Can I trust you?

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(Okay so I can't remember to post these on time, but it's here now for you all! I really appreciate all the feedback I'm getting from this one, glad you're enjoying it!
Little disclaimer here, there's talk of miscarriage in this one, very briefly but just a little warning in case that might upset you.)

The week was tough and if when Erwin graduated as a detective many years ago, they told him he'd go undercover and end up in bed with the leader of a drug cartel supporting him during a heat, he would have laughed in their face.
But now he was actually doing it, it seemed unreal. After all, this was unprofessional and dangerous but as soon as he climbed in bed beside Levi he hadn't been able to make himself leave. If he wanted he could have got up and left, then begged to be taken off the case so he could forget about this Omegan Alpha. But he stayed. Even though he was tired and hungry and really needed a shower by now; he stayed, he let Levi grind against his leg and moan into his skin. Because, now he thought about it, Isabel's words seemed to resonate with him a little. A Soul Bond.
But he didn't think about it because another wave of heat was taking over Levi.

He was laying against Erwin, his head pressed against Erwin's chest. He rubbed his face on Erwin and whimpered. Erwin briefly thought about the contrast between this Levi and the one he'd met at their first meeting; the fragile little creature that lay on him now, compared to the callous, sharp man he saw the other day.
However, this wave was different than the ones that had come before. Levi grumbled instead of moaned. He scrubbed his hands over his face and then pushed himself up on his forearms. Levi rubbed his fist against his eyes and then for the first time all week Levi looked at him with focused eyes. Erwin looked at him and he stared back. Erwin could almost see the cogs working around Levi's heat-fogged brain as he took in every detail of Erwin's face.

Erwin had expected to be hit or strangled or assaulted in some way when Levi's brain finally clocked what was going on. But he did the complete opposite, his eyes widened like a spooked horse and he jerked back away from the Alpha. He did so with so much force that he ended up on his back on the floor beside the bed.
Moments later the door flew open and Farlan and Isabel were in the room. Isabel got to the floor beside a shook Levi. The Omega stammered trying to put the racing thoughts into a coherent sentence but he just ended up pointing at Erwin and looking to Isabel for an explanation.
Isabel was soft and careful with her confused friend. "You were going to get sick again. You know, like that time ages ago. Erwin was only looking after you, you wouldn't settle without him. To be honest with you this has been your quietest heat." Isabel explained gently.
"But... but what if he's... what if he's done what they did! Have you been in here? What if he's... has he?" Levi tripped over every word that came out of his mouth. But Isabel, somehow, understood what he was talking about. "He hasn't! Me and Far have been watching like a hawk. You've spent most your time asleep. Plus he helped get rid of those two idiots. He stopped them from doing anything like that to you." She explained, nuzzling his cheek with her nose. Then she grabbed his wrist and lifted it to her nose. "See? You don't even smell like him." She said, offering the scent glands to him. She then opened her hand to Erwin and he crawled forward giving her his arm.
She scented his gland and nodded to herself. Levi looked between them and then very cautiously lent to scent it himself. He suppressed a groan because to him the Alpha scent was intoxicating but he agreed with Isabel: there was no trace of their mixed scents.
"I'll pop outside for a minute." Erwin smiled at the Omega and quickly took his leave.

Erwin practically fell onto the sofa as he reached it. He was so conflicted. Levi had suddenly become a very vulnerable and very Omegan creature right now. It didn't change the fact that he was bringing in illegal and harmful substances into the country and making a massive profit of it all. But for the first time in Erwin's whole detective and policing career he was questioning his morals.
Soul Bond
This really wasn't going to the cut and dry case they originally thought it to be.

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