Red vs Blue Season 11: Male Oc

By xSpartanLeox

72.9K 1.4K 1.2K

RvB Season 11, the Reds and Blues have been shipwrecked in a mysterious canyon, they will have to work togeth... More

Rvb S11 E1 "One-Zero-One"
Rvb S11 E2 "Get Your Tucks in a Row"
Rvb S11 E3 "Barriers to Entry"
Rvb S11 E4 "Heavy Mettle"
Rvb S11 E5 "A Real Fixer Upper"
Rvb S11 E6 "S.O.S"
Rvb S11 E7 "Can I Keep It?"
Rvb S11 E8 "The Grass is Greener. The Blues are Bluer"
Rvb S11 E9 "A House Divided, Then Multiplied"
Rvb S11 E10 "Long Live the King"
Rvb S11 E11 "Worst Laid Plans"
Rvb S11 E12 "Finders Keepers"
Rvb S11 E13 "+1 Followers"
Rvb S11 E14 "Reconciliation"
Rvb S11 E15 "Neighborhood Watch"
Rvb S11 E16 "FAQ"
Rvb S11 E17 "Ready...Aim..."
Rvb S11 E18 "Fire"
Rvb S11 E20 "Old friends"

Rvb S11 E19 "Lost But Not Forgotten"

3.1K 66 59
By xSpartanLeox

Medic: He's waking up.

Leo slowly opens his eyes and sees Felix and a New Republic medic staring at him, he looks down and sees he's laying on a medical bed and isn't wearing his helmet. He looks to his right and see's it next to him on a box. With a grunt he leans up, pushing himself off the bed and stands up.

Felix: Woah woah woah, easy now. You've been knocked out for a while. Just take it easy, there's nothing to worry about. You're safe, Leo.

Leo holds the side of his head in pain.

Leo: Ugh, what happened?

Felix: You took a rock to the back of the head. Good news is, we made it back to base undetected.

Leo: Back to base?

Felix: Welcome to the New Republic.

Leo: Felix, just what the hell is going on? Where's everyone else?

Felix: Tucker, Grif, Simmons, Zeta and Caboose are up in the main compound.

Leo: Ok, but what about everyone else? What about Sarge? What about Wash? What about Wade?

Medic: Umm... I'm gonna go.

The medic leaves, walking out the room. Sensing the change of atmosphere in the room, Leo already knows he's not going to like what he hears.

Felix: Thanks, doc.

Leo: Felix... tell me right now there here. Tell me, we did not just abandon them!

Felix: We had to leave them, Leo.

Leo: (Disbelief) No.

Felix: Look, the Feds were closing in. If we stayed any longer they would have taken you too.

Leo stomps over to Felix and shoves his finger at his chest plate.

Leo: Fuck that! We could of stayed! Just held them off a bit longer and-

Felix smacks his hand away and does the same action to Leo.

Felix: And what! Lose everyone else! That's war, Leo! Not everyone makes it back! You guys put up a good fight. I can see why Kimball wanted you.

Leo clenches his hands at each word Felix spoke.

Leo: Who the fuck is Kimball?

Kimball: I am.

Leo and Felix stop and look to the side to see a Woman standing just outside the room in sand colour armour with light blue accents and visor.

Kimball: Vanessa Kimball, leader of the New Republic. I'm very glad to meet you. I wish it were under better circumstances.

Leo: Uh, yeah.

Kimball: Your friends are waiting for you up near the mess hall. It's just north of here. Why don't you go catch up? We'll talk later.

Leo: ...Sure.

Leo grabs his helmet and puts it on, before walking out the room, leaving Felix and Kimball alone.

Kimball: You're not getting paid the full amount.

Felix: I know.

Kimball: You're lucky you're getting paid at all.

Felix: I know!

They both go silent as they watch Leo walking away in the distance.

Kimball: Are they as good as we hoped?

Felix: I think so. Either that or they're just really lucky.

Kimball: Well they probably don't feel very lucky.

Kimball leaves the room.

Mess Hall
Outside of the closed mess hall, Tucker, Zeta, Caboose, Grif, and Simmons are standing in front of the door.

Zeta: It's a small rebel army, Grif.

Grif: It's poor customer service.

Tucker: Dude, you were fucking eating everything in there!

Grif: I'm an emotional eater! What can I say?

Leo comes walking up to them.

Caboose: Leo?

Leo: Hey Caboose.

Grif: Sup.

Tucker: How you feeling?

Leo: (Sighs) Like complete shit. Do, you guys know what's going on?

Zeta: Well, after you were knocked out, we were taken to this huge cave somewhere beneath the jungle.

Tucker: Still can't believe these guys live in a cave.

Simmons: They're rebels! Of course they live in a cave! It's hidden.

Grif: Nah, I'm with Tucker. I was expecting some badass snow base or something.

Simmons: What? Why?

Grif: That's what they had in Star Wars!

Simmons: How is that even relevant?

Grif: Tell me this is not just like Star Wars. Tell me.

Caboose: Tucker does have a glowing sword...

Grif: Tucker has a glowing sword, Simmons!

Leo: Are we really all that made it?

The six of them sadly lower their heads.

Tucker: This is bullshit I tell you.

Zeta: Yeah...

Tucker: How are handling it so, far Zeta?

Zeta: Honestly Tucker, devastated. I... I didn't want to leave him and now, I might never see him again. Dammit, why didn't I just drag him!

Leo: Hey it'll be alright, we just have to have faith.

On top of a boulder behind the group, Felix emerges from above and looks down at the group.

Felix: Hey, something's come up. Follow me.

Two Republic soldiers watch Leo, Simmons, Caboose, Grif, Zeta and Tucker follow Felix from a distance.

Republic Soldier 1: Dude, I'm telling you, it's them!

Republic Soldier 2: Woah, maybe we're not fucked.

Main Base
Kimball speaking with the Reds and Blues who're all lined up in front of Kimball.

Kimball: Michael Caboose, Leo Church, Dexter Grif, Richard Simmons, Zeta and Lavernius Tucker. The six of you have traveled great distances, retrieved ancient artifacts, brought corrupt men to justice, and bested the most dangerous war criminals this galaxy has ever known. And now it seems fate has brought you to our doorstep.

Grif: No pressure.

Kimball: I am aware that you've been informed of our situation.

Kimball glances at Felix who's standing from the side watching.

Kimball: And I understand your reluctance to fight a war that is not your own, but we've just received word that the Federal Army has your friends alive and in captivity.

Leo: They're alright?!

Tucker: Fuck yeah!

Zeta: What's gonna happen to them?

Kimball: We're not sure. But, if they're alive, it means they can be rescued. And, it means this war may become yours after all.

Tucker: Ah, shit.

Kimball: So, I'm going to make you a promise. if you help us take back our planet, we'll help you take back your friends. And when it's all over, you can take our best ship, and fly as far away from this place as you want. I know it's not the best offer, but what do you say?

Grif: Look, lady. I don't know what you think we can do, but I seriously doubt we can actually do it.

Kimball: This war has gone on for too long. Too many people have died, and our remaining soldiers are young, inexperienced, and scared. But you give them hope. They've heard what you've done and they will look to you for guidance; they will run with you into battle, they will follow your orders, if you choose to lead them. I can't do this alone.

Simmons: Sarge is gone. Wash is gone. How the hell are we supposed to do this without them?

Tucker: Yeah, none of us have ever lead anyone before.

Caboose: Well, not for very long.

Zeta: We nearly got killed multiple times when you were a leader Caboose.

Caboose: Not my fault Tucker did it.

Tucker: Not the time Caboose.

Leo: Look, we're sorry Kimball. But all of us don't have the experience in leading Soldiers.

Kimball: I know, but... you just need to try.

Leo, Tucker, Zeta, Caboose, Grif, and Simmons all stare silently at her, before walking out of the base towards a bunch of New Republic soldiers, waiting for their command.

Tucker: So, what's the plan?

Leo: ...Alright, lets run some drills!

Grif: Aww man!

Caboose: And break!

Inside of a communication room, Locus was speaking to his superior through a computer screen.

Locus: We searched Crash Site Bravo, Sir.

Computer: And?

Locus: The crate was recovered, intact and completely sealed.

Computer: Wonderful news.

Locus looks over at the crate in the room, seeing a bullet Mark by the lock.

Locus: However, it looks as if they tried to blast it open. Do you think they knew?

Computer: Highly unlikely. Report back to control as soon as possible, Locus.

Locus: Are you sure keeping them alive is the best course of action?

Computer: Do you feel threatened by the simulation troopers, Locus?

Locus: Of course not.

Computer: Then we will continue with our endeavors as previously discussed. Do I make myself clear?

Locus: (Suspicious) Yes sir.

In an unknown location, Carolina in her old armour is standing in front of a computer screen.

Carolina: Good, I'll be there before you know it.

The End

Author: And that concludes Season 11!!! BUT WAIT!!! This isn't quite the end, they'll be another chapter coming out soon after this, which is technically going to be the Epilogue of the book!

I think some of you will have a good idea of what it'll be about, but anyway! Hoped you enjoyed this season of romance, shocking reveals and just plain idiotic things!

Tex: What like you?

Author: Not now, Tex!

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