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By Gentle8Kisses

37.4K 1K 87

ADELAIDE COOPER-BLOSSOM the princess of Riverdale JUGHEAD JONES the outcast of Riverdale The typical story... More



3.1K 72 15
By Gentle8Kisses

././𝓑𝓸𝓭𝔂 𝓓𝓸𝓾𝓫𝓵𝓮/./.

Guilt. Innocence. Good. Evil. Life. Death. As the shadows around Riverdale deepened, the lines that separated these polar opposites blurred and distorted. "I'm guilty," Cheryl said in Biology class. But of what?

My heart was thundering in my chest as they pulled my sister outside the classroom. I felt my breaths become erratic, and I got up and left the classroom before anyone could stop me. I did not want to cry in front of my classmates, and since Cheryl had pulled my hair up into a high ponytail, I had no choice but to leave.

Once I left, however, I felt myself start having a panic attack, thinking about Jason's murder investigation.

"Yes, Mr. Jones," I heard our biology teacher say as I leaned against the lockers on the wall a few classes down. I heard a rush of footsteps before I felt Jughead's presence.

I tried to hold my breaths in but I couldn't. I couldn't control my breathing as it got more erratic. I felt my chest tightening as the thought of Cheryl being part of Jason's murder.

"Hey," Jughead said in a hushed voice as he crouched down in front of me, "Juliette? Shhh. Look up at me," he gently caressed my face in with his hands. I look into his dark, emerald eyes. I never realized how beautiful they were until this moment. I allowed myself to get lost in his deep eyes, thinking about how they clashed with my own blue eyes.

His calloused fingers continue to stroke my cheek, "Yes, just like that. Just slow your breathing," I felt my heartbeat return back to normal. I relax into his hands, enjoying the feeling of his touch.

Jughead still hadn't moved, and I noticed how close our faces were. I couldn't help but lower my gaze, his pink lips. I looked up through my lashes to see him do the same. I let my eyes flutter shut as he leaned closer, only to be interrupted by my dad and Mrs. Blossom.

"Adelaide Blossom!" I look up to see Mrs. Blossom and my dad glaring down at Jughead. "What do you think you are doing?"

I popped up to my feet, blushing furiously, Jughead begrudgingly doing the same. He seemed annoyed by the entire situation. I flattened the blood red dress that I had put on since my bedroom at the Blossoms only contained red. "I was-Jughead was..uhh...helping me...get up. I had tripped."

I mentally facepalm for the horrible lie that I had made up. Mrs. Blossom and my dad both saw through it immediately, and Mrs. Blossom gave Jughead a once over, "The last thing we need is two disobedient Blossoms. Come with me," she grabs my arm, digging her claws into my skin, "We are bringing you and your sister home."

I can't help but feel a pang of disappointment, wanting to see what might have happened if my dad hadn't interrupted us. I helplessly looked back at Jughead wanting to apologize, but once I looked back, I noticed the halls were flooded with students. All eyes were on me as my dad went to get Cheryl from the office.

We both looked at each other fearfully as we were shoved out of the school.


When mom had heard what happened at school, she immediately put her foot down and demanded I return to my actual home. Since she had full custody over me, there was nothing the Blossoms could do to stop her, not that they would have. Apparently, as part of Cheryl's punishment for lying to the town, I was no longer allowed to stay at Thornhill with her for two weeks.

I felt horrible leaving Cheryl by herself in that house, but, she assured me that she would be fine. Betty and I were folding the laundry, in my room, when mom walked in, throwing the latest edition of The Register on my bed.

"Hot of the presses." Mom smiled at us. I look at the photo of Jason and Cheryl, the headline accusing Cheryl of Jason's murder. I scoff.

Betty reads the abstract before picking up the paper, "Mom. First, you leaked about Jasons Autopsy now this?"

"People are loving the coverage." Mom smiles. I wish I was shocked, but I know that this is precisely something mom would do.

"You have to stop sensationalizing this horrible thing," I exclaim getting off my bed. I am not angry at her for reporting, but, I wish that she was being honest. Even If she hated my brother, his death deserves respect.

"It's news, Adelaide honey, We own the Riverdale Register we have the responsibility to keep the people informed." Mom hugged her shoulders before putting her perfectly manicured nails on my shoulder, probably trying to make me feel better.

"Whatever Jason did to Polly he's still a person," Betty argues. I raise my eyebrows, was she trying to get news on Polly?

"You reap what you sow."

"You should be writing about the real story, I mean what happened to Jason? Who was holding him captive? Why was he frozen? And who shot the gun on July 4th!" I tell her, asking the questions that I had asked myself. The questions that I wanted answers to but was too scared to find.

"If you are so keen on reporting, then why don't you come work with your father and me? The Register could always use a Lois Lane type like you." Mom smiles at me, fixing a stray hair that fell out of my ponytail before taking the newspaper from Betty and walking out of my room.

Betty rolled her eyes before compiling about how selfish our mom was, while I stood there thinking about how I should start reporting what was going on.


"So, are you a suspect now?" Veronica asked Archie after he finished telling us how he came clean about hearing the gunshot on July 4th. I was happy that he did the right thing and found a way to do so without hurting Mrs. Grundy.

Kevin jumped in, "My dad says we all are, including me."

"Not me, girl. I don't know these people," Veronica sassily said, taking a sip of her coffee. I reach to grab a strawberry from Betty's lunch container since I ate all of mine.

Kevin smiled before joking, "Guys, should we maybe re-binge Making a Murderer on Netflix tonight?"

"Sorry, can't. Gotta stay late to work on the paper," Betty told him with a smile. I nodded my head, "Same."

"Count me out, too," Ronnie added before flicking her hair behind her, "I've got a date tonight."

A sequel in excitement before turning to give her my full attention, "Who?"

"Yeah. Which Riverdale hottie made the cut?" Kevin leaned forward. I swear that he survives off of gossip. Archie's bruised face was anything but thrilled about Veronica's plans tonight.

Suddenly I heard Chuck's insufferable voice, "Hey, Vee-Lo. I'll swing by the Pembrooke to pick you up at 8:00?" There were few people I couldn't stand, and Chuck was definitely one of them.

She smiled at Chuck, giving him a wink, "I'll be waiting."

"Cool." Chuck put on his varsity jacket and walked out with his friends, sending Veronica a final wink. I looked at Veronica jaw dropped to the floor.

Kevin was practically glowing with the gossip we just heard, "Chuck Clayton?"

Betty looks Veronica with her eyebrows raised as we both say, "You're going on a date with Chuck?"

"Who cares?" Kevin interrupted, "He's the hottest of hot, and he's the varsity football coach's son. In Riverdale, that's like...dating a Kennedy."

Veronica smirked proud of herself, tilting her head in satisfaction. I just prayed she knew what she was getting herself into. Chuck is dangerous.


After last night, Betty and I had decided to revive the Blue and Gold, Riverdale High's newspaper. We both agreed that the only way we could truly reveal what was going on, in this town, was if we had our own platform. Principal Weatherbee had already approved of out use of the old space, so we were cleaning up the room.

"If print journalism is dead, then what am I doing here?" Jughead's voice broke the silence, making me look up from the swivel chair I was spinning in.

Jughead stood leaned against the doorframe with his hands in his pockets.

Betty clapped her hands together with a smile. The same smile she gave Archie, "The Blue and Gold isn't dead, Juggy. It's just dormant...but waking up."

My eyes widened once I realized what she was doing. She didn't want to help me find the truth, she wanted to spend time with Jughead. She was using him as a rebound, and I was not okay with it. Maybe I am jealous, but I don't want my sister to date, my best friend. I mentally kick myself for being selfish.

Jughead looked around the Blue and Gold office impressed, he reached to play with some of the tools on the table in front of me. He seemed bored, and I knew he was going to reject the idea.

"Adelaide told me you're writing a novel, right?" Betty added, trying to gain his attention, "About Jason Blossom's murder."

Jughead looked over at me with a small smile on his face, seemingly pleased that I talked about him, "I am. Riverdale's very own In Cold Blood." Jughead joked holding up a magnifying glass to his eye. I laugh at how strange he looks with the glass on his face.

"Which started out as a series of articles," Betty pointed out, "Adelaide and I were hoping you'd come write for the Blue and Gold."

"I just don't think the school paper's the right fit for my voice," Jug continued to prance around the room until he stopped behind my swivel chair.

Betty gave me a look causing me to turn to Jug with a smile, "Jug... Jason's death changed Riverdale. People don't want to admit that, but it's true. We all feel it. Nothing this bad was ever supposed to happen here, but it did. I want to know why...And I have a feeling it is someone we know, someone close."

Jughead sighed, and I knew that he was on board, "Would I get complete freedom?"

Betty nodded thoughtfully, "I'll help, and edit and suggest. But it's your story, your voice."

Jughead spun me around in the chair, making a smile appear on my face, "It doesn't sound like complete freedom," I stopped the chair and got up before leaning on Juggie to stop my dizziness, "But I'm in."

"Great, I have your first assignment," Betty said wrapping her arm around me, causing me to move away from Jughead, "There's one person who was at the river on July 4th that no one's talking about."

He nodded, "Dilton Doiley and his Scouts."

"Exactly." Betty gave him a thumbs up. Jughead rubbed his thumb against his nose before turning towards the door shouting, "Adelaide is coming with me."

I smile at Betty, privately happy he chose me to join him. I really think that solving this murder will not only help me tell the true story of Jason's murder but help me accept his death.


I was getting my books from my locker with Kevin next to me, who was currently grilling me on Jughead. Kevin apparently heard about what happened in the hallway and wanted to know if we were an item.

I laugh, pulling out my Advanced US History textbook and putting back my Gifted Chorus book, "Kevin, I have already told you fifteen times. No, Jughead and I are not dating."

He rolled his eyes, not believing me before his eyes lit up, "Okay, but, do you like him?"

I blush. Jughead is my friend, we have been best friends since kindergarden...but I would be lying if I said I haven't developed a crush on him over the past week. Not being with him has made me realize how much I need Jughead in my life. He makes me feel better than anybody else in the world.

I touch the braid I had done in my hair to pull back the front pieces before smiling, "Maybe..."

Kevin smirked, "I knew it, and he is so into you."

I shush him, looking around to make sure nobody heard, "You can't tell anyone."

Kevin rolls his eyes, pulling his messenger bag higher on his shoulder, "That is so cute, you, princes, and the Holden Caulfield of Riverdale."

I blush before looking at him seriously, "Promise you won't tell anyone."

Betty walked up to us with a smile, "Tell anyone about what?"

Kevin opened his mouth to reply, but I shot him a threatening look before quickly responding, "About the Blue and Gold! I want the first release to be a surprise."

Betty seems to buy my lie and doesn't question it. Thankfully, Veronica walked up to us seconds later, I took the opportunity to change the conversation topic, "So, how'd it go with Chuck?"

Veronica smiles, shrugging her shoulders, "Chuck has muscles for days, but his conversations not the stuff of Oscar Wilde, or even Diablo Cody."

We laugh before one of Cheryl's minions snarkily said, "Hey, Veronica. How was the sticky maple you had last night?"

I felt my smile fall. Veronica began opening her locker, confused, "The what now?"

"The sticky maple Chuck gave you? How was it?"

"We had a brownie sundae if that's what you hyenas mean."

I feel my phone beep and pull it out of my pocket and see a picture of Veronica and Chuck from last night with Veronica smeared with a maple syrup filter.

"I can't believe him," I growl moving the phone for Betty to see the image as well.

"What?" Veronica snatched the phone out of my hand. "What the hell is a sticky maple?"

"It's kind of what it sounds like. It's a Riverdale thing," Kevin tells her, trying to make her feel better.

"No, Kevin, it's a slut-shaming thing," she looks back at my phone, "And I'm neither a slut nor am I going to be shamed by someone named, excuse me, Chuck Clayton. Does he really think he can get away with this? Does he not know who I am? I will cut the breaks on his souped-up phallic symbol." Veronica tells us with no shame.

I look at her eyes wide in shock. I nod along with her, before angrily saying, "Or we can go to Principal Weatherbee."

Veronica scoffs, "About the coach's son? Who is captain of the football team, and Riverdale Highs resident golden boy."

"And, or I can expose him in the pages of the Blue and Gold," Betty adds.

"Yeah, we can do that," I nod, looking at Betty before seeing which one Veronica thought was best.

"No. Spoken like a true good girl who always follows the rules. Well, I don't follow rules." Veronica says, handing me back my phone before walking to find Chuck. Betty and I look at each other before rushing to stop her from doing something she will regret. "I make them, and when necessary, I break them. You wanna help me get revenge on Chuck, awesome. But you better be willing to go full dark, no stars", she turned to look at us still keeping her fast pace, "What do you say, in or out?"

We both stop before following her, I can't leave my friend to fight Chuck alone. I trust Veronica, she knows what she is doing. Right?

I follow her into the boy's locker room, I make sure to cover my eyes, so I don't see anything. I feel Veronica take my hand before leading me to Chuck.

"Move. Excuse me." Veronica shoves the boys to the side until we accidentally slam into Archie whose towel fell. Archie quickly pulled it up before anything could show. I felt my cheeks heat up regardless.

"Veronica? AJ? Betty, what are you guys doing here?" He asks, trying to keep his cool.

"Don't worry about it," Veronica says trying to move Archie out the way. "I mean it, Andrews. Hit the showers and get out of my way." Veronica shoves him into the lockers walking straight ahead.

I reach out to make sure he is okay, but Veronica has already grabbed my arm and pulled me to Chuck.

Once we make it to Chuck, Veronica clears her throat to gain his attention. "Huh, B, V, and A. Ménage a right on. Ladies." Chuck licks his lips and rubs his hands together, staring down at us hungrily. I cross my arms over my chest feeling uncomfortable.

Veronica pushes my phone in his face, "This is disgusting. Take it down."

"Whoa, whoa. Why are you so wound up? It's a badge of honor, and you're not exactly virgin territory after your closet day with Andrews," Chuck says earning a cheer from the boys behind him.

"Okay, that's beyond irrelevant, Chuck," I snap, moving to make myself known, "You're not allowed to go around humiliating girls, for any reason, under any circumstances, you," I paused trying to come up with the meanest word I could think of, "jerk."

"Whoa, I know you're not a closet kind of girl, but hey, if you wanna ride the Chuckwagon that can be arranged. I have never had strawberry," he winks at us, leaning to get a full look of my body. I swear I was sick.

"Let's keep this simple so that your preppy-murderer half-brain can grasp it. Take. This. The Hell. Down." Veronica slowly threatens taking a step closer to Chuck with every word said.

"Yeah, that high-toned bitch attitude may have worked on the betas you dated in New York, but you're in Bulldog territory." Chuck howls before the boys begin barking at us. "But please, fight back. You'll only make it harder on yourself." He eyes my body before walking past us.


Jughead and I walk up to Dilton Doiley and his boys who were arranged in a perfect line. I hear him brainwash his followers into believing his nonsense, "And in that moment of hesitation, you're dead. All of you are dead."

I roll my eyes. Jughead's hand pulls me towards Dilton, "At ease, Doiley. We're writing an article for the Blue and Gold. Hoping you can help."

He looks at us, annoyed, before turning to his boys, "Dismissed. But stay close."

"Cheryl and Archie both say they heard a gunshot the morning of July Fourth, but they don't know who fired it," Jug tells him looking at the gun in his hand.

"Sherriff Keller already asked me about this and like I told him, my scouts and I, we didn't hear anything weird," Dilton told us in his nasally voice, pushing his thick lenses up his nose.

"Well, did you see anything weird?" I ask him, taking a small step closer and tilting my head to the side with fake confusion.

Dilton visibly tenses before sarcastically replying "A white-winged crossbill. A long-eared owl. Oh, and your sister, sitting by the river, soaking wet with your unconscious body next to her." He finishes, trying to hint that we had anything to do with it.

"Thank you, Doiley." Jughead nods before pulling me away. I look at him confused because we didn't get any information from him.

Jughead lets go of my hand, much to my disappointment, before wrapping his arm around my shoulder to pull me closer, "One of Doiley's boys looked like he knew about what really happened. My bet is that it would be easier to get through to him." Jughead whispered to me. I feel my cheeks heat up from the sensation of his hot breath on my cheek.

"You are a genius," I kiss his cheek. I can see Jughead swallow hard before, stuttering, "I am that."

I laugh at his adorable reaction, allowing him to pull us back to school before free period ends.


Cheryl and I were talking about what we could do for the next game when I heard some of the girls in the Blue and Gold. Cheryl looked at the room, "Do you know what is going on?"

I furrow my eyebrows, "No."

We walk in, and I hear Ethel talking about Chuck, "-telling people that I let him do stuff to me. Like, sex stuff. And then he... or one of his goons wrote sloppy seconds on my locker."

I frown not realizing what Ethel was going through. I can only imagine how painful that is.

Cheryl was unamused as she leaned against the door, gaining their attention, "Yes, yes, we've all heard your tragic origin story."

"I'm so, so sorry, Ethel. That horrible." I tell her, ignoring my rude sister.

"Not as horrible as being a suspect in your own brother's torture-murder case, but we all have our crosses. In the meantime, River Vixen practice starts in five minutes, sluts, so..." Cheryl trails off as she looks behind her towards the gym.

"They're ruining our lives, and to them, it's just a game. They keep score and..." Ethel blubbers. I walk up to her and rub her arm, trying to comfort her.

"Wait, what do you mean, keep score?" Veronica asks angrily, leaning closer.

"Each conquest earns them points. They keep track in some secret playbook." I feel sick. Jason wouldn't be a part of this, he wouldn't allow it.

"Okay, we have to talk to Weatherbee," Betty says, knowing this has gone too far.

"I already tried. Weatherbee said that he didn't find anything."

"Okay, we need undeniable proof," Betty finalized.

"Proof of what, Nancy Drew? That boys will be boys? And that playbook reeks of suburban legend." Cheryl speaks up, trying to make the girls go to practice.

"How would you know Cheryl?" Veronica spins on her heels to look at her.

"Because, Frida Shallow, before he died, my brother was co-captain of the football team with Chuck, and Jason never mentioned it, and he never would've allowed it."

"Okay, well, I never met your brother, but I'm not lying about what happened to me. And Ethel's not lying. And proof or no proof, book or no book, I am going scorched earth on these privileged, despicable miscreants. You want to get caught in that backdraft, Cheryl? Call me or any of these beautiful, young, strong, intelligent women sluts. One more time." Veronica threatens.


Jughead texted me to meet him outside of Pop's so we could interrogate the scout from Doiley's troop. When I made it there he was waiting outside the building, headphones conversing his ears.

He didn't seem to notice me, so I tapped his shoulder, causing him to jump. "God, Juliette. Don't scare me like that."

I laugh before Jughead wraps his arm around my waist and guides me inside. I walked over to the booth the boy was sitting at and amusedly watched Jug climb over the seat while I simply slid into the booth with him. He stole the cherry off his milkshake before moving it to my lips. I smile before taking the cherry into my mouth.

"What the hell, man?" The scout looked at Jughead, tasing his hands in the air.

Jug lazily glanced at him before saying, "I saw the way you looked at me. During grizzly training," Jughead slid the milkshake towards him and ate a spoonful, "You're hiding something."

The boy leaned forward, trying not to look at Jughead eating his milkshake, "It's Scoutmaster Doiley. He's lying."

"About what?" I ask him, tilting my head to the side, eager for details.

"The gunshot. It was him," Jughead didn't look satisfied, "He was teaching us how to shoot targets."

Jughead shoved another spoonful into his mouth before leaning forward, "Dilton Doiley shot the gun on July 4th?"

"He's a hardcore survivalist," The scout defended, "He says if we don't protect ourselves, no one will."

Jughead seemed to get all the information he wanted because he took one more spoonful of milkshake before getting off the booth. He held out his hand to help me out after. I smiled before we left the diner together. Once we were out, I lightly smacked his arm, "You shouldn't have eaten his milkshake."

"It was too tempting," Jughead whispered in my hair causing me to giggle.


Betty and Veronica had filled me in with their plan to infiltrate the school later tonight to find some burn book that the jocks had made. Cheryl called me seconds later, telling me the same details before inviting me to come with her.

I decided to go with my sister since my only all black outfit was at Thornhill. I told Betty that I would be there a few minutes after them before walking over to meet Cheryl.

We were now, walking through the quiet halls of Riverdale High, guided by my flashlight. I stopped when I finally found my sister, with Veronica, Kevin, and Ethel.

"Color me impressed," Cheryl smirks sassily placing her hands on her hips. "A B and E with B and V. What would your holy roller mother say about this, Betty?"

Betty looks at me with betrayal written across her face, "What are you doing here, Cheryl?"

"And where did you get those thigh-high boots? They're amazing." Kevin gushes looking at the black thigh high boots that Cheryl was wearing.

"It wasn't Addy if that's what you are thinking. Trev told Valerie, who told Josie, who told Ginger, who told Tina, who told me and I thought I would help out." Cheryl walks up to them before shrugging.

"Help? Or derail our investigation?" Betty asks, still glowering at me.

"Get over yourself, Betty," Cheryl flashes the light into her eyes, "Green is not your color."

"Hey, guys, get in here," Ethel calls out, bringing our attention back to what we came here for. We all walk to her and read the playbook in her hands "Trev was right. They didn't even bother to hide it."

"New girl? Is that what I'm reduced to? Nine points?" Veronica asked hurt, reading her name next to Chuck's.

"Better than big girl. Seven point five." Ethel looks like she could cry.

"Polly's in this book..." Betty tells me, pointing to her name next to my brothers. I feel my head pound at the shame of seeing it written near Jason for a whopping total of nine points for shy and reserved girl.

I was never comfortable with their relationship and always thought that one of them would get hurt, but, I never thought it would be like this.

"Next to Jason's name," Cheryl says. I know that she is feeling the same thing that I am, betrayed, and lost.

"I'm so sorry, Betty, Adelaide." Veronica apologizes.

"This isn't... Jason would never..." Cheryl starts, but Betty stops her.

"It's right there, Cheryl! God, your brother, hurt our sister. This is what guys like Jason and Chuck think about women. We're objects for them to abuse. And when they're done with us, they shame us into silence. They have zero remorse for the lives they destroy."

"Maybe I don't know Jason." Cheryl turns off my flashlight, and I step away with her.

"I don't know what to say," I tell Cheryl and Betty, who are both waiting to see how I feel about this revelation.

"I'll take a picture. We'll show it to Weatherbee. It'll be the perfect cover for your expose," Veronica told us, taking out her phone.

"Yeah, but...no. These girls deserve justice, don't you think, Cheryl, Adelaide?" Betty asked us, but we both couldn't speak. "You want vengeance? You wanna go full dark no stars, Veronica? I'm with you. And I have a plan."


Betty was helping me do my makeup for my meeting with Chuck. I was going to seduce him and convince him to come on a date with Veronica, Betty and I. Betty's plan seemed a bit crazy, but I felt like I had to do this, for Polly and all the other girls who were ever slut-shamed.

She was applying a red lip stain on my lips when mom walked in, "Seduce Scarlet doesn't suit you, dear."

Betty didn't move her eyes from my lips as she finished applying the color to my lips. I smile, looking at the color on my lips. "It's Polly's. We're borrowing it."

Mom's face was dead as she looked at us in the mirror. She placed her hands on my shoulders, fixing my posture, "Polly grew up too fast. I don't want you to make the same mistake."

Betty smiled, applying the lipstick on her own lips, before smirking. She looked different, and almost deadly, "Well, I like it. It makes me feel powerful."

"You coming with us to the Mayor's shindig?" Mom ignored Betty's comment, grabbing a wet wipe and wiping the color off our lips.

"No," Betty said, emotionless, "We're going over to Veronica's to study for a test."

"I don't want you associating with a girl like that," mom looked at us disapprovingly throwing the wet wipe in the bin with a thud.

"A bad girl, you mean?" Betty asked. I began to feel like there was more in this conversation than just a small chit chat on what we were doing. "Get used to it, Mom."

I nod my head, "She's our friend."

Mom hummed before grabbing a lipstick from Betty's makeup holder and placing it in my hand, "Here. Pink Perfection. It's more you."

Betty watches mom walk out before reapplying the lipstick she put on my lips before and finding the rest of my makeup. She forced me to wear my hair loose with nothing holding back the front pieces, causing my bangs to cover a part of my face. I dressed in a red crop top and black leather skirt Cheryl had gifted me, that I never wore because it revealed way too much skin, with my favorite black Christian Louboutin heels.

I walked into Pop's and looked at Chuck, who was sitting two booths down from where I stood. I swayed my hips slightly as I walked over to him. He was staring at me with a smirk as he put down his hamburger.

"Hey, Chuck. Can I sit?" I ask him, lightly pursing my lips and giving him my best doe-eyed look.

"Not if you wanna discuss Veronica," Chuck said boredly. I smile sliding into the booth in front of me.

"Only insofar as," I open my mouth before smiling and biting my lip, looking at Chuck, "I've been thinking lately how I wanna be more like her."

"Wait you wanna be a bad girl?" Chuck questioned me, suddenly interested in every word I had to say.

"Maybe." I chuckle, moving my hair to cover my face, feigning embarrassment. I couldn't lie when I said, I liked this sense of control. It was new and full of confidence and power. At this moment, I was aware that I could make Chuck do anything with the bat of my lashes.

"Like how your sister Polly was?" Chuck asked me, his eyes flickering down to my chest. I felt my smirk falter as he mentioned my sister. He continued, "Oh, yeah, big brother Jason, told us all about Polly. You know, prissy prude by day, freak in the sheets by night."

Maybe Jason wasn't as good as I thought. I would never have thought he would treat Polly like this, my sister. When he spoke to me about her, he really seemed to like her. I wouldn't have allowed them to date if I didn't completely believe that. It is my own fault for letting Polly be with him. I should have followed my instincts and told them I wasn't comfortable with their relationship.

"I mean bad girls have more fun, right?" Chuck asked me with a smile, still believing that I was into him.

"Yeah. Maybe you can show me." I snap out of my thoughts before resting my head in my palm, sliding back into my lazy smirk. The same lazy smirk Jughead always wore. I began to think of him and how handsome his features were. His eyes were breathtaking, and his curly black hair was to die for. He was really an attractive guy if he wasn't so rude to most of the population.

"Yes. Yes, I can do that. Um when?" Chuck seemed to be controlling his breaths too excited by my offer. My eyes once again snap up to his. I need to stay more focused.

"Tomorrow night." I smile, staying in my position.

"At your place or mine?" Chuck asks me, I hope he doesn't notice my shiver, disgusted by the thought of Chuck coming over to my place or vice versa.

"Ethel's. She and her parents will be out. She'll leave us a key. What we're friends, she has a pool. And a hot tub." I wink at him, just as Veronica had instructed me.

"I'll be there. Definitely. Um hey, don't worry, I'll be gentle." Chuck told me. I try to keep my smile up at the disgusting thought of Chuck even touching me.

"Can't wait," I move out of the booth. Trying to get away from Chuck as fast as possible, not wanting to be near him any longer.

I quickly left the booth before he could stop me for any other descriptions. I stopped at the door, noticing Jughead staring at me, hurt and furious. I wanted to walk up to him and explain everything, but I knew that if I did, I would ruin Betty's entire plan. So I just walked out with a frown painted on my lips.


I had put on a skimpy black bathing suit that Veronica had lent me. I was relaxing in the hot tub as she went to get the door for Chuck.

"Come on let's get wet" Veronica walked into the hot tub with a confused but excited Chuck following her like a lost puppy.

"Uh, should we wait for Betty to get here first?" Chuck asked us, looking around for my sister.

My eyes widen when I see Betty walk into the room wearing a lacy bra and a black shirt with a horrible black wig. "Betty couldn't make it. So she sent me instead".

My jaw drops as I watch my sister strut toward's Chuck with a sexy grin on her blood red lips. Chuck grinned up at her before stripping down in his boxers and joining us in the hot tub.

"You never told me what made you change your mind about riding on the Chuckwagon?" He moved closer to me while Veronica and Betty went to make drinks.

I try to put on my smile but feel my lips curving down. I lean forward in towards his ear, so he doesn't notice, "Let's just say, I was curious."

Chuck smiles, putting his hand far too high up my thigh for comfort, I saw Betty and Veronica had their back's turned away from us, "I'll be a good teacher."

I felt his hands move towards my swimsuit bottoms teasingly and I discreetly grab his hand moving it away. He doesn't seem to care and only pulls me closer, squeezing my butt and moving his other hand to back near my swimsuit bottoms. I feel my heart thunder, scared of how out of control the situation has become.

"Chuck," Veronica's voice breaks out, looking at me, not knowing what to do.

She managed to stop him from touching me for only a seconds before he slowly begins to slip his hand in my panties, "You'll get your turn, babe." I wasn't ready. Not with him.

I try to move away but Chuck, holds me down, stopping me. I took a gulp trying to hide the tears that are lining my eyes at what is about to happen. Veronica gets into the hot tub, her eyes flicking to me trying to think of what to say, "Adelaide promised that I would get to have you first. She said she wanted to watch the first time."

I take that as my chance to move Chuck's hands away from my underwear before he can touch me. I move out of his grip, feeling disgusting, "She's right. Maybe we should slow it down a bit?" I tell him looking at Betty, hoping she will understand what I was trying to tell her.

"It's fine, right, Chuck?" Betty turned around looking at us, with her strange alter ego attitude. "You don't want to slow down, do you?"

"Oh, I'm too fast too furious, baby." Chuck smack my butt as I move to get out of the pool.

"Good. Good boy, Chuck."

I tighten my hands into fists trying to keep my cool before excusing myself to go to the restroom. I take about ten minutes collecting myself after what happened before returning.

Once I had returned, I saw Chuck handcuffed to the railing of the hot tub and seemed to be waking up. "What the hell."

"Start recording." Betty commands and Veronica takes out her phone, pressing the start button.

"Hey, guys, it's really hot in here," Chuck says, and I notice the steam surround his body.

"And getting hotter by the minute. Time to squeal pig. Tell the truth about what happened between you and Veronica." Betty threatens as she raises the temperature. Any other time I would object and maybe even help him out the pool, but after what he almost did to me just a few seconds ago, I don't care.

"We had a good time, she had a good time," Chuck smirks.

"The truth, Chuck, or so help me, I will boil you alive." Betty threatens, and I have no doubt that she will.

"What? We made out."

"And then?"

"And then I took her home, and I didn't give her a sticky maple." Chuck finally admits, as his skin becomes a shade of pink from the boiling water.

"That was all you have to say, you ass and now everyone will know," Veronica says posting the video.

"You like shaming people Chuck?" Betty says, putting her heeled foot on top of his head and shoving him down into the water. My eyebrows shoot up as I watch Betty drown Chuck.

"Whoa, hey." Chuck protests trying not to take huge gulps of the water.

"You like dehumanizing them? Prissy prude by day, freak in the sheets by night?"

"No." Chuck chokes.

"Apologies," Betty demands.

"Calm down," I tell Betty walking up to her before she kills Chuck. I watch as she constantly dunks him in the water with her heels.

"Say you're sorry."

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry! I'm sorry for all of it!" Chuck shouts making Betty takes her foot off his head before reaching to grab a bottle of maple syrup.

"Good job, pig. Now time for your reward. A sticky maple of your own."

"Wait, what?" Chuck asks her confused, squatting his eyes to look up at her.

"Apologise for ruining Polly. For touching Adelaide," Betty commands, tipping the maple syrup all over him, covering him in the sticky substance. Veronica must have told Betty what was going on while I was in the bathroom because Betty's glare could have scared the Devil back to hell.

"What the hell? Oh my god."

"Do it, Jason." I wanted to stop her, but I also wanted to get back at Chuck for touching me and planning to do stuff to my body in front of my own sister, even if he thought it was consensual. It was still not okay.

"Oh my god!"

"Say you're sorry for destroying me! Apologize for what you did to me!"

"Look, I'm not Jason! I'm not Jason!" Chuck cries. I am rooted to my spot as I watch the horror unfold.

"Betty, that is enough! Stop, it's over!" Veronica shouts, finally finding her voice before walking over and stopping him.

"You are crazy. Oh my god, you're crazy as hell!" Chuck shouts, and I couldn't say he was wrong. I have never been scared of my sister, Betty, but now I wasn't sure who she even was.

"Betty?" I softly ask her, walking up to my sister.

"I'm fine. We're done here," Betty looks up at me, dropping the syrup bottle on the ground. I feel tears stream down my eyes as I rush into her arms. She pulls me into a hug, crying along with me, "I'm sorry."


"Whoever killed Jason hurt him," Cheryl said, looking at the flames that incinerated the playbook that burned so many girls' lives. The fires blended with her blazing red hair which she had pulled in front of her face to hide her tears.

I looked into the flames thinking about last night with Chuck. I hope Polly never felt that way, defenseless and weak. I hope Polly was able to stop it like I had before anything could have happened. I tried not to let my voice break as I continued, "But maybe Jason hurt people too."

"If he hurt Polly, I'm sorry," Cheryl told Betty, grabbing her hand in her own. I could tell that Betty appreciated the effort. I watched as the proof of Jason's not so perfect past disappeared along with the everything I thought I knew about him.

Good and evil. Light and dark. Betty, Adelaide, and Veronica. Three sides of the same triple trinity knot. Given Betty's article, Weatherbee needed a sacrificial lamb. Needed to make an example of someone. So, after Hermione Lodge negotiated a lesser sentence for our three avenging angels. Coach Clayton, to save his job, to save the school's reputation, was forced to cut his own beloved son, and his goon squad, from the team. An action that, though none of us knew it at the time, would have terrible consequences in the weeks to come. But one thing was certain, Betty, Veronica, and Adelaide, now BVA and maybe forever, had been forged. They walked through the fire and survived. We crave absolutes. They comfort us. But life is infinitely more complex than that. Despite all of our recent troubles, I would have done anything to protect Archie. But Dilton Doiley had just opened Pandora's box, and there was nothing I, or anyone, could do to protect him.

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