Enchanted by each other (On h...

By Azhur0

151 5 4

*Currently on hold, more of a teaser. I'll write it again when I have completed some other books I am writing... More

Chapter one - Being sent off
Update info

Chapter two - Punkbitch

42 1 2
By Azhur0

IMPORTANT!! Please read to the end: I was going to dedicate this to whomever the second person (ReNeExD was the first I think - Thank you by the way!! You're awesome!!! Thank you SO SO much for the unwavering support for my stories) who voted for it was but I can't remember who :P Sorry!!! If you voted for the first chapter, comment and or like this one and I will dedicate the next one to you!! Really sorry about that!!! I haven't been able to update in a while and I have completely forgot who it was!! I have a feeling it may have been readerbabe.... I know you voted for Crushing on Kyah and I'm not sure if you voted for this one too.... Anyway, to the story!!

*Braxton's P.O.V*

"Damn, that new chick! Talk about hot!!" my roommate and best friend Ethan says. 

"New chick? Who is she?" I ask.

"Well, I walked passed and some guy called her Lottie so maybe Charlotte. I don't know anything else but damn.... She is hot!!"

I laugh, "So you said."

Now I was really interested. I mean, I have a girlfriend but meh. I'm only with Courtney because we're both the most popular people at the school so it’s like we have to go out. She's always all over me but I'm really that into her. She's too much of a.... harlot, to put it nicely, for me.

"You want to know the best bit?" Ethan asks.

"What?" I ask getting a little curios as to what he was going to say.

"She's across the hall man!"

"Huh?" I ask confused.

"You know, opposite to our room.... Well opposite a down a few from what I've heard. She's in that section of single rooms."

Oh! I get it now.... I shrugged at him, "Amazing.... What difference does that make?"

"Well, I mean, she's in our wing of the building and you know what they say about welcoming guests in your area. We could invite her around!"

I smack Ethan in the back of his blonde hair filled head, "Dude, you're an idiot! You really think that some girl is going to come over to a guy’s room? Plus, Courtney would have a shit fit if she found out, you know that!!"

He gives me a scowl, "Stupid frickin' Courtney!"

I'll agree with that.... I mean what? My gorgeous girlfriend who I'm sure is probably cheating on me this very second. Stupid?? No way..... Actually, no she wouldn't be cheating on me; she's probably around the corner trying to use her X-ray vision to watch me..... Funny thing is, I'm not even kidding!

I sigh and get into a sitting position on my bed which I was lying on. Ethan looks at me and shakes his head, "What?"

He keeps shaking his head, "Dude, Courtney's open legs have seen just about every guy in the school. I just don't get how that sits well with you. I mean, I'm probably the only guy she hasn't slept with! Nor will she ever, no offence dude but getting laid isn't worth what you’d get off her."

I laugh, "I get you man... You know I'm not really that into her. I agree with you by the way, no way I would sleep with her. Sounds bad but I would rather not catch a STD off my girlfriend."

"How does she even get away with it? I mean, this school can be strict and damn does she get around! I'm surprised she hasn't been caught yet!"

I shrug, "She either sleep with half the teachers or she's just sneaky. I'm not even sure."

"Well, at least her legs are closed for a while.... She's so 'totally in love with you' that she can't even go to her own room. Literally, before I walked in I saw her pretending to talk to some chick a few doors down! She's a psycho man! Why are you even going out with her?"

I shrug, "I don't know. Its just tradition, the most popular people go out."

"You should dump that bag of STD's soon man. The only reason she's popular is because of her easy ways."

"Fuck off Ethan, she is my girlfriend even if she has a bad reputation so stop it before I have to hit you."

I get up and walk out of the room, closing the door behind me. I already know that Courtney has slept with a ton of guys, does he have to make it worse? I might not be that into her but she's my girlfriend for crying out loud! The only reason he dares talk like that about her is because he knows I’m not into her and we share the same opinion on her. Damn, I’m not a very good boyfriend…..

I stop when I hear Punkbitch by 30H!3. I love that song!! It’s a little loud though. Make that super loud! What the fuck is going on? 

Suddenly, Courtney pops up from nowhere, "HI BABY!!! I missed you!"

"Court, you saw me like," I say before staring down at my watch, "a half hour ago!"

"Meh. I wish the new bitch would turn down that crappy music!! Who would like that? Honestly!! Talk about bad taste...."

I clear my throat, "Actually, this is one of my favourite songs."

Courtney sighs and stares down at her shoes, "It’s... Um, great? Anyway, I have to go talk to someone! I'll see you later!!"

Yeah... Translation, she was going to gossip with her bitch backup girl, Sammi and dig up everything she could on the new girl and the song.

She scuttles off. Damn it, I better go warn the new chick before she gets in trouble for the music. 

I see a teacher starting to walk down the corridor. Before I can think I approach her, "Miss, I think someone in... Red wing is sick. Uh, they messaged me and asked me to get a teacher. Room 10."

The teacher sighed and nodded. I'm going to be in so much shit when she realizes I made that up!! Red wing was the one just down from this one. It would take her about 5 minutes to get there which means I'm going to have to tell the new chick to turn it down and run. If that teacher finds me, I'm dead meat! I haven't seen her around much though so at least she won't know who I am. 

Why did I even do that? All to save some chick I don't even know.... I storm over to her room and hammer my fist against the door. The song has now changed to something else that I don't know.

The music is hushed slightly and then the door is opened. In front of me now stands a brunette. Wow, she really is gorgeous!! And super hot, just like Ethan said. 

*Melody’s P.O.V*

Suddenly I hear a banging noise on my door. The song changes and I sigh before dropping the bag I was searching, turn my music down a bit and open the door, the song Bittersweet Memories by Bullet for my Valentine still wafting in the air.

WOW.... Talk about a looker!! This guy was like.... like.... I can't even describe this piece of perfection!! He's leaning on the frame of my door and looks fuming but when his eyes land on mine his face softens and he gulps, "I... Um...." he runs a hand through his hair before rubbing the back of his neck with his hand, "Your music, you might want to leave it turned down. You could get in trouble for the volume but also, I don't think that a song with swearing is a song that the school will really love." 

I feel my cheek burn, the previous song had been Punkbitch by 3OH!3. "Thanks, I'll keep it in mind. I was just looking for my headphones."

What to say now? I just want to keep staring personally...

He clears his throat and looks down the hall. He gasps and looks at me, "Look, I really need to come inside for a minute. I'll tell you why, just let me in, please!!!" he begs.

I sigh and bite my lip before stepping aside, "Um, sure I guess?"

"Thank you!! You're a lifesaver!"

I laugh at his choice of words and he slips passed me. I close my door and slide the lock. "So, are guys and girls even allowed to be in the same room together?"

He sighs, "Not with the door locked but don't worry, keep it that way,"

"Why?" I ask now a little concerned. There's this dream like boy in my room and he wants me to lock the door... 

"NO, NO!! Nothing like that!" he says while putting his hands up, "I just saved your ass! A teacher was about to come in and get up you so I.... Made a detour? Turn your music off or she'll know we're in here. "

"Thanks?" I say while walking to my laptop and turning off the music. "I'm Melody."

He looks at me with a confused expression. "What?" I ask.

"I just heard that your nickname is Lottie so I thought your name would be Charlotte, my bad."

"Who told you that? Um, it’s a thing I have with my friend, Nathan. He's the only one who calls me that though. Most people call me Ody."

"Ody.... Ody.... Ok, I'm Braxton."

Braxton..... Well, Braxton you are one smokin' guy! "Nice name."

We sit awkwardly for a minute, "Um, I kinda slapped my friend for this earlier but, do you want to come to our room later? Its holidays we get to have parties as long as they're controlled. I mean, nothing weird, I have a girlfriend if you're wondering and I wouldn't cheat on her."

I feel my whole body drop. He has a girlfriend.... Of course he does, look at him!! I scold myself. Plus, even if he didn't, I would have no chance with this piece of heaven.

"Well Braxton, maybe later. You think the coast is clear yet?" I say, more sigh. I need him out of here before I let my sense run off and my heart take control.

"Yeah, probably. Thanks, I'll see you around."

"Doubt it."

His head rips back, "Why not?"

"Because you're obviously popular and I'm not. Do the math dude!"

"Math... Never liked the stuff! I bet you are popular by the way, you're the type."

I gasp, "The type? Meaning bitchy and flashy? No thanks, I keep my legs closed and my nose in a book. And I defiantly don't think I am a bitch, I think I'm very nice!"

His face drops, "No!! That- that's not what I meant!! I-I meant it like you seem someone people would like and look up to. You know what? Forget it; I'm just going to jump off a bridge."

"You think they'll permit you to leave the school grounds?" I say, flashing him a cheeky smile. Damn that was fun! I laugh and choke out words between, "honestly, your face!! So funny!!"

He growls, "That was not funny. I'm going now, If you do want to drop by, my room is 113. It down two and across, the hall that is."

"Well obviously! 113 is uneven and 118 is so it would be on the opposite side AKA across from me and down. It’s pretty easy to get."

"Hmm, smart. I like a girl with brains."

"Well, your girlfriend must be very smart then! Thank you for the invite but I think I'll pass. Bye Braxton, door's that way!" I say while pointing to the door and giving him a visibly strained smile, more like lip purse.

 "Okie dokie..... Bye."

I watch as he walks to the door. I have to restrain myself from grabbing him and kissing him senseless. He has a girlfriend Melody; he would never even consider you!!

He looks back one more time and smiles before closing the door. I sigh and drop onto my bed so I'm lying down. Wow. That's one hot guy. I wonder when I'll see him next? No! Stop it Melody!! Stop, before you get hurt!!

I reach my hands out stretching and something touches my finger tips. I sit up and pull whatever is there, only to find my black and hot pink headphones.

I put my headphones on the table beside my computer and decide to visit Ketta. I completely shut off my computer and grab my room key before slipping out of my room and locking the door behind me. I venture my way to room 123, that was the room right?

I ball my hand into a fist and it connects with the wood of the door, creating a knock. The door swings open right away and the red-orange haired girl stands in front of me. Her face provides a confused look and I smile, "Hi Ketta!! I was just... Um... I thought I would stop by and say hi but if you’re busy..."

"NO!! Come in, come in!! A few of my other friends are coming over soon, Elias, Mia, Tamara and Ridgie. I'm sure you'll all get along!! Elias is only staying for an hour or so though because we're having a girl night and he's no girl!! Hey, do you want to stay the night too?? You totally should!!!" she says, hardly taking a breath, "Gosh! I'm sorry; my mouth is just... running.... So will you stay?"

Crap!! How could I possibly say no to that pouty face? Gosh, I can already tell Ketta and I going to be great friends... "I uh, yeah, I guess, if your friends like me.... Thank you!" 

"YAY!!!!! Oh my jelly beans!!! I'm so happy!!!" she squeals. "Go get some pajamas!!"

"Right... I will. Um, what kind do you wear for this kind of thing?" I ask.

"Anything!! What you normally wear is fine!!"

Yeah, well... That wouldn't go down well because I normally just wear my boy leg underwear and a shirt.... I don't think I'll be doing that anymore...

I walk back to my room and get out a singlet and a pair of solow pants plus my toiletries bag. At least I don't have to pack that up because it’s already packed, there is a giant male and female toilet in each wing instead of singly so you have to have a toiletries bag ready every night before you go for a shower and get ready for bed. I shove my clothes in a smaller backpack I have with me and once again exit my room and head for Ketta's.


Currently I am not setting a cast for the main characters (Lottie and Brax) because I always set the mains first and then change my mind as to what they look like.

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