Poison Ivy | T. Riddle โœ”

By Obscure_Harmony

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๐•ฟ๐–๐–Š ๐•ญ๐–‘๐–†๐–ˆ๐– ๐•ฏ๐–š๐–˜๐–™ ๐•ฎ๐–๐–—๐–”๐–“๐–Ž๐–ˆ๐–‘๐–Š๐–˜ โHE COMPLETELY SUBMERGED ME IN HIMSELF. JUST LIKE THE POISON... More

[01] The Cottage Of Dreams
[02] Borgin And Burkes
[03] The New Apprentice
[04] Citrus And Rain
[05] Homemade Scones
[06] Selecting The Pawn
[07] Warning Bell
[08] Mildly Suspicious
[09] Pebbles In The Lake
[10] Predator And Prey
[11] Salazar's Locket
[12] The House Elf Scandal
[13] No Trace
[14] Broken Trust
[15] Star Crossed
[16] The Fifth Horcrux
[17] Ophelia
[18] A Stolen Visit
[19] Side Effects
[20] Black Dust
[21] The Forbidden Fruit
[22] Paying The Price
[23] The Quest For Power
[24] His Second Greatest Fear
[25] Repeated Failure
[26] The Illegitimate Heir
[27] Losing Sanity
[28] Divulgence
[29] Fellow Prisoner
[30] Sinister
[31] Broken Puppet
[33] Futility
[34] Bitter Revelation
[35] Unhealthy Obsession
[36] Parselmouth
[37] Fruitless Freedom
[38] Mutual Union
[39] Exile
[40] Lost But Found
[41] Secrets Withheld
[42] Inhuman Nephew
[43] Disavowal
[44] Alleviation
[45] Scandalous Overthrow
[46] Cursed Soul
[47] Confronting The Traitor
[48] Instinctual Warning
[49] A Second Chance
[50] House Of The Serpent
[51] Envy
[52] Threat Of Death
[53] Rise Of The Dark Lord
[54] No Choice
[55] Fire And Fury
[56] Change Of Plans
[57] Jeopardy
[58] Order Of The Phoenix
[59] Blood And Water
[60] Witness
[61] Threatening Demand
[62] Sacrifice
[63] Reflection
[64] Opportunity
[65] Light And Dark
[66] Eternal Freedom
Character Notes

[32] Narrow Escape

218 18 2
By Obscure_Harmony

A sickening crack resonated within his head shortly after the endless spinning subsided. Nathan had no idea where he was, the last thing he recalled was an unstoppable kinetic mass reaching out towards him, engulfing him in a storm of black dust. Blinking twice to let his eyes adjust to the surroundings, he sat up grabbing his throbbing head in his hands. 

He was in a crowded place, people rushing past him in haste. A few of them had stopped and gathered around him as well, as pairs of curious eyes glanced down at him. Someone grabbed his hand and pulled him to his feet, "hey Mister, are you alright?"

As his vision adjusted, he recognized the place as Knockturn Alley. He had been standing in front of Borgin and Burke's Dark Artifact shop and the person who had pulled him up was Mr Borgin himself. Staring at the shop's banner rang a bell somewhere in his head especially the word Burke inscribed on it. 


Perseus Burke.

"You should be taken to St. Mungo's," Mr Borgin had released his arm but was standing beside him, "looks like you just got out of a terrible fight."

"I'm fine, Sir," he replied, "I'll go to St. Mungo's myself, thank you."

Nathan was internally thanking his luck that no one had recognized him there or else he could be in trouble. Perseus's words of warning were echoing in his mind; he had to get to the Ministry safely before he got caught again. There were spies everywhere and in his current state, he couldn't hope to stay alive for long.

He had to find someone who he could fully trust and even the Ministry was accumulated by spies. There was only one person who he could fully trust to be on the right side. But to get to him, he would have to go to Scotland so he decided to take care of his wounds first, in order to make sure he was fit enough for the journey.

For the time being, he decided to go to his old friend and fellow Auror, Nobby Leach. Leach was also a senior Auror who was at the moment being considered for a viable number of opportunities including the Head of the Auror Department due to his diligent performance and remarkable success in all his missions. He was also one of the very few Ministry members who were aware of Nathan's confidential mission to join the Dark Wizard group rising in Albania and work as a spy for the Ministry.

Nathan knew he had to be very cautious for one wrong decision could put not only his life in trouble but also cause damage to the Wizarding World on the whole. Even though at first he had actually thought that his savior, Perseus Burke, had gone a bit insane. But now as his head had cleared and he was slowly coming to terms with the situation, he realized that each word he had said to him was true.

Lord Voldemort was no doubt a dangerous threat hanging over the Wizarding World akin to the sword of Damocles which could fall down and cause infinite destruction at any moment.

He no longer had his wand in his possession thus he was unable to disapparate to his desired location. Knowing that without the wand he was quite equal to a common Muggle, he hired a cab and gave the directions to Greek Street where Nobby Leach's residence was located. 

Throughout the ride to Greek Street, all he could think about was Perseus. His words haunted him and whenever he closed his eyes, those sorrowful blue eyes and ghostly pale face would flash in front of him. He had no idea what would have happened to Perseus after he had opened the portal for him. 

According to his own words, using the power to open up a portal would be the last straw for him. And even though, Nathan had no idea what the power was and how Perseus was able to control it, still all he had done so far was help him escape. And he wanted to return the favor; by clearing Perseus's name from all the accusations put on him and alarming the Ministry of the intensity of chaos they were about to face due to Lord Voldemort.


A dim light was shining in the parlor of the Leach abode where Nathan and Nobby were seated. Nathan's wounds had been taken care of and his host had made sure that he wasn't uncomfortable in any way. Truth be told, Nobby had been quite startled to see him on his doorstep. For as much as he was aware, Nathan wasn't supposed to come back from his mission so early.

But now as Nathan had revealed that he had gotten caught and very narrowly escaped his captors, Nobby too was a little anxious about the whole situation. Nathan had taken care not to reveal anything to him just yet. He trusted that Nobby was definitely not the one who would sell him out to his captor again, but at the moment the lesser people knew about his whole ordeal, the safer it was for him.

"I'm afraid I have to ask one last favor from you," Nathan spoke, "I have to see Albus Dumbledore. He's the only one who can help me. If it's not much of a bother for you, can you arrange for me to meet him?"

Nobby nodded knowingly, "you are right. Dumbledore might be the only one who can help you out. Stay the night here, Nathan, and I'll see to it that we depart for Hogwarts tomorrow as soon as possible. We mustn't delay this."

Early next morning, right after breakfast, Nobby had had the Floo Network arranged to transport them to Hogwarts. He had already informed Dumbledore of their arrival and stated the matter as extremely urgent as well as confidential. As an answer to which, Dumbledore had assured them that he would do his best to help them out.

The fireplace at the Leach abode had been connected to the Headmaster's office. However, Nobby received an urgent message from the Ministry so he had to rush at the last minute, but he assured Nathan to go without him stating that it would be better if he directly and openly discussed the matter with Dumbledore, without him intruding in.

Nathan convinced himself that he was doing the right thing and stepped into the fireplace. He hadn't personally known Dumbledore since he had received teaching from Ilvermorny and even after his transfer to the British Ministry, he had never had a chance to meet him in person. 

But he knew very well about the fact that Dumbledore was one of the greatest wizards of his time, the most remarkable proof of that was Grindelwald's defeat. He knew that Dumbledore was probably the only person who everyone believed to be on the right side and the only person who would never get associated with the Dark Arts.

He was welcomed into the Headmaster's office by Dumbledore himself, as he had been expecting his arrival. "Good day, Mister Whitburg," his voice was cheery as usual and a bright twinkle was dancing in his eyes, "make yourself comfortable please."

He sat down on the chair across from the Headmaster's desk while Dumbledore took his own seat, facing him. "How may I be able to help you?"

"Headmaster Dumbledore... I'm afraid I've gotten myself into a huge mess," he honestly admitted. Talking to the current Headmaster of Hogwarts wasn't as difficult as he had thought before. There was something in the man's behavior which accentuated the fact that he was a great listener and would definitely help him out.

"Ah, don't we all indeed," he remarked, "but the thing to be noted is that no matter how huge the mess is, you can get out of it only if you decide to do so with strong will and resolution."

"Sir, I have worked as an Auror in the Ministry," he began after receiving an encouraging nod from him, "and a few months ago I was fired from my post. The truth is that I had undertaken a task to work as a double agent for the Ministry by joining a rising Dark Wizard cult. Their followers are increasing day by day and the Ministry wishes to put a stop to it, but they couldn't have done so without any inside help. So we staged the whole ordeal of me getting fired from the Ministry, so that I can join the cult and gather information about them firsthand."

"A brave task indeed," Dumbledore mused, "working as a double agent is risky from both respects."

"It sure is," Nathan agreed, "I joined the cult, they call themselves the Death Eaters. But we had all underestimated them. They were not some ordinary group of rebels like those we had dealt with in the past. The Death Eaters are one of the deadliest wizard alliance I have ever seen. Dark Arts is their core and they practice it like religion."

Dumbledore seemed to be deep in thought, "I see."

"They found out that I was a spy," he recounted his final days with the cult, "they were much resourceful than I had given them credit for. And their leader... He's far too lethal than I had expected."

"Who is their leader?"

"He goes by the name Lord Voldemort," he replied, "his group has ears everywhere, there are spies in the Ministry even and he plans to take hold of the Wizarding World by dominating us all with fear. It's like the old days, Sir, when Grindelwald was rising to power. We hadn't paid it much heed at the start and look where that got us. If we make that mistake again, the consequences can be much worse."

The gleam in Dumbledore's eyes was replaced by a grave look, "do you know anything about the true identity of this Lord Voldemort?"

Perseus's face flashed through his eyes once again, "I had met another prisoner over there, when I was kept hostage by them. He told his name as Perseus Burke. You might have heard of him, the Prophet has covered a few articles on his mysterious disappearances and speculations that he might be orchestrating the Dark Wizard cult. He never called the leader Voldemort. He used another name to address him."

"And what is that, may I ask?"

He racked his brains, recalling the last conversation he had had with him, "Tom... He called him Tom Riddle."

Hearing the name, Dumbledore's demeanor shifted completely from a patient listener to a person who had just seen a ghost. There was shock evident in his eyes rather than the twinkling gleam everyone was accustomed of seeing. "That is troublesome indeed. I will see into this matter myself and rest assured that I will myself alert the Ministry, if the need arises."

"Thank you."

He looked at him with the former friendly look, assuring that there was nothing to worry about for now at least, "I assess that you would have some security issues now that you've escaped the cult and have information that can be used against them, is that so?"

"Definitely, Sir. The moment they find me gone they are going to try all means of tracking me out and killing me."

"Yet you're not afraid of death?" his eyes depicted curiosity, as if he genuinely wanted to know his answer.

He shook his head, "not anymore. I think I have done my duty. I have let you know about the perils that await us. I have fulfilled my promise to Perseus. And I trust you would do your best to handle this situation."

"You make me seem like a hero, Mister Whitburg," there was a slightly amused hint in his voice, "what you don't realize is that every person has a part to play. And I might not be the hero for tomorrow. But you and I have one thing in common; we have come this far fighting off evil, why not go a little further?"

"Indeed," he agreed though like most of the times, Dumbledore's words made zero sense to him. His words were like advices that one could only understand when he was most in need of it.

"I promised that I will help and I keep my word," the Headmaster resumed, "I can offer you a place in my teaching staff for the time being. And as long as you're in Hogwarts, none of your captors can lay a hand on you."

"I... I'm much grateful, Sir," he replied cordially. It was indeed a very good offer for a man like him. He wouldn't have to constantly be on the run from his captors, and he would even get a job because after being fired from the Ministry, all other career options had instantly closed for him.

To Nathan, Dumbledore's offer was nothing short of a blessing.

"Our Defense teacher, Professor Merrythought, has been requesting for a leave since long now but I had kept delaying her because I couldn't find anyone fit to fill her place," he spoke, "but you might make a remarkable Professor, judging that by your experience in this particular subject."

Of course, he was right. Nathan was an Auror and Defense Against the Dark Arts was his specialty. 

"I myself couldn't have thought of a better candidate than you," Dumbledore added, "it is most fortunate that you came here. I will see to it that your accommodation is arranged and let Professor Merrythought know the happy news. Merlin knows she deserves a break."

"Thank you, Sir," Nathan spoke, much relieved than before, "I don't know how will I ever be able to repay you."

He let out a soft chuckle as he stood up from the chair, "just make sure that you train our students well enough to be able to deal with what the future has in store for us. I have great faith in you and I'm certain you won't prove me wrong."

"I'll do my best, Sir," he bowed his head in respect, "I won't let you down."


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