Red vs Blue Season 11: Male Oc

By xSpartanLeox

72.9K 1.4K 1.2K

RvB Season 11, the Reds and Blues have been shipwrecked in a mysterious canyon, they will have to work togeth... More

Rvb S11 E1 "One-Zero-One"
Rvb S11 E2 "Get Your Tucks in a Row"
Rvb S11 E3 "Barriers to Entry"
Rvb S11 E4 "Heavy Mettle"
Rvb S11 E5 "A Real Fixer Upper"
Rvb S11 E6 "S.O.S"
Rvb S11 E7 "Can I Keep It?"
Rvb S11 E8 "The Grass is Greener. The Blues are Bluer"
Rvb S11 E9 "A House Divided, Then Multiplied"
Rvb S11 E10 "Long Live the King"
Rvb S11 E11 "Worst Laid Plans"
Rvb S11 E12 "Finders Keepers"
Rvb S11 E13 "+1 Followers"
Rvb S11 E14 "Reconciliation"
Rvb S11 E15 "Neighborhood Watch"
Rvb S11 E16 "FAQ"
Rvb S11 E18 "Fire"
Rvb S11 E19 "Lost But Not Forgotten"
Rvb S11 E20 "Old friends"

Rvb S11 E17 "Ready...Aim..."

3.3K 76 85
By xSpartanLeox

Red Base
Sarge is seen standing on top of Red base with the rest of Red team including Doc assembled down below.

Sarge: Alright, boys. We don't have much time, so let's see what we've got.

Simmons: Ahem!

Everyone turns to look at Simmons who's standing to the side by some crates.

Simmons: Hello everyone. Private Simmons. Great to be back.

Grif: Wrap it up!

Simmons: Good to be back.

Grif: Nobody cares!

Simmons: Sigh. Alright, just shut up and listen. We had a full armory on board the ship consisting of firearms as well as explosives. I moved as many as I could down here and also took the liberty of setting up a minefield near Red base.

Simmons says as he gestures to the unburied mine field near the base.

Grif: But you didn't even bury them.

Simmons: From what I can tell, they're designed to rest above the ground.

Grif: With big red warning lights?

Simmons: Yeah, it doesn't really make sense.

Sarge: Excellent work, Simmons. Now go and organize those firearms.

Simmons: Yes, sir!

Simmons runs off.

Sarge: Grif, Doc, how are the teleportation tests going?

Doc: Well we've learned the cubes can be set to different frequencies. For example, if I throw a cube set to frequency A, it will absorb an object.

Doc throws a cube at a traffic cone.

Doc: If I then throw a second cube on frequency A, that object will reappear.

Doc throws another cube and the cone returns.

Grif: Meanwhile, if I have a cube set to B, I can throw it like so.

Grif throws a cube at a nearby crate that Doc is standing next to.

Doc: Yeah-

Suddenly, Doc gets caught in the cube.

Doc: Hey wait!

The crate and Doc disappear.

Grif: I can then throw a second cube set to B, without ever messing with the stuff sucked up by the cube set to A.

Grif throws another cube. The crate reappears but there's no sign of Doc... not that they notice.

Sarge: So all they do is teleport things? No explosions? No violence?

Grif: Nah.

Sarge: Well I suppose we could make them absorb grenades. Then we could throw the grenade filled cubes back at the enemy.

Grif: At that point wouldn't it make more sense to just throw grenades?

Sarge: We're not here to make sense, Private! We're here to win! Now take Donut and figure out how to make your stupid cubes do somethin' useful.

Grif: Sigh. Fine.

Grif runs off with Donut following behind him.

Sarge: And at last we have the Lopezes. Stop standin' next to each other! I can never tell you two apart!

Lopez 2.0 looks at Lopez's head and then back at Sarge.

Lopez 2.0: >Are you fucking serious?<

Sarge: I need you two to get to work repairing CC's fuel tanks.

Lopez: >Repair the malfunctioning robot?<

Lopez 2.0: >The one that tried to kill everyone?<

Sarge: I can't wait to see her, triumphantly leading the charge on the front lines, glistening in the sunlight, with the blood of her fallen enemies!

Lopez 2.0: >That will be your blood! She thinks everything is her enemy, you moron!<

Sarge: Wait a minute, this is a terrible idea!

Lopez 2.0: >Oh thank god.<

Lopez: >Just wait.<

Sarge: I can't trust an idiotic robot with a job as important as this!

Lopez: >There it is.<

Lopez 2.0: >EXCUSE ME!?<

Sarge: Change of plans. You two go prep the work station, and then wait for me to arrive to do the job myself. I'm gonna go find my favorite welding torch.

Sarge walks off, leaving Lopez and Lopez 2.0 alone.

Lopez 2.0: >...He's insane.They're all insane.<

Lopez: >Hey, where's Doc?<

Blue Base
Outside of Blue Base, Wade and Zeta are setting up some sandbag covers. Zeta walks over to one of the covers and places a sandbag on it.

Zeta: There that's two done.

Wade comes over and holding two sandbags under his arms.

Wade: Nice work there, Zeta. How many do we have left to make?

Zeta: As many as we can make, Wash said.

Wade dumps the sand bags on the ground.

Wade: Oh, so until we just run out of sandbags?

Zeta: Yeah, why?

Wade: It's just there's a lot of dirt and sand around, we might be making a mountain of this.

Zeta: I guess so?

Wade: Are you sure he didn't say anything about a limit or anything?

Zeta: Why don't we just keep making them, until he yells at us to stop... or we dig up the entire ground up.

Tucker: God it sounds like I'm listening to a reality TV show about 100 ways to kill the earth.

Tucker is nearby the two, trying to fix Cabooses helmet.

Wade: How's Cabooses helmet coming along?

Tucker: I think I almost got it.

Tucker connects two wires together that make a electric sound and takes a step back from Caboose.

Tucker: Okay, how's that?

Caboose: Nope. Still can't see anything.

Tucker: Open your eyes.

Caboose: Oh my god, the graphics are incredible!

Tucker: You're welcome.

Caboose: Ah, thanks, Tucker. Ah... Ya 'know we may have had our differences in the past. I have called you stupid... You have called me stupid... I have tried to kill you...

Tucker: Uh huh.

Caboose: But ya'know at the end of the day, I like to think that you and I are actually-

Caboose Radio mix is heard shortening out.

Caboose: (Muffled) -pretty good friends.

Tucker: What?

Caboose: (Muffled) What?

Tucker: I can barely hear you.

Caboose: (Muffled) You can't hear me?

Zeta walks over to see what's happening.

Zeta: Huh, I think by fixing his visor you somehow manage to break his radio.

Caboose: (Muffled) Tucker, can you hear me!

Tucker: (Groans) Can try fix it because I swear his helmet does it to spite me or some shit.

Zeta: I'll see what I can do.

Zeta starts trying to repair Cabooses helmet as Tucker walks over to Wade and begins helping him set up more sandbag covers. Watching from a distance is Felix, Leo and Wash standing on a balcony that's built into the Canyon wall.

Leo: So how bad is this whole situation?

Felix: The man coming for us is named Locus. He's a merc like me, only.. ya'know... terrifying.

Leo: Locus? The guy with the green X on his helmet?

Felix: Yeah, him. Guy's so far off the deep end he prefers to go by the name of his armor instead of the name he was born with.

Felix says as he twirls his finger to the side of his helmet and let's out a cookoo whistle sound.

Wash: That's unsettling.

Felix: (Sarcastically) Oh, are you first name "Agent" last name "Washington"? That's so weird!

Wash: That's just... old habits.

Felix: Well, here's to hoping more of your old habits kick in when he shows up. You know I thought there'd be more of you. Weren't you guys with another Freelancer, and an A.I.?

Leo: We were, but...

Wash: They disappeared not long after we crashed.

Felix: Sheesh. Any idea were they went?

Leo nervously shuffles his feet and begins to find the sky to be more interesting to look at, while Wash just thinks for a moment.

Wash: ...No.

Felix: Hmm. Well, if it makes you two feel better I haven't heard anything about them over the radio. So... That's probably good.

Leo: Hey, how was he able to cloak himself?

Felix: Huh?

Leo: That Locus guy. He was able to turn invisible. How?

Felix: The Federal Army's got all sorts of fancy stuff. I got my light shield off a dead soldier.

Felix lifts his left arm and turns on his hard light shield.

Felix: Shum!

He then turns it off.

Felix: Wah! Pretty cool.

Leo: But I thought only Project Freelancer had access to those types of stuff?

Leo turns to Wash with a questionable look.

Wash: I thought so too. It's just that, I've never seen that kind of equipment outside of Project Freelancer.

Felix: Welcome to the future, you two. Technology is incredible, and everyone uses it to kill each other.

Leo: Does that mean your guys also have access to the same equipment?

Felix: I wish. The New Republic's barely getting by with what they can. You guys wouldn't happen to have any high-tech armor aboard that wreck, do you?

Wash: Plenty of armor, just nothing out of the ordinary.

Felix: Hmm... Well at least you can accessorize? Eh? Try a little color combo? Mix it up? I... I'm sorry. I'm just trying to lighten the mood.

Wash: ...Actually...I think I might indulge in some of those old habits you were talking about. Come on Leo, I might need your help with this.

Wash walks off down the ramp, leaving Leo and Felix.

Felix: Man, he is just... cryptic. Like all the time, do you realize that?

Leo: Eh, you get used to it eventually.

Felix: Do I wanna know how long that took?

Leo: A few months... at best.

Leo begins following after Wash. As he leaves a photo slips out of his back armour pocket and gently lands on the ground. Felix spots this and bends down, picking up the photo.

Felix: Oh hey, you dropped-

Felix flips the photo over and see's two familiar people on it.

Felix: This.

Leo: What?

Leo turns back and walks up to Felix who's still staring at the photo in his hand.

Leo: (Sighs) Ah dammit, did it fall out again? I think I broke the latch on my pocket at some point.

As Leo reaches for his photo of his father and mother, but halts as he hears Felix quietly laughing to himself.

Leo: Uhh, are you alright?

Felix: Oh I'm fine! I'm great! I... I just never thought I'd see these faces ever again.

He says as his chuckles begin fading away.

Leo: Wait... you knew them?

Felix: Knew them? These sons of bitches are my brother and sister-in-law!

Felix says chuckling to himself again, before quieting himself and looking back at Leo who's entire body as stiff as a statue.

Felix: So, why do you have this?

He hands the photo back to Leo who takes it in his shaken hand.

Felix: Were you a friend of theirs? Co-Worker? Insurance Company?

Leo takes off his helmet and holds it close to his chest. Felix eyes widen at the sight of Leo's appearance.

Leo: (Stunned) I.. uh... they're... they're... my parents.

Everything goes silent as both of them take in the earth shattering news, blowing their minds away.

Felix: (Shocked) Holy shit... Leo?

Leo: (Shocked) Your... your my Uncle!?

Wash comes walking back up and stops on top of the ramp.

Wash: Leo are you coming or what?

Leo turns to Wash.

Leo: Uh, just head on without me! I'll meet you at the ship!

Wash: Ok, but just don't take too long.

Leo: You got it!

As Wash leaves again, Leo turns back to Felix.

Leo: I can't believe it your my Uncle!? Where have you-

Felix: As much as I would love to stay and chat with you about this. We don't exactly have the best amount of time.

Leo: Your uh... your right.

Felix pats Leo on the shoulder.

Felix: But hey! Well have a nice long chat about this, if we make it out of here alive! Not that I'm doubting you guys or anything.

Leo: Yeah, that'll be great. I... (Laughs) I just can't believe this!

Leo puts his helmet back on and starts walking away, down the ramp, leaving Felix alone.

Felix: Man, he's definitely a spitting image of you... huh Lucas?

Red Base
Back at Red Base, Lopez 2.0 is crouched down, repairing Cyclops as Lopez rest on the ground watching him.

Lopez: >What are you doing?<

Lopez 2.0: >Fixing the stupid robot so our stupid creator can get himself killed... stupidly.<

Lopez: >Congratulations, kid. They've finally broken you.<

Lopez 2.0: >Shut up.<

Lopez: >You know... It doesn't have to be this way.<

Lopez 2.0 stands up and stares down at Lopez.

Lopez 2.0: >What are you talking about?<

Lopez: >If you fix CC, she'll probably kill everyone.<

Lopez 2.0: >I don't care.<

Lopez: >But if you fix CC, and upload me into her body... I can make sure no one ever ignores us again.<

Lopez 2.0 stares at Cyclops in realisation.

Lopez 2.0: >...You're right. But...why give you her body, when I can take it for myself?<

Lopez: >Wait. What?<

Inside the ship
Wash and Leo are inside one of the armoury rooms, Wash is searching through a pile of armour pieces, while Leo is leaning against a wall with his arms crossed and head down. Wash stops his search for a moment and looks over his shoulder at Leo.

Wash: Everything alright Leo?

Leo looks up and stares at Wash.

Leo: Huh?

Wash: I asked if everything was alright.

Leo: Uh yeah, everything's fantastic! Why'd you ask?

Wash: You've been awfully silent over there. Just thought something might be up... is there something?

Leo let's out breath and leans his head back against the wall.

Leo: Trust me, Wash. You wouldn't believe me, if I told you.

Wash: Try me.

Leo: ...That Felix guy, is actually my Uncle.

Wash stops what he's doing, stands up and turns around facing Leo.

Wash: I think you were right. I'm finding this hard to believe.

Leo pulls out his photo and walks over to Wash, handing him the photo. He looks down at the photo of Leo's parents.

Wash: Who are these two?

Leo: My parents... my biological parents, I should say. Apparently Felix is my fathers brother, in other words makes me his... nephew. (Sighs) I'm still finding this hard to believe myself.

Wash: I can see where you get your sense of humour from now.

Wash holds up the photo.

Wash: How come you've never mentioned them, before?

Leo takes the photo and stares at it for moment.

Leo: It's a subject I don't like talking about, let's just say... there not here anymore.

Leo pockets the photo away.

Wash: Oh, I'm sorry.

Leo: Don't worry about it, it happened ages ago. But enough about me, have you found what your looking for?

Wash turns back to the pile of armour and starts searching through it again.

Wash: Not quite.

Leo: I should of asked this earlier, but what exactly "are" you searching for?

Wash: You remember my old armour right?

Leo: Yeah, the grey steel and yellow one?

Wash: Well seeing that we don't have to worry about the UNSC hunted us down anymore. Thought I'd try switch back to my old style.

Wash says as he pulls out a Mark 6 helmet painted grey steel with a yellow accent.

Leo: Fed up with blue already?

Wash: Eh, blue doesn't really suite me anyway. Besides don't think I haven't notice your colour switch. What happened to being all red?

Wash gestures to the black accents on Leo's armour.

Leo: Thought I'd mix things up a bit, you know.

Wash: Any particular reason why black?

Wash says with a knowing look.

Leo: (Sighs) Well... I thought I was ready to let her go. But I guess a part of me, just isn't yet.

Wash stands up from the pile and puts the helmet he found on top of a crate, then stands besides Leo.

Wash: I understand that feeling Leo... but as time moves on, its just apart of life.

Leo: I know that, Wash.

Wash: ...But that's doesn't mean, it's bad to hold onto those memories. And as cheesy as it sounds, she'll always be apart of you.

Leo: (Chuckles) I thought I was the one with the emotional speeches.

Wash: We all have our moments.

The two share a laugh, but out the corner of Leo's eye, he spots something in the pile of armour. He makes his way over to the pile as Wash watches him.

Leo: You know...

Leo reaches into the pile and pulls out a Mark 6 helmet, painted black with dark red accents.

Leo: Holding onto those memories, doesn't seem so bad.

Blue Base
The Reds and Blues are all gathered in the fortified area around Blue base.

Donut: Well, it just goes to show that with time, effort, and a little bit of elbow grease, we really can achieve wonders.

Tucker: We just spent hours turning this place into a warzone and you made me hate it in one sentence.

Grif: It's what he does.

Wash: Donut's got a point, though.

Everyone turns to the direction of Wash's voice and see him, Leo and Felix walking up to the group. Wash back to wearing his old steel and yellow color scheme, while Leo has his armour black with dark red coloured accent.

Wash: I think we're ready.

Donut: Oooh. Back in black. Looks good, Wash.

Caboose: Yeah that really brings back memories. Like when we first met. And then we met again and you shot Donut.

Wade: I can understand Wash's colour change, but why you Leo?

Donut: Were you guys having a fashion party without us!

Leo: (Laughs) Nothing like that, Donut. Let's just say... it holds good memories.

Felix: I take it back. Both of you are cryptic as hell.

Zeta: It's not a bad look for you though.

Grif: I suddenly have the urge to protect my balls.

Wade: To bad there's no cones here to protect you.

Wash looks around the area and see's how well the whole place has been fortified.

Wash: I'm impressed, guys. This place looks good. And between the landmines, Freckles, and the tank... I don't think anything can stand a chance against us.

A missile hits the side of Blue base.

Sarge (Distance): RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!

Everyone turns to the direction Sarges voice came from.

Simmons: Sarge?

Grif: Oh shit, they're here!

Leo and Wash aim their weapons.

Leo: This is it! Everyone, get ready!

Felix: Wait! Something's not right. Locus wouldn't attack like this!

Tucker: Well who else on this planet wants us dead!?

In the distance, Lopez 2.0 now in Cyclops body is chasing after Sarge, shooting right behind him.

Lopez 2.0: (CC's voice) {>Yes! Yes! Look who's stupid now, Sarge! It's YOU!<}

Sarge: Dos Point-O, cease fire! No mas! No mas!

Zeta: Dos Point-O?


Just before Lopez 2.0 could fire, Freckles shoots at him.

Lopez 2.0: {>Ow!<}

Caboose: Freckles!

Freckles: {Deadly force authorized.}

Lopez 2.0: {>Oh great. The fucking dog wants to protect them now! Wonderful.<}

Donut: Yes! Giant robot fight! Totally called that on Basebook.

Wash: Everyone, just calm down!

Felix runs in front of Wash and deflects a sniper shot with his shield.

Felix: Shit!

Everyone turns to see Locus reloading his rifle.

Locus: Surrender now, and I promise only to kill the mercenary.

Simmons: Well fuck.

Grif: You and what army?

Several soldiers uncloak behind Locus.

Locus: The Federal Army of Chorus.

Grif: Well, I guess I walked right into that one.

Felix: Looks like backup isn't getting here in time!

Leo: So, what's the plan Wash?

Wash raises his battle rifle.

Freckles: {Engaging target.}

Wash then fires.

The End

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