Mates With Complications (Lar...

By LarryShippinTheTruth

192K 7K 1.3K

Harry Styles is an Omega, but he pretends to be a Beta so he can find his mate through falling in love and no... More

Mates With Complications (Larry Stylinson AU A/B/O) {Mpreg}
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (tiny bit mature if you squint)
Chapter 9 (tiny bit mature if you squint ... again)
Chapter 10 (Matuuuuuure!)
Chapter 11 (mature)
Chapter 12 (mature!)
Author's Note
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
A/N - This is so important!
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Mates With Complications: Continued

Chapter 20

3.9K 211 17
By LarryShippinTheTruth

I know it’s quite the time since but I still needa know WHAT DO YA THINK OF FIREPROOF AND STEAL MY GIRL?!

Louis is an Angel. His voice is damn angelic. Angels are real.

HEYAHEAYEAHEY! Luke aka @LarryIsAmazing and I are writing a story together! It’s posted on her account and it’s called “My Popstar” and the link is on my profile. Check it out?

AND AND AND AND AND! Harry’s fantastic, beautiful, perfect, amazing HAIR! I hope Louis pulled those braids ;)

Ever since school started, I’m back to being a creative songwriter but I wanna be back to writing my stories D: I’m failing you, I’m sorry!



Louis was walking up and down in the kitchen, biting his nails. Harry was still gone. It’s been another half an hour after Louis had found the letter.

He was so worried. He knew Harry, he was never late. If he had been held up by something, he would’ve contacted Louis to tell him so. He would never stay away this long without giving a sign of him still being alive.

Of course, Louis knew that he was alive. He could feel it. The bond was telling him it.

And he had read a few letters of people who lost their mate in his old school before moving. He didn’t know what it actually felt like, but if their mate died or was ráped or anything close, it felt like half of you was ripped apart from your body. Just immense pain.

Louis could feel that Harry was alive but that was all. This was one of the things that made him even more nervous than he already was because normally, he could feel what Harry was about or what he felt. But now, there was only a fuzzy, weak feeling.

There was something wrong, it had to be.

Louis decided to look at Tesco’s or ask one of the staff members or something.

He dressed since he was still in his pajamas – he had called in at the radio station, telling them that he felt a bit under the weather which wasn’t even a lie. His mate was gone.

He quickly put on a pair of skinny jeans and a grey t-shirt that almost covered his whole bum. It was Harry’s, it smelled like him.

Tears pricked in the Alpha’s eyes but he blinked them away and straightened up a bit. He wouldn’t cry right now. He had to find Harry, get him home.

Louis put on his shoes and grabbed his denim jacket. He took his keys and left the flat, locking the door. Then he ran down the stairs as fast as he could, never being patient enough to wait for the lift. Outside, he quickly got into his car and drove as fast as he could without speeding.

He arrived at the parking lot of the nearest Tesco’s and immediately spotted Harry’s car. He quickly got out of his car and jogged over, fear taking over his whole being.

In front of the car, on the ground, lay a packet of eggs – broken eggs – and one of Louis’ favourite chocolate bars. He picked it up and felt the tears coming back. There was still a faint smell of Harry in the air, as well as three Alpha smells.

“Fucking assholes, what did you do to my Omega?” he whispered to himself.

He searched around at the parking lot, trying to find any tracks. He asked employees and costumers if anyone had seen something, but no-one could help him.

He wanted to scream in frustration.

He drove home again, asking a friend to drive Harry’s car back home. As soon as he entered the flat, he threw his keys on the table, dropped his jacket and toed his shoes off.

He grabbed his laptop and opened up the internet browser, searching for any news of kidnapped Omegas. He clicked on any link that could help him, his eyes flying over words.

Finally, he found something that was not several years old.

“Since three weeks more and more Omegas are kidnapped – every single one of them bonded. Taken away when they’re without their mate, no-one knows where they’re at. Currently the number of nine kidnapped Omegas was counted, but we can be sure that it will become more,” Louis murmured as he read along the article, exclaiming afterwards, “Fuck!”

The article had been written a week ago and Louis was sure more than nine Omegas were missing at the moment. Even worse, one of those was his mate. He didn’t want to think of what those Alphas could do to him.

After a few minutes of processing what this all was about, he grabbed his phone and dialed Liam’s number.

“Hey?” his deep voice answered.

“Liam, is Niall with you?” Louis asked.

“Yeah, why?”

“Good. Okay, don’t let him go out alone. Stay with him, no matter what. Okay?”


“Listen, there are Alphas who kidnap Omegas. Harry’s most likely one of them and I don’t want Niall to happen the same thing to. Don’t let him out of your sight.”

“Y-yeah, okay. I promise,” Liam said, now sounding worried. “Call me if you have any news on Harry, I’ll keep my eyes open. I’ll also call Zayn and Perrie.”

“Thanks, man,” Louis said. “I’ll keep you on track.”

Louis hung up and placed the phone on the coffee table in front of him. He dropped his head into his hands and let out a shuddering breath.

He waited several hours, trying to get the blurry feeling away from his bond with Harry. After hours and hours, it seemed to get a little clearer and he could feel the shock and fear of Harry’s. Still, the feelings were weak and it was like a deep fog was between him and Harry.

What was wrong? What happened? Where was he?

Most likely he had been drugged or something. Tears started welling up in Louis’ eyes for the umpteenth time today, and he finally let them go.

He broke down on the couch, wanting nothing more than Harry back with him. He had to go to the police, but right now he was too weak, right now he didn’t have the strength.

He was nothing without his Omega.

He knew nothing, was completely in the dark. He didn’t know where Harry was, why those Alphas took him out of all, when he would see him again. When. Not if. He would see him again.

Louis knew only one thing, and he was sure about that one.

Those Alphas – whoever they were – would pay. He would find them, hunt them down and make them pay for taking so many Omegas away from their mates. He would make them pay.

He swore that.


I’m back. Missed me?

I planned out another A/B/O fic since people seem to like me writing them? And I’ll write more A/B/O’s after finishing this one.

Thank you for your patience and for being so kind to me. You’re beautiful, every single one of you.

And thanks for reading. I hope you liked it, writer’s block and all.

Vote and comment if you feel like it.

I love you so much.

Kisses, Vic :*

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