Single Dad - ForthMingKit

By bbywin13

25.5K 1K 97

⚠️ Warnings: single parent, step-dads, mpreg, poly-relationship, toxic relationship, Kit has been a single d... More

Summer Break
Start of School w/ Baby
New Friends?
ForthMing (1)
ForthMing (2)
Future 2
Another One ?


1.8K 76 10
By bbywin13

AN: sorry for the large time skip - but its drama time ~ Kit is 33 Ming is 33 Forth with 34 ~ Chen is 15

Bold = Korean
Italics = English
Normal = Thai

Part One

+ 3rd POV. ~ 15 years later ~ Chen's 15th birthday +

"Happy birthday Chen!" Kit yelled waking up his 15-year-old son. Time really flew by quickly. Kit graduated highschool, he was valedictorian AND he got a full-ride scholar ship to Bangkok's largest college. Kit took it but unfortunately had to decline it due to Chen and his medical issues. The school understood and told him if he ever wanted it the scholarship will always be there for him.

ForthMing are engaged, Kit is their boyfriend but will not be getting married to them just yet. Chen loves having 3-dads, he goes to Kit for all of the important things (school paper work/medical issues/ect), he goes to Forth for Money and advice on boys/girls (Chen is bi/Forth is too), and goes to Ming for school-help and fighting lessons.

And then there's Vernon. Chen and his (real) father have not met yet. Sure Vernon was there for the first 3 months of his life. But that doesn't count. And Chen's biggest wish for his birthday this year was to meet his father. At first Kit, Forth, and Ming were scared. But Chen quickly said he's just curious to know where he got his blue eyes, his more American-features, Chen just wants to know where he got all of this, cause clearly it wasn't from Kit. He did get a lot more from Kit but most of his looks were from Vernon.

"Mom~ let me sleep..." Chen mumbled but looked up at Kit any way and smiled.

"Get up, there's someone here to meet you," Kit said and ruffled Chen's hair. Chen pouted but got up any way.

"Pancakes alright?" Kit asked before leaving.

"With food coloring?" Chen asked. Kit just smiled and nodded.

"Of course baby, hurry up," Kit said and left his son alone to get ready while Kit went to make breakfast, Ming helping him. Forth was in his office working a bit before Chen woke up. He works from home but only if Chen isn't home or if he's asleep. Forth wants to spend time with him so he tries not to work when Chen is around.

"Forth, Chen's awake, come on," Kit said after making the pancake batter.

"Alright, VerKwan here?" Forth asked. He knew that Chen wanted to meet Vernon. Wanted to know his (real) father. Forth and Ming didn't mind, they just wanted Chen happy.

"Yeah," Kit said and hugged Forth, sitting on his lap, while he finished up a couple emails.

"You worried?" Kit asked seeing that Forth was a bit off today.

"Not really, just worried that Vernon won't care about him," Forth said and hugged Kit back.

- during breakfast -

"Chen, this is your father... Vernon, this is Chen," Kit introduced them to each other while they ate. Chen smiled and waved to Vernon since his mouth was full of food. Vernon smiled as well. He was amazed at how much Chen really did look like him.

"Does he speak Korean?" Vernon asked, Kit shook his head no.

"I'll translate," Kit said and explained to Chen that Vernon only spoke English and Korean. The Kit explained that Chen only knew Thai and Chinese, most of his friends were Chinese so he picked up a lot from them.

"I have an app on my phone, you don't have to translate mom," Chen said not wanting to bother Kit, he wanted his Mom to eat too. No matter how much Kit says to call him dad Chen ALWAYS calls him Mom. Claims it fits him better.

Vernon and Chen talked a lot during breakfast, then Chen asked why he wasn't around. To be fair it was a good question, Vernon wasn't mad - he answered honestly. Ming and Forth weren't offended either, and Kit didn't mind that he asked.

"I just wasn't ready to be a father, I was barely 17, I didn't know what I was doing. I got scared and left, that wasn't fair to you Kit, I'm sorry about that... And I'm really sorry to you too Chen, but now you've got 3 wonderful dads, that's better than having 1 bad one," Vernon said referring to himself as the '1 bad one'. Chen understood that completely. He didn't hate him at all for that. If anything it made him respect him more for his honesty.

"So I technically have 4 dads?" Chen asked, that actually shocked everyone. They didn't except for Chen to be comfortable with Vernon so quickly to call him dad.

"Technically...yeah, you don't have to call me dad though... Even tho biologically I am," Vernon said. He didn't want to intrude on the family ForthMing-Kit have built for Chen.

"It's fine Vern. we don't mind, having 4 dads is kind of cool honestly," Ming commented.

"You don't have to drop everything and be my dad, that's not what I'm implying, although a phone call now-and-then would be cool, maybe you could come to my concerts some times, I'm just saying it's pretty dope to have 4 dads, how many people can say that? Not alot I bet," Chen said. And Vernon was confused. Maybe some of that didn't translate right.

"Concerts?" Vernon asked.

"I'm in a glee-club/band at school, we actually have a concert later tonight if you want to come, also I should've asked eariler, who is that?" Chen asked pointing Seungkwan.

"My fiancé, Seungkwan. Babe, this is Chen," Vernon said to the boy falling asleep on his shoulder.

"You ok Boo?" Kit asked seeing Seungkwan not looking too well.

"He's pregnant," Vernon said in English to Kit who understood what he said.

"So Chen's got a half-sibling on the way?" Kit asked. Vernon nodded.

"Can I officialy say this is the best birthday ever? It'd be better if Minie was here but he's busy," Chen said and pouted a bit.

"Who's that?" Vernon asked teasing his son.

"Chen's got a boyfriend," Ming teased.

"Boyfriend? Since when?" This was the first time Forth's heard of a boyfriend.

"Minie? Jimin or Minseok?" Kit asked knowing that Chen has had a few crushes the past few months.

"Minseok," Chen said and Vernon's eyes went wide.

"Kim Minseok?" Vernon asked. Chen nodded.

"I know him, I work with his dads, Wonwoo and Mingyu," Vernon said.

"Small world," Kit commented.

"It really is, you have a mixed baby with four dads, hes basically half the world," Ming joked and they all laughed but agreed.

"So what am I? Like nationalities," Chen asked.

"I'm American-Korean," Vernon said.

"And I'm fully Thai, so you're Thai-Korean-American," Kit explained to Chen.

"Cool, what part of America?" Chen asked very interested in this.

"New York," Vernon answered in English.

"Cool, I wanna go there, but it's too expensive to get my group over there for shows,"

To Be Continued

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