The Doctors Romance

By The_Atheist

453 11 1

When the Doctor gets a Time Lord distress call from a city built on a barren planet, he finds a woman being t... More

The Message
Ursoro City
Zaelea and Eidier
Zaelea's Past
Who are you?
The Escape
Mai Oh Mai
Zaelea and The Machine
Monsters Inside Me

Inside His Head

21 0 0
By The_Atheist

Like I have said before, I'm deciding to mess just about everything up in this story and only moderately go with the doctor who timeline (which I'll say is a very messed up one), and even though this is like the 10th chapter and should probably be put in the description section of this story (which means I will probably put it up there too) but this story is taking place before Peter Capaldi became the doctor and before Matt Smith went to that planet and fought with the Silence. I don't remember much about the details, but I know that was part of the episode.

I feel as though this is a very long "author's note" kinda thing, so I'll go back to the story..


[The Doctors POV]

I looked at the kicked down door in awe. Everything just happened so fast, I could barely believe it, never mind comprehend it. All those years ago, on Gallifrey, I had forgotten about my "teen years", as the humans say. Numerous memories that haunted me for most of my life, I had forgotten, then remembered just seconds ago. I'd even forgotten her name, her name being Romana. When I met her in my "fourth stage", I'll say, I'd thought that, that was the first time I'd ever met her. Apparently, that is not to be true.

[Young Doctor's POV] (by the way this is a flashback, just so you guys don't get confused)

"Well hello there young lady," I said to a beautiful woman that passed me, "do you fancy yourself a date?"

"Me? Are you speaking to me?" she looked at me, curiously.

"Well I don't see any other ladies as beautiful as you are anywhere around here. Do you?" I said, being as charming as I could possibly be. I assumed the girl had no idea who I was, the women around here knew I was quite the charmer of beautiful girls such as her.

A deep red danced on her cheeks, it was very adorable, I'll say. "I-I suppose I don't. Do you really think I'm all that pretty?"

"Yes, you look as if you haven't ever regenerated. (Regarded as a compliment in Gallifreyan society) You look as if that is simply how you were born, a beautiful woman" Now that may not look like a compliment to those not of this planet, but here, in this culture, it most certainly is. I gave her a smile, and she most certainly smiled back. "So, do you fancy yourself a date- what was your name again?"

"Romana. Romana is my name, and why yes I would love to go on a date with you, and what was your name?"

I laughed a hearty laugh, and said "The Doctor, they call me The Doctor."

Her mouth opened in surprise "Aren't you a little young for a title?"

"I know I am quite young, only 35 years of age!"

"Oh my! I am already 30, and I haven't a even a beginners title! You must be one smart boy indeed!"

(These people may seem very old, but I have it to where timelords to not age as we do. The Doctor is maybe a little over 19 in "human years" and Romana is about 18, that way you guys aren't severely confused. Like I said, I am screwing up things to a very large degree, and I don't care one bit!)

"I am also quite the sweet one too, though I am sure that was obvious to you." I take a finger and tilt her chin up to me, get close to her, and whisper "And you are a very beautiful girl, that is most obvious. I would not be surprised if you already had a significant other."

She giggled a most sweet giggle, a giggle that made her even more more attractive to me. "You really are too sweet. You must be quite the player, are you sure you don't have many other girlfriends? I wouldn't want to upset any of them by taking away such a gift from them."

"I promise to you on my hearts, that I will have no such affiliation with anyone other than you, sweet Romana."

"You really are a flirtatious one, you know that Doctor?"

[The Doctor's POV] (this is most definitely not the last of his flashbacks, I'll promise you that)

Such a fond memory that was to remember. I'm sure I have butterflies in my stomach much like I did that day. Though, of course, this was not the time to be reflecting on the past.

"What happened down there? I can't see you, only hear you." Richard said through the intercom.

"Zaelea has awoken as Romana, Richard. Good luck bringing the old her back. I doubt she would want to anyway. She is much more independent and courageous this way." Mushka said.

"Really?" Richard responded. A large banging noise sounded out of the intercom.

"Richard, what's happened Richard?" I said.

"What are you doing Romana?" Richard said in fear, I suspect that Richard is not going to be alive for much longer.

"What do you mean what am I doing? You know very well what I'm doing, or more so what I'm gonna do.. To you! HAHAHA!!" Romana said in a sort of crazed voice. It wouldn't surprise me if she had killed everyone she saw in the building. Probably ran out of bullets at some point. If so, how is she going to kill Richard? Perhaps she kicked down the door? She could hit him with the door, which is what I suspect she is going to do.

I ran to the entry way of the room I was in, which I immediately regretted doing. There were dead bodies everywhere! How could I have let this happen to her? To them? This is all my fault it seems. One man in a black suit and tie twitched on the ground.

"Help me, please.." he said in a hushed tone. I rush over to him, seeing if I really can help, which seems highly improbable based on the pool of blood around him. I hold him, and he lifts his head to my ear. "Please.. Kill me.." he whispered to me.

"I'm sorry, I'll do what I can" I don't do anything, I only make him think I am. I pressed an area of his body, and using his very last breath, he said "Thank you.." There wasn't anyway he would have lived much longer than he did, even if I never approached him. With a heavy heart, I get up. My suit was completely covered (and probably stained) with the strange man's blood.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you." I say as a silent prayer. I followed the trail of madness and destruction that Zale- I mean, Romana- left behind her. The buildings hallways seemed to go on forever, which makes me wonder just how Romana found Richard. Perhaps the pure rage flowing through her veins heightened her senses?

I do eventually come across the room Richard was communicating from. However, Romana was no longer there. This was not a surprise, she probably had already left the building. Richard was pinned to the wall. Romana had seemed to actually break off a piece of the door and bury it so far through both Richards body and the wall, that he was just hanging there, an odd look in his eyes. Some crimson blood sputtered out of his mouth, and for a second I thought there was hope he would be alive so that he may atone for his wrongdoings.

The life left Richards body as fast as it came, and all that Richard did was say to me "The machine is still there, and it will not stop, even if I and all of the Daleks are dead.." He was now nothing but another part of Romana's trail of destruction.

[Young Doctor's POV]

"Many women have said that about me, as you know. But none were as beautiful as you, Romana." I said, romance pouring from my mouth. "How about you and me go to Uehara's (Way-hah-rahs)?" Everyone knew about Uehara's, why it was the most popular place for us young people to be! However it was also very expensive, but that was no issue for me.

"Isn't Uehara's expensive? Do you have the money?" Romana said, concerned. It was awfully cute when she was worried about me.

"There's nothing better to spend it on than you, my darling." I said with a handsome smirk. I think awfully high of myself, I hope this confidence I have it is not going to backfire!

"I could name many better things you could buy with all that money, Doctor."

"Go on and name them then, and I will tell you just how worthless they are to me, in comparison to you."

"But Doctor, you barely know me! How could I possibly mean a thing to you?"

"I see, Romana. Then why don't we get to know each other?" I was a bit worried, perhaps I would fail to seduce this young woman. "I do not have ill intentions, that I can promise you."

"Fine then, let's go!" she said with a smile, walking to the direction of the cafe.

[Doctor's POV]

"Doctor?" Mushka said to me, interrupting my thoughts. "Is there something wrong? Well I mean there are plenty of things that are wrong, but why are you acting so strange?"

"I was just uh.. It's nothing, doesn't matter now."

"I know you are a particularly odd individual but to this extent? What madness."

"Hush, Mushka. It is not as if it's my fault, it must have been that drink. Besides, even if it had been from madness of my own, it was just mere flashbacks. At least I'm not hallucinating."

"Or are you?" She said in a humorous tone

"Mushka this is not a good time for jokes. We are surrounded by good people's corpses. What about that is funny to you?"

"Not one bit, and it seems you have lost all rationality in the midst of the chaos. Do you not see I'm trying to lighten the mood? Even if I had not been trying, my joke has nothing to do with the death of my comrades! Do you honestly think I do not care? Is that really what you think of me after all this time?"

"Mushka, I understand your pain but I just do not feel humor is a necessary thing right now. But any how, this is no time for argument and other trivial things. Let's just get out of here and find Romana before any more innocent people die."

"I'd hardly call my comrades innocent, Doctor. Not after what they have done." She said, somberly.

"While they may have done terrible things, unthinkable things, that hardly gives a just reason for them to being killed."

"Perhaps I just don't have the same amount of compassion in my heart as you do, Doctor."

"Well, I do have two." I said to Mushka, us finally walking out of the building, and back into the arid desert.

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