Russian Twist

By DeathBecomesUs

54 0 0

Olivia hasn't had a particularly great life. All she has wanted is for her Prince Charming to come save her... More

The first encounter
What are they.
The shift

Alpha meetings

8 0 0
By DeathBecomesUs

Soon Adrian fell asleep his steady breathing and soft snores relaxed me. Just not enough to make me fall asleep. I glanced over at the clock and it read 3am, I wondered what time it was in New York. I still had several hours of sleep lessness to get through before I was expected to meet Luke the alpha. The sun rose over the mountains casting gold and orange shadows across the room, but instead of enjoying it I was ready to get up. I tried to move the bear arm that was still pinning me to the bed. Shimming out of his grasp turned out to be a lot harder than I anticipated. I was attempting not to wake him up getting the feeling he needed the sleep. When I finally managed to get out I threw my legs over the edge of the bed huffing out a breath from all the effort. Right before my feet were about to hit the floor two hands slid across my stomach and pulled me back down. A small shriek escaped my lips.
"Where are you going , trying to run from me again". He rasped out in a sleepy voice. Nuzzelling my neck causing a stupid smile to spread across my face. I could get use to this in the morning. He rolled me on my back and hovered over me leaning in to brush his lips across my jaw and down my neck. He leaned in and gave me a deep, long kiss. Right when my head was about to start swimming from lack of oxygen he pulled away. Then announced he was going to take a shower and rolled out of bed. Still trying to catch my breath I heard the shower turn on I decided to pay him the same courtesy he paid me last night. I walked into the bathroom and rinsed off my face and went hunting for a tooth brush. When I finally found an unopened one I got to work on not looking so bad. His brush was already on the counter so I tired to tame my hair. Since I went to bed with it wet last night my natural curls came out. I never really liked them, they always seems to just get messy so I usually straighten my hair. After a few minutes of brushing I realized that nothing would tame this beast. I went to sit back on the bed realizing I didn't have any clean clothes. I had the scrubs I came in but when I went back into the bathroom to find them they were nowhere to be found. Well this could be a problem.
A few moments later Adrian came out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel wrapped around his hips. I bit my bottom lip so hard I almost drew blood. Then a knock on the door caught my attention. Adrian didn't seem surprised though, he headed to open it. On the other side stood a tall slender women with hair so black the night sky would be jealous. Seeing him standing there in a towel letting this other women see his bare skin. It made me skin itch, made me want to get up and make that women take her eyes off my man. Adrian didn't say a word when the women purred her good morning to him. My lip twitched, she was asking for an ass beating. He simply took the clothes that she had in her hands and closed the door in her face. Not even responeing to her sluty good morning. This made me smile, knowing that this woman had no effect on him. He placed the dress and sandals he held in his hands in front of me. The blue sun dress appeared to be my size and same with the shoes. Weird, how did he know? By the time I had gotten dressed Adrian had also.
"Come moya kroshka , we are meeting our alpha".
He intertwined his fingers with mine and lead us out the door. Seeing the castle in the daylight was a whole new place. Instead of looking like something from a frankenstein novel it was more from a fairytale. The castle was embedded into the side of a mountain. You could see parts of the natural rock replaced walls adding to the natural beauty. Turning down endless hallways felt like a maze. How did anyone find their way around this damn place. After what could have been years of walking we ended up at a set of modern doors. They had a keypad and what looked like a retina scanner along with a fingerprint reader. What was behind door number one, I raised an eyebrow at him. Adrian put in all the necessary access codes, the door made a loud clunk revealing that it was ready to be opened. He pushes the door open showing a long hallway on the other side. The white walls and the white doors told me nothing of what this place was. I was lead all the way to the end of the hall to the last door. Adrian pushed it open and bowed his head.
"Good morning alpha". He spoke swiftly.
"Adrian old friend you can call me by my name. I have told you before" a loud male voice boomed.
Adrian chuckled. "I know luke".
Luke was sitting at a large oak desk in an office fit for a king. Bookshelves lined the walls and a large window showing the valley below was at his back. Papers piled on his desk made me think he was a busy man. Adrian and I sat in the big leather chairs in front of his desk.
"Luke I would like to introduce you to my mate Olivia" he placed his hand on my knee.
Lukes face broke out in a huge smile showing all his pearly whites. He stood up so fast that his chair slid back into the window making it vibrate. Luke came around his desk embracing Adrian in a bone crushing hug and patting him on the back. I was still seated when Luke turned his focus onto me, sweeping me up into a hug that made me feet leave the ground. Adrian let out a low growl.
"Don't worry Adrian I wont hurt her".
Then I was placed back on my feet, only to have Adrian tuck me under his arm. Then a knock sounded at the door and a small blond women walked in. She was in a white sundress that hit the floor where I saw she wasn't wearing any shoes. She took note of me looking and smirked.
My feet are to fat for shoes these days. I looked back up to see her rubbing her very large pregnant belly. My eyes went wide and I internally kicked myself for staring. I reached my hand out about to introduce myself. Before I could the tall blond women wrapped her arms around me. I guess this family were huggers.
"You must be Adrian mate. I heard Adrian had a girl with him last night that he was very protective over".
I looked up at Adrian raising an eyebrow. He pretended like he saw nothing. Sitting back down the alpha had many questions for me. Starting with why my wolf was dormant. "My parents died when I was still a baby" this caused Adrian to tighten his hand on my knee. "I am so sorry" luke said but continued to ask more questions. I explained to him after my parents death I went to live with my aunt on my mothers side. She never talked about werewolves or any kind of supernatural beings. Then luke brought up another question "what about your father's side of the family". I never meet my father's side. I was told that when my dad chose to marry my mom his family disowned him. No one ever knew why and my father never brought it up so no one asked. Adrian and the Alpha started speaking in another language. Their conversation seemed intense, I needed to figure out what was being said. I cleared my throat loudly making it clear I did not like being left out of the loop. Adrian turned to me "We think your father might have been a wolf. Most packs in North America don't allow wolves to mate with humans. Doing so was probably why he was disowned. Im sure when they found out he died they considered taking you in, but being  half human means your wolf would probably never manafest." The new information left me speechless. So I was part wolf. "Can I turn into a wolf?" the question came out before I even realized I thought it. Adrian shook his head. "If you haven't shifted now you probably never will, but you do have other wolf qualities". He was right, my sense of smell was always weirdly good. I could smell bad food in the fridge before I was even in the kitchen. I walked to work at night because I never had a problem seeing in the dark. I also never worked out, but seemed to stay in shape. Never having a problem running a mile if I needed to and eating whatever I wanted. I always thought I was a freak of nature, I guess I was but in a good way. We stayed in the office for a little while longer answering some more questions that the alpha and his mate that he referred to as Anna had. Soon enough Adrian stated he needed to get some work done. We left but didn't go too far his office was the next door over. Most of the furniture was black massive wood pieces. His desk sat by the wall farthest from the door and a large table took up the middle of the room. I walked over to the table to see a huge map laid out with markings all over it. Adrian came to stand next to me "Maps for strategy". My memory reminded me that he said he was a guardian and he helped fight in wars. The thought of him going in to battle, possibly losing his life made my stomach do back flips. Not wanted to focus on that feeling I walked over to the bookshelves. Adrian went to his desk and started up his computer, he stated he needed to send some emails and then we could leave and grab some breakfast. Finding some old leather bound books I ran my fingers across them. Some so old the titles had worn away long ago. One of the books titled lycanthropes in gold. I ran my fingers over the spine and carefully pulled it off the shelf. I found a large leather couch in one of the corners with a fuzzy blanket tossed over it. When I settled in I opened the book seeing the first page. An image of a wolf attacking a man filled both sides of the book, the detail in the drawing was to real. Then adrian stood up announcing he was done and ready to go eat. I stood up holding the book, Adrian noticed and held out his hand to take it.
"Can I keep it?"
" Moya kroshka we are coming back, you can read it then".
I placed the book on the couch behind me and we set off to find food. The dining hall was just as grand as the rest of the castle. A table that would seat more than 100 people sat in the middle of the room. The table itself was filled with food eggs, bacon, and pancakes caught my eye. The room was also full of people, more than just the amount that could fit at the table. Talking and laughter filled the room making me smile. These people seemed happy to be here at least. As we walked across the room people turned their heads to stare, Adrian didn't noticed, or at least didn't acknowledge them. Me on the other hand did, my cheeks began to heat up and I kept my eyes on my feet. I was never one to like being the center of attention. We sat at two open seats toward the middle of the table. Adrian wasted no time grabbing a plate and filling it with a mountain of food. I on the other hand sat there awkwardly.
"Moya kroshka you must eat".
He said between bites of food. I grabbed a plate and filled it just as much as he did. This caught his attention and he sat back in his chair. He watched me closely as I began to eat. About half way through I had taken down 3 pancakes, 4 pieces of bacon, 1 biscuit, and a large spoon full of eggs. When I started to slow adrian nodded his head in appreciation and went back to eating. After we both had finished he took our plates in one hand and took mine in the other. When he dropped the plates off and gave me two options, either go back to our room alone or back to his office with him. My mind went back to the book, something inside of me really wanted to know what was in it. I chose the office and we took the long trek back up to the top floor. Once back at the office I settled back on the couch under the blanket and opened the book again.

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