A Detective's Criminal

By Cause_fanfiction

5.3K 199 91

Requested story! A man by the name of Erwin Smith starts trying to get close to him. He didn't trust this man... More

The meeting
Off track
Turning around

Can I trust you?

795 29 22
By Cause_fanfiction

(Okay so I can't remember to post these on time, but it's here now for you all! I really appreciate all the feedback I'm getting from this one, glad you're enjoying it!
Little disclaimer here, there's talk of miscarriage in this one, very briefly but just a little warning in case that might upset you.)

The week was tough and if when Erwin graduated as a detective many years ago, they told him he'd go undercover and end up in bed with the leader of a drug cartel supporting him during a heat, he would have laughed in their face.
But now he was actually doing it, it seemed unreal. After all, this was unprofessional and dangerous but as soon as he climbed in bed beside Levi he hadn't been able to make himself leave. If he wanted he could have got up and left, then begged to be taken off the case so he could forget about this Omegan Alpha. But he stayed. Even though he was tired and hungry and really needed a shower by now; he stayed, he let Levi grind against his leg and moan into his skin. Because, now he thought about it, Isabel's words seemed to resonate with him a little. A Soul Bond.
But he didn't think about it because another wave of heat was taking over Levi.

He was laying against Erwin, his head pressed against Erwin's chest. He rubbed his face on Erwin and whimpered. Erwin briefly thought about the contrast between this Levi and the one he'd met at their first meeting; the fragile little creature that lay on him now, compared to the callous, sharp man he saw the other day.
However, this wave was different than the ones that had come before. Levi grumbled instead of moaned. He scrubbed his hands over his face and then pushed himself up on his forearms. Levi rubbed his fist against his eyes and then for the first time all week Levi looked at him with focused eyes. Erwin looked at him and he stared back. Erwin could almost see the cogs working around Levi's heat-fogged brain as he took in every detail of Erwin's face.

Erwin had expected to be hit or strangled or assaulted in some way when Levi's brain finally clocked what was going on. But he did the complete opposite, his eyes widened like a spooked horse and he jerked back away from the Alpha. He did so with so much force that he ended up on his back on the floor beside the bed.
Moments later the door flew open and Farlan and Isabel were in the room. Isabel got to the floor beside a shook Levi. The Omega stammered trying to put the racing thoughts into a coherent sentence but he just ended up pointing at Erwin and looking to Isabel for an explanation.
Isabel was soft and careful with her confused friend. "You were going to get sick again. You know, like that time ages ago. Erwin was only looking after you, you wouldn't settle without him. To be honest with you this has been your quietest heat." Isabel explained gently.
"But... but what if he's... what if he's done what they did! Have you been in here? What if he's... has he?" Levi tripped over every word that came out of his mouth. But Isabel, somehow, understood what he was talking about. "He hasn't! Me and Far have been watching like a hawk. You've spent most your time asleep. Plus he helped get rid of those two idiots. He stopped them from doing anything like that to you." She explained, nuzzling his cheek with her nose. Then she grabbed his wrist and lifted it to her nose. "See? You don't even smell like him." She said, offering the scent glands to him. She then opened her hand to Erwin and he crawled forward giving her his arm.
She scented his gland and nodded to herself. Levi looked between them and then very cautiously lent to scent it himself. He suppressed a groan because to him the Alpha scent was intoxicating but he agreed with Isabel: there was no trace of their mixed scents.
"I'll pop outside for a minute." Erwin smiled at the Omega and quickly took his leave.

Erwin practically fell onto the sofa as he reached it. He was so conflicted. Levi had suddenly become a very vulnerable and very Omegan creature right now. It didn't change the fact that he was bringing in illegal and harmful substances into the country and making a massive profit of it all. But for the first time in Erwin's whole detective and policing career he was questioning his morals.
Soul Bond
This really wasn't going to the cut and dry case they originally thought it to be.

Farlan joined him outside. "You okay?" He asked Erwin.
"Yeah. It's just strange seeing him like that." Erwin said genuinely.
"I mean, we're used to it but yeah, considering how well he hides it, it can be a shock." Farlan said, rubbing the back of his neck. He looked genuinely worried, genuinely upset about all of this. "What was all of that about? Who was he talking about?" Erwin decided to press because he was truly curious.
"I can't tell you. It's not my story to tell. He might tell you. Or he'll get over this heat and pretend none of this ever happened. But... by the way he's talking now... I don't know. He's strange sometimes." Farlan answered. Erwin wasn't sure what that meant but he couldn't ignore the little prang of hurt when Farlan said Levi might just forget about all of this.
Erwin scolded himself internal. He was acting stupid, irrationally and unprofessional. This meant nothing, they weren't sharing a heat and he sure as hell wasn't his Alpha.

When Erwin left Levi couldn't help but look longing at the door. He couldn't understand why he was feeling like this. Yes, his hormones were all over the place and they were telling him to want the Alpha but Levi has never felt like this with anyone, not even in his last serious relationship. He couldn't think about that, it was making his head hurt. "Why, Isabel?" He asked her. "Why what?" She said back politely.
"Why, is he helping? I don't even know him, I don't know why I'm feeling this." He cried, completely exhausted.
"Well, maybe you can talk to him after this is all over. Work out together what it is." Isabel reassured him.
"Why am I trusting him? Alphas aren't good." Levi was inconsolable.
"Maybe he's different. Look, don't worry about it. Just let him look after you." Isabel said, hugging him tighter.
"Could he be?" Levi asked weakly. "Do you think he is?"
"You need to see how you feel when your heat is over." Isabel said.
"I would like that." Levi said, melting into Isabel's touch.
He would like if Erwin was different. He would like if he could find someone to be vulnerable around. He would like that, but often he didn't get what he wanted.
"Do you want him to come back in?" Isabel asked when Levi had settled down some.
"Yeah." Levi replied quietly.
"Hop back in bed then." Isabel smiled at him. She untangled herself and then stood to leave. He didn't want to be on his own, but soon Alpha would be back and it wouldn't be so bad.

Isabel entered the living room and beckoned Erwin to come back. He inhaled a deep breath and followed the Beta back to Levi.
He was sat on the bed pulling blankets together and piling pillows around. But he struggled to make any of it hold shape. So, with his limited experience, Erwin helped him. He constructed the walls and a little roof over one half so Levi could hide his head from the light. Levi nuzzled his chest with his head when he finished, like a stray kitten asking for attention. Erwin resumed his previous position and squeezed himself and Levi into their little blanket nest. Levi snuggled close and was snoring again in minutes. Erwin smiled, he couldn't deny that this Omega was cute.

The week ended and on that seventh day Levi woke sane minded. The waves had started to get less frequent and not as long but Levi couldn't shake the emotional state for an unknown reason. But today he felt fine, he was starving but he wasn't consumed by the urge to stuff something inside himself. He was tightly packed between blankets and a warm body. Carefully, Levi turned over. Erwin's face was rested against fist, propping himself upright. He was asleep. But when Levi turned to him he disturbed and his eyes opened.
Levi could see the dark bags under his eyes and the shadow of a beard around his mouth. Erwin looked at him and he looked back. "You feeling better?" He asked, his voice was rough and tired.
Levi nodded, unsure of what exactly to say. "Good." Erwin smiled, "You don't feel sick, do you?"
Levi shook his head. "I'm fine." He said, his voice also rough from most likely overuse. Erwin then rolled over and got out of bed, going to the bathroom.
Levi needed to say something, to thank Erwin but that seemed like it wouldn't have been enough. Because he remembered talking with Isabel and how he felt at the time. He needed time though, to think over what he actual felt because all he actually felt at that moment was dirty and hungry. When Erwin came out of the bathroom he left the room straight away.
A strange feeling ran through Levi.
Saddness? Rejection?
He shook his head, what did he have to feel rejected about?
Whatever, it didn't matter he needed a bath.

Levi quickly scrubbed all the sweat off his body and the dried slick inbetween his legs. And then, when he got out of the bath, there was a tray of food on the bed. Toast and pastries, with a steaming mug of tea. A little note lay beside it.

Sorry, I have to run off but I really need a shower. Call me if you want to talk.

Levi shook his head and smiled. What a strange Alpha.

The shower was very welcome when Erwin got home. He was shoving a sandwich in his mouth when his other phone rang, his work phone. He answered it.
"Erwin! My god, where have you been?! We've been terrified, we almost broken cover." Hanji practically yelled down the phone at him.
"Sorry sorry, something important came up." Erwin replied.
"Oh yeah, anything good?" They asked.
"...No." Erwin replied.
"Nothing? You've got nothing?"
"No, I think they need to trust me more. We've just been running basic check-ins, nothing solid." Erwin said.
"Oh well, I'm glad you're okay. Keep working at it. Hopefully, we'll strike gold soon." Hanji said encouragingly.
"Yeah hopefully."
"Well, speak soon. Keep in touch." Hanji said, signing off the call.

Erwin put the phone down and looked up at the ceiling. He shook his head. He just lied to his team... he had witnessed a deal but he lied to Hanji about it. He was going insane, this case was driving him insane.


Two days later Levi was looking at himself in the mirror. He'd just gotten out of a hot bath - still not feeling clean after the week - and he was searching his body for any mark the Alpha may have left on him. He twisted, looking at his reflection, looking for the branded bite marks, the finger prints or even burns around his wrists from restraints. Nothing. His skin was an unmarked page.
His mind brought an image to the front of his brain; his bruised face, bitten skin, tears stained cheeks, burns around his wrists and ankles, the dried blood in between his legs.

Levi walked away from the mirror, that image needed to remain buried. There was no point bringing it back up because of one stupid Alpha.
He dressed and wandered out of his room, thinking to himself that he was being too harsh, Erwin wasn't stupid, if it wasn't for him he could have been that image in the mirror again.

In the living room, Farlan and Isabel were napping on the sofa. They hadn't left this whole week. At least one of them had been there at all times and he loved them for that. He wandered into the kitchen and put the kettle on the stove, preparing three mugs, two of tea one of coffee. He hoped up onto the counter and closed his eyes whilst he waited for the water.
Isabel made him jump, when she placed her hand on his thigh. His eyes snapped open and she smiled at him. "You feeling better?" She asked.
"Much." He said.
"You sure you look a little lost." Isabel was always good at reading situations, always seemed to know what to say.
"I am." Levi admitted.
"Talk to me." She said softly.
"I just don't get it." Levi said after a moment. "He had all that opportunity and he didn't try once."
"He's got very good self-control." Isabel offered.
"Regardless, to not do anything all week. I just can't get my head around it."
"Levi, I promise you, we checked. Everytime we heard a new wave start we poked our heads in, multiple times. He never put his hands on you. Even when you were touching him over his clothes he'd just grab your hand and pull you close. Usually, that would calm the wave down as well. This was honestly the best heat you've ever had. No crying and screaming. You didn't get frustrated. I don't even think you needed any of your toys." She said that last bit in a whisper.
"So what? I'm supposed to let him do that every heat now? He can't follow me around forever. I'll just have to get over myself." Levi said, the lines in his brow becoming more pronounced.
"Why not?" Isabel looked at him with a small, knowing smile on her lips. Luckily, the kettle began to whistle so he didn't need to answer her. Because he knew what she was implying. That he get closer to Erwin, allow the Alpha near him and maybe eventually mate him. Because then he would be there forever, he would always be able to help with every heat. Levi could even stop with the strong suppressants and have a heat every month like a normal Omega, or maybe only ever other month because he still needed to get some work down. Levi stopped pouring the water when he realised he was actually considering it. Seriously, what was wrong with him.

Thankfully, for Erwin, Farlan hadn't summoned him in the last few days. He'd spent those days sleeping and relaxing after his hard week with Levi. He still couldn't get out of his head that he'd lied to Hanji. Even if it was a small lie, he'd still lied. This case was strange and difficult. He'd never been undercover and been this conflicted. He knew how to keep a level head because he'd been pushed into many situations that would cause him to break but nothing like this. He'd never been this emotionally conflicted about anything in his life.
He knew his job, he had to find evidence to send Levi to prison. But Levi was so intriguing to him. What happened in his past to make him that closed off? What had he been through? Why was Erwin so infatuated with him? Was Isabel right, did Soul bonds actually exist?

Erwin thought about that. He imagined explaining to his higher ups why the case fell through. "Sorry, I fell in love with the cartel leader we were after and I don't want him to go to jail." Erwin said quietly to himself. He laid his head against the back of his sofa. Jeez, that sounds bad.

Erwin's phone started to ring. It was the phone Farlan had given him. An unknown number came up on screen. "Hello?" Erwin answered it.
"Hello, Erwin." Levi said back.
"Hello Levi. How're you doing?" Erwin asked politely.
"Fine now. Can you come to mine?" Levi said.
"Of course. When?"
"Tonight maybe. 6?" Levi seemed unusually quiet.
"Of course, boss. See you at 6."
"Yeah. See you soon." Then Levi ended the call.
Erwin wasn't sure what to think about that so he fought back the small amount of glee that filled him.

Isabel had convinced Levi to talk to Erwin. She'd convinced him that he could keep Erwin around forever. It scared Levi. Because if he gave Erwin control over him, he could change. He might not stay the kind Alpha he was now. But he needed to speak to Erwin first because Erwin might not even want that. He called him boss on the phone so he might not want to see him any other way. He had to talk to him.

Just before six Farlan and Isabel left; there was a particularly large deal that was going to happen and Levi would have gone himself if he wasn't still feeling weak, but they'd volunteered to go in his place.
Levi paced about, unable to just sit and wait for Erwin to turn up. Luckily though, he was punctual and arrived dead on six O'clock. He smiled when Levi opened the door to him. Levi led him in and offered him a seat. "You want a drink?" Levi asked. Erwin declined. Levi made tea and sat opposite Erwin on the sofa. Levi sipped his tea for a moment, trying to think of something to say. He really didn't know how to start this kind of conversation.

He looked over Erwin, he was dressed smart, in a suit. Levi noticed a mark on his wrist, it was an Alpha brand. "Where did you get that?" Levi asked, pointing to it.
"Oh, one of those guys did it when I was restraining him. It's going down." Erwin replied happily.
"Sorry." Levi felt the need to say. "And thank you, I guess."
"That's okay, don't worry about it." Erwin replied.
"No, I mean it. You didn't need to do any of this. Also, you could have done anything. But you remained by my side." It was now or never.
"I didn't exactly have much choice. I didn't want you to get sick or hurt. And I couldn't have stopped myself. Something just willed me to help you. You know, instincts take over." Erwin explained his actions.
"You couldn't help it either then?"
"No, not really. I mean, I could have left but I wouldn't have slept knowing you were on your own."
"Did Isabel explain the whole Soul Bond thing?" Levi asked, remembering Isabel telling him that they'd had a conversation about it.
"What do you think of that?" Levi asked, carefully.
"I don't know. My logical brain says something like that can't exist. But my animal brain is telling me this week was proof enough. Well, some proof at least." Erwin said.
"What makes you think that?" Levi asked, needing to know every piece of information before he moved on.
Because I lied for you, Erwin thought to himself. "Because I can't get you out of my head. I don't hardly know you but I feel like I've known you my whole life. I'm drawn to you, my mind is drawn to you and I can't explain why." Erwin shocked Levi with his open way of speaking. "I'm guessing you feel the same or we wouldn't be here having this conversation."
Erwin was smart.

"You're right." Levi replied. "But I can't act on this just yet. I've got too many ghosts from my past."
"Farlan said something about that but wouldn't tell me any details." Erwin mentioned.
"What brought that up?" Levi asked.
"You said something when you freaked out. Asking if I'd done anything 'they did' or something." Erwin explained.
"Oh. I suppose, you're curious about that." Levi said.
"Yes, but I'm not pressing for information."
"If this," Levi gestured to both of them, "is going to work. I need to be straight." Levi took a deep breath. He'd never told the whole story to anyone. Why he choose this Alpha to be the first person he really didn't know.

"My mum was a hustler. And when I was a teenager and figured out my sexual orientation she taught me how to swindle men out of their money. We started small and then progressed onto bigger marks. Well, I got good, so I got cocky." Levi took a shaking breath. "And targeted a guy I thought was too rich to be smart. Spent a bit of time courting and working him into a good position. Then the night I executed my plan, he executed his. Well, he'd been in contact with some of the other guys I'd done. And they... caught me and took me to a basement somewhere and did whatever they wanted to me. Tied me up and... you know. I was so close to figuring a way out when they gave me an injection. It forced me into an unbearable heat." Levi stopped.

Erwin could smell the distress on his scent. But he powered through it. "Farlan and Isabel saved me. I owe my life to them. Well, obviously, I got pregnant by one of those Alphas. And I was at my wits end so... I threw myself down the stairs of our apartment complex. Far and Is found me luckily, took me to hospital. Obviously, I lost the baby; not that it was much of a baby, I think it was like two months, I don't know. Anyway, that's why I don't like Alphas. That's why I don't let them get close to me because I think of what they did, the baby I lost, the pain I suffered. But you, you seem different. I can't help but be drawn to you." Levi sighed when he finished talking.

Erwin took in the information. It made sense now why Levi had so many walls around himself. "Isabel said you let one guy get close to you." Erwin said, "Was he different too?"
"He was at the start. But he went and bound to another Omega behind my back. To be honest though, I didn't feel this way with him. It really is like we've known each other forever."
"Yeah, I understand. My fiancee did that to me. Slept with my colleague and best friend. He even had to be trans- transferred." Erwin stuttered, he'd fucked up.
"Transferred?" Levi asked, his eyebrow raised.
"Yeah... I was military before all this." Erwin lied, hoping he'd covered his trail. This was the most genuine he'd been around Levi but he still had to have that barrier. Erwin chided himself, this was crazy, this was his mark, he shouldn't feel close to him, he shouldn't feel this way towards him. But his animal instincts were in control now.
"That's fucked up." Levi said.
"Isabel said something about that though. Said, that relationships don't work if they're not the one." Erwin commented.
"Yeah." Levi smiled one-sidedly, "It shows that we're really only just animals fighting our instincts."
"What are your instincts saying now?" Erwin asked. What am I doing?
"They're telling me to trust you, that you're not going to hurt me... to go to you. Can I trust you Erwin?" Levi said his vulnerable side showing.
"Of course Levi." Erwin replied. Levi looked to him, digesting his words. Then he stood, slowly approaching Erwin. Erwin opened his posture, accepting Levi's silent request. Levi slid into his lap as if they were long time lovers. "Because, I really want to trust you." Levi said.
"You can. I won't hurt you." At least that was the truth. He wouldn't physical harm Levi.

Erwin scented Levi's glands under his chin cautiously. Levi was still a little defensive; he was on his knees straddling Erwin's thighs, his hands rested on Erwin's shoulders so he could run away if he needed to. His chest rose and fell heavily. "Do you trust me?" Erwin asked.
"I trust you Erwin." Levi said finally. Levi's hands came to Erwin's cheeks, then he lent down to gently kiss his lips. Erwin let him do everything at his own pace. He stopped thinking about his job for a moment and focused on the soft, little Omega in front of him.

Their kiss intensified as Levi began to relax. This was it, it was like Erwin had been underwater his entire life and finally he resurfaced, gulping in air. They kissed like their were starving for eachother.
It's like we've known eachother forever, all our lives.
Levi felt familiar under Erwin's hands. His lips and tongue tasted nostalgic, sparking something deep in his brain that he felt he recognised. His body was warm and comforting on his lap.
Erwin could tell Levi was relaxing. His bum lowered to Erwin's legs, his hand resting on Erwin's shoulders rather than pushing against him.
Erwin wanted more. This small taste wasn't enough for him. He moved without thinking; grabbing Levi and hauling him onto his back on the sofa. Erwin rested his weight on Levi's hips, happy to feel the heat and arousal there. But Levi pulled away, thumping him hard on the chest.

His eyes were terrified. His breathing ragged. Erwin snapped back into the situation. "I'm sorry Levi." He'd fucked up.
But Levi replied with, "It's fine." His breathing was hard for a moment but he managed to stay in control. He then dragged Erwin back down to him. His arms wrapped around his neck, his knees squeezing gently on his sides. He let Erwin leave his lips and kiss down his neck. Erwin licked at his swelling scent glands keeping his teeth far away. He caused a tiny moan to escape the Omega when he ground his hips down gently. Levi played with his hair as he worshipped his body.
"Erwin stop." Levi said suddenly, scaring Erwin. He got up as quick as he could and Levi smiled at him. "Sorry, I'm okay. Just thought we could go somewhere more comfortable." Levi said flicking his head towards his room.
"Are you sure?" Erwin asked.
"To be honest, I've never been more sure." Levi smiled again, genuinely.

Erwin let Levi up. He offered Erwin his hand and then led him to his room. Levi shut the door behind them and Erwin pushed him up against it. Levi's hand were back in his hair as they kissed, more desperately now. Levi was hard against Erwin's thigh and Erwin could smell the start of his mating scent. Levi pushed against him but didn't let the kiss break. He walked Erwin back across the room until he fell on Levi's bed. Levi stood over him, smug smirk on his face. "Will you let me have control." Levi asked.
Erwin nodded and said, "If that'll make you more comfortable."
"It would."
"Then of course." Erwin smiled.

Levi nodded sharply and then climbed on top of Erwin, sitting on his hips. They kissed as Levi slowly unbuttoned Erwin's suit and shirt. Erwin allowed him to do it and didn't lay a hand on Levi. He was going to give him all the control he needed. Levi kissed his chest when his shirt was open, running his hands along the contours of his body. Then he sat up and pulled his shirt over his head. Erwin did the same, sitting just slightly so he could remove the layers. He unbuckled his belt too, an invitation for Levi. Erwin laid back again, letting himself be subject to whatever Levi wished to do to him.

Levi got off of him and turned his back to him. Erwin could see his shoulders sigh. Then he undid his trousers and left them fall to the floor, along with his underwear. He stood naked and vulnerable in front of Erwin. The Alpha soaked in his pale skin, every bump and dimple he could see. "You do the same." Levi said, just turning his head back to Erwin. Erwin could see the pink just covering his cheeks.
He did the same, taking of the remainder of his clothes. He sat on the edge of his bed waiting for Levi.

With a deep breath, Levi turned to him. He crossed the small space he'd made between them and slid back into Erwin's lap. The Alpha devoured his body with his eyes. But he was so gently when he put his hands on Levi's thighs. They kissed again, which helped Levi get over the embarrassment of being naked in front of someone for the first time in a long time.
He felt so hot, his body crying out for him to spread his legs and let the Alpha claim him. Erwin's hand ran up his thigh and slid onto his bum. Levi let him. Let the man put him in his most vulnerable position, naked with the Alpha's hands holding his ass.
Levi gasped when Erwin's hand moved underneath him and touch his newly wet thighs. Levi was embarrassed at how wet he'd gotten, like a teenager in his first heat. But he sighed and crumpled against Erwin when finally he allowed the Alpha to touch him. Erwin's fingers felt good inside him, he couldn't lie about that. He was even wishing he'd let him mate him during his heat because he imagined how good that would have felt.
One step at a time.
He needed to know how this was going to feel first. Erwin was efficient in how he touched Levi and Levi's body was willing to let him in. He was ready very quickly but Erwin let Levi decide when they would move forward; he kissed the shoulder he could reach and lazily moved his hand inside Levi. "Fuck." Levi said, grabbing Erwin's arm and stopping him.
"You ready?" Erwin asked him. Levi nodded again his neck.

Erwin moved away from him and sat against the head board of Levi's bed, waiting for the Omega to join him. He crawled up the bed towards Erwin, his scent thick and sweet. He straddled his legs again. "Don't you dare knot me." Levi growled, still managing to look menacing in such a messy state.
"Cross my heart." Erwin smiled.
Levi nodded and then slowly snuck down onto Erwin. His pace was slow and steady and driving Erwin nuts. But he wanted to show Levi that he wouldn't lose control. Levi looked like he was enjoying himself, his cheeks were rosy and his mouth hung open a little. Erwin bucked up into Levi and he yelped a moan. Then something snapped inside both of them. Levi's paced turned desperate and Erwin's hands gripped his thighs harshly. "Let me put you on your back." Erwin begged his head rested against the Omega's shoulder. Levi then shocked him by nodding his head. Erwin looked up to make sure he felt it correctly and Levi looked him in the eyes and nodded again. He then got up and laid back on the bed.
Erwin covered him with his body, now a predator ready to take the willing Omega. Erwin didn't start slow, his pace was relentless from the start. Levi's hands fisted his own hair as he desperately held back the moans. His toes curled and he squirmed against Erwin's hold. "Fuck. Fuck." He huffed.
"Let me hear it." Erwin replied, kissing his jaw.
It was too much, the spring was tightening. Erwin hadn't felt anything like that before, nothing had felt like this before. Pure pleasure, pure bliss, pure heat. Levi finally let the moans escape when he fell over the edge. He gripped onto Erwin for dear life as his body was wracked by his orgasm. He pulled Erwin over with him. It encompassed his body like nothing before, Erwin was sure he would have passed out if Levi hadn't been hanging onto him.

Levi opened his eyes after he'd managed to get his breathing back under control. Erwin was still bent over him, his face pressed against Levi's shoulder. He was buzzing and warm in the after glow. Erwin kissed his skin and then lifted his head. A soft smile was on his lips. Levi couldn't help but smile back. Erwin nuzzled at Levi's chin and then licked his scent gland underneath. Erwin rolled off of him and left the room for a minute. Levi was happy because Erwin had stayed in control and hadn't bound to him. The Alpha returned with a glass of water for him and a wet flannel. As Levi drank, Erwin cleaned him up. "I need a bath." Levi said.
"I'll run you one." Erwin smiled.

Levi flopped back on the bed when Erwin left again. This was amazing, he was glad he could let down his wall to Erwin. Isabel really had been right.

After bathing together, Levi and Erwin ventured back into the living room. Erwin wandered off to make tea and Levi searched for his phone. It was on the arm of the sofa, where he'd forgotten it.
Four missed calls...
Farlan's name and number then flashed on the screen. He answered it.
"Finally, where have you been?" Farlan sounded strange on the phone, scared or worried maybe.
"I was... talking with Erwin. What's the matter?" Levi asked.
"Isabel's been shot!"

(Uh oh! Drama! What's going to happen next! I know obviously, but you'll have to wait till next time!
Oh by the way, soz that that sex scene lacked details but you know I'm trying to keep this from getting flagged because small beans have to be protected from the big bad smut or whatever! See ya in a bit!)

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