Can You Hear Me?

By Anime_is_addictive

13.9K 511 139

Everyone around you was finding their soulmate but you hadn't yet. Your friends were concerned but you weren'... More

Can You Hear Me? Pt.1
Can You Hear Me? Pt.3
Can You Hear Me? Pt.4
Can You Hear Me? Pt.5
Can You Hear Me? Pt.6
Can You Hear Me? Pt.7
Can You Hear Me? Pt.8
Can You Hear Me? Pt. 9

Can You Hear Me? Pt. 2

1.5K 62 45
By Anime_is_addictive

"Good morning baby. Uh i-is that alright if I call you that?" A deep voice asks softly, hesitantly. 

You wake up to the sound of your soulmate's voice. You roll over expecting to see him there next to you but he's not. There's a soft pang in your heart again but you push it away.

You giggle softly at Johnny's shy stuttering. "Yeah that's fine. I like it." You smile even though Johnny can't see you.

"Did you sleep well?" He asks you.

"Mmmhmm, I did. How about" You ask him, testing out a nickname for him.

"Love. She called me love." Johnny almost choked out of surprise on his food when you called him that. His heart fluttered and he smiled like a fool. "I slept good." He takes another bite of food. 

You sit up in bed and stretch, groaning as your muscles pull. Johnny hears you groan and gets concerned. "Are you okay Y/N?" You chuckle at the concern in his voice. "Yeah I'm fine. I didn't realize you could hear that. I was just stretching.

"Oh..." You can hear his embarrassment and you laugh a little more. "You're so cute Johnny." He sends his laughter back down the bond, "Thanks babe. You are too ya know." You shake your head and laugh at him, cheeks growing red. 

Getting out of bed, you narrate your routine to him. "Right now I'm trying to figure out what to wear today. It's getting cold with winter coming in." You stand in your closet with a finger on your lips trying to decide. "Hmmm.." Johnny hums in response. "How about something warm?" He makes a smart ass comment. This boy wasted no time getting comfortable with you and you really enjoyed it. It felt easy and natural.

"Well no shit sherlock." You retaliate. Johnny laughs loudly down the bond. "So my soulmate has a fiery streak in her. I like that." You wish he was here so you could swat him for that. 

"Believe me babe, I wish I was there too." He tells you softly.

 "Wait you heard that?" Your bond continues to surprise you. 

"Kind of? I heard part of it and felt you wanted me there..." He says. Then he goes silent for a minute.

"Johnny?" You say his name.

"Come here during Christmas break." He suddenly says, popping back in and startling you. 

"What?" You weren't sure if you heard him right.

"Come here for Christmas break. Come spend a few weeks with me after you see your family obviously."  

That sounds so amazing to you. The thought of going to see him pulls at your heart. Now you wish break was sooner. "Okay." You say finally. 

"Awesome." Johnny says in a breathy voice. You can practically see his grin. 

"Are you grinning right now love?" You ask laughing. 

"I am, how did you know?" He asks laughing back with you. 

"I don't know, I could just feel it. It was so bright." You tell him, cheeks turning pink at the soft confession. 

On the other side of the bond, Johnny's cheeks are doing the same. Both of you are turning into blushing soft messes because of each other.  

"Oh crap..." Johnny's turn to groan this time. "I have to get going and work on this film project with my group for class. I'll talk to you when I have the chance?" He sounds desperate like he doesn't want to leave you. 

"Yeah that's alright but I don't want to distract you. Besides I'll either be studying or whatever until Maeve drags me to go do something." You give him a little mental shove to get going. 

He laughs. "I like this Maeve. She's good for you. Takes care of you when I can't be around." Johnny confesses before leaving. "I'll be back soon, don't miss me too much." Then he's gone again. 

You roll your eyes at his comment and blush a little. It's still so weird to have a soulmate. Someone who is destined to be with you. You were relieved you wouldn't be alone forever like you thought.

Despite what you always said to Maeve, you were really worried about if there actually wasn't anyone for you. You never really tried dating, like some of you friends did, because no one interested you. You didn't want to put time and effort into something if you weren't invested. But having Johnny made you feel like this was right. Something just clicked in you and it felt natural.

You had a few hours until Maeve woke up so you decided to watch some YouTube. You hoped your favorite YouTuber uploaded today. He was a college student like you who posted videos and other content like stuff with his friends to build his portfolio since he's a film and photography major. You're not sure where he goes to school since he's really vague about his personal life except for what his major is, which is fine, you totally understand that.

You scroll through his videos looking for some of your favorite ones. Finding one of your favorites, you click on it and settle back.

"Hello everyone and welcome to another Johnny's Communication Center! JCC! Today with me I have my international friends, Jungwoo, Yuta, Doyoung, and Taeyong! Woooo~!" A handsome face with black fluffy hair and a gorgeous smile yells excitedly into the camera.

You smile at the handsome face of John Suh. You loved watching his videos, they were always a nice break from the stress of school and made you laugh at his extraness. His friends were always funny too. They had really good chemistry together.

"Today we have planned another Johnny's Fashion Evaluation but in a special place! We're at the thrift store where we'll have 15 minutes to pick an outfit out for the person I randomly assigned."

You hear a voice of protest off screen. "Wait but what about you?" It was Doyoung asking when the camera turned to him. John, turning the camera back on himself,places a hand on his chest. "I am the judge for today!"

Rest of the boys give more shouts of protest at that comment. "Fine fine! At the end you all can help put together an outfit for me. Fair?" Then John continues with explaining the game, "So Taeyong is dressing Yuta, Doyoung is dressing Jungwoo, Yuta is dressing Taeyong, and Jungwoo is dressing Doyoung! Is everyone ready?"

The camera pans to the boys shouting and getting ready by doing ridiculous things like stretching excessively. "Ready, start!" The 4 boys then run off into the clothes racks. It's a mad house with them dashing to and from with clothes in their arms and quickly looking through things.

John takes you along, stopping by each boy and asking what their concept is.

"Desert." Taeyong says for Yuta.

"Mmmm, I think Mafia." Yuta says for Taeyong's concept.

"How about you for Jungwoo, Doyoung?" John asks the brown-haired boy.

"Beachwear look." Doyoung responds back.

Then John finds a very confused looking Jungwoo. "And you Jungwoo? How are you dressing Doyoung?"

"Aquarium!" He responds back.

"What?" A now confused John asks his blonde-haired friend. "Like blues?"

Jungwoo just shrugs his shoulders and nods.

You laugh at the John-Jungwoo exchange. He was one of John's funniest friends because he sometimes lost his head in the clouds. 

John walks around again to see what each friend has gotten. Jungwoo shows off a blue ombre jacket he found for Doyoung.

"Under the sea~ Under the sea~" the blonde-haired cutie starts singing randomly making John burst into laughter and you soon follow him.

"It would be fun to hang out with them. They seem like fun." You think to yourself.

"Who seems fun?" A familiar voice pops back into your head.

"Ah! Johnny! You're back!" Your heart flutters with your soulmate being back. "I was just watching my favorite YouTuber to pass the time. He and his friends seem like a lot of fun. Today I was watching him do a fashion evaluation on his friends and it was funny."

"What's the YouTuber's name?" He asks.

"John Suh but he goes by Johnny. Well at least he does for his fashion evaluation stuff and his communication episodes." You respond back.

"Ahhh... He sounds like an interesting guy. Is he cute?" Johnny teases you.

You wish he was there so you could hit him. "I mean he is pretty handsome. He has a really nice smile and fluffy hair. But that doesn't mean anything to me." You say to make sure Johnny doesn't get jealous.

"Ohhh I seeee." Johnny laughs at your comment and your face gets a little warm in embarrassment.

"Hey does he happen to have friends named Doyoung, Yuta, Jungwoo, and Taeyong?" He asks you out of the blue.

You gasp. "Yeah! He does! How did you know that? I thought you said you didn't know who he was?"

Johnny started to laugh a lot at your comment. "Oh I know him REALLY well Y/N." His laughter continues to bounce around in your ears.

"Wait you do!? How?!" You are getting more and more confused by each passing moment.

"Because you goof," Johnny pauses for dramatic effect,"I'm John Suh. That's my YouTube account."

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