The Goonies: The Next Generat...

By GravityGirl2265

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The Goonies kids are all grown up, they are married with kids of their own, now you will know how they meet... More

The Families of The Goonies
Brand & Andy:
Mikey and Laci:
Lawrence and Stella
Data and Abigail
Stef and Bryce

Mouth and Lindy

51 0 0
By GravityGirl2265

Everyone always told Mouth, he should use that mouth of his for go. People said he should be a principal,game show host, mayor, senator or a motivational speaker. But Mikey was in a car crash, and he saw how the justice system failed to even catch the guy, who almost killed his best friend, and even if he did get caught he would have be charge for a hit and run crime. So Mouth decided to become a lawyer. He worked hard to go to law school. And when he graduated he got to give the graduation speech. My fellow students, these past four years have been some of the greatest times of our lives. We laughed, we learned we grew, up until this moment, the future is ours, our choice we make later on in our life, will define us forever. Now will Michael Walsh take the stage. Mouth said. Everyone looked at Mikey, as he walked to the stage. Mouth, what are you doing? He whispered to him. You'll see. He whispered back to him. Then someone was walking up to the stage, he had a beard and a Navy outfit on. Is that? Mikey said. Hey Mikey. The man said. Oh my god, Brand your home! Mikey said hugging him as the crowd cheered. Mouth had gotten into Harvard Law School, and he was at the top of his class, he passed every quiz that was given to him. But he struggled with money, he worked two jobs to pay for school. No matter how he did or what he went through, he was determined to be a Lawyer, he would have been in school for six years, but he graduated early so he did five years at Harvard. In 1994 when he came back home his family had a congratulation/welcome home celebration for him. And he became a Lawyer, he was a junior but he was the best. It was in 1995 he meet his future wife Lindy Swanson, When she came to his office. Hello, Mr. Devereaux my name is Lindy Swanson, we spoke on the phone yesterday. She said coming in. Hi, come in. He said shaking her hand, as she came in. Mr. Devereaux, we need your help, we signed this position, but the mayor has rejected it, so many times. He wants to close down the nursing home over by the waterfront. She said. For the handicapped? He asked. Yes, and I......I have a brother who lives there, his name is Cameron, he diagnosed with spinal meningitis when he was sixteen and I was twelve when he got diagnosed, my parents couldn't to take care of him full time, so they put in in a nursery home, this nursery home, but we still saw him every chance we got, to let him know we still care for him. They have taken great care of him, for years, all the people their they treat with respect and love, and the mayor wants to tear it down, I talked to some of the other patients families, some of them don't even live in big enough house, they can't take care of them by themselves. Please Mr. Devereaux, we need you to take our case. She said upset. Mouth handed her a tissue, Tomorrow, I'll come by the home, and talk to more of the patients and their families. He said. So you'll take the case? She said. Yes, I will. He said. Oh thank you, thank you, Mr. Devereaux. She said shaking his hand.

He went to the nursing home the next day. Oh Mr. Devereaux, there you are. Lindy said going up to him. Please call me Clark. He said. OK, Clark, these are my parents John and Melissa, and the other members. She said showing him around. Do you think we have a case? Melissa asked. Yes, believe it or not, I got some dirty on the mayor, something tells me he will never mess with this place for a long time. He said. Thank you, thank you. Mr. Swanson said shaking his hand. Your welcome sir. He said. Oh Clark, this is Cameron, my big brother. Lindy said pushing his wheelchair up to meet him. It's nice to meet you Cameron. He said shaking his hand. Hello, sir. He said as Mouth laughed. Lindy took him to his car, I can't thank you enough for what you did for my brother. Lindy said. Of course Ms. Swanson. He said walking to car. Oh Waite, can you a I grab a cup of coffee tomorrow? He asked her. I would love to. She said walking in side.

In 2000 mouth and Lindy were dating for six years now, and Lindy had just became a vet, while Mouth became the best Lawyer of Organ. Mouth decided it was time to pop the question to Lindy. One day Lindy and Laci went out to lunch. Thanks for treating me to lunch. Lindy said. Hey, we save people and animals all day, we need to treat ourselves too. Laci said. Are you Ms. Lindy Swanson? A man asked. Yes, why? She said turning around. Here. He said giving her an envelope. Open me. She read as she opened it. Your Lindy Diana Swanson have been charged with stealing Clark Devereaux heart, your choices are say yes and spend a life of happiness or say no and live a life of loneliness, now turn around, turn around for what...... She said as she turned around. She see Mouth on one knee. Lindy, will you marry me? Mouth said. Waite...what are you....Clark, did you plan this? She asked. Yes, I'm ready to be happy. He said. I am too. She said hugging him. I that a yes? Laci asked. What, oh yeah, yes, yes. She said hugging him more. Yes, he said. Oh, she said yes! Laci said telling everyone in the restaurant as they all cheered. They didn't want to have a big wedding, so on July 15th they decided to get married at the courthouse. Does this look to much for city hall? Lindy asked. No, Lindy you look amazing. Stella said. Thanks guys. She said. OK, the boys are ready. Laci said coming in the bathroom. OK, let go. She said walking out. She saw Mouth all dress in his suite. You look amazing. He said. Thank you. She said hold his hand. Let's do this. He said as they waited in line, for their turn. Next in line. The lady called out. Oh that's us, come on Clark. Lindy said as they all went inside. Wow full house. The Judge said. Yeah, we would miss this for the world. Mikey said. As the ceremony began. Do you Clark take this woman to be your wife? The judge asked. I do he said looking into her eyes. Do you Lindy, take this man to be your husband? I do. She said. Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride. He said as they kissed one another. We did it! Mouth and Lindy said as they left the courtroom. Great, now can we get married? The next guy in line said. Oh, yeah sure. Lindy said as they left. By May they receive some great news. Mouth and Lindy decided to have a game night to tell their friends the news. They were playing Pictionary. OK this is the bonus round, it is worth twenty points. Mouth said as he and Lindy drew their picture. OK, it's a a pancake. Mikey said. Close you do eat it. Lindy said. Is it a bun? Stella asked. Yes it is. Mouth said as Lindy drew the last clue. It's...a stove? Chunk said. No you guys are almost there. Lindy said. It's a oven. Abigail said. Yes she got, now put it together. Mouth and Lindy said. Bun, bun, Bun in the oven! They all said.You guest it. Mouth said as Lindy but her hand on her stomach. Oh my god!! They all cheered hugging them.

In May of 2001, Lindy was going to have their baby. Oh god, this hurts! She said. OK the head is coming. The doctor said. Come on you got this. Mouth said holding her hand. I can't i'm too tired. She said. Just one more push. The doctor said. As she pushed with all her might until they heard the cries from their baby. It's a girl. The nurse said. She took the baby away and cleaned her up and put her into her mother's arms. She's perfect. Mouth said. Later he came out and told his friends. We had a baby girl! Mouth said running out. Oh yay! They all cried out. Whats her name? Laci asked. Holly Elizabeth Devereaux. He said. Little Holly, it's perfect. Andy said. Yeah I can't wait for her to meet her aunts, uncle and godfather. Mouth said looking at Mikey. Really? Mikey said. Of course. He said. Thank you, man. Mikey said hugging him.

Four years after having Holly, Mouth and Lindy discovered that they were having another baby. Then in June 2005, when Mouth's had a court date, Lindy went into labor. Oh my god, thank you Mr. Deveraux. One of the clients said shaking his hand. As he left the courthouse, he got a call from Mikey, turns out his wife Lindy had went into labor. He raced to the hospital, and made it before she was ready to delivered. Its a boy! The doctor said giving the baby to Lindy. Later the Goonies gang had came to see the baby. OK, now that everyone's here we like you to meet our son, Ian Theodore Deveraux. Mouth said. Theodore after Mouth's grandfather, and Ian because that my brother's middle name. Lindy said. Well I think it's perfect. Andy said. Now, Lindy and I were thinking who should be the godfather to him, and it was tied between Chunk and Data, but I love you both too much, I decided to make both of you, my son Godfather. Mouth said. Really? Chunk and Data said. Yes. Lindy said. Of course will take it. Data said as they hugged Mouth.

Nine years after welcoming Ian, Mouth and Lindy got another piece of surprising news. When Mouth came home, Lindy had some surprising news for him. Hey, what's going on? He said coming in the house. I'm pregnant, again. She said. Mouth looked at her blank. Clark, did you hear what I said? She asked him. What, yeah I heard what you said, but how when did we......oh crap no. He said. Look, it's gonna be OK. Lindy said. I know but still, we have a thirteen year old and a nine year old, how are they gonna react to it? Mouth said. I don't know we just have to tell them. Lindy said. The kids were a little shocked to the news, but they learned to accept it. As they began to plan for the arrival of the baby. Why can't we go to the baby shower? Donnie said. Because it's girls only, and my dad needs help on the nursery. Holly said. But why does Monica, Alicia and Wendy get to go? Gabe asked. Because Wendy's helping my host, and Alicia and Monica don't have a choice. She said. This sucks. Dominic said. Look, i'll save you guys some cake. She said. OK, then. Donnie said. On Saturday March 16th, was the day of Lindy's baby shower. This looks amazing Wendy. Holly said. Thanks, OK in five minutes we start playing games. Wendy said hosting the party. The party went great, and everyone had a great time. Wow that was a great party Wendy. Laci said. Thanks mom. She said getting another piece on cake. That was a amazing party I just wanna......say. Lindy said clutching her belly. Lindy, honey are you OK? Stella asked. Well i'm not due for another two weeks, but I think I might be having this baby today. She said. What....she....whoa. Wendy said. OK everyone calm down, we have had kids before. Abigail said. Yeah, Gail's right. Laci said. What do we do? Wendy said. Well Holly go and get your father, Stella get her a cold towel, Gail and Wendy get her bag. Laci said as everyone went to work. Holly ran to her house, calling for her dad. When she found him and the other guys, they all ran to the house to take Lindy to the hospital. They waited all night, then at 8:20 Mouth came running out the room. It's a boy! He called out. Oh yeah! They all cheered hugging him. What's his name? Abigail said. Tyler Michael Lawrence Richard Deveraux. Mouth said. You use all of our names. Mikey said. Yeah, he has three godfathers. Mouth said as they all hugged him.

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