Boys Boys and more Boys Harry...

By bbybunnyxxx

296K 5.4K 2K

Boys, Boys and more boys (Harry Potter fanfic) going to Hogwarts is going to be a journey full of adventure m... More

FIRST YEAR (Chapter 1)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chatper 7
Chapter 8
Merry/Happy Christmas
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
SECOND YEAR (Chapter 11)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
A/n Thank You!!!!!
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chpater 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Shout out! To little_cxtie
Chapter 26 (Has abuse in it)
THIRD YEAR (Chapter 27)
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Just wanted to say Thanks!
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
FOURTH YEAR (Chapter 41)
Chapter 42
Well i did this...
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
⚠️ A/n Please Read ⚠️
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
A/n ( Your Decision)
Chapter 58
Quick A/n
Chapter 59
Chapter 60 (Yule Ball Part 1)
Chapter 61 (Yule Ball Part 2)
Chapter 63 (Yule Ball Part 3)
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
A/n about rude comments (ill update a chapter soon)
Chapter 66 (Im Back!!!!)
Oneshot Request 💘
Chapter 67
Im sorry for everything :/
New book ideas :)

Chpater 44

2.6K 63 21
By bbybunnyxxx


Y/Ns PoV
I woke up too the sound of birds chirping instead of my sister! Which I haven't heard in a looooooooooooong time.

(Choose your second favourite outfit :3 told ya I'm lazy 🤤)

(Again choose your second favourite or have your hair down ;3 )

Once you finished getting ready you went into the dinning from too find your sister already eating as well as your father.

S/n looked up from her plate and said with a smile "Good morning Y/n!"

Your father then turned too you putting on a small smile saying "I see your up Y/n, Now eat I have too chat with Lucius about some business about work you and S/n can go out and explore and maybe take Draco with you ?"

"Sure thing daddy" S/n said cheerfully

"Yeah sure.." you say sighing a bit

"Y/n! Hurry up. I wanna go out!!!!!" S/n whined

"Alright, Alright. Let's go then" You say rolling your eyes

"But you haven't had any breakfast!" S/n whined once again

"Fine-" You cut yourself of and grabbed a red apple off of the fruit bowl

"There happy"

S/n just puffed out and angry sigh and walked outside the tent.

You quickly followed her not bothering too say goodbye too your father.


Outside S/n kept dragging you too different shops and stands while you where just dragged along eating your apple.

"Oh look who it is the L/Ns" You heard a familiar bitchy voice from behind you

You both turn too see Pansy Parkinson the bitchiest girl in the whole school.

"Hey bitch whats up?" You say to her taking another bite from your apple she just scoffed

"Don't call me that if anyone is the bitch here it's yo-"

"That's enough Pansy" You Draco say from beside you

You look too the side too see him basically towering over you with a cold look on his face he told Pansy get lost and she obviously obeyed him and ran off.

You kept your stare on Draco not saying anything again, He also once again stared at you.

This went on for a solid minute until he spoke and said " So... Do I get a thank you for saving you twice because I didn't get a thanks for the first time hmmm."

You blinked a few times before managing the words out of your mouth and it still came out all squeaky

"T-Thank Y-You D-Draco"  You squeaked

You saw a tint of redness appear on his face he looked also a bit flustered he merely nodded at your forgiveness towards him.

You gripped onto your apple before saying something you didn't mean too say it just slipped out of your mouth.

"I didn't think a Malfoy would get flustered specially over and apology by someone like me?"

This made Draco go even redder, You thought he was going to be upset at you but too your surprise he just chuckled at your response.

"Your right I shouldn't be but i am" He chuckled

You giggled as well "Oh, Thank you also for saving me from falling on my face back when we where walking up the hill."

"You know I really wanted you too fall on your face so I could laugh at you but I decided I felt nice for once and help you." He says smiling

"Well I'm glad you felt like being nice the other day" You say smiling/giggling.

You both laughed and looked into each other's eyes for a couple of seconds that's until you realised...

"S/n!" You gasped

Draco gave you an confused look then realised that you where talking about your sister who was here a couple of minutes ago.

You frantically looked around for her but couldn't see her anywhere over the huge wave of people.

"Shit... Fathers going too kill me if I don't find her" I sigh rubbing my templates.

You felt a hand on your shoulder you look up too see Draco looking down at you

"Don't worry I'll help you find her" Draco says smiling down at you.

You smile back up at him and gave him a quick hug saying "Thank You."

Draco was a bit took back, No one has ever really hugged him before

But he hugged you back anyway whispering "No problem."


It's now been nearly 20 minutes and still no sign of S/n.

Luckily you had Draco helping as well so you weren't completely alone looking for her which you where thankful for.

"It's hopeless we better go back and tell my father" I say to Draco

"But won't you be punished?" He asked

"Yeah I will.... badly but it's better than her going off getting herself into more trouble." You say sighing

Draco just looked at you for a bit then nodded slightly.

You both start heading back too your tent too tell your father the bad news until you heard a voice yell "Y/n, Draco!"

You and Draco turn around too see S/n started with.... Ginny?

"S/n!" You saying running you too her hugging her tightly

"I'm so happy your okay!" You say smiling but that smile soon turned sour.

You flung the apple at shoulder then started saying "Where the hell have you been! me and Draco-"

You then pointed at Draco who was now walking up beside you.

"Have been looking for you for 20 minutes now! AND IVE BEEN WORRID SICK!!!!!"

You then turn too Ginny and put on a happy smile and Sid "Hello Ginny, It's lovely too see you again."

S/n looked down in shame she smiled at you and said "Yes it's nice to see you too Y/n, Sorry about S/n wondering off I found her and brought her too our tent would you like too! I'm sure the boys would love too see you again since they won't stop talking about you."

You blush slightly when she said that the boys would stop talking about you

"Yes that would be lovely thank you Ginny" You say with a smile as soon as you said that both S/n and Ginny started dragging you away from Draco.

You turn your head towards him and shout "Thank you once again Draco! See you tonight!!"

Before the crowd of people stood in front of you, You could see him smile a bit then a quick wave.


We eventually came to a tent.

"This is it our tent!" Ginny says happily

Before you could saying anything the girls both started dragging you into the tent.

"Dad we're back and we brought another guest" Ginny called

You heard footsteps rushing all around.

The first familiar face you saw was Hermione

She came walking up too you with a bright smile on her face

The girls let go of you and went to sit on the couch while Hermione gave you a tight hug.

"It's lovely too see you too Hermione" You say giggling

She giggled back happily

"Y/n?" You look up too see Harry and Ron

"Hello boys" You say going over too Harry first and giving him a hug then Ron

Once you finished hugging both of them you realised something.

"You both grew your hair out?"

They look at each other then back too you and smiled a bit Ron saying jokingly "Yeah we did don't you like our new look hmmm."

You laughed and said "Of course Ronald."

"Hay don't forget about us" Huffed our a voice behind Ron you look over Rons shoulder too see Fred and George standing beside each other with mysterious smirks on their face.

"Who could forget about you two trouble makers!" You say walk-in up too them hugging both of them you also noticed that they had grown their hair the sales as Harry and their brother Ronald's.

"I see you've grown your hair as well boys and many e got taller or... I may have shrunk a bit."

The boys laughed at your comment and George said "Nah, I think you've just shrunk N/n you've always been small."

George then picked you up and flung you over his shoulder "HEY!" You say blushing

"Awww, Look Georgie our Y/n is blushing" Fred says pinching your cheek

"Freddie I swear... I'll bite your finger off if you don't take them off my face" You said

He just chuckled and took his fingers off as Mr Weasley came in the tent.

"Ah, S/n. Ginny I see your back and-"  He then turns too Fred and George and yells at them too put me down.

"Awww, But I don't wanna!" George joked

"Hey Georgie, You know you can't get everything out want in life hmmm?" You Koke back

You glance up at him too see him blushing

"So now Georgie can you please put me down" You beg him

He obeyed and put you down gently, You look at him too see his cheeks where still red.

You then turn too Fred who's face was also tinted red a bit

"Ah Y/n it's lovely too see you again" Mr Wesley said with a smile giving you a hug.

"It's also lovely too see you again too Mr Weasley" You smiling back at him

"Y/n, S/n would you like too stay for dinner" Mr Weasley ask's you happily

You look over at S/n who was sitting beside Ginny she was nodded her head frantically signalling for you too say yes.

"That would be nice Mr Weasley we would appreciate it" You say happily

The twins then put there arms around your shoulder guiding you too the table

Quickly followed by The Golden Trio and S/n and Ginny.


You sat in between the twins joking and having fun wig them talking about pranks they also where telling me about their joke shop and how o could work there if o wanted too and I said I would love that.

The dinner was amazing everyone was giggling and having fun.

You thought you haven't ha this much fun I'm a long time!

This is true happiness~

Word count 1,702

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