stole my breath away. "I'm glad you found your mate, the only thing from doing the ceremony was my guilt about you." He pressed his forehead to mine.

My body sagged in relief, I knew I would encounter no resistance when it came to Nate. "Thank you." I beamed up at him. He smiled down at me and patted my head. "I have to get going before your father can catch me, I hope to meet your mate once this is all over."

"Be safe, Astrid. I'll be having words with your mate when I get the chance." A growl rumbled from his chest, but his eyes were dark at the mention of his father.

I nodded and slipped out his window. The shadows would not let me switch forms, they only allowed me to enter the territory. I was in Alpha Caine's domain and his shadows outnumbered my own, leaving me with the only option of running in my physical form out of here. I knew I was in trouble if I didn't get out soon, I hadn't even cleared half the territory before I felt him.

The shadows begin singing my doom, he's going to catch you.

I tried to block them out and pushed myself harder, I was so close to completing my plan. It couldn't end here, not when I gave Nathaniel hope that he could be happy with his mate, his true mate. Panic started seeping in when I felt him gaining on me, he shouldn't be able to keep up with my speed. No one can match the speed of a light wolf, it was then it hit me. He was in half form, something I had yet to master myself.

I stopped and shifted back to two legs, kneeling on the ground with my head bowed, I tried to hold back the tears of frustration that threatened to spill. The air was thick with his rage. My heart started pounding faster as I felt his menacing aura approach me.

My eyes stared firmly at the ground, I hoped my submission would get him to show mercy.

His hands closed around neck chasing away all thoughts of mercy, "Astrid." Alpha Caine growled, his whole body shaking with anger. "You should know better than to leave Shadow Light without my permission." His grip tightened causing me to whimper in pain.

Alpha Caine threw me into a tree, it groaned as my body collided with it. The breath rushed out of my lungs at the impact and my back ached, I lay crumpled on the ground trying to catch my breath. He wasn't done with me yet, he tangled his hand in my hair and yanked my head back. Our eyes met, I knew my end was near. "Alpha Caine, please." I breathed out, fear preventing me from speaking any louder.

This was a man who tormented me as a child, a man who showed me the dark side of what an alpha truly does, an intimidating man who is not to be crossed. His lips stretched into a cruel smile, "You have never disobeyed me before Astrid, always so obedient and eager to please." He threw me again, thankfully it was the ground this time.

For all my bravado and supposed strength, when it came to this man I was reduced to nothing but that little girl who lay broken on the ground every day. He kicked me right in the gut, causing me to cough up blood. Still as brutal as ever. "I heard what you and my son were talking about." He crouched down in front me, "I would never let my son mate with a female from outside of this pack, my blood will not be tainted." He hissed at me.

"I broke you down to be the perfect female for him, you even went beyond my expectations with your control of both light and shadow. How could I let such a perfect specimen escape me?" Years of being beaten half to death flashed in the back of my head, everyone turning against me because I was weak leaving me desperate to show them how wrong they were. Alpha Caine had a hand in turning everyone against me. My own parents turned their back on me because he made them feel ashamed of their weak daughter.

While I was drowning in the despair of the memories of my childhood, his hand came to wrap around me throat. "Tell me, daughter. What weak pack thought they could take away my strong female warrior." A cruel smile lit up Alpha Caine's face. My heart stopped. "Tell me, so that I can teach them what happens when you try to steal from Shadow Light."

If he hadn't threatened Phoenix and his pack, I would've taken my beating quietly but now that he threatened my mate, my fear of him was minuscule compared to the fear of losing Phoenix. I growled at him and bared my teeth at him. Shock briefly showed on his face before it was replaced by amusement. With a clawed hand, I swiped at his arm hoping to get him to release my neck. Instead he tightened his grip on my neck causing spots to dance in my vision. I swiped at his face next.

He hissed in pain and released me. I rolled away from him, trying to get some air back into my lungs. Getting back to my feet quickly was difficult, but I couldn't afford to pace myself when facing an angry alpha.

I knew I wouldn't win this fight but, if I could get him to kill me then everyone else would be safe. My options were limited in facing my alpha, as a wolf he could snap my body in half but in hand to hand I could do minor damage with my speed.

He chose the option for me, Alpha Cain lunged at me. A huge mass of black exploded in front of my eyes, his sheer size was enough to make me second guess myself. I've never thought that I would have him as my opponent in a physical combat. For years, he was my oppressor in regard to mental combat, beating me mercilessly, Alpha Caine never dirtied his hands when it came to breaking me instead choosing words that lasted longer than the wounds on my body.

Dodging seemed like a good option until I could figure out if possibly, I could win, it was a gutter dream but I wanted to live the rest of my life with Phoenix. I didn't want to leave him, although the one who would suffer the pain of my death would be Nathaniel as we were bonded.

Alpha Caine's jaws closed on my left calf, bone shattered from the force of those powerful jaws. Swallowing back a scream of pain, I knew this was it. My leg wouldn't heal in time for me to escape another attack, tears blurred my vision.

White hot pain shot through the entirety of my leg, it was mangled beyond recognition. I was lucky he held back a little or else I would only have half of my leg left, how easily I almost lost a leg to this angry man. As I lay crumpled on the ground, Alpha Caine shifted back and loomed over me with a sinister look. His sneer gave me flashbacks of similar situations, but no one has ever caused me this much damage.

I was defeated, faced with the reality that this might really be it, I couldn't stop the sob that escaped my lips. Alpha Caine sneered at me, contempt shown clearly in his eyes. "All that bravado and look how easily almost losing your leg breaks you down." He was mocking me, but I couldn't stop the tears from escaping.

He was right, I wasn't brave at all. This whole time I've been terrified knowing deep down inside there would be no way I would win or escape. How stupid of me to think I could stand up to this cruel man. I closed my eyes waiting for the finishing blow. Darkness was the last thing I saw.

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