By outerspacified

18.1K 1K 1.6K

"What," he let out breathily, closing his eyes then opening them again as he continued. "Do you think you're... More

01 | The Hooded Guy
02 | Across The House
03 | Crystal Blue
04 | Experimental Psychology
05 | Internships & Placements
06 | Black Cars
07 | Officer to Mister
08 | Assignment & Analysis
09 | Nova or Eva?
10 | The Penthouse
11 | The Scar
13 | Watson & Co.
14 | The Case
15 | The Party
16 | The Man
17 | Interrogation
18 | Accusations & Truth
19 | Aftermath
20 | Abby & Her Parties
21 | Dressing & Impressing
22 | Blinding
23 | Awakening
24 | Storm
25 | Lee Hiram
26 | Paparazzi
27 | Announcement
28 | The Last Test
29 | Home
30 | Darkside
31 | First Mistake
32 | Derek Adams
33 | Genelia
34 | The Whole Truth
35 | The Next Step

12 | Confession

425 23 4
By outerspacified

Ever punctual and a discipline seeking person was how people described Victor Newton. And eventually, that was how they began describing Nova as. It had been a title she wore with pride, and one that she always, always wanted to be known with. But sitting in her car, just a lane before where her Parents' house was, she was dreading coming on time.

If she was late, she knew her father will be disappointed, and if she went there on time, the conversation would be too much to be started at eight in the evening. It was a situation Nova wasn't familiar with, but handling these situations gracefully was another title she crowned herself with. And so, she started her car again, took a deep breath and prepared herself.

At just five seconds before the clock would've hit eight, Nova ringed the bell. At precisely eight, she entered the house. She knew because of the grandfather clock that began its gong like alarm.

Macey was as sweet as Nova remembered her to be and as welcoming too. Because of her, she felt at ease but that ease was soon starting to diminish.

"How was the atmosphere here all day?" Nova couldn't help but ask. And the way Macey's smile started to look concealing, she had a very distinct idea as to how it could have been.

"I cannot say much, Nova dear, but you have your parents quite tense," Macey said in a hushed whisper. Her brown eyes looking for any ear hearing her at that moment and her hands wiping on the apron she wore. Her short self a bit bent forward to make sure that when she spoke, it was only Nova that heard her.

Macey was a middle aged Goan woman, migrated to England only ten years ago when she met the man she was now happily married to. She was shorter than Nova and was of an adorably round shape – that Nova remembered she loved hugging when she came home from school in her childhood days. She would've hugged her again, tightly, only if Victor Newton, her father himself, wouldn't've been walking towards them.

"Nova," he said nodding towards her and then looking at Macey as she walked off into the kitchen.

Sighing, Nova looked at her father and went ahead to hug him.

"Come on in, your mother is waiting," he said after pulling away and thumping her on the back as he did so.

Isabelle Newton was on the phone, not particularly waiting, she noticed, but when she saw her daughter, she put down the phone and stood up almost immediately.

"Nova!" She exclaimed and hurried over to her, squeazing her in a tight embrace. It felt good. It felt good because Nova was hugging her mother after a long time, especially this tight. She felt a wave of strong emotions hit her, but she couldn't entertain them, not when she had to make them understand – and logically so.

Smiling at her mother whose face was worried – an expression Nova had very rarely saw on her face and that made her feel guilty. She didn't want to feel guilty.

They eventually sat down, the dinner eventually was served, and the dessert arrived not long after. All the while, no one spoke. She wanted to claim that the silence was uncomfortable, or she couldn't bear with it, but then she would be lying, and Nova hated lying.

"So — "

"Nova — "

Her Mother and Father started at the same time and Nova put down the spoon she was having the dessert with. It was time.

Heaving in a sigh, she decided: now or never.

"I know," she said, not looking at her expectant parents.

"What?" Her mother asked. "What do you know Nova? Signing a contract like that? Jesus Christ, you could have at least told us if you were so much considering it!" Nova wasn't sure if her mother was angry, felt betrayed, or sad. If Nova had to guess, she would say she looked all three of them but she knew better. Isabelle Newton was known for how well she could control and hide her emotions.

"I know, mum, I know what I did wasn't the best decision I could've taken and I apologise for that," Nova said to her mother, who was still looking at her with the same expression.

"I should've asked you first, I knew I was taking a big step but I thought — "

"You thought that I would convince you otherwise, didn't you?" Her father asked her.

She didn't reply, she couldn't, because he was right. Her father was always right and probably that was the reason why Nova hadn't told him about what she was thinking.

Because it happened everytime. Whenever Nova asked her dad about something, and whenever her dad – though it happened on rare occasions – would refuse to acknowledge or consider it, it would make her feel like what she thought wasn't right and that she shouldn't do it. And Nova didn't want that to be the same case with her career as well.

"I know you, Nova, I know that was the reason you didn't want us to know," her dad said, looking at her but Nova couldn't meet either of their eyes.

"I — "

"It's not you fault."

That was when she looked up.

"Dad — "

"I know how I've been, Nova, and I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't aware of it. In fact I was well aware that I was crushing any and all hope in you that might've taken place because — "

" — Because we were worried that something like this would happen, but it still did," her mum completed and, she noticed that, Isabelle Newton was no more the caring mother she just was. Because all the traces of the worry and anger and everything had gone. Just her mother's perfect face was there.

"And because it happened anyways, we realised that holding you back was what made this happen. Because you thought we wouldn't approve of it and so you had to make a decision and I have to say, Nova," her mum paused and that pause made Nova already feel the guilt. She should've told them, she should've —

"You made the right decision."

"And we're both very proud of you."

And just like that, Nova was left speechless. Never in her life, never once in her life had such a situation come up where Nova had done something without letting her parents know about it, let alone her parents actually agreeing with what she did. She was flabbergasted and she was so, so, so thankful of her parents at that moment.

The sincere smile on both of her parents faces, it was too much to hold back the surge of emotions, and so, when she smiled that big, wide smile, a stray tear rolled down her cheek and she didn't even care to swipe it away because, thank god her parents were so good and understanding.

"Thank you, mum, dad, you know what it means," Nova told them, wishing that they did know what it meant to her.


After the dessert was done they sat on the sofas in the living room, in front of the Television.

"So, the officer you're the assistant of, Penton's son, I believe he's treating you well?"

There comes another one of those dreadful questions, she thought.

"Yes, mum, he treats me like an officer should treat his new worker," she told them both because the way her father looked at her told her enough about how he wanted to know the answer to that more than her mother did. She just hoped her father doesn't ask what she thought he would after hearing that.

"That's excellent, but if he does anything that he shouldn't be doing, you know who to tell, right?" And her dad asked her exactly that. Nova wasn't surprised, though, she knew it was coming.

"Sure, dad, don't worry."

"I haven't really ever seen that boy, though. What's his name again? Madden?" Her father ask her, making her want to laugh. Controlling the sudden urge, she corrects him instead.

"Adam Watson."

"Right, knew it was something like that," said he and that's when she allowed herself a little smile.

"We'll have to meet him, don't you think, love? And soon," it was her mother who suggested that and Nova couldn't help the slight discomfort she felt after hearing that.

Sure she'd told her parents everything that she was supposed to but she'd left one little detail about the man in question: that he was the one who lived across from her house in Cambridge, the very person who they'd told her to stay away from. But she didn't think they'd know that about him. She was convinced they didn't know how he looked because how could they? Even know hadn't seen him for as long as she'd lived there. Even when he'd come back,she hadn't once seen his face. What were the odds that they had?

"Yeah, sure," she settled on saying. "Soon, of course."


"You could leave on the morrow perhaps?" Her mother asked as she went in to get the coat she had on when she came, now Macey held it as she wore it.

"No, mum, I've to go and see the company we're going to work at. Lot of work to do," she told them, now ready to leave.

"Bye, Macey," she hugged her tightly, because she got the feeling that she must really want to do that since Nova was seeing her after a long while.

Bidding goodbyes to her parents as well, she was back in her car, ready to go home. It was late, eleven in the night, and she wasn't sure if Derek was awake or not. Not that it mattered that much anyway, just that if he wasn't then she couldn't clarify some of the last minute queries she had.

Watson & Co. was going to be one life changing experience for her; an experience, she had to learn the most from, and had to do her best; both at the very same time. Though she still didn't know what exactly she had to do, and that was, in a way, understandable, but she was adamant on finding out on her on. For all she knew, this could be another one of their tests that she had to pass in order to secure her future.

Thinking about her future made her remember just what had happened today in the dinner. Nova had many scenarios in her mind regarding the confession, but this was at the very last in her list of outcomes she'd imagined.

Her parents understood her, and were even rooting for her, and there couldn't have been anything else she could have wished for. They didn't ask her about the case, they knew it was confidential information, but they did tell her to be vigilant, always. At all times. And this was one warning which Nova was going to follow without any questions. Because she knew where it was coming from. She saw the world in their shoes, and she knew their hesitation to let her work earlier was justified. Just not enough for Nova to give it all up.

But now that they were willing to see the whole thing in her point of view, she felt even stronger.


Because Nova wasn't sure if Derek was up or not, she decided to be safe and was now trying her best so as to not make any sound as she entered the penthouse.

But little did she know that Derek was very much awake.

Standing up from the living room couch as soon as he saw her, he made her feel as though she was a little girl and he was her babysitter who could get in trouble if she was found sneaking.

He looked at her as if she was supposed to explain her whereabouts. She didn't understand. He was the one who suggested going to her parents', then why was he acting so strange suddenly?

There was, however, one thing that she was sure of: she was not going to explain what she did each and every time of the day. They were engaged, but it was all fake. And even if it were real, she would never accept this much boundaries.

"Where were you?" He asked her, the question she knew he would ask first.

"Don't you remember?" She replied with another one of her questions.

"Have you looked at the time?"

"I'm here, aren't I?"

Nova had a feeling that if she continued on with the banter, she could get in quite a difficult situation but she was not going to be treated as a child. Or a suppressed wife for that matter.

And so, with her head held high she looked Derek in the eye, not breaking the eye-contact and in a way, letting him know that she wasn't going to tolerate this. But the way he stared at her – which bordered glaring by the way – she had a feeling that he wanted to let her know the same thing.

"What is your deal?" She decided to get it over with – the adult way.

"What is my deal?" He retorted, raising his eyebrows and his voice up just a notch. She was confused now, why was he making such a fuss? Was he truly bipolar? Could that be it? But then, how did he end up in the MI-6 and at this good of a position at that?

Her questions, though not answered, were somehow heard. Or so she thought when Derek Adams started closing in on her across the room.

Sighing quietly to herself, she put the bag that she carried to her parents' on the side table and stood straighter, crossing her arms.

She now stood near the side table that she put her bag on, weight supported on it, arms crossed and looking at Derek as he continued coming closer. She was vary of his actions, but she couldn't let him have the satisfaction of knowing that.

She wasn't sure what brought this much courage, but she knew she wouldn't be treated like someone who was below him as a person. Because of course she was below him in rank, but that didn't mean she was going to have to ask permission for anything that she wished to do. She wouldn't allow that. And so, she maintained the eye-contact.

"Ms. Newton." He simply called her name when he was a feet apart from her.

Nova held her head high and replied, "Yes, Officer Adams?"

Perhaps it was not the best time to bring up their professionalism but she wasn't regretting it.

"Do you not remember what we agreed on just yesterday, Ms. Newton?" He asked, one of his palm resting on the wall just behind her, the other hand of his in the pocket of his pants.

"Oh, no, I do very well remember, Officer."

"Then prey tell, why are you still adamant on — "

"— because it seems to me that you are convinced that I am still below you and would need to inform you of wherever I go and when I be back and why I went there in the first place to why I'm not back on time."

Nova would never have cut her senior off, but lately, it felt as though she was being mocked just because she respected people. Especially by Officer Adams. All those tests of where her modesty lied, how honest she was, her kindness, her respectfulness. If they had to just keep investigating her then she was starting to doubt what she'd gotten herself into. Though she was sure all this was either external precautions, or a load of drama. And one of the many things that Nova was clear about, not having any interest in the real life drama was one of them.

"Pardon me, Ms. Newton," Derek said, bringing her back to reality. "But whatever do you mean by that?"

"What I mean is, Officer Adams — "

"Be done with the professionalism already, Ms. Newton. Either you maintain an office relationship or you actually do the work and put in the effort to do what you are here to do."

There he went again, degrading her work.

"Alright then, Mr. Derek Adams," she stated, standing straighter, looking him in the eyes still because at this point, she wasn't going to back off. Not even in a stare-off.

"You say we are to behave like a couple all the time, even when we're not outside so that we can get into the habit, yet, you tell me off for toning it down whenever you like. I'd suggest you make up your mind on that because your confusion can ruin this. And then you go on and tell me to do something and when I do it you complain about it. Just for example lets take today; I came home late and I came home fine. Because I am capable of saving myself when necessary and you don't get to lecture me about when to be home and when not to. I may be your fake fiance which we have to make real, Derek, but that doesn't mean I'm going to tolerate all of your drama. I am below you in rank, I'm new in this field and I am your assistant, I know that and when needed I address you as just that – my superior, but when we're supposed to be a couple in love I want freedom and equality in that," she let it all out, now breathing hard though she hadn't been shouting.

She just told him what she wanted to say to him and between her rant he had stuffed both of his hands in his pockets.

"That is all I had to say. And if you could, I would appreciate it if you were done with all the tests. Lord knows it's humiliating when you disclose that it was just a check for my abilities."

She doesn't look at him now. Because after the outburst comes doubt and because people do think what they did was right, they still had to believe it themselves and that's what she was doing.

"I understand," was the first thing he said after listening to Nova's rant.

"But when I'm supposed to be in love with you, Nova," that was the first time he'd said her name, she realised, "am I not supposed to be worried about you?"

That did it. And Nova stood there dumbfounded before him. He had a point, she couldn't deny that. And she didn't know when or why a teeny-tiny smile struggled to break out on her lips, but she suppressed it.

"I — Okay you've got a point there. But I still mean it, don't test me whenever you like. You don't trust me then send me off to the training centre again and be done with it. Take another interview, do all that but don't just come out of nowhere and say 'Oh that was a check for your personality, congrats you passed, wait for another one'."

She said, because after the degrading bit, that was the next problem. And maybe there wasn't any degrading done and she was just thinking too much but now she'd said it and there wasn't any going back.

"Well, Ms. Newton, my apologies to you about that but now I can assure you that you will not be undergoing any other 'test' because this was the last one. And it took you time to snap but at least it happened."

She... didn't understand?

"Look, Ms. Newton, from the very start, you have overcome any and all obstacle – if I may call it – with kindness and a quite free attitude but just the last time it showed in your demanure that you weren't happy with what went on. And of course, it was nothing noticable for the normal eye, but because I have been trained to point out personality changes. We still have to be vigilant and cover all the flaws that we can. And now, you've officially passed the order and no more such tests shall be done on you."

Nova was, blown away, to put it just like it was. This was a test too? What was she even at this point? An alien? No, she wouldn't let it show again. Who knew how much truth there was to Derek's claim? Settling on just nodding her head, she did just that and said, "Alright then, let's discuss about tomorrow."

And with that they both sat on the dining table in the living room with the notes and papers related to everything that needed to be learnt. Nova would not fail in anything.

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