Buy Me A Lover-JJK x KSJ

By nancysue64

104K 4.9K 1.6K

Kim Seokjin lived a busy life. He was left to raise his four year old niece when his sister and brother in l... More

"Buy Me A Lover"-Teaser
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 16

2.2K 115 43
By nancysue64

🔥Yay another new chapter!!  I'm excited for y'all!!🔥
Have fun!!
Ty luvs💜

Kim had thoughts of choking the life out of his ex wife, smothering his son and having sweet boy's- Kim didn't finish the thought but pulled out his gun and his phone. He had some calls to make and some people to scare.

First on his list. His son, Namjoon.


Namjoon laid in his best doing his best to breathe. As his kidneys were failing he complained of shortness of breath to his doctors. They ran a battery of tests and concluded that he had the beginning stages of pneumonia and put him on meds to combat the illness. Jimin paid for the treatment to be done in their home well as a private nurse to take care of him.

Namjoon felt useless and helpless. He didn't like being dependent on his boyfriend but Jimin just kissed his cheek and ruffled his hair. "I love you, baby. I'll take care of you no matter what. So don't worry too much. You don't want to work yourself up and need your oxygen."

Namjoon pouted. Jimin tucked his boyfriend into bed and adjusted the blankets high to keep him wam.

Namjoon snatched his boyfriend's hand and pulled the older down to his level. "I hate being sick, Jimmie. It pisses me off. I should be taking care of you. Why bother with me? I'm dying or have you forgotten that?" Jimin pursed his lips and frowned at his boyfriend.

Namjoon regretted saying it but it was there and no one ever talked about it. "Soon my kidney's will fail then the rest of me will go into failure. It won't be much longer Ji-"

Jimin put his hand over Namjoon's mouth to stop him from speaking. The more he talked, the more Jimin was close to breaking.

"Stop, Joon. You're sick. I will take care of you even after you get better. You hear me? No talk of dying. I won't allow it. It's you and me forever, remember?" Jimin held up his left hand to show Joon his ring then he pointed to Namjoon's ring.

Namjoon sniffled. Jimin meant everything to him. The rings they gave one another meant they'd be together for always. Namjoon toyed with the thin silver band. His emotions were all over the place. His doctors weren't giving him any hope. He needed a new kidneys and a transplant was his only option. Even though he was put on a list his other medical problems did not make him a good candidate.

Now his lungs were potentially deteriorating and it frustrated Namjoon. He just wanted to be well so he could take care of his Jimin. His ever loving, always by his side, never faltering dedicated boyfriend.

"Hey, Joonie." Jimin called out to his boyfriend with a snap of his fingers.

Namjoon's attention shot back to his beautiful, loving boyfriend.

"What is it, Jimmie?"

The younger titled Namjoon's chin up to meet his eyes. His beautiful smile, eyes half crescents just for Namjoon.

"I love you Joonie. Stop complaining and let me take care of you. You're whiny complaints isn't going to keep me from making sure you are looked after well. So enough talking. Okay?" Jimin poked his boyfriend on the nose with his little finger and it made Namjoon crack a small smile. That was enough to make Jimin feel relaxed for the moment.

Namjoon grabbed at his boyfriend's shirt and pulled the younger down towards him. Jimin tried to right himself but he fell onto the bed by Namjoon's knees. When he sat up ready to scold his bofyriend Namjoon planted a hungry kiss on Jimin's suprised lips.

He curled his large hand around the back of Jimin's head and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss and making Jimin moan in the back of his throat. Namjoon's thick lips swallowed Jimin's equally plushy ones.

Only when Namjoon started coughing did Jimin pull away. Namjoon's numbers started to drop and Jimin grabbed his oxygen mask putting it over a protesting Namjoon's face. Soon as the younger got a few deep puffs of the oxygen the coughing ceased.

Jimin tutted his boyfriend. "See what happens when you get too excited, Joonie." Jimin kissed the side of his boyfriend's damp brown hair. Namjoon just whimpered in defeat. His eyes fell to his hands that laid in his lap. Tears started to fall from the older's eyes and it startled Jimin.

He got up into the bed with Namjoon and cuddled his upset boyfriend. Namjoon trembled and Jimin burrowed closer to his boyfriend, wrapping his arms around the giant's waist. He softly ran his fingers through Namjoon's hair and soothed him by singing to him in barely above a whisper.

It took only a few minutes and Namjoon was asleep. The kiss had exerted too much energy that Namjoon didn't have anymore. It didn't take much and it was frustrating for Jimin and especially for Namjoon.

Doctor's said no sex because of his poor health. Too much extertion on his body, lungs, kidney's heart would be too taxing for the older. Again Namjoon was upset about that. Jimin told him that he shouldn't worry about it. He wanted him well first before THAT was okay to do again.

He loved Namjoon so much and he constantly reassured his older boyfriend that it was okay, he wasn't going anywhere and that just because they couldn't make love right now didn't mean he was going to dump him.

"Baby. I have to go to work now. Jeanie the night nurse will be here in about fourty minutes. I love you, Joonie." Jimin kissed his boyfriend's lips quickly and left for work but made sure to keep his phone by him in case Namjoon tried to reach him.

(A/N: Yeah I know what you're all thinking.)

The room was completely quiet save for the monitors beeping maintaining Namjoon's vitials.

The brown haired giant slept peacefully with the help of his oxygen mask. The medication pumping into his bloodstream to help combat his lung illness. The night nurse Jeanie was due to come in any time.

*Beep beep beep* Went Namjoon's monitors.

A tall, dark figure loomed over the sleeping giant.

"Eh, pathetic. So was your mother." came the garious reply.

The man stepped closer and peered closely at his son. He was digusted with the sleeping giant. Wires, mask, IV lines, everything that made him see his son as weak.

He turned his head and whispered in the sleeping giant's ear.

"You are pathetic. Why don't I do the whole world a favor and remove you from it. Hurry along your death now instead of watching you waste away by the side lines. I can make it quick and barely painless. Join that whore of your mother's. I'm sure she's waiting for you on the other side." Kim cackled in a evil mocking tone.

"She begged for her life before I snuffed it out. She hid you from me. That made me angry. Her lasts words were, "Don't hurt my Joonie bee." I said to her, "you're pathetic." Then I pushed her head under the water and held it till she stopped struggling. She struggled for a few minutes, knocking her body all around the bathtub but eventually went still. Amazing how a little suicide note convinced the police she took her own life. Haha."

Kim's demeanor changed instantly. His eyes turned dark and voice dropped to an almost inhuman growl.

"Now it's your turn. Say goodnight." Kim lifted the pillow and pushed down on the sleeping giant's face. Namjoon couldn't breathe and wondered why he was struggling to breathe. It dawned on him that someone was trying to kill him. Smother him. The weak man giant swatted and struggled with the stronger assailant.

His air was running out and Namjoon started to feel himself slip away. Everything felt heavy, air going away. His hands dropped to his sides and he heard his mother's voice. His monitor alarms going off like crazy as his stats were crashing.

"Stay, Joonie bee. Mother loves you."

Namjoon was fading, death was immient. He didn't want to die, not like this.


The air returned instantly and Namjoon took a huge gulp of air into his lungs before coughing insistently. He opened his eyes and saw no one. He was puzzled. Confused. Had he dreamt what he thought just happened?

He reached for his phone and dialed Jungkook. Jimin was at work and he hadn't heard from his little brother in a few days. His rapidly beating heat felt like it was going to explode out of his chest and his stats were elevated.

He dialed Kook's number then waited.

It rang four times before a ragged sounding voice answered.

JK: "Hello? J-joon hyung?"

NJ: "Christ, Kook. Where the hell....(deep breaths every few words)....have you been?"

JK: "Ummm.....("I need to take this.") JK speaking to someone Namjoon couldn't distinguish.

NJ: "What is.....going on, Kook? Where been?"

JK: "Work, mostly, hyung." Jungkook sounded out of breathe and his heavy breathing could be heard through the phone.

NJ: "Please.....I'm worried....about you. Can you come.....see me? I know.....(deep breathes) it's late."

There was a moderately short pause where JK stopped speaking. Namjoon listened closely not sure if the younger had hung up. Namjoon's monitored beeped quietly in the backround.

JK: "Yeah. Give me about fifteen minutes, hyung. I'll be there."

Namjoon sighed deeply and fell back against his mountain of pillows. Relief washed through his sick body.

NJ: "See you soon, Kook."


Jungkook held Seokjin close to his body and the two of them were about to cross that line when the younger's phone rang. Jungkook tried to ignore it at first but it kept ringing. Seokjin had pulled away and put some distance between the two.

"I might be important, Kook ah." Seokjin spoke softly.

Jungkook reached for Seokjin, pulliing the olders lithe body back into his arms.

"Nothing is more important than this moment right now, Seok."

The older blushed but managed to untangle his body from the younger's grasp.

"Answer the phone, Kook ah." It was a curt command. Remebering that Seokjin was older he did the respectful thing and did as he was told.

"Alright. Seok."

Now Jungkook found himself in a taxi on his way to the one place he didn't want to go back to. The place that changed who he was. His anxiety increased as he keyed in the code and walked into the semi dark apartment. His eyes went right to the living room lamp. It was on. Jungkook's pushed back the bile in his throat as that one single piece of furniture teorrized him.

He forced the flashbacks out of his mind. He heard a distance beeping of monitors coming from Namjoon's room. Sweat dripped down the side of his face and his palms grew sweaty. His anxiousness increased the further into the apartment he went.

When he passed by his room he heard his screams of terror, pleading, anguished cries playing in his mind. His trauma laid behind that closed door. Jungkook squeezed his eyes shut and bolted past his closed bedroom door.

He threw open Namjoon's bedroom and startled the giant. Namjoon sat up straighter in his bed as Jungkook approached him. The younger appeared unsettled. He was sweating profusely, looking crazily around the room as if looking for someone to appear before them.

The younger sat at the edge of Namjoon's bed, peering around his room and keeping a close eye on the door. When Namjoon reached out and touched the younger on the shoulder he nearly jumped out of his skin.

The large black sweatshirt that Jungkook was wearing, too big for him in fact, slipped down the one side of his shoulder, exposing his neck and collarbone. The bruises, bite and scratchmarks as well as lacarations were visable to Namjoon's eye.

The older was shocked and immediately questioned his little brother.

"Kook....what, who....did you?"

Jungkook looked at him puzzled then followed the older's eyes to his exposed shouder. He quickly covered himself and hung his head low and away from Namjoon's piercing brown eyes.

"Ah, it's nothing, hyung. Nothing." Jungkook lied.

"Bullshit. Someone roughed you up." Then it dawned on Namjoon that his dad was out of prison and he was certain that he didn't just dream he was almost killed but he heard that sick, evil laughter of his dad's.

Namjoon was certain his dad was the source of Jungkook's anxiety. When they were kids his dad would knock Jungkook around, beating him black and blue. Jungkook never once complained or asked for mercy. He just took it.

Namjoon tried to intervene on many occasions only to have his dad turn on him. He beat him so badly one night after shooting up his favorite drug. He nearly choked the life out of Namjoon only when Jungkook sucker punched him in the ribs did he drop Namjoon and beat Jungkook bloody, broken wrist, cracked ribs and spilt lip gushing blood.

Jungkook's mother though rarely intervened and took it upon herself to knock Kim unconscous with a frying pan. At that point Namjoon snatched up Jungkook and they fled the apartment ending up his best friend Jimin's house.

"Kook." Namjoon tentatively touched the younger's shoulder only for Jungkook to once again flinch from him.

"Kook..." Namjoon's tone was softer and the younger turned his head towards him. His eyes barely held back the tears he refused to let fall. It's all Namjoon needed to see to know.

"Bastard." Namjoon growled in a barely contained tone.

Jungkook refused to meet Namjoon's eyes.

"I'll kill him, Kook ah." Namjoon's sounded like an angry growled whisper. His mouth set in a firm line and face pinched tight.

Jungkook looked at Namjoon, his eyes were black as night, his fists were clenched tight and he punched the mattress with his one fist. His blood pressure started to rise, heart rate increased and Jungkook put his hands on the older's shoulders to keep him from getting out of bed.

Namjoon eyes blazed wth anger. "He needs to die, Kook. No one with a soul, common sense and brains would do that. I should of tried harder when we were kids. I was more concerned trying to protect you but now I see he needs to be gone from this earth."

Jungkook tried to calm his brother down. "Easy, Joon. You need to stay calm. Its not good for your heart." Namjoon brushed the younger off. "My heart is perfectly fine, Kook. I swear I'm going find that bastard and kill him. That's a promise."


Jungkook stood in the elevator heading back up to his hotel room. He stayed with Namjoon till the night nurse Jeanie showed up. Namjoon begged Jungkook to call or text more often. He worried so much about him. Even more so now.

He recalled the last part of their conversation......

"Please, don't tell anyone, Joon. I don't want anyone to know. Please." Jungkook begged his older brother.

"Kook, I won't." Namjoon patted Jungkook's hand gently. Jungkook relaxed a little but was so ashamed that he couldn't meet his brother's eyes. It pained him too much.

"Kook, I'm so-"

"Stop, Joon. Dont say sorry. I don't want your pity. Listen I need to go and looks like someone is here." Jungkook stood abruptly and stepped to the side when Nurse Jeanie walked into the room.

"I'm....(cough) here for you...Kook. Love you little brother." Jungkook nodded at his older then dashed out of the apartment, running full speed past his room and that lamp. The constant reminder of his trauma.


The elevator opened on the sixth floor and Jungkook snapped out it. He hustled quickly to his room and locked the door behind him.

"Seokjin hyung? Are you here?" Jungkook called out but he didn't hear anything. He immediately went on the alert. His body froze in place. His anxiety and fear gripping him once again.

"Hyung? Please say something." Jungkook pressed his body flat against the wall of their hotel room and inched his way across the room slowly.

Suddenly the bathroom door opened and Jungkook screamed, fell backwards but didn't hit the floor instead a pair of arms caught him. When he opened his eyes he saw Seokjin hyung. His brown eyes staring intensely at Jungkook. His hair was dripping wet, little droplets landed on Jungkook's face.

His chest was bare and a tiny little towel wrapped precariously around his little waist that with the slightly wrong movement could fall away and leave Seokjin naked and exposed.

"Are you okay, Kook ah?"

Jungkook nodded but his eyes fell to the older's lips. Seokjin licked them absent mindedly and it made Jungkook all of a sudden very thirsty but not for water.

When Seokjin righted the two of them Jungkook didn't let go instead his kissed Seokjin. The older was startled and tried to pull away but Jungkook held fast to him. He pushed the older backwards into the bathroom till Seokjin's back bumped into the bathroom wall.

When Jungkook pulled his head away, lips shiny and wet from sucking on Seokjin's pillowy petals, he knew what he had to do.

But Seokjin had something else in mind.

"On your knees Kook, Now." Seokjin commanded. Jungkook did a double take. He wasn't expecting that. He cocked his head to the side and tried to read Seokjin's face. It was impassive but there was a glint of mischief in those blazing dark eyes.

"Of course. Anything for my, Beautiful." Jungkook chuckled. Seokjin cracked a smile but it was more like a heated smirk.

Jungkook dropped to his knees and stared up at the beauitful brown haired goddess.

Jungkook had to admit Seokjin finally taking control and making Jungkook face his trauma was the start to healing for him.

Seokjin looked down at Jungkook and curled his hands under the younger's chin. Tilting the younger's chin up further so all Jungkook could see was Seokjin's piercing black orbs.

"I dont think I need to tell you what to do next, Kookie bear." Jungkook nearly fell into hysterics at the pet name. It was cute though.

Jungkook's eyes sparkled and he wet his lips all the while never taking his eyes off of Seokjin. He gripped the older's meaty thighs and brushed his nose against Seokjin's crotch. It made the older curse rather loudly.

"Shit. Ah, stop teasing, Kook." Seokjin hissed through his teeth but Jungkook knew what he was doing. He liked the power he had over Seokjin.

Make his goddess crazy with lust. Make him beg for it then Jungkook would make his move.


Jungkook's mother sat on her threadbare, cigarette stained, broken ass couch doing what she loved best, smoking and counting her money. Ray, her current husband had gotten lucky playing poker at the casino and brought home 15 million won ($12,642 dollars)

He snatched two grand to take down and drink himself stupid at the neighborhood bar.

Jasu (Jungkook's mother's name that I just created.) lit another cigarette and blew the thick smoke above her head. She surfed through the channels on her tv looking for something interesting to watch but found nothing.

She reached for a half empty carton of leftover chinese food and shoved two egg rolls into mouth. She thought she heard the neighbors above her arguing and throwing stuff around the apartment. It wasn't unusually for them to do that. Glass breaking and what sounded like plates smashing onto the floor echoed off the ceiling.

"Ugh, for Christ sake keep it the fuck down will ya!" Jasu (JK's mother) barked abover her head.

What sounded like running through the apartment and then a loud thud banged off the ceiling above Jasu's head. She growled in annoyance and turned the tv up louder to drown out anymore noises from above.

Jasu headed for the kitchen to grab a beer out of the fridge. She popped the cap off and went to the kitchen cabinet to get a glass. She grumbled when there were no clean glasses so she took one out of the sink full of dishwater and washed it. Grouching the entire time about her lazy ass son who should be over here taking care of the apartment because she didn't want to. She dropped the sponge back into the sink, splashing water on her shirt and wetting her cigaretter she had stuck between her teeth.

"Shit. God dammit." She cursed.

While all that was going on she failed to notice or even hear footsteps creeping up behind her. Only when a large hand grabbed her by the neck and shoved her face into the water filled sink did she panic.

The hand pulled her head up, she gasped for breath before being shoved back down into the water, she thrashed about, arms and legs flailing about. The hand pulled her back out of the water and she gasped for air once again.

Hot breathe tickled her ear and she heard a what sounded like a growl. "I'm home, honey."

Jasu's blood ran cold. It was her ex-husband. Kim.

Jasu turned to face to the side to see her ex-husband. "F-fuck. D-damnit, N-"


Kim's hand struck Jasu on the cheek, cutting the skin and leaving a bright red welt mark.

Jasu's head snapped to the side by the force of the blow.

"I told you to NEVER call me that. So, bitch I see you traded me in for a gambling drunk. I don't know about you but you don't get to decide when we are finished. Only I do. Maybe you needing reminding of who owns you, your body and your life." Kim snarled in her face. Jasu made the mistake of spitting in her ex-husband's face. That pissed him off.

"Now why did you go and do that? That was a mistake and you will pay dearly for it, whore." Kim shoved her face back down in the dirty dish water. She struggled and kicked frantically to try to get out of Kim's hold.

He did this several more times, holding her head under water but not long enough for Jasu (JK's mother) to lose consciousness. When he had had enough he snatched her by her hair and yanked backwards.

Jasu screamed and tried to pull loose but the more she pulled the harder it got. Kim dragged her by her hair across the apartment and threw her face down on her bed. Kim pinned her down with his large body.

He bit her ear till it bled just a little bit, Jasu screamed and struggled but it was no good.

"Now, bitch I'm going to show you who still owns you. Scream and cry all you want, no one will hear you. I took care of the noisy neighbors upstairs."

"Fuck you, Kim."

Kim chuckled in a evil tone.

"With pleasure, whore."


"Are you sure? You know we can get sued for this. Alright, alright nevermind then. I'll take care of it. Right, bye." Jae hung up with one of the nurses and rubbed his hands through his hair. A huge mistake was made by the lab tech.

The anon had donated more blood for Soon Yi but the lab tech had accidently dropped the vials of blood on the floor and contaminated the whole supply. It was a mess. The call came upstairs to Dr. Lee that the blood donated couldn't be used.

It was also revealed to him that the anon had left a phone number to call in case of an emergency. It was only to be used in urgent emergencies. Dr. Lee had to make the decision to call the anon to ask him or her to come back to the hospital to donate more blood.

He pulled out his phone and dialed the number.

It rang six times then went to voicemail. Jae cursed. It was urgent. He decided maybe a text message would work better.

DL (Dr. Lee): Ah, this is Dr. Lee from Seoul University Hospital. I'm sorry to contact you like this. It's rather an emergency of sorts. If you could possibly come back to the blood clinic, we need more of your blood for my patient, MIss Soon Yi. When you see this you don't have to respond but quickly come to the hospital, thank you.


Meanwhile someone's phone at this very moment was beeping an incoming text message from Dr. Lee but whose?


💋End of Chapter 16.💋

Who's the anon? Yes I said that would be revealed here. Hang in for Chapter 17 to find out, for real this time who the anon donor is!!!

Next Chapter: Dom Seokjin gets the tables turned by Jungkook. Namjoon accidently blurts out Jungkook's secret and FINALLY we get to see who the anon donor is!!! I promise!!!

Ty luvs!!💜

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