The Darkness Within

By ivoryconfessions

5.3K 95 63

Crossover between the Marvel Cinematic Universe & the CW's Vampire Diaries *** When Alessandra Reidottir fle... More

The Darkness Within
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Seven

242 8 6
By ivoryconfessions

Quite The Impression

recommended song:
Hold Your Breath by Ruelle


Thor stood in the control room of the S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier, his blue eyes scanning the clouds outside. To his left, Bruce Banner and Natasha Romanoff sat at a small table as Steve Rogers and Director Fury were talking off to the side.

"Well I hope someone has a default plan." Tony Stark announced as he sauntered into the room with a smirk on his face. "Just in case this miracle girl doesn't arrive."

"She'll be here." Thor replied, turning his attention away from the window. "I know of it."

"How are you so sure she'll show?" Tony questioned. "If I was a goddess and had powers, I'd definitely try to avoid a top secret government agency."

"Tony may be right." Bruce began fiddling with his hands atop the table. "I know how hard I fought to stay away from S.H.I.E.L.D. over the past few years. What makes you think she won't try to avoid them as well?"

"I have faith Alessandra will show. She's a dear friend. We can trust her."

"Trust is not something that can be taken easily, pointbreak." Tony cocked his head to the side in a teasing manner. "Here on earth, we tend to not put it in magical people from other planets."

"Asgard is not a planet. It's-"

"Enough." Nick Fury commanded, stepping away from Steve and walking closer to the quarreling superheroes. "I knew this option was going to be a long shot, but since it seems to be the only one we've got, I'm willing to place some of my cards in this girl's pile. If she's Asgardian, she might know how to deal with Loki."

"I can assure you Director Fury, Alessandra will be able to help us. She knows Loki better than anyone." Thor nodded assuringly.

"I'll believe it when I see it." Stark commented, sliding into a chair besides Bruce and kicking his feet up onto the table.

The second black smoke appeared in the center of the room, swirling around until it had become large enough to conceal a person, everyone froze. As Alessandra slowly appeared behind the thick cloud, the Avengers stood at alert, minus Stark, who clumsily stumbled from his chair, earning a chuckle on Bruce's behalf and an eye roll on Natasha's. As they stared at the small girl that had appeared out of thin air, Thor grinned happily and went over to greet her.

"I knew you'd come."

"We had a deal." She replied, her amber eyes scanning over the mass of agents in the room.

"You really do have magic." Bruce stepped curiously away from the table. "That's incredible."

Alessandra hummed softly. "I'm assuming Thor filled you in."

"He told us enough." Fury's voice drew her attention away from Bruce. "Alessandra, was it?"

"It's Alessa now, but it appears that Thor has continued to stick to the use of my full name. How thoughtful of him."

Thor chuckled from beside her.

"I'm Director Fury." Nick continued without batting an eye. "Head of this facility and the person you need to impress before getting anywhere near our prisoner."

"Impress? With the amount of agents and superheroes you have gathered here I'd say you had aimed to do that yourself. You don't need me to impress you. You've done plenty of that on your own." Alessandra chuckled. "And for the record, I believe I was here to help you. At least, that was my impression."

"You're clever." Fury replied calmly. "You may not disappoint us after all."

"How flattering." Alessandra rolled her eyes. "Expected disappointment on arrival. I haven't been on Earth for very long, but is that how you people work in a government agency?"

"It's how we work here at S.H.I.E.L.D." Phil Coulson's voice echoed as he entered the control room beside Maria Hill.

When they approached, Alessandra's eyes narrowed.

"I know you." She spoke curiously, stepping closer. "You were there when Loki sent the Destroyer."

"I hope you can forgive some of my impoliteness." Coulson's eyes watched her carefully. "I haven't had very pleasant first impressions with your people."

"What's your name?"

"Agent Coulson."

"Tell me, Agent Coulson. If you were to come to a strange planet and the first interpretation you have of the natives is hostile, what would you have done?"

"I would fight back."

"So it's understandable why you got the reaction you did."

A quick flash of emotion crossed over Coulson's eyes. It was fast and disappeared as soon as it arrived, but Alessandra could see right through him. He was impressed with her as well.

"Well, Director Fury," Alessandra turned her attention back to the man with the eye patch. "You got me here. I'd say it's about time we get started."

"Right." Fury nodded, turning to head back down the hallway. "All of you can follow me. Stark and Banner, you are needed here with Agent Hill."

Alessandra walked down the halls of the helicarrier, slightly impressed with the inventions of the humans that she was seeing. Back home, she was always told that Asgardians were the most innovative, but, from what she saw at that moment, Earth was catching up. As she entered what looked to be a security room combined with a lab, she stepped aside as the rest of the group filed in behind her.

"So, Thor tells us you know Loki." Coulson began, sitting down on a chair beside the main desk in the room.

"I do." Alessandra responded, her eyes watching carefully as the others either took their seats or positioned themselves in a comforting standing position.

"Was it personal?"

"You could say that."

"How personal?" Coulson watched her lips turn up into a smile, planning her words carefully.

"He was a family friend. That's all you need to know."

"So you grew up together?"

"We did."

"Did you get along?" Coulson continued, watching Alessandra for any signs of emotion, but only watching her keep a perfectly hidden expression.

"On rare occasions."

"Would you say there were quarrels, then?"

"A few."

"What about your family? How did they feel about Loki?"

"Is this going to be the extent of why you needed me here, Director Fury?" Alessandra ignored Coulson as she eyed the director. "Because if all you pulled me in for was to be an interrogated suspect, I'll be on my way now. I don't like having my time wasted."

"These are merely background questions." Fury spoke as he stood behind Coulson. "Thor provided us with information, but we always like to go directly to the source."

"And the reason for having an audience?"

"To contain you if things go south." Coulson replied.

"Well at least you're honest." Alessandra chuckled. "There's no need for your superhero bodyguards. I'm here out of obligation to Thor. I made a promise to him and I intend to keep it."

"Thank you, Alessandra." Thor nodded gratefully before turning to Fury. "I called her here to talk to Loki, not for an interrogation."

"And she will." Fury replied. "In case you forgot, Thor, this is S.H.I.E.L.D. We have our own protocols, and we intend to follow them."

"I did not concede to bringing her here to be questioned."

"Thor," Alessandra placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "I can take whatever they throw at me. You know that by now."

"Why did you agree to do this?" Fury cut in, his eyes monitoring Alessandra's every movement.

"It was a request from a friend. I complied."

"That's all?"

"That's all."

"Well then. Agent Coulson, show her the monitor."

Alessandra's eyes flicked to the oversized screen above the desk where Coulson sat. In seconds, he pressed a few keys on the keyboard and a live video feed appeared. She didn't have to step closer to see that it was of Loki. They were monitoring him, which was typical, but keeping him in isolation? A smile curled up on her lips. It was genius. Loki would go mad being alone with his thoughts.

"I have to commend you on your efforts thus far. The isolation was a nice touch."

"With as much as that man liked to speak, I figured it was for the best." Fury replied.

"Oh, it was." Alessandra smirked. "If I know Loki, the longer he's alone, the worse off he'll be. Especially if he has nothing to read."

"He's a book worm?" Steve Rogers asked.

"A major one." She grinned. "He'd sit in the library for hours on end reading. No one on Asgard ever understood how or why."

"It was absurd how much he read." Thor laughed. "It's a shame that Loki is no longer here."

"I wouldn't be so sure." Alessandra replied, her eyes scanning the screen.

"Do you think you can get him to talk?" Romanoff asked, drawing Alessandra's attention away from the screen.

"Getting him to talk is going to be easy. Getting him to spill the secrets he holds so dear? Now, that's going to be the tricky part."

"Can you do it?" Fury asked with a challenging stare.

"If I am given the time and complete isolation, it won't be a problem."

"Unfortunately, we cannot give that to you. Loki must be heavily guarded at all times. We're not taking any chances of his possible escape."

"Then I can't help you."

"Director Fury, please." Thor cut in. "She's the only one who can talk him out of this."

"How do we know you're not just going to bail him out?" Fury turned to Alessandra accusingly.

"You don't." She made direct eye contact with him. "You're just going to have to trust me."

"That's the problem. I don't trust you."

"Then like I said before, I can't help you." Alessandra replied. "I'm only here out of my obligation to Thor, but if you don't want the help I'm offering, I'll walk. I didn't want to get involved in this mess in the first place."

"Director Fury, please." Thor begged, his eyes flicking back and forth between Fury and Alessandra. "I swear to you, she's your best shot."

"You are convinced she will be able to talk Loki out of world domination?"

"I do."

"Then she may proceed to do so, but I told you my conditions."

"Need I remind you that it was one of your own that called me here, Director Fury?" Alessandra cut in. "You want me to talk to Loki? Fine. But, we do it on my terms. If I go in, I go in alone."

Fury simply watched her, but made no move to respond. Alessandra watched him with the same precision, waiting patiently for him to make the right move. When he didn't, she rolled her eyes, lifting up her hands as black smoke trailed out from her fingertips.

"I'm not playing these games."

As quickly as she had begun, she stopped the moment she heard his voice.

"Wait." Her eyes flicked up to Fury. "You are our last resort. I hope you know that."

"Desperation does a lot to a man."

"Desperation has gotten me where I am today. Just promise me one thing once you get in there."

"And that is?"

"Make that bastard spill everything he's got."


Who's ready to officially meet Loki??? Are you still shipping Alessandra with him or are you leaning more towards Damon? Also, I would love some ship name ideas! I was thinking of Aloki and Dalessa but I want to hear your ideas! Comment some down below! I hope you all enjoyed! Don't forget to follow my Instagram (@ivoryconfessions) to see new promos for all of my books and find out about the next chapters before they're posted! I love you!
xx lavender baby 💋

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