Hamilton Reacts to Stuff!!

By Glittersilver

233K 4.2K 40.3K

Title says it all. (This book is completed, and requests will no longer be taken. Thank you!) More

X Reader Fanfictions
And Peggy!
Catherine Schuyler
Michael In The Bathroom
Spamilton, Part 1
Spamilton, Part 2
Spamilton, Part 3
Spamilton, Part 4
Panic! At the Disco
The Lams Letters
Doki Doki Literature Club
A/N: 1K
Last of Us
Laurens' Interlude
A/N: Short break
Harry Potter
The Beatles
A/N: Christmas React VOTE
Thomas Sanders
Home Alone (Christmas Special)
Mary Poppins Returns
Bet On It
A/N Five Thousand
Dear Theodosia
Avril Lavigne
Wattpad Update! (Short one)
Laurgelica, Kingsbury, and Wamilton (Valentines' Day Special, Part 1)
Marliza, Washette, and Jamilams (Valentine's Day Special, Part 2)
Philodosia and Pheacker (Valentine's Day Special, Part 3)
A/N: A Letter (10K)
Jeggy (Valentine's Day Special, Part 4)
A/N: 10K Spectacular Question Box! [CLOSED]
10K Spectacular! (Part 1)
A/N: Update (Very Important)
10K Spectacular! (Part 2)
Happy Birthday Maria!
10K Spectacular! (Finale)
What the Heck I Gotta Do
Happy Birthday Thomas!
Garbage Disposals (Easter Special?)
A/N: Author Q&A Question Box! [CLOSED]
Quinn's Wattpadiversary Special!
Sanders Sides
The Four Modern Major Musicalsβ„’
We're In A Revolution
Happy Mothers' Day!
Mary Poppins
Orienteering and Snarled (Summer Special, Part 1)
Happy Birthday King George!
Musical Sing-Off and Billie Eilish (Summer Special, Part 3)
Happy Fathers' Day!
Animal Crossing and Balloon Battlefield (Summer Special, Finale)
Happy Birthday Theo!
Stranger Things
Twenty One Pilots
Author's Note
The Greatest Showman
One Last Time (Finale)
Thank You

Tuck Everlasting, Marco Polo, and Poppy (Summer Special, Part 2)

2.2K 35 2.6K
By Glittersilver

A/N: Contains Tuck Everlasting spoilers. 

Quinn: Hello, hello, hello! Welcome to another episode of Hamilton Reacts to Stuff! We're all still here at Camp Glitter- say hi, everyone!

Everyone: *half hearted groan*

Angelica: Someone thought it would be funny to run into our cabin in the middle of the night and scream, "RAT!" 

Susan: *quickly jerks head up from Maria's shoulder and opens her eyes, whimpering* 

Maria: Shhhh, it's okay, Susan. *rocks her gently* 

Peggy: We all ran out of the cabin in some kinda panic only to find that idiot dabbing on us. 

Samuel: I am so sorry, Miss Schuyler. If I had known my teammate was planning that, I would have stopped him. 

Laurens: We all would have. I don't understand why you guys had to get back at everybody... 

Angelica: *smirks* You ruin our beauty sleep, we ruin yours.

Laurens: But we had nothing to do with it! Why did you have to come into our cabin screaming and banging pots? 

King George: *sitting in a lawn chair wearing his Union Jack shirt, holding Hamster* Yes, you could have thrown perpetrator in the lake or something and left the rest of us alone! If I wasn't so tired, I'd sentence you to beheading. I'll do it when we get back home. 

Laurens: Now we're all gonna be tired for today's challenge.

Angelica: Well, that makes it even, then. 

Quinn: And Herc will probably be the most tired of all. He's been in the Timeout Chair since two in the morning. Ah, here he comes now! 


Quinn: Hello, Herc. Feeling good about what you did?

Herc: *chuckles drowsily* Worth it.

Everyone: *about two seconds away from murdering him*

Quinn: Hey, guys, it's okay! We're gonna start with a reaction, so that'll give everyone time to really wake up and feel good for today's challenge. Our first react was requested to us by BiBroadway:

Quinn: Thanks for the request, Keira! So, Tuck Everlasting is a musical about an eleven-year-old who falls in love with an immortal seventeen-year-old and has the opportunity to drink spiked water and become immortal too.

Hamilton: WHAT- 

Eliza: *protectively hugs Philip and glares at Quinn*

Quinn: I'm joking, I'm joking! I mean, that's what happens, but it's actually a nice story. 

Herc: But what kinda name is Tuck? Sounds like-


Quinn: How about we just listen to the musical? *turns it on*  

[Time skip brought to you by Miles being an underrated singer/character/dad/everything #justiceformiles]

Quinn: So, what did you guys think? 

Philip: That was cool! 

Eliza: Yes, I actually really liked that!

Peggy: Winnie reminds me of myself when I was little. Looking for trouble but afraid to find it. *laughs* But CAN WE TALK ABOUT THAT ENDING? LIKE WHAT? SHE SKIPPED OUT ON ETERNITY WITH FREAKING JESSE SO SHE COULD MARRY THAT DOOFUS POLICE OFFICER?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!

Hamilton: It's not as easy as you make it, Peggy. I know, I would love to live forever, but you never think about how you'd have to stay hidden, because people would notice how you never get any older. You really wouldn't be able to do as much as you'd think. 

Madison: And then you'd have to watch your mortal friends and loved ones die one by one... I think immortality would be more of a curse than a blessing. 

Samuel: Oh, that sounds horrible! 

Jefferson: Yeah, it's not all it's cracked up to be. I mean, look at poor Miles and his wife and son. 

Eliza: That song made me cry... *holds Philip in her lap* 

Peggy: I guess you're right... but Jesse is immortal, too. And so is his family. They could all be together forever. And if Winnie waited until she was 17 like Jesse to drink the water, it would have been all good. But Hugo is, what, 20? There's no changing that. It's just weird. 

Quinn: What Seventeen do you guys prefer: the one in Heathers, or the one in Tuck Everlasting?

Peggy: Ooh, that's hard! I really liked both! I think I gotta say this one. It was so sweet, and it made me cry a little. 

Maria: I still really like Heathers, but I liked this song too. All the songs in this one were good.

Hamilton: I agree with Maria, I preferred Heathers' Seventeen, but I liked this one, too.

Eliza: I say this one! I didn't like Heathers very much. 

Quinn: If you guys did drink from the spring and live forever, what would you do with all that time?

Hamilton: *eyes widen* I would write so many papers! There's so much I would write, so much I would change... so much I could do...!

Angelica: But immortality isn't worth it if the people you care about aren't with you... right, Alexander?

Hamilton: *coughs* Oh, of course. Absolutely. 

Eliza: Well, I would spend a lot of time volunteering. There's so many people I could help if I had eternity. 

Maria: I agree with Mrs. Hamilton. First, I would work until I could pay for college, get a good education, make sure Susan is taken care of... *tickles Susan*

Susan: *giggles*

Maria: And then I would spend a lot of time working with organizations that help women and children in... bad home lives. 

Jefferson: I think it'd be nice to just be, you know? Like, put the work away and go walk the grounds of Monticello with Secretary Squishypaws. I wouldn't accomplish anything doing it, but it wouldn't matter. I'd be nice to take some time to just... exist. 

Quinn: What's stopping any of you from doing that stuff right now? 

Everyone: :0

Quinn: Why wait 'till forever? I think Tuck Everlasting teaches us to live our best lives now. To reach your goals, to hug your family, and be everything you're meant to be with the time you have. 

Laurens: Dang... that's pretty deep. 

Eliza: I think you're right though, Quinn. I like that concept. *smiles*

Quinn: Any final thoughts on Tuck?

Peggy: I really liked it!

Philip: Me too! I like the song about climbing trees. 

Theo: I liked Partner in Crime. That song was really cool.

Quinn: I'm glad you guys liked it. Now, I had some special guests who were supposed to come, but I don't know where they are-

Jesse: *drops out of a nearby tree* Hi, everybody!

Everyone: *screams* 

Miles: Jesse, did you freak everyone out already? *drops out of the tree too* 

Mae, Angus, and Keira: *also drop out of the tree*

Quinn: Oh... perfect! Everyone, please welcome the Tuck family and Keira!

Everyone: *golf clap* 

Jesse: Thanks for listenin' to our songs, you guys! It's nice to finally get to tell people our story.

Keira: Hi, James!

Madison: Oh, hello, Keira.

Keira: *blushes and grins* 

Jefferson: What are you doing with these guys?

Keira: We've been hanging out. Unlike you, Thomas, they're actually fun. 

Jefferson: *rolls eyes*

Quinn: Okay, we'll have the whole day to get acquainted, so let's get going to the challenge! Everyone get your bathing suits on and meet me at the pool in 5!

Jefferson: What, we're swimming?

Keira: See?! I told you you weren't fun! 

[Timeskip brought to you by Quinn's godly parent, Poseidon (I finally took the Camp Half-Blood quiz! Fitting, because I love both swimming and horses.)]


Quinn: Okay! Time for today's challenge! We got some requests about swimming and water slides, so I thought a swimming challenge would be super fun! Swimming is one of my favorite parts about summer, and today we're gonna be playing a classic game pool game: Marco Polo!

Hamilton: We're gonna sail to China and mistake rhinoceroses for unicorns?

Quinn: No, but there is a unicorn involved.  The way this game works is that one person closes their eyes and tries to tag the other people in the pool, occasionally yelling, "Marco!" The other people playing have to avoid Marco and yell back, "Polo!" Normally, if you're tagged, you become the new Marco, and the game restarts. But we're gonna throw in a little twist or two.

Jefferson: Oh, boy...

Quinn: Jesse, you're gonna be our Marco. But instead of tagging everyone, you'll be hitting them with this. *hands a red pool noodle* 

Jesse: *takes it and grins* Okay!

Quinn: If Jesse hits you with the noodle, you're out. Everyone's gonna enter the pool via the water slide. *points* Jesse will be going last, so you'll have plenty of time to distance yourselves out. You can climb out of the pool, but the slide will be off-limits during the game, and if Jesse says, "Fish out of water!" anyone out of the pool needs to jump in. Oh, and you see that unicorn float over there? *points* 

Quinn: What a majestic beauty. That unicorn is the safety zone. If you sit on top of it, you're immune to getting hit. BUT, your fellow Polo's can get you off of the float by any means necessary. Last one standing wins for their team! 

Madison: Wow. This sounds miserable.

Quinn: Not to watch! And we've got great seats, too! Everybody ready? To the slide tower!

[Tiny timeskip]

Laurens: What's the holdup, George, just go!

King George: *wearing red swim trunks and sunglasses* Don't rush me! *looks at the water uncertainly, sticks his toe in it* 

Herc: TODAY!

King George: I would be able to do this faster if I wasn't so tired! So this is all your fault!

Jefferson: Yeah, man, give him a break. 

Madison: Thomas? Did you just agree with him?

Jefferson: Yeah, he probably doesn't want his hair ruined. I respect that.

King George: *surprised, nods gratefully*

Laurens: Well, I can't! BOOP! *pushes King George down the slide*


Laurens: *grins and throws himself down the slide* WOOHOOOOOOOOO!


Quinn: *sitting at the top of the little water slide* And they're heading into the pool! I think we have a beautiful game ahead of us, folks!


Theo: GO PAPA!! 

Keira: *playing with Susan in the water, occasionally sneaking a glance at what's going on in the pool and smirking about it*

Angus, Miles, and Mae: *watching in pool chairs*

Jesse: *wearing a camo-print bandana around his eyes* My turn! *goes down slide* WOOOOOOOOO!!! *slides into the water* Okay... Marco!

Everyone: Polo!

Burr: Polo!

Jesse: *hears that he's kinda close and moves towards him* Marco?

Burr: *backs up*

Jesse: Marco!

Burr: *keeps backing up* Polo...

Jesse: Marco?

Burr: Po-

Jesse: *hits him with the noodle*

Burr: Really?

Quinn: Sorry, Aaron, you're out!

Burr: *glowers and swims to the ladder* 

Angelica: It's alright, Aaron. I'll win this for us.

Burr: *smiles, surprised and pleased that she's being so gracious* *climbs out of the pool and meets Theo at the kiddie pool* Sorry I couldn't do any better.

Theo: *hugs him* It's okay, Dad. You... did your best. And I love you. 

Burr: *hugs her and smiles a little* 

Jesse: *swims around and tries to find people* Hmmm... Marco! 

Eliza: Ohhhhh! *nervously climbs onto the unicorn float*

Hamilton: *swims over to her and grins deviously*

Eliza: *grabs onto the unicorn* Alexander, don't. Don't you dare...

Hamilton: *grins*

Eliza: *terrified of a watery grave* I mean it! Don't do it, Alexander! 

Hamilton: Sorry, my love. *tips the float over*

Eliza: ALEXANDER-! *screams and falls into the water* 

Philip: *throws hands over his eyes* I can't believe he just did that...

Hamilton: *chuckles and climbs onto the float*

Eliza: You're gonna pay for that! 

Jesse: *coming closer* Marco!

Eliza: *squeals and swims away* P-Polo!

Jesse: Fish out of water!

King George and Jefferson: *sitting on the edge of the pool, huff in annoyance and slide into the water*

Laurens: Hey, hey, you have to jump! So he can hear you! 

Jefferson: Oh, you're just making stuff up now!

King George: I believe my taking part in this game is an honor enough. 

Quinn: *from the kiddie pool* You gotta jump!

Jefferson: *curses under his breath and climbs out of the water* Wheeeeee. *jumps in* 

Keira: Ayyyyyy. *sarcastically claps* 

Quinn: Now you, Georgie!

King George: I am not jumping in! What if I twist my ankle!

Keira: Stop being a wuss and just do it!

Jefferson: Come on, George. If I have to suffer, you have to suffer.

King George: That doesn't even make any sense! I'm a king! I'm not like you!

Peggy: *sneaks around behind King George and pushes him into the water* 

King George: *shrieks*

Laurens: *laughs* Nice one, Peggy! I mean, wait, you're on the other team. Forget I said anything.

Peggy: *playfully sticks her tongue out at him* 

Jefferson: *swims over to Alex* Hamilton, let me use this thing. It's my turn.

Hamilton: I'm the one who got it, I'm the one who gets to use it.

Jefferson: But you've been on it! And I've done my share...

Hamilton: You mean get your precious hair wet? You poor widdle baby.

Jefferson: Lemme on! *tries to climb on/push Hamilton off*

Hamilton and Jefferson: *wrestle until the unicorn tips over* *scream and sink into the water*

Herc: HA! *jumps off the edge of the pool and belly flops onto the unicorn* Suckers. 

Hamilton: Herc! *sees Jesse coming* AAH! *quickly swims away*

Jesse: Marco! *whacks Jefferson*

Jefferson: T_T Polo. 

Quinn: And TJ is out! 

Hamilton: Nice going, idiot!

Jefferson: Seeing as how this is your fault, I'm not even gonna dignify that with a response.

Herc: *chuckles and strokes away* 

Angelica: *rises out of the water like a shark* 

Herc: [Bleep].

Angelica: Hi, there, Herc. 

Herc: Listen, girly, if you think you're gonna knock me off this knife-headed pony, bring it. 


Everyone except Hamilton, Jefferson, and Samuel: *jump on him all at once*

Herc: [Bleep!] That's not fair! [Bleep!] [Bleep!]

Samuel: *gasps at what he sees, swims over as fast as he can to try and help him* Stop! Stop it! *splashes at them* 

Angelica: Sammy, just step back and let us do this. 

Samuel: Uh... no! Jesse! They're over here! All of them!

Jesse: *quickly comes towards them*

Everyone: *scatters*

Angelica: You don't want to do this, Sammy.

Samuel: I don't think I want to, either... just follow my voice, Jesse! Angelica is right here! 

Angelica: *tries to swim away* 

Jesse: *hits her with the noodle*

Quinn: Angelica is out!

Angelica: Wha-?! *glares at Samuel*

Samuel: *chuckles nervously* I'm so sorry, Ms. Schuyler. Please don't take it personally-

Angelica: *smiles slightly* Well played, Samuel. 

Samuel: *surprised, grins a bit* Thank you. 

Angelica: *swims to the ladder and climbs out* Sorry, Aaron. First place last week, last place this week.

Burr: It's alright, Ms. Schuyler. We're better at games that test the mind. 

Angelica: *shrugs in agreement and takes a seat in a pool chair*

Jesse: Marco!

Everyone: Polo! 

Samuel: *wheezing as he swims through the water, trying to avoid Jesse* Polo!

Jesse: *raises pool noodle to hit him* 

Herc: *grabs Samuel and hoists him out of the pool and onto the concrete*

Jesse: *smacks Herc with the noodle*

Quinn: You're out, Herc!

Angelica: Good riddance.

Samuel: Mr. Mulligan? You saved me?

Herc: I couldn't let you drown. That would've been pretty pathetic. Plus, I owe you for the whole thing last night, I guess. Just win for us, okay?

Samuel: *nods firmly* I'll do my best. 

Herc: *claps his shoulder and heads over to the losers* 

[Timeskip brought to you by the baby garter snake we found in our fence yesterday]

Quinn: We're down to the final five Polo's! Samuel, Washington, Hamilton, Laurens, and Peggy!

Peggy: That's not funny... eek! *darts away from the incoming Jesse* 

Jesse: Marco!

Hamilton: *riding on the unicorn float, suddenly gets knocked off by something underneath the float* Wh- what was that?!

Laurens: *surfaces, shakes the water off of his head and laughs before climbing onto the unicorn* 

Eliza: *from a pool chair next to Angelica* Thanks, John!

Laurens: *grins at her and gives her a thumbs up* Now... HEY JESSE ALEX IS RIGHT HERE! 

Jesse: *comes closer to them*


Hamilton: *quickly swims to the edge and climbs out of the pool*


Jesse: Fish out of water!

Hamilton: *takes a flying leap at Laurens*

Laurens: WHAT THE-

Hamilton: *jumps onto Laurens and knocks them both into the water* 

Washington: *casually climbs onto the float and paddles away* 

Hamilton and Laurens: *wrestling for the pool float they don't realize isn't even there anymore* 

Jesse: Pow, pow! *hits both Alex and Laurens*

Quinn: Team Alex and Jefferson and Laurens and Eliza are both outta the game! 

Laurens: Thanks, Alex! You idiot. 

Hamilton: I took a leaf out of your book for that one. 

Laurens: *shrugs* It was kinda cool... but it hurt like heck! Nice job. It was a very John-ish thing to do. We're gonna crush you in the next one, though, just like we did in orienteering!

Hamilton: We'll see about that. 

Hamilton and Laurens: *climb out of the pool* 

Quinn: Okay, we're down to the final three. Everyone still playing automatically gets points, but who will walk away with the 10? This could be a game changer for someone...

King George: *frantically petting Hamster as he watches from a pool chair* Washington will win this. There are only two other people left, and he's the most skilled out of all of them! Oh, I can't watch! *throws a pool towel across his face and peeks out of it*

Samuel: *standing breathless on the edge of the pool, hugging his goosebump-covered arms for warmth*

Peggy: *climbs out of the pool across from Samuel*

Jesse: Marco!

Everyone: Polo! 

Jesse: Fish out of water!

Samuel and Peggy: *jump into the water and end up next to each other* 

Peggy: Hey, Samuel.

Samuel: Hello.

Peggy: You know this is gonna end with one of us getting smacked, right?

Samuel: Yes. 

Peggy: Because neither of us is gonna attack George Washington, right?

Samuel: Absolutely not.

Peggy: Well... good luck.

Samuel: You, too.

Jesse: *swims closer to them* Marco!

Samuel and Peggy: *swim away* Polo!

Jesse: *chases them across the width of the pool and to a corner* Marco!

Samuel and Peggy: *turning the corner* Polo!

Quinn: He's gaining on them! It's Peggy or Sam! Sam or Peggy! One's taking third! One's moving on! Who will it be?!

Jesse: *strikes his pool noodle and makes contact with someone* 


Peggy: Aw, man! You got me. I'm out.

Quinn: And Samuel stays in the game!

Samuel: *dumbfounded* I... I did? I'm still in? *smiles a little and chuckles*


Samuel: *yelps and quickly swims away* 

Jesse: Marco!

Samuel: *swimming as fast as the smol boi can go* P-Polo! 

Jesse: Marco! 

Samuel: *running out of breath and starting to falter* Po-

Jesse: *smacks him with the noodle*

Quinn: And Washington is the winner! Game over!

Samuel: *pants and hangs head, downcast* 

Washington: You put up a good fight, Samuel. You should be proud.

Samuel: *works up a bit of a smile* Thank you, Mr. Washington.


Herc: *claps Samuel's shoulder when he gets out of the pool* Good hustle, Farmer. Gotta say, I'm impressed.

Samuel: Thank you, Mr. Mulligan. I wish I could have gotten us the first-

Herc: It's fine. Least we're not in dead last anymore. We'll get 'em in the next one. 

Samuel: *grins*

Quinn: What did you guys think of that? And the whole pool experience?

Eliza: It was fun! I'm not normally much of a swimmer, but I really enjoyed this. I was more comfortable swimming here than, say, the lake across the clearing. Or the lake Papa used to take us to when we were children. It felt cleaner. 

Quinn: Yeah, swimming pools are a nice modern invention. Did you guys like the game?

Laurens: That was awesome! Can we play again?

Jefferson and Madison: NO. 

Hamilton: It was fun. Exhausting, but fun. It felt much like a battlefield. 

Washington: I felt the same way. Except, of course, this was just harmless fun. I really liked it. 

Quinn: Did you like the water slide?

Laurens: YES. That thing was amazing! Okay, I'm done waiting around here, I'm going down it again. *runs to the slide tower* 

Quinn: *chuckles and turns to the camera* Alright, we're gonna spend some time swimming, and then we'll check back with you guys at tonight's campfire!

[Timeskip brought to you by all the upcoming Broadway movies! Doesn't that just excite you?!]


Quinn: Hey, guys! We've had a great day, and now we're all ready to just eat s'mores and do a reaction. Our last reaction of the day is from LittleLeaf07

Jefferson: I feel like my penchant for the color magenta is being used against me. 

Quinn: Thanks for the request, LittleLeaf! So, Poppy, as I learned after seeing this comment, is a Youtuber with over 2 million subscribers. 

Philip: Woah! 

Quinn: Yep! I can't really explain what she does, though. You kinda just have to see for yourself. The first video of hers that we'll watch is just called, "I'm Poppy." 

Hamilton: Uh... what?

Philip: "I'm Poppy I'm Poppy I'm Poppy I'm Poppy." This is really weird...

Jefferson: Hon, we get that you're Poppy. You don't need to keep telling us.

Eliza: How long is this video?

Quinn: 'Bout ten minutes long.

Laurens: Are you kidding me? Is it just her saying, "I'm Poppy?"

Quinn: Yep.

Hamilton: That can't be. There has to be something at the end. There has to be. We have to be rewarded somehow for making it through this. Like... the meaning of life, or the winning lottery numbers or something...

Theo: I really like her hair and outfit... but I don't get it. What's the point of this?

Quinn: How about we keep watching and try to figure that out. The next one we'll be watching is called, "Everybody is Boring."

King George: How dare she?! I happen to be extremely interesting! Off with her head! 

Angelica: Georgie, we're all too tired for your garbage. Please just put a s'more in your mouth and be quiet.

King George: WELL, NOW... *tiredly gives up, puts a s'more in his mouth and is quiet*

[After the video]

Hamilton: Well. I hated that. 

Washington: This girl seems troubled. Poor thing. 

Theo: I still just don't get it... like, first she was just laughing, and then she was talking about time being a cube thing, and then she just called everyone boring. Like... it didn't make any sense. 

Maria: In a weird way, I kinda liked it.

Madison: Except for when she just ate the candies... *gags* the sound...

Quinn: She's oddly mesmerizing, isn't she? Okay, let's get to the last video. This one is actually the first one she ever made. It's called, "Poppy Eats Cotton Candy."

Madison: Oh, not another eating video! *gags* 

Philip: Uhhhhh...

Jefferson: She's just eating the cotton candy... what am I supposed to gain from watching this?

Hamilton: Still no lottery numbers... 

Eliza: I don't like this at all... it feels really weird to watch...

Miles: She's still going... is she gonna eat the whole thing?

Madison: *gagging at the noises*

Keira: *comfortingly pats his back*

Jesse: Hey, she's almost done. 

Samuel: Just a little bit more...

Laurens: Wait for it...

Burr: *shudders* 

Jesse: She finished!

Everyone: *claps* 

Quinn: So, what do you think of Poppy?

Hamilton: What do I think? I think that was disturbing!

Peggy: You said she was really famous... but how? 

King George: Yes, why are people watching her when they could be watching me? 

Everyone: *looks at him*

King George: Or, you know, anything else that's actually meaningful. 

Quinn: What do you think is the meaning of Poppy's videos?

Laurens: She has one?

Maria: I feel like she is trying to tell us something through her videos... but I don't know what it is. 

Miles: I think she's trying to draw people in with how strange she is. Like, you can't pull yourself away, and you end up watching another video, and another, and another. 

Jesse: I don't like how she stares me dead in the eyes... *shivers* 

Keira: She was kinda creepy, but I'm with Maria. I liked it. 

Quinn: Would you watch more Poppy videos in the future?

Eliza: No. Definitely not.

Jefferson: Heck no!

Maria: I would say probably...

Theo: Maybe...

Burr: Maybe? She didn't freak you out, Theodosia?

Theo: No, not really. I mean, she was weird, but I'm not scared of her or anything. 

Philip: I'm not scared, either, so maybe I would watch more, too. But I just didn't like her that much.

Peggy: Yeah, I oddly wanna watch another. Like, I don't get it at all, her videos are pointless! But still... I kinda wanna see where she's going with this...

Hamilton: Well, I'll pass. We were talking about time today? That was a waste of it. I think I lost a brain cell watching this. 

Philip: Here, I'm gonna be her. *tilts his head and stares dead-eyed into the camera like a creepy doll, says in Poppy's voice* Hi, there, everyone. My name's Philip. I'm so boring. Everyone's boring! *slowly eats a s'more*

Eliza: Alright, that's enough s'mores for you, Philip. We're going to bed soon.

Philip: Aww, okay.

Maria: Yes, I think Susan's falling asleep. *plays with Susan's hair* 

Susan: *leaning on Maria, her eyes half open*

Quinn: Okay, let's review the scores and close out for the night. The George's took first place this week, winning them 10 points.

King George: *smirks proudly* That was a brilliant win you had, Washington.

Washington: *smiles* Thanks, partner. 

Quinn: And in second place, it was Herc and Samuel with 5 points. 

Herc: *claps Samuel on the back*

Samuel: *grins sheepishly*

Quinn: And Peggy and Maria took third, winning 3 points!

Peggy: *smirks at Maria* And next time, we're getting first!

Maria: *grins* 

Quinn: Here are the current standings:

Angelica and Burr: 10

King George and Washington: 10

Herc and Samuel: 5

Laurens and Eliza: 5

Peggy and Maria: 3

Laff and Madison: 3

Hamilton and Jefferson: 0

Quinn: Things are heating up! 

Angelica: Alexander, you and Thomas are the only ones who haven't won anything yet.

Jefferson: Yeah, and whose fault could that be. 

Hamilton: Excuse me? At least I made it to the final five in Marco Polo! I wasn't crying about my hair and actually played the game!

Eliza: Alexander, please, my head is hurting, and I'm just too tired for this. Please save the fight for another day. 

Keira: *whisper yells* Yeah, shut up, both of you! Susan is sleeping!

Quinn: *whispers* Okay, I guess we'll just end it here. Thanks so much, Keira and the Tucks for hanging out with us today. 

Angus: It was a pleasure.

Jesse: It was really fun! I loved hitting people with that red stick! *laughs* 

Miles: This place is really cool. Thank you for having us, Quinn. 

Quinn: Thanks for coming! And it was good to see you again, Keira.

Keira: *smiles* Thanks! This was fun. 

Quinn: Good second day at Camp Glitter?

Laurens: Definitely. I love Camp Glitter!

Angelica: I mean, we're all tired, but...

Herc: Yeah... I'm sorry about that. The whole rat thing. I mean, it was hilarious, but I guess it wasn't right. I'm sorry.

Eliza: Aw, it's okay, Hercules.

Angelica: I guess we did get back at you, so I suppose we're even now. 

King George: But the next person to interrupt my sleep shall be beheaded. No warnings, no appeals. *stands up* Goodnight. *strides off to the cabin* 

Quinn: Alright, we're gonna close out for now. Thank you everyone for watching! We'll see you next time on Hamilton Reacts to Stuff!

Philip: *pretending to be Poppy* Goodbye. 

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