Androgynous || VKook (On hold)


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Jungkook is an androgynous model, a pretty face with a physique of a female's on his upper torso; slender wai... More



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"My first photo shoot?" Jungkook bats his eyelashes at the words.

"Yes, you'll be having your first photo shoot tomorrow morning." Namjoon replies with a crescent grin. "You will wear clothing that goes along with your body type, a perfect photo shoot for your debut."

Jungkook shots Namjoon a worried look "It's been a while, I feel quite perplexed about everything."

"No worries Jungkook, Taehyung will be accompanying you. He will be having his photo shoot as well tomorrow morning, he'll be willing to teach you if there are some parts vague in your memory about modelling."

Taehyung did not mention anything and it leaves him flabbergasted from the news. He did not know the company was quick to move and arrange schedules for new contract models. He expected a week of interval from the party last night, but he was summoned right away after the sun has risen to call it another day.

Resting is probably something Jungkook would wish for in the hectic week ahead. He's amazed on how busy models are able to keep up, he was inexperienced with the workload because only huge companies have access in every magazine studios, in all kinds. He was only interviewed once throughout his working years, he was that underrated before the scandal spiked in the media, and that caused the widespread of his name and identity as an androgynous model. He is guessing that was the reason for the offer, but the lull gap of 2 years was a question to Jungkook.

"I'll see you tomorrow then, Mr. president, I have some business to finish for the apartment I'm moving in."

"Oh, it was a wise decision to move close here. Almost all of our models who are in the monthly ranking of famous models live in the close by luxurious apartments. Though, only Taehyung can afford in the most expensive and closest one here."

"I actually rented an apartment in Taehyung's building. I liked it the most there."

Namjoon makes a stunned face, forgetting momentarily that the man in front of him is the son of a Jeon, in which the family is recognized as one of the noble families in Seoul with a successfully established company that has been profitably expanding throughout the years. "You'll be seeing Taehyung a lot, then." He adds up quickly, careful to not let the conversation die so soon.

"What food does Taehyung like? I'm planning to give him some since we're in the same floor. It's too overused to give rice cakes in the common tradition, I'd like to bring something else."

Namjoon hums, in deep thought. "I don't have much knowledge about what Taehyung likes in food. I guess you don't have to sweat onto the details too much, he practically likes anything. Just give rice cakes."

Jungkook wasn't wholly convinced, "How about cupcakes?"

The younger's persistence made Namjoon sigh. He's fretting over minor details when it's pure obligatory, no mix of romance, because Taehyung was that type who's likely to care less on something he's uninterested in, predominantly in receiving gifts out of tradition or mere admiration from fans, but it depends on the person if he had piqued an interest on, It'll be a total different story. Taehyung is rigid and unyielding with his choices, unless it progresses into something else, romance could possible partake in the mix.

"How about, something that is not food?" He replies, accompanied by a thoughtful expression.


"Flowers or book? Just a simple gift that anyone would like in general."

Jungkook's lips made a soft pout "But, that doesn't abide by the tradition rule."

Namjoon sighs again, for the nth time. He blames the amateurism of himself also, for being too useless in giving out advice, their age is also to be blamed from the wide gap of 9 years. What does he know with the social norms nowadays? and how young people do it. There's a constant change within the society and people who are behind the millennial generation are considered old-fashioned by youngsters, which they are clueless about the modernized implementation in practicality, basically, Namjoon is partly old-fashioned. "Rice cakes will do, it's totally fine if you don't want to give something material."

Jungkook took the hint, he had questioned too much and the president was emitting exhaustion. "I'm sorry" he says quickly "I will listen to your advice."

"You will buy rice cakes?"

"Yes, after I'm finished with the moving out requirements."

Namjoon smiles "I'll see you tomorrow morning, don't exhaust yourself too much for a better complexion."

"Thank you, Mr. president" He replies before leaving politely with a slight hint of guilt with him. He was the reason of Namjoon's exhausted morning.

When he left Namjoon made a relieved sigh, It was definitely draining to converse with a younger.


It was past Taehyung's dinner time when he got home from work. His limbs were sore and aching all over, the photo shoot lasted from early morning until late evening. The camera director was strict and precise with his job, it was for their aim to produce a perfect shoot, because Taehyung was hired to model clothing in every magazine, dominating one section for himself alone, he was that powerful and influential.

His short rest was ruined quick after he hears the doorbell being pressed. He hastily leaves the couch, quite grumpy, brows furrowed. He inhales a sharp breath to calm himself, he's short-tempered but he hides it well to put on a nice front. He opens the door, back to the usual expression he makes to greet someone out.

"Hey." The shorter man greets, it was Jimin, his only friend in the modeling industry which is in the same company as him.

Taehyung's facial expression falls, then an eye roll follows "I'm tired, what brings you here?"

"It's been a while since we last talked because you're too busy. Mind if we?" He makes a pleading face, like a little puppy begging to be taken in and Taehyung could never resist that. He's weak to those puppy eyes and tiny voice, which Jimin is very well aware of.

"Come in."

Jimin makes a big smile, a wide grin and his eyes could no longer be seen from his bulging cheeks. He makes his way inside, following behind Taehyung "I saw you talking to the new model last night in his party." The smile dies down, replaced by a doubtful look " And you left with him."


"I wondered why you left with him, and were you two still together after?" He says before flopping down the couch, legs crossed in comfort. They have known each other for years to be this cozy, perhaps their resemblance in personality, together with Jimin's congenial trait, was the over all reason for their remarkable friendship.


Jimin cocks a brow. "Are you still going to deny it?"

"I haven't said anything else" says Taehyung before joining him on the couch.

"Now" Jimin shifts closer. "Tell me"

"We're in a 'fucking' relationship"

Jimin frowns. "Are you cursing, or do I have to take that literally?"


"So," His eyes dart on the ceiling, shifting back to his position. "He's basically your toy, and he's totally fine with it? And why are you doing this, Kim Taehyung? What do you gain from this? Why did you not tell me about this first before you get yourself engaged in this kind of relationship?"

"Whoah, wait." Taehyung says in a rush, his hands up on the air, signing the shorter male to halt, he was bombarded with continuous questions and it's making his head throb horribly. "Easy, Jimin I don't know how to answer all of that."

"Okay,," He shuts his eyes, then a small sigh ."Why are you doing this? This is so unlike you."

"Jungkook is different Jimin, he doesn't look at me with lustful eyes unlike the others. I could see that he's trying to respect my boundaries in the fuck-buddy relationship we'll have. He won't force things out of selfishness on me. Plus, he's also a model like us, and under the same company. Convenient, isn't it?"

"So his name is Jungkook." He mutters, the name had a familiar ring. Jimin was never the intervening type and he hardly cares about scandals articles and TV news, however the name he had reminisce tainted the modelling community badly, of how it caused chaos that made Jimin aware of. The scandal two years ago. "Taehyung, this is dangerous. He was involved in a scandal before."

"I'm aware of that."

Jimin looked more perplexed than ever. "Does Namjoon know about this as well? Why did he make him sign the contract?"

"About that, I don't know." He pauses, "All I know is that Jungkook was unconsciously involved in the scandal. He was innocent Jimin, he's just a man with passion for modeling, he does not deserve the treatment."

"He could destroy our company's reputation, Tae! I--"

"Jimin." Taehyung shots him an icy glare, enough for Jimin to freeze on his spot, mouth slightly parted from the cut off words. "I'm not trying to do anything bad, and Jungkook doesn't either. He's not here to ruin anything, he's here to work. Namjoon knows that the best among us of how Jungkook would contribute as a model, if his motive is to bring harm or not. From I can see his passion for modelling is sincere, and Namjoon saw that, so don't doubt him for anything. He had gone through a lot already, let us not complicate things and let's just give him a warm welcome."

"I got it." His plump, pink lips make a pout, head hung low, a sign that he's apologetic. "I'm sorry." The words follow right away, and it makes Taehyung smile.

"I have no intention of dating him."

Jimin scoffs in disbelief. "Don't say that, I doubt you will date him soon."

"I have a fiancee, Jimin. I don't know about that."

"You're not even serious about your own fiancee, taking note that you're fooling around openly"

"Same goes for her, Jimin" says Taehyung while his gaze drifts to somewhere far. "She's not taking our engagement seriously, and I'm tired of it."

"When does she plan to go back?"

Taehyung huffs a breath out. "Maybe, never. I can call off this engagement anytime, and I'm clinging to that chance that this still could be fixed."

"It won't." Jimin shakes his head fervently. "If she finds out that you're fucking Jungkook. You're making it worse by doing that, if you want your engagement with her to be fixed."

"We haven't had sex yet Jimin, we just had an agreement last night. And she had seen plenty of men as well while we're engaged, so why can't I?"

Taehyung was sick of it. They have been engaged in secret for 5 years, while they dated for 2 years prior to that. His fiancee left the country to study abroad and had promised to return after a year, and the promise made shattered quick as 5 years flies in a blink of an eye. Taehyung tried to stay in touch, despite he was busy in his soaring career. To be apart was pure heartbreak for him, within a year less, her cheating had begun.

Taehyung endured it, to save the marriage he sought, but his feigned ignorance for 5 years had slapped him hard, and he's now tired and sick of it. She had let plenty of men have what supposedly to be Taehyun's, when Taehyung up until now maintained conservation in all aspect, in reverence to their relationship.

Jimin's eye rolls out of frustration. "You're making it worse by revenge. Don't succumb into that dirty feeling."

"This engagement will soon be called off, I want her to have the bitter taste of jealousy first" The deep, darkness in Taehyung's eyes tells Jimin he was too late to save. He sees no hint of light, just pure black on his eyes, oozing a serious vibe. As a friend, Jimin was against in all of this, Taehyung was using Jungkook as an escape goat to reality, and a toy for revenge. He was uttering pure, kind words towards the androgynous model, but his hatred for his fiancee tarnished it with a rage and is unsightly.

"Can't you let Jungkook know about this first? If you feel sorry for him, he deserves that much."

"Why? I don't have to tell him." He replies blatantly.

"You're using him Taehyung, to get revenge to your fiancee."

"I'm not" He replies in a vexed tone. "We both just wanted to get laid. We're not kissing and doing what couples do, just sex."

"Don't blame me Taehyung when something happens, I warned you enough, as a friend."

"No one will, Jimin." He utters proudly with a dignified voice, and it fears Jimin more.


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