Breathing In

By hellaxhemmings

7K 420 97

After the accident, Luke might have to try to start over if he really wants to win Alex back. More

Chapter // One
Chapter / / Two
Chapter // Three
Chapter // Four
Chapter // Five
Chapter // Six
Chapter // Seven
Chapter // Eight
Chapter / / Nine
Chapter // Ten
Chapter // Eleven
Chapter // Twelve
Chapter // Thirteen
Chapter // Fourteen
Chapter // Fifteen
Chapter / / Sixteen
Chapter // Seventeen
Chapter // Eighteen
Chapter // Nineteen
Chapter / / Twenty One
Chapter // Twenty Two
Chapter / / Twenty Three
Chapter // Twenty Four
Chapter // Twenty Five
Chapter // Twenty Six
Chapter // Twenty Seven
Chapter // Twenty Eight
Chapter//Twenty Nine
Chapter // Thirty
Chapter // Thirty One
Chapter // Thirty Two
Chapter // Thirty Three
Chapter // Thirty Four
Chapter // Thirty Five
Chapter // Thirty Six
Chapter // Thirty Seven
Chapter // Thirty Eight
Chapter // Thirty Nine
Chapter // Forty
Chapter // Forty One

Chapter // Twenty

153 10 4
By hellaxhemmings

My blood freezes, yet boils at the same time when I look at her. I feel the urge to hate her even more than I should, yet besides what happened with Hunter, I feel like something happened with her before the accident.

"Veronica." Luke spits, disgust laced all over his voice. She turns to face him and an evil some how turns more evil.

"Aw, Lukey back for more?" I look at Luke but he shakes it off,

"Shut the fuck up Veronica, you've done enough damage." His hands go into fist and the veins in his neck pop out more. They continue to argue but I zone out and think about what just happened. This random slut named Veronica just fucked my "boyfriend" and is now acting like nothing happened. I zone back in and her annoying fake high pitched voice, giving me a headache.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not saying your a slut but you've been pounded more than the "I" I'm Pixar. So can you please shut the fuck up?"

All attention averted to me, all silent before a piercing smack cracked through the air. My head snapped to the right, a stinging feeling went through my face before I realized I was slapped. I quickly fist my hand and draw it back and punching her across the face, feeling it pulse through my hand pulling back again get ready to punch her again. Before she grabbed a chunk of my hair pulling me down, sitting on my me punching and slapping me, I quickly flipped us over punching her repeatedly. Feeling a pair of arms wrap around my waist before flying into the air, a heavy pressure pressed onto my stomach. I quickly realized I was being carried on Luke's shoulder, wanting down I start to squirm around.

"Alex, damn it stop moving." He grunts, accidentally kicking him in the gut.

"PUT ME DOWN." I yell at him, I start to kick and hit and scream more, catching peoples attention but they just shook it off thinking we were a couple.


"Luke?" I whisper breaking the calm silence that surrounded us. After he carried me back to his apartment and cleaned me up, we laid in his bed while I cried and cried.I never really thought I would be this hurt over Hunter, I mean Hunter was nice and all but I never really felt it. Though I tried to feel something for him, I couldn't. Maybe its because he didn't want me, maybe I wasn't good enough for him.

"Yeah?" My head on his chest hearing his heartbeat continue, soothing me.

"What did you do when I was in a coma?" I asked softly. His breathing stopped for a second before taking a deep breath. For a second I thought he fell asleep before opening his mouth,

"Alex when you went into coma, my life hit rock bottom." He stopped talking again, taking deep breaths like he's remembering his past.

"Your mom, well um she didn't let me see you at all before I left for tour. She blamed me for the accident, even though it was my fault I admit, she wouldn't forgive me and just hated me. I eventually had to leave for tour, which made it even harder for me. Alex, I turned to drugs, it started off with just an occasional blunt, but turned to pills and pills. For the first few months I would smoke pot everyday and take these small little pills. Everyday. Spamming my mum with calls asking if she had any updates with you condition, but eventfully she blocked my number for a bit cuz I wouldn't stop calling her crying. Towards the last few months I took these small little blue pills, mixing them with my orange. One day I guess my body didn't take it well and I passed out and was rushed to the hospital. They said my body was dehydrated and that made me react irrationally to the drugs, but once I got released I went to your room. My heart broke when I saw how you looked, you look deadly, you look just broken. But still after my visit with you I still took the orange pills and smoked my blunts. Eventually the boys got too stressed and worried about me and I got a therapist and helped me get back on my feet. By the time the tour ended I was better and I just wanted to see you but when I did," He stopped for a second, breathing jagged and tears slowly coming out of his eyes. I sit up along him and I cup his face,

"Its okay Luke, you don't have to continue, shh its okay." I whisper, pulling his head to my chest cradling him. Whispering "its okay"s and shhs, slowly calming him down, he pulled his head away hands going to my face. Cupping my cheeks, resting his forehead against mine, eyes boring into mine. Ever so slowly, he leaned in, my eyes fluttering, soon feeling his lips on mine.


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