The Girl with many Names

Par YaiphalembaMangshata

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Clarke's journey towards self forgiveness and happiness after the mountain fiasco doesn't happen overnight. I... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 4

491 16 6
Par YaiphalembaMangshata

The celebration was like none Clarke had ever experienced. She had seen a few celebrations while she was in Ton DC but nothing like this. While she was with Torrel it was risky for her to venture to the nearby village so she never get to experience any. Before the feasting began, the queen announce the news of staying neutral from the upcoming war and that Wanheda will be staying with them. A roar of cheers that swelled above the village centre was not something she expected, but Lena was quick to inform that the news of Wanheda already saving her twice and the life of their beloved training's master was spreading like wildfire. The raucous cheer rose and she blushed nearly purple. She could see Lena laughing at her discomfort. She shrugged and smiled, knowing she would get over it eventually. She was given the honour of eating with the queen so there was no reprieve from being the centre of attention. It was not until the meal was passed around the table that she realized some of the foods were completely foreign to her. She asked a lot of questions and tried many different things. She was unsure how to act about drinking the wine since she had little to no effect at all. Seeing everyone drinking, she decided to act light headed.

She had no idea how, but the queen seem to see through her act. Soon after dinner, the queen whisper with a voice just loud enough for her alone to hear. "Thank you for saving Kante earlier and also bringing back Lena safely. Have breakfast with me tomorrow. We have much to discuss." Clarke swallowed and gave her a nod.

"Now, I believe Lena is looking for you. Go...go have fun and make some friends." Clarke smiled shyly before making her way off the dais.


The next morning, Clarke woke up breathing heavily and sweating. Her nightmares were becoming more frequent the past few days. She could only hope it will get better ones she gets settled.

By the time she made it to the queen's chamber, she was still feeling a bit shaky. She was let through by the guards without any hassle. The queen took one look at her and had her settle on a chair. She gave Clarke a sly smile. "You looked like you're having a hangover. And I'm pretty sure it is not an act. Though I can't say the same for last night while you were drinking."

Clarke cleared her throat trying to buy time to think how to answer. "I didn't sleep well last night, my queen."

"Just call me Luna. After all you are Wanheda. And it seems a little weird that you address Heda by her name and still address me by my title." She smiled seeing her blushed purple at the comment.

Luna poured them some water and settled back in her chair. "So, tell me more about your training with your Torrel."

Relief at the change of topic, Clarke explained all about Torrel's training, about how he taught her to hunt from trees, and how to adjust her aim for moving targets and to compensate for the wind. She shared the first time he showed her the obstacle course. She was meant to go through it running while he counted aloud. She had to hit every target, some from trees, and make it back to him before he reached one hundred. Luna seemed impressed.

"So he taught you to climb trees?"

"Well, not exactly. He had a bad leg and can't walk without his walking stick. He told me what I should do and gave me pointers, but I had to teach myself. I can hunt and skin just about anything, and I am not afraid of heights. Each month after the first obstacle course, he would change the shooting course to make it more difficult."

"So, tell me about the last time you missed a target." Luna cocked her head at her. "Have you ever missed a target since then?"

Clarke thought about it and nodded her head. "It was after the healer told us that Torrel's sickness was getting worst and he couldn't do anything about it. I was really sad for a long time and finally Torrel told me to get my bow and go outside." She took a sip of water. "He started counting and I took off through the woods. When I returned, he was on one hundred and seventy-two. We went out and looked at all the targets. I hit every one, but not a centre shot. Then he told me I could not be sad forever. I told him that I would be sad because I don't know how not to be. We argued back and forth. He did everything he could to make me madder and madder. Finally he stopped and handed my arrows back. Then he started counting again. I took off again and on my second pass I made it back in my fastest time. He was only on seventy-nine when I stopped in front of him." Clarke took another deep swallow of water, vividly remembering the lesson of that day. "That time when we walked the woods, I saw I had missed all the targets, every single one. Completely missed. We collected all my arrows and then he led me to a big log and sat down. I remember word for word what he told me. 'Clarke, your emotions will always control how you fly. Sadness will make you slow and imprecise. Anger will make you fast and careless. Never aim an arrow when you do not have complete control.'"

Luna nodded. "That's great advice." She seem deep in thought for a moment before she looked at her. "Do you know anything about Nightbloods?"

Clarke looked at her confused at the sudden change in topic. "No."

"Unlike others, the colour a Nightblood's blood is black. And it's not just the colour of the blood that makes it special. They have better hearing, is faster, stronger and heals faster than a normal person. That's why they are all collected at a young age to train to become the next commander." Clarke sat quietly while Luna seem to be collecting herself. "I'm a Nightblood too. I used to train with Lexa. But to become a commander all Nightbloods must fight to the dead and the one left standing is chosen. Nightbloods are not allowed to ever see their real parents again. I couldn't take the life of the only family I know. We grew up together, all of us. That's why I ran away and found a home here away from the rest of the clans. Away from all the violence. Luckily, Lexa pardon me and I was not being hunted." Luna looked at her then. "My reason for telling you this is to make you feel comfortable to share your story. I couldn't decide what to do unless I know the truth. And also to tell you that what you tell me will not surprise me or look at you any differently."

They looked at each other for a moment before Clarke decided it's safe and that she could trust Luna. Though she isn't certain how much her judgement on that regard is worth after what happened with Lexa.

"After the mountain, I.. well my mind was not in a very good place. It was almost like living in a dream. I went back to the mountain after I left my people. There I found an experimental cure the mountain men were experimenting with. It was supposed to allow them to go outside without getting radiation sickness. But according to the record, it was too radioactive itself. Even grounders didn't survive the test. So, in my daze, I injected it to myself thinking it was only fair that I too die burning amongst them. Turns out, I'm even more resistant to radiation than the grounders. Soon I woke up in a cave with a friend. We parted ways as soon as I could walk again. Few days later, Torrel saved me from bleeding out after a panther attacked me. The first thing we discovered is that I heal faster. My wounds from the attack could have easily killed me let alone get better so soon."

"What else?" Luna asked curious.

"Well, I guess I'm like a nightblood, but my blood is still red. All my senses are heightened. I can hear, smell and feel better. That's why my arrows fly true. I don't exactly know how faster or stronger I'm though. I never had someone to train with to figure that out. And I feel this tingling sensation whenever I'm in danger."

"Well that explains a lot about your skills, though I have a feeling that you are even better than a nightblood." Upon seeing the weird expression Clarke was making, Luna asked. "What? There's more isn't there?"

"I can see in the dark. In black and white, but I can see clearly. And I've a very high tolerance for poison or anything that I know of which is harmful to our body."

Luna just looked at her thoughtfully at that. She was starting to feel unnerving when Luna started speaking. "I would like to train you. Not archery. Nobody will rival you at that. Floukru is a very small clan. We don't have many warriors. If not for the coalition, our clan would not have survived. But war is soon to come and the coalition is breaking. I don't know if I can keep my people save anymore. I will never asked you to kill an innocent, but I need your help to protect my people. You are Wanheda, just you being here makes my people feel powerful, help me defend my people who has never wronged anyone outside our clan from the people who will come to destroy that peace."

Clarke was shocked by the request and the desperation she saw in the queen's eyes only made her realise how the queen was openly being vulnerable and honest with her. "Whenever I lead, I only bring dead and destruction. How can you, no, how can your people feel save with me amongst them?" Clarke asked. It was the only thing that she wasn't able to understand.

"You only bring dead and destruction to your enemy. Your love and care for your people is what made you do all that. You succeeded in doing what even the commander isn't able to do when it comes to saving your people. Who wouldn't feel save when it is you who leads them? I know you have a lot of guild in you. But think of all the people whom the mountain men has kill and of all the people whom they would eventually kill if they are still alive. It is their leader's fault that innocent people died. Not yours. It was their leader's job to care about whether his people live or die, not yours. Don't carry the guild for other's poor choices. And my people sees that. You should too. I couldn't think of anyone better to be by my side when there's enemies on all sides."

Clarke didn't realise she was crying until Luna came over to her and wiped a tear away from her face. That only made her cry more. Luna seem to realise this because she instead hugged then and let Clarke cry on her shoulders.

Clarke didn't know why she was feeling this emotional all of a sudden. She quickly calm herself down and step back from Luna mumbling apologise for her breakdown.

"I'm glad you trusted me enough to be vulnerable in front of me, Clarke. I swear to not break that trust." Clarke could see the sincerity and understanding in Luna's face and gave her a single nod.

"So... you want me to become a warrior?" Clarke asked changing the subject.

"No. Not a warrior. Warriors are not effective without numbers and we don't have the numbers. We trained the best amongst the warriors as assassins. Since quantity is not an option we are left to opt for quality. And also, we are a peaceful clan, we don't wage wars. Our priority is to prevent war. But training an assassin is not easy. Only a few could complete the training and unlike Ice Nation, I don't force anyone if they couldn't go through with the training. With you special skillsets, you'll be most effective as an assassin. And before your mind gets too far, I will say this once more, 'I will not asked you to take any innocent life'. All you will have to do is petrol the border, give warnings to those that violates our border and only take out those that plans to harm us. Our assassin's task is mostly to gather Intel and try to stop any war that threatens us before it even begins. We might be able to defend the rig, but our villages on the shore will not survive a war. Protecting them will be your duty once you are ready."

"You said you want to train me. Won't I have to be trained by an assassin to be one?" Clarke asked confused.

"I won't be the only one training you. You are more similar to a nightblood so you will learn much more quickly training with me. Nightbloods are trained to be better than anyone. Our training is that of a warrior, but we are made familiar with the ways of an assassin since they are most likely to target us if we become the next Heda. Still assassins are dangerous because every assassin is different. From how they operate to how they kill. I will be training you as best as I can, but to become an assassin you'll be learning from many other specialised experts. I hear that you are a healer too. That will be most useful because it will shortened your training much more. If you want you can even get extra lessons to get a healers mark as well?" Her eyebrows raised waiting for Clarke's thought of her suggestion. Clarke just nodded. "Today you rest and enjoy time with your friends. You will start your training from tomorrow. Your schedule will be delivered to you in the evening. That is of course if you are still willing to."

Luna looked at her with a blank expression then. Clarke is sure it is so as to get a genuine answer from her. She has no idea what she is getting herself into, but at least it will keep her busy and tired, which means she will more likely sleep without nightmares. She collect herself with a deep breath and looked at Luna with certainty.

"I am."


Months went by and seasons changed. Before Clarke knew it, the leaves had abandoned the trees and all of Floukru had switched to their winter wear. While it was known to get cold, she had learned from the previous winter there that weather at sea isn't as extreme as in the plains. And it was practically unheard of to get snow there. She had stories about great blizzards and snow piled up to the waist on some clans, Ice nation being the worst. Thankfully there was nothing like that in their forest. But scouting in the trees with her fingers stiff from cold and her breath coming out in great white clouds was no fun.

Clarke had always thought midwinter trees were a bit like monsters with their reaching black branches and rough bark. Her hands were so cold that they could barely grab on as she moved from tree to tree. Her patrol was finally complete for the day and there was nothing she wanted more than to soak in the hot baths back at the village. It had been a year and a half since she had come here and she was nearly finished with her training. Luna had been sending her to scout the forest more frequently these days. Having heightened abilities have shortened her training much more than Luna had anticipated. Her heightened senses and physiology had made her learn skills and moves with ease like she had done all of it before. Soon after she had gone undefeated in succession while sparing with Luna, Luna then had her spar with multiple opponents with different weapons. Her fast reflex and heightened senses were proving to be of much help while sparing with multiple opponents. And now she is just waiting for her theoretical lessons to end before she could become a full fledge assassin and a formidable warrior. The frustrating part is that, she had no idea how much theory lessons are left. A voice called out her name as she approached the scout room near the edge of the village.

"Clarke!" She sighed as she saw Deka coming from the opposite direction. While she was always happy to see her friend, she knew her hot bath was going to be postponed if the Scout Leader wanted to speak with her. Perhaps she should have been more grateful since she had not seen her friend for almost a month. Deka had been on outer rotation nearly the entire time since midwinter. It was unusual but she never said why.

"Hello, Deka! How is life on the edge?"

It was common understanding that the interior scouts that went out and came back to the village each day had it significantly easier than the perimeter scouts. Outer rotation ran along the perimeter of Floukru territory and it was too long a distance to justify running back and forth to the village centre at the end of each shift, so the perimeter scouts would spend three full days and nights as part of their scout rotation. When they were relieved by a new batch of perimeter scouts they would take two days to hunt on their way back to the village. Then the scouts would have two rest days before doing it again. The rotation differed greatly from the inner scouts who patrolled the forest around the village. The three shifts of scouts covered morning, afternoon, and night times while the perimeter scouts were on duty night and day. With posted sentries, forward scouts, and runners, it was just a different way of guarding the villages. More unpredictable, more exciting, and less dull was how many described it. So "life on the edge" was really just a euphemism for the dangerous duty as a perimeter scout. So, the scout leaders are mostly assassins while they pick their team according to their preference. But those picked were the best amongst the clan warriors.

The Scout Leader grabbed a convenient rope that was hanging near and swung safely to the ground. Clarke's branch was lower so she simply flipped down to the dead leaves below.

"Life is like it always is. I'm glad I caught you though, I have something important to ask. Do you have time to talk right now?"

Clarke immediately grew concerned, not having a clue what she might want to speak with her about. But her vigorous training had finally taught her how to school her face to neutrality. Clarke smiled at her and held up her chapped hands.

"I can be free if you want to talk now. But if you are also finished with shift, I would make a suggestion that we take our discussion to the smallest bathing pool because I desperately need to warm up."

Deka noticeably brightened at her suggestion. "Goddess, Clarke, that's a great idea! How about I meet you in a quarter candle mark?"

Clarke nodded and the tall brunette took off at a fast lope toward her room. Clarke watched her until she disappeared around one of the supply rooms then she made her way back to her own. It had been a difficult moon. A few months back, messenger from the capital came in reporting of the assassinations of different clan representatives and raids by bandits on different border villages. Much to her great worry, her sister-friend, Lena, had gone with the queen to the capital to assess the situation there.

Lena had found time to send her a few notes of update. She said they were not sure who was behind the attacks, just that they were well organized. Clarke was not sure what upset her more, that her sister was away or that her queen was also away. Both facts touched her deeper than she cared to let on to the rest of her friends. She had become close to Luna more than she was willing to admit. She doesn't know if Luna feels the same way or not, for she is nice and friendly to everyone. Either way Clarke wasn't ready to think too much into it. She doesn't know if she could ever be able to open up her heart anymore and Luna deserves only the best. Not someone as broken as herself.

She had the foresight to stop for some food and wine on her way to the smallest bathing pool. She was hungry and suspected that Deka would be as well. She was already submerged in the water up to her neck when Clarke arrived. Her friend was beautiful and athletic and never failed to turn heads wherever she went. She was also a notorious playgirl and not who she truly wanted deep within her heart, but she could not help her reaction to her beauty. Clarke was only human after all. They had enjoyed a night together from time to time. But she certainly was not interested in anything except friendship from the Interior Scout Leader.

"Warm bread, fish, and wine! Goddess but I could kiss you right now!" Clarke could only laughed at her.

"I can see this pool is taken. I'll find another."

Clarke knew that voice as sure as her own and she felt the biggest smile come over her.

"Lena, you are back! Come join us!"

Wearing a strange look on her face, her voice sounded flat.

"You seem busy. I don't want to intrude."

Confusion took her for a heartbeat. Is there something going on between Deka and her sister? She had been so busy and tired during her trainings that she hadn't notice anything unusual or talked to Lena much. Now that she think about it, she and Deka had not slept together in a while.

"Come on sister, we are not busy. Deka wanted to talk to me about something."

The tall scout jumped slightly, causing water to slosh. "Oh, that's right! The queen had assigned me the task of filling a new position as soon as she return today."

Lena and Clarke answered at the same time. "What position?" They looked at each other and giggled. Deka just rolled her eyes.

"The position is for Perimeter Scout Leader. We need someone over the Perimeter Scouts full time, not just being covered in a rotation by the temporary teams. We're exhausted trying to cover two areas each. The queen gave me her recommendation and suggested I speak with the other scouts and shift leaders to get them updated about the change."

"Oh, that makes sense. The position would cover perimeter scouts and the scout hunters?" Clarke nodded. "So is that what you want to tell me?"

She shook her head slowly. "No, Clarke."

"Oh!" Clarke's head swivelled toward Lena at the tone of her voice.

"What is the matter?"

Lena ignored her question and levelled a serious look at Deka. "But I thought she hasn't completed her training?"

Deka once again shook her head. "The queen had received approval from all the instructors."

Feeling more confused than ever, Clarke finally snapped. "Just tell me who it is, will you?" Then she suddenly looked at Deka. "Wait. It's you, isn't it?"

They both looked at her at the same time and Deka answered simply. "No. It's you."

Her stomach dropped as she felt the blood leave her face. Luna wanted her to be Perimeter Scout Leader? On one hand, she was pretty bored with the daily patrols. On the other hand, she would be away from the village for days at a time and at the border which is risky for her. She can't be seen by outsiders and had to wear mask all the time. Also, as perimeter scout leader, by default she will be the leader of all the scouts, even Deka, which Clarke doesn't know how she feel about it. Was Deka disappointed that she wasn't chosen? Her musings were interrupted when Lena spoke. "Are you okay with the decision?"

The Inner Scout Leader went quiet. Clarke knew that look well for she wore it when she was most stubborn and determined. "Kante wants her, as do all the other scouts. She may be new to us, but she is Wanheda, slayer of mountain, Goufa gon Artemis. She did what generations of Hedas had been unable to succeed in doing, that too after only few months of being on the ground. There's nobody I would like more to lead the scouts than her."

Shana seem satisfied with the answer as she simple nodded. Clarke took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Thank you, Deka, for your trust in me. I didn't think I would be given such a position, but I'll do anything to protect my people that had been so accepting and welcoming to me when others are after my head. This is my new home my new family and I'll do anything to protect them. I will need to know when I'm to start and what my official duties will be. Why didn't the queen called me?"

"The queen wasn't in the mood to come inland and had much to discuss with the council. Also, she doesn't want to delay it anymore and asked to pick your second and third scout and three permanent teams or you could build a new one. Pick any from the whole scout for your second and third but if you are planning to assemble new teams you'll have to hand pick from the existing army. I can make some recommendations but you should be the one to choose who you feel most comfortable with and tactics you want to implement." She chuckled slightly. "Knowing you, you'll probable assemble new teams and filled it with the best archers. And don't worry, Clarke, I have full confidence in you."

Clarke was anxious at the thought of picking her team. But the anxiety cleared as fast as it came. "Well, I don't want to get too close and risk getting identified. I'm best working in the dark and shadows. Also, as scout, archers are most effective since our numbers are small, and fighting head on in the open is just stupid."

"I suppose that's true. Anyway, meet me at dawn near the scout quarter, tomorrow. I'll introduce you to some of the perimeter scouts and let you take it from there."

Clarke acknowledged her words with a nod and let her eyes glance at Lena. Clarke could see that Lena was worried, and a myriad of other emotions that she did well to keep to herself. Just as Clarke knew her, Lena also knew her. And she was aware that once Clarke had made up her mind she was not one to be dissuaded. "Well, I am clean as I will probably get and I am ready for real food now." Clarke stood and made her way out of the pool. "Lena, maybe we can catch up tonight? Or are you going to leave for the rig soon?"

She shook her head and spoke as Clarke dressed. "No, I'm here for a few days at least. The queen is supposed to be here in a day or two and we're to go over the notes and meet with all the scout teams and captains and generals concerning our situation. Then I'll probably be sent out to Polis again. I don't know if I will be accompanying Queen Luna or she will send just me."

Clarke's heart stuttered at her words. Just as she felt worry and responsibility to Clarke, Clarke held the same for her in return. She did not like the thought of Lena in the middle of a conflict.

"Okay. How about we had dinner together?" She nodded and Clarke walked out the door. She did not want to spend any more time in the bathing room, guessing the direction that conversation would turn after she accepted Perimeter Scout Leader position. Clarke understood the reasoning of why they chose her. Despite her newness to the clan, she had become the best fighter they had ever seen. Luna had asked her to keep quiet about her night vision and high poison immunity though.

But despite her actions at the mountain, at three years her junior, Lena considered her a little sister above all else. Her first Floukru friend and they had been through a lot together. It seemed like a lifetime ago that she was attacked outside Clarke's homestead in a faraway clan. She would have died that day had Clarke not killed for her instead. They each continued to live with scars on their hearts from their first meeting but as she had pointed out before, they both lived and that was what mattered most.


Hours later, while gluing the fletching on an arrow, a knock sounded at her door. Not wanting to lose her focus on such a delicate placement, Clarke called out without turning around.

"Come in!"

Lena entered while she cleared the mess she had created. She motioned toward the other chair at her table. "Have a seat. I can clear this stuff away."

Lena waved away her actions. "No, you can keep working, it's fine. I feel like it's been ages since I last spent time with my sister."

Clarke looked at her then and knew her visit went beyond wanting to catch up. There was a look in her amber coloured eyes that she had not seen before. So instead of listening to her words, Clarke put her tools and arrows away and got out a skin of wine and two mugs. Lena raised an eyebrow then nodded her assent. Pushing the full mug towards her, Clarke looked into her eyes. Though she had not admitted it, she could see the sadness lurking beneath the surface.

"Something troubles you." She nodded and stared at the mug in her hands. "Is it the assassinations at the capital?"

Her eyes slipped closed at the end of a long sigh.

"Yes." Lena's hand trembled beneath Clarke's.

"Lena, what is it?" Clarke waited while heartbeats thumped by. Clarke knew that whatever it was, she could not be rushed.

After emptying nearly half her mug, Lena finally spoke. "Do you remember in one of my notes that I said things weren't too bad yet?" Clarke nodded, creeping dread crawling its way up her throat. "Well I was wrong. The coalition has indeed broken and Ice Nation is leading the defected clans. Heda had tried to talk things peacefully and settle things through talks for the last year and a half, but a few weeks back all the defected clan members had left Polis after Azgeda declared war on the Coalition or what is left of it. Also a Skaikru convoy was attacked and though luckily none of them died, one of them was taken. It appears to be specifically after the one who was taken."

Clarked stared at her in shock. Her mind and heart whirled in a kaleidoscope of emotion. Lena watched as fear, denial, and guild raced across Clarke's face. And finally when nothing else was left, Clarke felt the familiar burn of anger. It was not hot like she had heard other people speak of it. Her anger had always been cool and clean with determination.

"I have to help them. I can asked them to seek the commander's protection. Why are they being stubborn? Skaikru will not be able to protect themselves against the grounders if they are being attacked."

Lena grabbed her hand and brought Clarke back close to the table. "Peace, Clarke. The Commander is doing all she can right now. Skaikru is not part of the coalition so they opt to stay out of the upcoming conflict. She can't just rush in not knowing the situation in full. They aren't sure who is responsible and the trackers that have been sent out never returned. They need more information and more support in this. Make no mistake, there will be a battle. But Heda want it to be on her terms and with minimal losses to her warriors and her allies." She sat back in her chair and took a deep breath. "I didn't come here to upset you tonight, but I did want to ask you a favour."

Clarke unconsciously leaned forward, wondering what she could be asking of her.

"What is it?"

"There will be a battle, of that there is no doubt. And when the time comes they will send the warriors of the coalition after them. But if they need more, if the battle goes poorly, they will ask for volunteers from our clan. Clarke, I don't want you to volunteer."

"What?" Her shout was loud enough to wake the adjoining rooms but she could not help her reaction. "No, you cannot ask me to stay at the village and wait while my people risk their lives! This is my family now and I took a vow to defend them in every way possible."

Clarke drew in a ragged breath. Just the thought of danger to those she love was enough to set her head spinning. "If it is called upon, Luna will go. That means you will be there as well, and I cannot sit idly in my room while you fight and die to a stranger's sword!"

Lena levelled a stern look at her. "You will if the queen orders you to."

Anxiety blossomed in her chest. "Please do not do that, Lena. Do not ask her to keep me home. That is unfair."

"Oh Clarke, I don't think I'll have to. I think Luna will choose to keep you home regardless of what you or I want."

Lena's words echoed through her head and the more she thought about them the truer they felt. Abruptly she stood and walked to the sheathed sword that hung from a peg set in the wall. Clarke ran her fingers along the detailed circle with three whirlpool that was inscribed on the cross guard. "She gave this to me just moons ago. Do you think she assumed I would never use it?" Clarke turned back to Lena and she started to speak, but Clarke cut her off with a wave of her hand. Stalking to her quiver next, she pulled one of her forest fletch arrows from within. "I came into this clan with skill and determination and I have not once hesitated with my shot. Do you think I would do any less against a more organized foe?" When Clarke looked away from the arrow toward her friend, she was crying. "I lost my father, then I was sent to the ground where many horrible things happened to me, again when I thought I had found peace with Torrel, I lost him too and my home because I spent my life being nothing but a girl who did not understand the world. I am no longer that girl and I learned much since the day I landed on the ground. There is no way I will let another person be taken from me without a fight."

"And if the queen orders you to stay behind?"

Clarke knew her eyes would be stormy blue. Determination and anger always turned them from the light.

"I will find a way."

Lena stood and before Clarke knew it, she was wrapped in a strong hug. She could not prevent the breath from hitching in her chest, nor could she stop the warm tears that slowly made their way down her face. All she could do was return her embrace with all her strength.

"I will not lose you too."

Lena left shortly after and Clarke found that the only energy she had remaining was for sleeping. Maybe she should not have taken the Perimeter Scout Leader position. She had a feeling that in the coming moons her concentration was not going to be completely with her duties.


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