Sunshine (Norman Reedus)

由 CityCWriting

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Piper King and Norman Reedus have known each other for many years. She met Norman in an arcade and that momen... 更多

1. The Weird Beginning
2. I'll Always Be Here
3. Georgia Trip
4. Hamburger Shack
5. Lied To and Used
6. New York Special
7. A Friend?
8. Do I Lie or Not?
9. Collapsing World
10. Clear Air
11. Day Before
12. Early Birthday Present
13. Tree House and Bed Talks
14. A Perfectly Ruined Day
15. A Memory and A Secret
16. The Night Before Georgia
17. A Truthful and Reality Conversation
18. Watch The World Turn
19. Take Good Risks
21. Universe Likes No One
22. Snot and Tears
23. Minimal Pain
24. Set Life
25. The Man I love
26. Going Back Home
27. Christmas Invitation
28. Christmas Day: 1
29. Christmas Day: 2
30. New Years Eve
31. Girlfriend Talk
32. Birthday Man
33. Few Blocks
34. There's Always a Reason
35. The Coffee
36. Gather Myself
37. Explore
38. Can't Is All
39. Face of Sadness
40. King
41. Melted Into Blood
42. Journey Around
43. Letting It All Out
44. Unintentional Guilt
45. Love Moves On
46. Wrong Decision To Make
47. Hannah
48. Sunshine Outline
49. Inevitable
50. Sunshine and Sunset

20. Want

464 12 0
由 CityCWriting

          I opened my eyes and saw Piper looking at me with those beautiful green eyes of hers. My eyes went wide and threw myself out of the chair and was at her side within a second. I grabbed her hand and tears started pouring down my face. "Hey Pipes. Oh, I've been so worried about you." I said to her. She squeezed my hand and smiled. "Don't be. I'm fine." Piper said to me with that beautiful smile of hers.

          I leaned forward and kissed her. Those soft, pink lips. I felt a relief wash over me. She's okay. I pulled away from the kiss and looked her in the eyes. My hand still holding onto hers. I look down at our hands and kiss hers. When I bring my eyes back up, Piper was pale, like extremely pale. Sickly pale. "Pipes... Pipes hey." I say to her. Her eyes were closed and the monitors were turned off and she wasn't breathing. "Hey... no no no no no. You were just fine! Come back to me. Please... please don't leave me." I begged her. I wrapped my arms around her body and shook her, trying to get her to wake up. "Somebody please help!" I screamed over and over and not a soul walked through the door to help.

          I jolted awake. I leaned forward in the chair and put my hands against my eyes. Feeling the sweat on my face from the nightmare. I look over at Pipers bed and saw that she was not in the bed. I jumped out of the bed and looked around the room. "Piper. Pipes." I said trying to see if she would respond. I walked out of the room and went to the nurse station. "Hey... Piper King. She isn't in her bed." I told the nurse. She looked up at me with dark brown eyes. "She woke up this morning. She told the doctor she wanted fresh air. She should be back soon. Just go wait in the room and she'll be back." The nurse tells me.

          I let out a breath I was holding. Relief washed through my body. I leaned over and put my hands on my knees and smiled. The nurse got out of her chair and walked around to me. Making sure that I was alright. I held my hand up to stop her. "I'm good. Just... relieved." I tell her. I think she understood, because she walked back to her chair and went back to work. I straightened my self back and walked to the room. Waiting for Piper to return.

          **PIPER'S POV**

          I was on the roof of the hospital with Dr. Maes. "You feeling okay? You wanna go back inside?" Dr. Maes asks me. I look over at her and shake my head. "No... need fresh air." I tell him. "Thank you for coming out here with me though." I tell him. He looks over at me and scoffs. "Didn't give me much of a choice. You either came out alone or with me." I smile at him and look over the city. "That fella in your room... if he wakes up and you aren't there... he's more than likely going to freak out." I chuckle at Dr. Maes. "I know... but, I need him to rest. Didn't want to wake him up." I say to him. I see him nod his head in the corner of my eye.

           I was feeling horrible. My ribs hurt, my head, hell... everything hurt. But I wasn't going to tell my doctor that. Or Norman. I was just in a car accident. Of course I'm going to be in pain. I look over at Dr. Maes and sigh. "I better get back in." I say. He looks over at me and nods his head. He hangs his arm out, so I take it, so that I can stay steady while walking back to my room. Dr. Maes helped me from the roof top to my room.

           When I got back to my room, I saw Norman standing next to the window, looking outside. I cleared my throat and saw him turn around. I smiled at him. "Piper." Norman says to me. He basically runs to me and engulfs me in a hug. I want nothing more than to feel him hug me and for me to hug him back, but my ribs won't allow me to. I quickly remove myself from Norman's hug and look up at him. I let out a pained breath. "Oh... Pipes... I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking." Norman said to me with clear pain in his voice.

          I look up at him and smile. "Don't be. It's okay. Just gotta be careful for a bit." I tell him. I look back at Dr. Maes and smile. "Thank you." I say to him. He nods his head at me and grabs my clipboard at the end of my bed. I turn back towards Norman and nod my head towards my bed. Asking him silently to help me to the bed. Norman grabs my hand and leads me to the bed and covers me up. Thankfully, Dr. Maes gave me some hospital shorts, so my ass wasn't hanging out.

          "So when is she able to come home doc?" Norman asks Dr. Maes. Dr. Maes looks at Norman and sighs. "Well... I would say in 2 or 3 days. Want to keep on eye on her." I look at Norman and smile. "Go home, Norman. Get some sleep. Get a shower." I say to him. He looks at me like I'm crazy. "Hell no. I ain't leaving ya." I smile at him and shake my head. "I'll be back in a few more times today, so will some other nurses. Get some rest." Dr. Maes tells me. He walks out of the room and shuts the door behind him. Which leaves just me and Norman in the room.

          I look over at Norman and let out a shaky breath. He leans down and softly pulls me in for a hug. He wraps his arms around my neck and I put my face into his neck and softly cry. Not wanting to damage my ribs any further. "The thought of you... dying or dead. It broke me, Piper." Norman says to me. With my face still in his neck, I can't see him crying, but I can feel him shaking against me. I pull my face out of his neck and make him look at me. "I'm not dying and I am not dead. I'm right here. Breathing. With my horrible breath." I say with a chuckle. He closes his eyes and puts his forehead against mine.

          "Yeah... doesn't matter if your breath smells like heaven or stinks like hell. Smelling it means you're alive and I'll take that all day, everyday." Norman says to me. I smile at him and yawn. "Get some rest." Norman tells me. I nod my head at him. I close my eyes and my sister flashes in my head. I open my eyes up with gasp. Norman looks at me like something was wrong. "Norman... my sister. Have you found her?" I ask him. He looks at me and then to the ground. "No... I haven't looked. I ain't leaving you." Norman says to me. I nod my head and lay back down.

          I want my sister found. I want her to be found safe. I shouldn't even be thinking about her. I'm the one who is in the hospital, in pain. I should be worrying about myself, and yet here I am. Worrying about my sister. My bitch of a sister.

           **NORMAN'S POV**

           I watch as Piper falls asleep. So peaceful and beautiful. Even with all those cuts and bruises on her face. I sat down in the chair and pulled my phone out. I needed to call Greg. I dialed his number and heard it ringing. I put the phone to my ear. "Hello?" I hear Greg say on the other end. I clear my throat and speak, "Hey... Greg it's Norman. Listen, Piper was in an accident last night. She's a little banged up and has a few broken things, but all things considered... it could be worse. I know we have a few days until we start shooting the next episode, but I just wanted you to know." I tell Greg. He is silent for a few seconds.

           "Man... I'm sorry. Please give her all my best. I'll be thinking about her. And listen... I'll get in contact with the leaders at AMC and tell them what has happened. They'll probably give you a week or two off. Let you stay by her side while she heals for a bit. I'll get back to you once I talk to them." Greg says. I clear my throat. "Thanks man... really. Thank you." I tell him over the phone.

          Once Greg and I were done talking, I decided to text Hannah. See if she would reply. I waited over thirty minutes for an answer and I didn't get one. I rolled my eyes and looked out the window. I know Hannah is Piper's sister, but it doesn't matter to me. Hannah is causing too many problems. Piper should have never been on the road that night. Piper shouldn't be stressed from fighting with Hannah. I know Hannah is her family, but I just want Piper to cut ties with her. I know in my heart, that's wrong to want, but I hate seeing my girl like this.

           While thinking about that, I remember her parents. They don't know about the accident. I dial her parents number and put the phone to my ear. "Hey, Norman. You okay, darling?" Pipers mom says into the phone. "Hi Mrs. King. Last night... Hannah ran off and Piper went looking for her. And Piper got into an accident. She'll be fine with some time to heal, but I just wanted you to know." I said to her. "Thank you, Norman. Do you know which hospital?" She asks me. I tell her the hospital and she tells me that her and Pipers father will be down here in a day or two to see their daughter.

           I put my phone into my pocket and look over at Piper. I look up at the monitor that is monitoring her heart beat. I want to tell her I love her. I want to tell her that I want to take the risk of being with her. Risk everything going bad between us. But I would rather take the risk, than to never take the risk and get the chance at heaven on earth with an angel. I grab her hand and kiss it.

          I've known Piper since she was 18. Since we met in that arcade and Mingus was itty bitty. She's been apart of my life since then. She was there for my breakups, for family and friend deaths, for my car accident, for so much. And I've been there for her. I've dated all these women and sometimes you just never know that the one you are meant to be with is right in front of you.

         Piper isn't a model. She isn't a lot like my other girlfriends and yet, she's the most beautiful woman. Those beautiful green eyes, soft pink lips, blonde hair, and just everything about her is just perfect. For me. Maybe not for anyone else, but for me. She's perfect.

           I want a life with her. I want to have a child or children with her. I want to take random vacations with her. I want to kiss her every night. I want to lay with her every night. I want to be there for her. I want to be with her. I've been so scared to try and her accident has been a wake up call for me. I could lose her any second and the thought scares the hell out of me.


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