Falling For My Best Friend

By short_grace

1.2M 37.1K 35.3K

What's worse than being a guy in high school who figures out they are gay and they have a crush on another gu... More

Authors Note?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Ending Authors Note
Some things to talk about

Chapter 23

23.3K 870 737
By short_grace

Hello my dudes I'm BACK.

I finished my finals and passed all of them so that's a big WHOOP

Now I got all summer to write for ya'll :)

I hope the start of your summer has been great so far. Now, let's get on with the story.

(Noah's POV)

Hunter and I walk into school the next day, with Jason and Clara by our sides. I know it's only two people, but I feel strangely confident when I have both of them beside me.

"Remember, don't give them attention. It's exactly what they want." I hear Hunter whisper into my ear. I nod, still a bit tense. I feel more nervous knowing everyone's eyes are on me.

The group of us are desperately trying to get to History class. That's it. It shouldn't be too hard.

But alas, it seems whenever it shouldn't be difficult some idiot just has to make it difficult.

"Fag." It's the first thing I hear once our group rounds the corner of the History hallway. It doesn't have too much of an effect on me, really I had mentally prepared myself for any of the words people would throw at me.

But that's it. We enter History and as soon as we sit down, the bell rings and the teacher walks in. I'm immediately relieved because it means no one can do anything to me at the moment. At least, not easily.


That's exactly how the next few classes go. I would walk to my classes, around my friends or not. Maybe I would get an insult or two in the hallway. Maybe I would get a glare. At very best nothing would happen.

At least lunch was finally here, where I can actually sit down and eat food with my friends and boyfriend. Hopefully no one would bother us.

Apparently that was wishful thinking.

I sit down with the others and I immediately dig into my mac and cheese. This school doesn't make overly awesome food, but if there's something they make right its macaroni. Shits good.

Out of the corner of my eye I can see someone walking towards us, with shoes that look vaguely familiar. I look up from my for once delicious food and see Jack with two of his minions walking towards us. I inwardly groan.

They approach us slowly. They come to a stop and Jack lays his hand on the table laughing a bit. I refuse to look at his face.

"Well, would you look at that. The two disgraceful and their supporters."

"What do you want, asshole." Hunter says beside me, and I can feel him tense with anger. I decide to look up to watch what is going to happen.

Jack shrugs. "Just trying to figure out why you two are even trying anymore. Obviously your 'relationship' will fail."

This angers Hunter a lot, and me too. Who is he to say how well our relationship will go? I send a death glare to him. Before either Hunter or myself can say something, Clara speaks up.

"Listen, you fucker. They probably have the most stable relationship out of anyone in this school. Maybe if you'd ever had a stable relationship you'd know what one looks like."

I could see Jack seething at that comment.

"Maybe if you weren't walking around here acting like such a hoe-"

"Don't even finish that sentence." Jason says, raising from his seat slightly. At this point, most of the cafeteria can tell something is going on and is looking in our direction.

Jack just shrugs and laughs it off. He turns back to Hunter and I.

"If you two fags think you can just-"

Jack doesn't even finish his sentence before Jason is flying a punch at him. It catches me by surprise, and I am lifted from my seat by Hunter as Clara stands up too. Jack has to regain his strength before he can focus, he probably didn't expect it. But once he regains himself, him and Jason are at war.

The two boys Jack had brought along with him are just sort of standing off to the side, not really doing anything. Almost like they are afraid to join Jack in fighting Jason in fear of getting hit.

Clara, Hunter, and I are all attempting to grab Jason off of Jack, but it is no use. The two are at it, with Jack sporting a black eye and Jason has a mark on his cheek.

Jack punches Jason in the nose, and you can almost hear his nose crack as blood starts spilling out if it. You can tell it hurts from the way he jerked his head to the side.

Jason grabs Jack and slams him down onto the floor. Jason stands up and is breathing hard.

Jack stands up as well, and his shirt is riding up a bit at the back. You can see the bruises from when he hit the floor.

"Jason, dude we have to get out of here now. Before the principal sees you." I say, and I can feel my heartbeat going at a hundred miles a minute.

Jason turns around to look at us, nodding his head. We grab him by the arms and run out of the cafeteria, right as we hear a few shouts from a teacher.


We were trying to figure out where to take Jason for his nose, because we could not leave it untreated. It was decided that we should just risk it and go to the nurse, because if Jason's injuries weren't treated they wouldn't look pretty.

I knocked on the door to the nurse's office, with Clara, Jason, and Hunter standing beside me. Hunter and Clara were checking on Jason every five seconds to see if he needed them to do anything.

"I'm not a baby, I can take a bloody nose." Hunter raised his eyebrows.

"Jason, your nose is pretty much broken. I heard the crack, man."

Jason shrugged it off and Clara rolled her eyes.

"I know it's fragile to your masculinity to admit your hurt, but please just let us help you."

Before Jason could respond the door to the nurse's office was opened, with our nurse standing behind it. Nurse Kelly had been at our school for a long time.

Nurse Kelly narrowed her eyes at the four of us before saying, "Are you in need of my help?"

I nodded my head. "Yes. Jason, um...walked into a door and we think he might've broken his nose."

Nurse Kelly didn't seem like she believed me, but she allowed us in to take care of Jason. She took Jason to the back room to fix him up, and we waited near her front desk while she was taking care of him.

About twenty minutes later and Nurse Kelly comes out from the back room. She smiles at us and heads to her desk.

"I put his nose back into place, which hurt him a bit. But it needed to be done. I checked for any signs of a concussion but he doesn't seem to have any. He is a bit nauseous though, so I'm going to allow him to stay in the back room and rest for the rest of the school day. You guys can go back there and visit him if you like."

We smiled and thanked her before heading to the back room. Jason looked up at us and smiled a little lopsided.

"I didn't know getting your nose put back into place would hurt like a bitch."

Hunter laughed and all three of us sat around him. It was silent for a moment before Jason spoke.

"I'm sorry for going kinda crazy back there. But whenever someone insults you three or hurts you it angers me to no end. You three are my bros, and yes you too Clara. I know bros is like a guy thing." Clara smiles warmly at him.

"Thank you, Jason. For standing up for us." Hunter says, and Jason laughed.

"It had to be done. I would never sit there and let him trash you guys."

Jason smiled at us and we all smiled back at him.

"Love you guys." He says. leaning his head back because I'm sure he's tired.

"We love you too, bro." Hunter says, and Clara and I nod in agreement.

"Group hug?" Clara asks, we all laugh and huddle around Jason so we can group hug.

I love these guys.


I wonder sometimes if you guys can picture my characters during the story as vividly as I can.

Qotc: Do you have any plans for summer break?

Aotc: Hmm I don't think so? At least that I know of.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

Bye fellow Wattpadians!

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