robbers ✖ lashton [ hiatus ]

By fratau

12.5K 872 156

he took a drag of the cigarette hanging limply from his cherry red lips, and exhaled slowly into ashton's fac... More

not an update !!


1K 100 13
By fratau

k so reupload cus wattpad was being v dumb yesterday ??? idk if it was working for the five of you who actually read this bUT !!! hopefully its working now right? ( btw its not edited so sorry for any mistakes :-/ )



it had been two weeks after luke had given ashton his number, and thirteen days since luke had last seen him.

personally, he was feeling deprived. the pet names and constant smoke in his face didn't suppress the need luke felt for the other male.

and, of course, they had texted back and forth. but, the last text luke received from ashton was two days ago. the blonde had sent countless messages, each more frantic than the next. plus, he had gone through seven lines of coke, and when his drug of choice ran out, luke turned to michael's lcd.

luke was nearly at the end of his shift, when his phone buzzed in his pocket. he rang the old lady's cereal and frozen pizzas that she was buying, and forced a smile as he wished her a good day.

checking for managers or customers, luke took the phone from his pockets and turned it on, quickly reading over his notifications.

subway surfers.

a missed call from his mom.

and a text from ashton.

he unlocked his phone, and opened his messages, a gooey grin lighting up his features as he read over it a few times.

4:53: hey baby :-) what r u doing later tonite?

he was thumbing over the keys when a soft cough made luke look up from his text. standing in front of him was a golden colored boy with black tattoos on his biceps, bringing out the toned muscles that were put on showcase in his cut up muscle tee. add in a pair of dark brown eyes that made luke melt a little behind the register, plus a short black quiff, and luke didn't mind having been interrupted.

the employee smiled, and looked down at the items the boy had placed on the counter. slipping his phone back into his pocket, luke addressed the boy.

"sorry about that, grandma's in the hospital. gotta keep updated." he lied, a simper playing across his lips.

grabbing a jug of milk, and running it along the scanner, luke was surprised to hear a reply coming from the observant male.

"never in my life have i seen someone so obviously happy about their grandmother's well being," he peered at luke's nametag, raising his eyebrows as he looked back up at the blonde. "luke."

a tad shaken by his customer's audacity, luke stopped typing in the code for the plastic bag of apples he was holding.

"and you are?" he inquired, his mouth set in a straight line. luke set the apples back on the register and crossed his arms over his chest.

"calum." he rolled his eyes and pointed at his groceries still on the conveyer belt. "now can you please keep checking me out? i've got places to be."

luke scoffed as he scanned the pack of camel blue's.


exactly when his phone displayed the time 5:00, luke turned his light off and rushed to change from his bright red shirt, and dull khakis. he put on his pair of black skinnies, and a thin muscle tee covered by a jacket before walking out of the store, mentally fucking everyone in the building.

he composed a short text back to ashton, and sent it as he crossed the lot to his car.

5:08: I’m open all night. Got something planned?

luke unlocked the old model, and sat on the frayed upholstery, staring quite impatiently at his chat log with ashton. and when as the message came through, luke’s heart nearly jumped out from his chest.

5:12: meet me at the rogue at 6:00?

with a google search, luke was presented with directions to a strip club.

and not a very good one, either.


he parked a block away from the club, and stuffed the keys into his pocket, wrapping his jacket tighter around him.

the wind struck his cheeks and allowed a bright red color to blossom on his pale skin. and when the bouncer asked for his i.d, luke flashed a card that said he was four years older than he really was.

twenty-four is a nice age.

ruby colored couches filled the large room, and thin girls showed more skin than he'd seen at any waterpark. they were giving lap dances to his left and right, and his eardrums were vibrating in his skull.

within a few moments, luke spied a cloud of smoke near the middle of the room, closest to the main stage. upon further investigation,  luke realized it was ashton, and, ironically, calum.

he hurried over to where they were sitting, and flashed a warm smile once he was in ashton's view.

the boy took the cigarette from his lips, and stood up, walking towards luke. ashton engulfed the younger boy in his arms, and pressed his cheek to luke's, whispering softly in his ear.

"i've missed you princess."

a shiver ran down his spine as ashton kissed his cheek and returned the cigarette to it's previous position. calum held out his hand, and luke shook it blindly, his gaze fixed on ashton's every movement.

ashton took his seat again, and pulled luke down with him, practically forcing him into his lap. it’s not like luke was complaining, though.

the lights started to dim, and the blonde watched as a busty, obviously unnatural redhead took the stage, and began shook her nonexistent ass for the crowd of married and skeezy men. it absolutely repulsed luke, but ashton’s muscular arms were wrapped his torso. the simple touch seemed to burn luke’s skin through the fabric of his jacket.

and when ashton’s fingers started exploring more of luke’s thin frame, the younger boy just threw back his head and bit his lip. but when they brushed his inner thigh, luke’s own quiet moan was lost in the music.

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