Justice League (Sequel to Eli...

By JustForFunz_

1.6K 29 69

Casper is on the loose. He's been on the loose for about 10 years, and nobody has been able to stop the havo... More

Chapter One~ Powers
Chapter Two~ Moving
Chapter Three~ Collins
Chapter Four~ We'll Find Them
Chapter Five~ Investigation
Sorry... (Not Discontinued)
Chapter 7~ A Crumbled Cookie and A Caged Tigress
Chapter Eight~ Angel's Wings
Alright, Bear With Me
Chapter Nine~ Well, That Was Easy

Chapter Six~ Pregnant Equals Vulnerable

126 2 5
By JustForFunz_



"..."  Ryan stared at his wife in shock and joy.  "I..."  He hugged her tight.  "Don't know what to say..."

"Guys, this isn't exactly a good thing..."  Unicorn frowned.  "Tina is pregnant, which means we can't let her out to fight.  She'll show weakness and become a target."  Ryan nodded.

"Tina, stay here any time we go out.  Prepare a shelter just in case we're invaded.  Keep our child safe."  She nodded, and he kissed her temple.

"Alright, next mission guys.  We're going to have to redesign it because we're down a member, but that's fine..."


"Ready to go?"  UnicornMann was adjusting his mask, readying himself to head out to the coordinates where Cookie's tracking device was.

"Yup."  Goldy was playing with her jacket zipper, then realizing her outfit.  "Hey, my colors make me stick out a lot."

"No duh."  Tina commented, a hand on her stomach.  "Be safe Cutie, alright?"  She hugged him, and he smiled.

"I promise."  He kissed her on the cheek.


"Alright Tea-Man."  UnicornMann addressed Ryan, afraid that someone may be listening in.  "Golden Girl and I explored this earlier during the week, and we found nothing.  However, if you do look around."  Ryan turned around, taking in his surroundings.

"This is around the old daycare... isn't it...?"  Ryan continued to walk forward, and the device in Unicorn's hands began to beep faster.  "It's this way, and according to that... thing, Cookie's tracking device is below us."  Goldy tilted her head, unknowing of what Ryan was trying to say.  Unicorn on the other hand...

"Of course!  Whoever is responsible for all of this must have known where the old daycare was!"  Unicorn added on, "Maybe Cookie just injured herself a little bit around, here, and--"

"But, wait, Unicorn,"  Goldy cut him off, "why would she come back?  And the device is under here, not in the old Daycare."  Unicorn put his hand on his chin, trying to pick out any details she could have missed.

"Welp, Goldy?"  Ryan looked at her, insinuating that she should use her powers now.

"Let's get wish digging."


"One potato, two potato, three potato, four,"  Tina sang, chopping up the vegetables that would soon be part of her healthy dinner (for the new child, of course).  Since everyone had been so kind to her (even though she was a borderline sociopath), she had decided to prepare dinner for everyone; adding the right amount of salt and just a few veggies (Goldy's difficult) as well as a little bit of meat.

"Five potato, six potato, seven potato, more!"  Tina jumped.  That wasn't her.  Wasn't everybody out on a mission.  Wait... that voice.

Tina turned around, the ladle in her hand held like a weapon.  Sadly, her lightsaber was not on her, nor her slingshot.  The supervillain without a mask; Casper, was now levitating in front of her.  His heterochromatic eyes were glaring at her softly.

"Hello, Tina.  Tina Marie the Tiger."  He cooed, inching closer to her.  She backed away, hand over her stomach.  He laughed.  "Don't think I can't understand what you're thinking.  I gave up so much for true power..."  He scanned her, at one point, getting a little too close to her bubble.

"Stay away!"  She threw the ladle at him.  Big mistake.

"Ah, I see."  Casper smirked.  "You're Tiger Girl, huh?  How didn't I see this before?  Oh, AND you're pregnant?  Hm."  He broke her bubble, grabbing her by the wrist.  "Did you know that pregnant means V U L N E R A B L E?!"  He roared.  She began to cry.

"Let go--"

"No."  There was a bright flash, and both of them were gone.

And the fire the soup had been sitting over roared and devoured the base.


"Tony!"  Kat tackled her fiancé.  "S-Sorry..."  Tony chuckled.

"It's alright Kat.  What's up?"

"It's Cookie!  She reached out to us.  She wants to meet us back at the--"


"Yeah!"  Kat seemed very hyper.  "Can we meet them?  Please?  Pretty please?"  Though Kat was shy around those that she didn't know very well, she could and would express her feelings to those she knew well.  Tony, well, he hadn't seen his lover this excited since he proposed to her.

"Of course."  Tony smiled.  "Anything for you."  He winked, setting Kat's face in a bashful fire.  She decided to walk back to the kitchen in their home, preparing dinner for the two.

"Do you think we might see everyone again?"

"..."  Tony thought for a while on this one.  Things had been rough lately, and he wasn't even sure if everyone was still alive.  "I hope so."

"Oh, and we're bringing Cassi and Crabby."

"Wha-- that's a lot of work!"


A sleepy man snuggled back into his pajamas, wanting nothing more than a 50 year or so nap.  His dog was desperately attempting to attack the mailman behind the door.  Though these two have been together for a while, Sal couldn't help but feel lonely with only Pup as a friend.

"Arf!"  Pup scratched at the door, hoping that Sal would get up off of his bum and check the new mail that had been dropped off.

Lazily, Sal rolled out of bed to open up the door, obviously telling Pup not to run out once smelling the fresh air.

Hey Sal,

It's been a while.  I'm thinking that you could come back and meet with us?


Strange, Cookie usually wouldn't involve him in something like this.  Maybe Angel (if she were to host a reunion ever), but not Cookie.  But an even stranger thing in the mailbox was a note from the Devil herself.



Not Cookie


The handwriting was hasty, and there was a smudge of ink on the signature.  The differences seemed very, very vast.  It seemed as though Angel was struggling, even afraid of the situation she was in.  But then again, Angel was a sarcastic person who loved to play pranks.



"How would you like a Daycare reunion?"


"Hey lovebirds!"  Danny and Skye blushed upon hearing Dave's nickname for them.  "Cookie's invited us back to the Daycare/Hangout to, well, hangout."  He passed them the letter, and they both skimmed it over.

"We're going."  Danny decided.  "Skye could get to know our childhood friends more, and we'd finally see them again."  Skye nodded.

"I'd love that!"  She smiled.

"But it's going to be expensiveeeeee--"  Dave whined.

"I'll pay."

"Dude, you have like -.09 cents in your bank account."  Dave stated.

"That's because someone spent it all on unimportant dinosaur related things."  He shot back.

"... Alright I'm paying let's go."

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