Spots (mxm)

By TheoryKierei

4M 88.7K 25.1K

Book one of the Shifter Series. Arron had been asking his father if they could move for the better half of hi... More

Chapter 1: Spots
Chapter 2: Whiskers and Claws
Chapter 3: When Bathing a Cat, Don't.
Chapter 4: Tough Skin
Chapter 5: It's Always a Trap
Chapter 6: Cubs
Chapter 7: Vet
Chapter 8: Teeth
Chapter 9: Explanation
Chapter 10: Fixing the Problem?
Chapter 11: Spots and Tusks
Chapter 12: Problematic Paws
Chapter 13: Fur and Skin
Chapter 14: Cake and Frosting
Chapter 15: Can We Be Friends?
Chapter 16: Other Fun Things
Chapter 17: Gifts
Chapter 18: Birthday Date
Chapter 19: Unfriendly Reunion
Chapter 20: Something to Laugh About
Chapter 21: Larro
Chapter 22: A Phone Call
Chapter 23: Father Figure
Chapter 24: A Fun Day Out
Chapter 25: Forgiveness
Chapter 27: Wake Up Call
Chapter 28: Why Care
Chapter 29: You Lose Some
Chapter 30: A Little Leeway
Chapter 31: Pull it Together
Chapter 32: Spoiled Paws
Chapter 33: A Little Control
Chapter 34: Testing the Waters
Chapter 35: Oh Boy
Chapter 36: Earning a Place
Chapter 37: Taming the Lion
Chapter 38: Epi-A Wild Family

Chapter 26: Leaving

31.5K 2K 308
By TheoryKierei

(Another photo I liked. This is how I see Tayn. I think Arron had too much sugar before this chapter started lol.)

Larro held him for awhile longer until the thunk of bags right next to them brought Arron's attention up to Larro's friends. Pask and... Tayn? He wasn't great with names. Seeing one of them shifted up close was actually pretty cool, though.

Arron squirmed free of Larro's arms, then hesitantly walked up to the huge dog-like creature. It looked like a mix between a lion and a wolf. The hyena leaned over and bumped Arron's little nose with its own, cackling quietly with interest. He could feel Larro's eyes on him so he knew that he was safe to interact with the bigger animal. When the hyena leaned back, Arron couldn't help but swat at its nose lightly, getting a grumble and a head-shake from it in response as it backed up a step.

"Tayn isn't really a playful guy. He might just end up pinning you down and nipping a few times so that you'll leave him be." Larro said.

Arron glanced over his shoulder at him, but his kitten seemed fixated on bothering Tayn. With a determined mew, he bounded over to him where he had retreated farther and tugged on his left ear with a playful growl. At first, Tayn tried to step on his feet and pull him off, but he just ended up hurting his ear more, which his kitten refused to release.

The hyena glared up at Larro, who snickered and unfortunately to Arron's kitten's dismay, walked over and detached him from his friend's ear.

"You got everything packed, guys?" Larro asked as he held Arron in his arms.

Thanks. My kitten gets a little crazy sometimes... I think I've had too much sugar recently. He thought to Larro.

Tayn nodded as he swatted at his slightly-bleeding ear. Oops. His kitten had actually been going for the earring that was in it.

Pask stepped forward in his human form with a big backpack on his back and a duffel bag in each hand.

"Yup. We were already planning to split town soon anyways, so we had most of it packed."

Arron was lifted up slightly as Larro spoke to the two. "Did you get his stuff, too, by chance?"

"Yeah, packed all of his clothes and an extra toothbrush." Pask replied with a shrug.

He knew that he didn't have much, even though they had just gone shopping. He was grateful that he got to keep the items, though.

Larro smiled and pressed a soft kiss to Arron's fuzzy head before setting him down.

"Alright! Looks like it's time to get the hell out of this hole." He said as he smirked over at his friends, then down at Arron before grabbing the two extra bags and heading for the door. Arron was glad that he had let him walk, because his kitten had quite a bit of energy he needed to get out before the car ride or he'd likely be after Tayn's earring again.

He ran around Tayn while he sauntered outside and down the steps of the building, still in his hyena form. As long as Arron didn't trip him or try to bite he seemed to tolerate him running around his feet. Arron's overly-energetic kitten even got Tayn to chase him once. The weather outside was so nice, too, making his kitten even more uncontrollable. Larro just ginned over at him as he continued loading up his car.

Don't worry about it. He must be feeling better since I haven't seen him very hyper before. He thought into Arron's mind. He had a point, but it was frustrating.

"I can tell that you want to run about more, but we really should be heading out. We may be able to stop and run around somewhere once we get out of town a good ways, though maybe not till tomorrow."

He was perfectly fine with that, but his kitten was literally radiating energy.

I swear I didn't eat a ton of sugar... I think.

"The kitten face isn't going to work on me this time. You're making your other half crazy. Up you go, brat." Larro said as he reached down and grabbed him.

"Behave, or I'll make you eat broccoli for dinner. You're driving your human self crazier."

Arron's kitten puffed out its cheeks in response, then hissed. 

Tayn transformed and put his clothes on so that he could slide into the front seat. Considering the fact that there was no real room for himself to have a seat of his own with all of the stuff in the car, Arron hopped into Tayn's lap. He was just about to start trying to push the window buttons that he knew were likely locked, when he realized something.

Wait! My bear.

Larro slammed on the breaks and looked over at him.


My bear. We left him.

"Aaron, we can't really fit that in here." He said.

But he's my bear! Please, can we get him?

"I'll get you another one when we get you back home." Larro replied.

I don't want another. That one's important.

Larro's brow furrowed as he stared at him funny.

"Why? It was just a stuffed bear. I can get you plenty later."

Arron's kitten sat up straighter and met his eyes.

Because my new dad won it for me.

He knew that he had him with that as Larro began to turn the car around without a word. When he parked and ran inside, Arron tried to go after him, but Tayn had a firm grasp on him. The second he saw Larro running down the stairs with his bear he mewed loudly and pawed at the air.

Larro had to work to shove the bear in the area by Tayn's feet, but the hyena didn't seem to mind. It'll probably get dirty from his shoes, but they could always wash it.

Thank you!

Larro shook his head with a smile while climbing back into the car.

"You are such a dork."

Tayn glanced over at him with a raised brow but quickly realized that Larro had been talking to Arron. As they made their way out of town, Arron ended up poking at his bear for a little while, then trying to get comfortable. That second thing wasn't going to happen when his kitten had so much energy pent up.

"I can feel your energy buzzing from here, Arron." Larro said with a chuckle.

He's usually not this bad unless I have too much ice cream or something. Arron replied in his mind. I'm trying to make him behave.

"I know. Let's see..."

When they stopped at a red light, Arron watched Larro lean back and dig through a bag in the back seat.

"Aha. Here, Tayn. Have some fun with the fuzzball."

Arron pinned his ears back at the nickname, but when Tayn was handed something and opened it...


Needless to say, the hours flew by as his kitten ran all over Tayn and his stuffed bear to try and catch the string. He wasn't making it easy, either. The darn hyena had good reflexes, but by the time they finally stopped for dinner at a big diner, Arron's kitten had claimed the life of three laces, only allowing one to survive from the pack of four... for now.

Tayn tried to salvage one of the shoe laces in his kitten's mouth, but he wouldn't have it. Eventually Tayn just snorted and gave up, opening the door so that he could bring his catch into the restaurant. Arron knew that Larro, Pask, and Tayn were all snickering behind him, but his kitten was beaming with pride and didn't care in the least. It had its kill.

They got a booth in the back and Larro spread the menu out for him so that he could look it over as the dismembered string hung from the side of his mouth.

Can I get chocolate chip pancakes, bacon and chocolate milk?

"Chocolate chip pancakes or chocolate milk. You're hyper enough as it is, even after all the string-play." He said.


"One or the other, kid. I don't need to bring you back to your mom high on sugar. You're already bouncing off the walls of the car."

True. Chocolate chip pancakes and regular milk?

"Got it." Larro said with a smile.

Everyone ordered and soon their food was brought over. Larro cut up Arron's pancakes and added a little syrup and butter. He also fed him to keep him from getting syrup all over his face. He normally hated being fed, but he really didn't want his face to get all sticky.

After they finished their meals and Larro got up to go use the bathroom, Arron noticed Tayn snickering quietly as he nudged his glass toward him.

Chocolate milk. I shouldn't. I really shouldn't...

Arron quickly hopped up onto the table and clamped his mouth over the straw. It had taken him awhile to learn how to use one as a kitten, but he had definitely mastered it and had the glass clean by the time Larro was back. He even tried to pretend that there had never been any chocolate milk left, but a milk-bubble burp sneaked out of his little mouth.

Drank too fast.

"Oh, you little fuzzy brat."

His eyes rose to Tayn, who had on the best poker face Arron had ever seen. Too bad he was the only one who had ordered chocolate milk.

"I know you did this, and you're going be the one to play with him till he falls asleep tonight." Larro said.

Tayn smirked and gave a quiet cackle as he shrugged.

I think I actually like this hyena.

They drove for another three hours and after six more sacrificial shoe laces, Arron was finally beginning to doze in Tayn's lap. He passed out for a bit, only to wake up when he felt a toothbrush scrubbing at his teeth. It wasn't the most comfortable feeling in his kitten form.

"Yeah yeah, don't think falling asleep was going to get you out of getting those sugary little teeth of yours scrubbed." Larro said as he worked the toothbrush around Arron's mouth.


"Uh huh, spit."

He did as told into the sink in front of him, then quickly rinsed his mouth before being carried and deposited onto a thick blanket. His eyes squinted open farther when the bed dipped with Larro's weight.

There's only one bed.

After a quick glance around Arron saw Tayn and Pask's mohawk ridges as they slept next to the bed in their hyena forms. Unable to help himself, Arron gave a sleepy yawn, then a surprised squeak as Larro scooped him up to set him down to rest against his chest. It didn't take him long to drift off with the warmth of the man next to him and his two friends close by.

(Larro and Tayn are probably my two favorite characters in this lol) 

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