Confusing The Straight Girl |...

By CabelloLovesJauregui

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'We've been known each other for 7 years but i can't still confess how much i love her, what should i do?' 'T... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chaper 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 19

682 21 31
By CabelloLovesJauregui

Jennie's POV

I don't know why in the world im thinking about Chaeng fetching Lisa. She's just fetching Lisa for fuck's sake! I don't know why im so bother about it.

"What's wrong?" Kai said when i sat beside him stomping my feet.

"Nothing" I just replied with a not-in-the-mood tone.

"Where's Lisa? I thought you're going to her?" He said. I closed my eyes hard and calm myself.

"Chaeyoung came and bring lisa home." I said not looking at him. Im starting to get irritated at the topic, and again i don't know why. Is it because Chaeng is with Lisa again? Is it because i didn't got a chance to talk to Lisa earlier? Ughh i don't know why.

"Oh? Then why you look lik--"

"I want to go home" I stand up and head outside not minding if he'll follow me or what. When i reach the exit the bouncer open the door for me but Kai hold my wrist.

"Hey? What's the problem?" He said. I pulled him outside and go straight inside his car. Paparazzi might caught us if we stay outside.

"Im tired, let's go home" I said, lean on the window and close my eyes. I heard him sigh and start the engine. The moment i close my eyes, Lisa and chaeng again came in my mind how sweet they are like a fucking couple. I open my eyes and rolled at the thought and just look outside. Fuck this! Why im so bothered about them? Why am i thinking about them? No! Im just thinking bout Lisa cause i miss her, that's it! The thought of Lisa avoiding me again came in my mind. I still don't know why is she avoiding me. Did i do something wrong? If that's what she want then be it! If that's what she wants then okay! I'll forget that we're bestfriends! My mocking stops when i saw that we're already at the dorm.

"Tonight was fun, i enjoyed it even though you got tantrums. Goodnight baby" He said smiling then leans to kiss me but i refuse.

"Goodnight thank you for tonight" I said then open the car door and shut it. I enter the dorm not minding them in the Living room.

"Jennie-yah were have you been?" Jisoo asked. I looked at them and i saw Lisa on the couch laying and so wasted like what i saw earlier.

"With Kai. Why?" I replied. I saw Lisa turn her face at me and she smile mischievously. Oh? Now she's smiling to me like nothing happens? Like she's not avoiding me?

"Hey Baby *hik* you're home" She said then stand up and walks to me. When i heard her called me baby, my heart beats so fast. What's wrong with me? Chaeng startled at Lisa's action so she stands up and hold Lisa but not preventing her to walks towards me. I look at her while my right eyebrows raised.

"What did you say?" I said and act like i didn't mind and brows raised.

"Where are *hik* you earlier?" She said while her eyes are half closed. The gap between us is so close that i can smell her alcohol scent. I got nervous, did she saw me? Did she saw us in the bar earlier?

"Lisa, come on you're drunk" Chaeng said but Lisa's eyes were not leaving against mine. I take a hard gulp and compose myself.

"Why'd you care all of a sudden?" I said in a bitchy tone cause all of the anger and rage starting to built up in my body. I want to ask her right now why is she acting like that towards me this past few days, i need fucking answers!

"Jennie-yah stop it. She's drunk, she not herself right now" Jisoo said, she's right it's not the right time to talk to her about this. I calm my nerves and walks straight to my room and shut it. I get my pillows and throw it against the wall just like what always do when im mad cause i don't want to hurt people while im mad. Instead of slapping nor punching them i prefer throwing pillows in the wall than it.

"AHH! FUCK IT LALISA!" Using all of my force i have i throw a pillow in the wall










I stop when i feel the exhaustion in invading my body. I just sit in the floor beside my bed and shove my hair harshly! Why am i like this?

'Im so confused'

Chaeyoung's POV

"I still love her Chaeng" Lisa said out of nowhere, i smiled at her sadly cause those words hurts me so much, like i was stabbed by knives direct in my heart. Im now helping Lisa to go to her room.

"I still do Chaeng, i still do." I open the door and let us inside. When we reach her bed, i gently help her to lay.

"I love you so much Jennie" She said then she drifted off to sleep.

"And i love you so much Lisa" I said and go outside to her room and as soon as i close her door i feel the tears starting to flow on my cheeks. I covered my mouth to prevent making any sound so that no one will notice that im crying. Fuck this! Why can't you love me? Im always here for you yet you can't see it.

"AHH! FUCK IT LALISA!" I heard Jennie screamed and i also heard a loud thud in her room.


"STOP ACTING LIKE I DIDN'T EXIST!" She have to do it to save herself from hurting.

"WHAT DID I FUCKING DO?" You do nothing Jennie, it's just she fell in love with you yet you can't reciprocate it.






"MUCH!" She missed you too so much. You don't know how she cried to me because of you. I know how hard for her to avoid you cause she's used to it but she needs to. She need to do it to save herself.

Lisa's POV

"Perfect!" Jessica said when we perfect 'I Like It'. This was my favorite solo dance out of all i ever danced before. It was so fun to perform and i can't wait to dance it in front of our blinks.

"Lisa meet Dony Kwon" Kyle said when he enter the room with a man. I faced them and smiled at him.

"Hey, im Lalisa. You call me Lisa" I said and bow at him to show respect.

"It's my pleasure. Im Dony Kwon" He said and also bowed at me.

"He will be your partner for your new solo performance" So this is the continuation after Like it?

"Sit down, Jessica and I will perform the dance" I sit down and lean on Chaeng. Yes, Chaeyoung, Jisoo and Jennie were also here to watch me practice. I don't know why but they insist to come with me so i let them.

Kyle play the song and start to dance it. At first i was excited but my excitement vanished when i saw like they kiss.

"What the fuck?" I heard Jennie whispered. I got confused at her reaction but i shrugged it off and continue to watch them. The dance is a romantic one and it shows so much affection i didn't mind it though. Until they're finish

"Is it necessary with a man?" Chaeng asked.

"What? Why? Is it should be with a woman?" Kyle said. He signalled me to stand up so i did and we started to practice it step by step. It only took us an hour to perfect it, well that's the perks of being dancer. I admit it the dance is a little bit, just a little bit sexual so i sometimes took a glance at Jennie but she looks like she didn't give a damn about it.

"One more time and Dony, you look like you're not comfortable. Do it just like what Jessica and i do" Kyle said and play the music. I compose myself and dance it like they do. I let my body move and furious is all over me not minding that they are watching. I grab Dony's nap and brushed my lips on his lips, i didn't mind at all and he looks like him too until we finished the dance.

"EXCELLENT! THAT'S WHAT IM WAITING FOR!" Kyle said clapping his hands like he's so proud at us. I smiled at him and looked at the girls. Jisoo's eyes were wide looks like still in shock. I can't read Chaeng's expression, it's mix of happy and sad. (WTF?) And Jennie is, wait what? Is she glaring?

A/N: sorry for the supah dupah late update im busy moving on. C'mon, give me some VOTES!
Spread the Love not the Legs!

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