It's Our Destiny - A Supernat...

By XtheduckwithnoluckX

36.7K 1.1K 292

You were a normal girl... okay so maybe not so normal, but you tried your hardest. After your parents were b... More

Chapter Two - Demons, Wicked Little Things
Chapter Three - Angels Exist?
Chapter Four - Done Hiding
Chapter Five - Sweet Nostalgia
Chapter Six - Getting Out Alive
Chapter Seven - The Guardian
Chapter Eight - The First Hunt
Chapter Nine - Hurt
Chapter Ten - The Recovery
Chapter Eleven - Your Reality
Chapter Twelve - Hide and Seek
Chapter Thirteen - The Torture Room
Chapter Fourteen - A Brother's Loyalty
Chapter Fifteen - Focus
Chapter Sixteen - Betrayal
Chapter Seventeen - Running
Chapter Eighteen - Old Friends
Chapter Nineteen - A Means to an End
Chapter Twenty - Normal
Chapter Twenty-One: The Truth
Chapter Twenty-Two - You'll always have me

Chapter One: Meeting The Winchesters

4.8K 98 25
By XtheduckwithnoluckX

                                                    #1 Meeting the Winchester’s

You shuddered a little, tugging at your jacket to wrap it tighter around your body. Why was it that your sister insisted on her hen night being held in the dead of winter. Surely you couldn’t refuse, hell, as the maid of honour you were the one to arrange this nightmare, you only had yourself to blame.

You rounded a corner before making your way down a side street. Yes, you were walking. Yes, it was because you intended to get plastered. You focused on the noise of your footsteps, soft and rhythmic. Thinking about it, your sister was all you really had. You had grown up in a small countryside village outside of London with your parents and older sister. Life was quiet, boring. You thought that you had longed for more, all until it finally happened. You awoke to a scratching and a low growl during the night, you only twelve, and your sister, fifteen. You clambered sleepily over to your sisters bed where you shook her awake.

“Laney, I heard a noise” the sound of your own twelve year old voice oozed innocence in your own head.

She rubbed her eyes, “[Name] go back to sleep.”

It was silent for a moment before the sound of your mothers screams tore through the house...

You paused mid-thought as you realised your footsteps were no longer solo. You quickened your pace, digging into your pocket and grasping your army knife. Before you felt a strong hand grasp you and your body was thrown to the side. You opened your mouth to scream, though a hand clasped around your lips to stifle the sound. You came face to face with a pair of hollow black eyes.

“If you scream, I’ll rip your throat out” a twisted voice played into your ear.

You squeezed your eyes shut tightly, you couldn’t see well in the dimly lit street anyway but from the sound of the voice and the pressure restraining your body you knew that your assailant was male. You tried not to scream as you attempted to reach into your pocket. You fumbled for a while before you grasped what you were looking for. You opened your eyes again as you flipped open your army knife and jammed it into the mans side.

You waited for a scream, a cry in pain... though nothing came, nothing but the sickening sound of a sadistic laugh.

“No that wasn’t very nice!” the mans voice escalated on his last syllable as he repositioned himself and grabbed hold of your throat with a rough grasp. You choked, unable to fill your lungs with air. It was at this moment that you realised just how black his eyes were, blacker than night and empty as a black hole. 

You suddenly felt your body jolt. Air filled your lungs in a sudden burst and a burning pain rushed down your side. You had no time to think before your body was dragged to the side and propped against a cold brick wall.

“It’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you. We’re not the bad guys” this voice was male also, but different from the first. You clambered drowsily to your feet, still feeling weak from your oxygen deprivation. You could barely see the rough outline of the man in front of you though you could see that he was tall and broad. You managed to reclaim some of your intuition before bringing your knee up sharply between his legs causing him to let out a grunt before falling to the ground. You scrambled across, falling once again before grasping your knife and flicking it open. You clambered to your feet turning around and holding the blade out in front of you just as the man began to straighten.

He looked at you with a wounded expression putting his hands out in front of himself in surrender, “Okay, you win. I’m not here to hurt you.” 

The sound of a gunshot penetrated through the air before you located the noise of another set of footsteps right behind you. Your entire body appeared to freeze in the moment.

“Hey Sammy we gotta... woah you were beat up by a girl?” a second male voice. You turned to the source without retracting your knife, your body finally able to move.

“Stay back” you mumbled. You were taking a shot at bravery though you knew that you were outnumbered and out-powered.

“Look sweetheart, you’re...” the second mans words began to fade. It was then that you noticed the warm sensation inside your head. You lifted your free hand to the source of pain before looking at your findings. Red. Everything was red. Your vision began to blur and all words spoken mashed together inside your head, resulting in a low monotonous humming tone. Finally all you could see was the dull insides of your eyelids, and even that began to fade.


“It’s gone”

“Dean, what do you mean it’s gone?”

You were slipping in and out of consciousness though you could manage to make out a few details. You were moving, no, not walking, someone was carrying you.

“Look Sam, just get her in the car. She’s losing blood. We’ll get her back to the motel. We’ll start again from there.”

“You think it’s safe?”

“Safer there than here, and besides they must want her for something, they’ve been in the area for weeks.”

“So why just the one?”

“Maybe they underestimated the girl.”


“Still managed to get one over on you though, right?” 

You made out a faint chuckle but no reply to this last comment.

You heard a car door crack open before you were placed down on the soft back seat. You clutched at the leather beneath you with your fingertips as the engine roared to life. The pain in your head seemed more prominent. You tried to sit up, though your body instantly fell limp again, gravity harshly pulling you back down onto the cool leather seat.

“Hey, take it easy” the man in the passenger seat turned towards you. He was the tall broad man, the first one. You finally had a good view of him. He had strong and prominent features with disheveled brown hair that was just long enough to reach his shoulders. His eyes were a dark brown. It was only at this moment that you noticed his brawny physic and wondered to yourself just how you had managed to bring this man to his knees. 

You lifted your hand to the source of the pain on your head.

“What are you... who are you?” you questioned.

“I’m Sam, this is my brother Dean, Winchester”

You looked over to the driver. Unlike Sam, his features were soft and curved, his brown hair was cut shorter, though kept in an unkempt nest of spikes at the top. His eyes were a deep hazel green, lighter than Sam’s. He appeared to have a smaller build though still not lacking in muscle.

“You’re brothers?” you questioned.

“Really? That’s what you want to ask?” Dean replied, his tone depicting a clear mixture of amusement and exasperation. You simply shrugged and averted your gaze. You worried about the consequences of ‘pushing your luck’ and decided to remain silent for the rest of your journey.


It wasn’t long before you pulled up outside a cheap looking motel. The car was brought to a halt. Sam and Dean climbed out of the car and Sam opened your door.

“You need help?” he offered, holding his hand out. You looked at him for a moment before grabbing his hand and pulling yourself out of the car.

As your shoes touched the pavement you noticed just how heavy your body had become.

“Careful,” Sam caught you as your feet buckled beneath you.

“I can do it,” you pulled away, looking up at the flashing motel sign in front of you. “Classy” you muttered under your breath. You noticed Dean give you an amused smirk as the three of you began to walk.

Your mind worked overtime, trying to make sense of what was happening. Why wasn’t you dead already? Were they planning to kill you soon? In the room? You can’t go in. You can run. You can’t run. They have a gun...

Before you knew it the door to the room was already before you. Room number 14. Dean fumbled in his pocket for a moment before he located the key and fit it into the lock. The door opened and Sam helped you in, holding your arm.

The inside of the room looked just as tacky as outside. There where two double beds adjacent to one another. The wallpaper was a maroon red, as were the sheets on the bed and the lamp shades either side of the them.

“Here” Sam herded you towards the bed closest to the door and sat you down on it as Dean kicked off his shoes before falling onto the other one. No one uttered a word as Sam disappeared into the bathroom. He re-emerged moments later with a box in his left hand and a damp cloth in his right.

He sat down next to you and pushed your hair from your face.

“You shouldn’t need stitches” he noted. His face mere inches from yours as he lifted the cloth in his right hand to clean your wound. You winced at first when the material touched your open and tender flesh.

“Why did you bring me here?” you plucked up the courage to question.

“Because you’re safe here” Sam replied.

“So you keep saying” you averted your gaze.

“Look that thing out there, that was a demon and for some reason they’re after you. We need to find out why” Dean mentioned from his spot across the room.

“A demon? Yeah okay. Did I mention that I’m the Easter Bunny on Sundays?” you scoffed.

“Way to dress it up Dean” Sam mentioned.

“Believe me or don’t, cupcake, that thing is after you regardless” Dean replied.

“Cupcake?” you furrowed your brows.

“Don’t mind him,” Sam re-averted your attention “Look, I know it’s a lot to swallow but you know there’s something else out there. Your parent’s deaths”

“I don’t want to...” you started.

“We don’t have to talk about it Princess. We just need you to believe us enough to stay here” Dean cut you off.

“Can you stop calling me that? My name is [Name]” you snapped.

Dean sighed. He climbed to his feet and walked towards you, perching beside you as Sam moved onto the bruise on your side. As Sam’s fingers brushed your side you winced, recoiling your body in pain.

“Do you mind?” Sam questioned, motioning towards your shirt. You shook your head before tugging the hem up to reveal a large purple graze starting above your hip and reaching across your rib cage.

Sam finished cleaning and dressing your wounds as Dean sat beside you cleaning a scratch on his own upper arm.

“So, the man’s eyes?” you started after a moments silence.

“They were pitch black?” Dean returned.

“Yeah, how did you know?” you furrowed your brows.

“It’s a demon thing. When someone is possessed their eyes turn black” Sam mentioned.

“Black as night” Dean added.

“So this, whatever this thing is. It’s the same thing that killed my parents?” you questioned.

“We don’t know that. Not for sure” Sam replied. He finished cleaning you up and began to tidy things away.

“We should call it a night. Sam’ll stay in here with you. I’ll sleep out in the car. Keep watch. Tomorrow we’ll meet up with Cas see if we can’t dig anything up” Dean instructed as he climbed to his feet. He looked you up and down for a moment, not seeming to think that you would notice before shaking his head and leaving the room.

“You can take my bed, I’ll sleep in Dean’s” Sam offered.

“Okay” you nodded, finally coming to terms with the fact that you may be here a little longer than you would like.

“Here,” you turned your attention to Sam as he slipped his shirt off and handed it to you “Yours is all bloody.”

You looked down at your shirt momentarily. Sam was right. It was torn and tattered with deep crimson stains smeared over the white cotton fabric.

“Thank you” you murmured as you took the shirt from his hands. Sam turned around before you undressed and slipped the shirt over your [Skin tone] skin.

You pulled the maroon sheets back before climbing into bed. Sam headed to the other before flipping the lights off. You were wide eyed for a long time, unable to fall into slumber, though eventually sleep did come and with a heavy sigh you turned on your side and allowed yourself to drift off into a dark dream.

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