Hunters to Hero's

Jello13e tarafından

346K 13.9K 24.6K

Once Gon, Killua, and Bisky finished the Greed Island quest they realize that there is a second part. If they... Daha Fazla

Part two of greed island?
Entrance exams
Welcome to UA
Scars and Aura
Questioning and money
Chop Chop
Working behind the scenes
That's odd
The Match
Bisky is kicked out
New friends
The Heist
Allmights class
Todo No
He is the yoyo man.
How did you get here?
Just a bunny
You would do that for us?
Her too?!
Don't ask. Just enjoy.
Thank you Ashido
Elsa teaches Architecture
I am here. Literally.
Fourth of July Special!
Break time
Uncle steve
Why them and not me, Gon?
Okay so I'm not dead-
You don't seem happy
Q and A!
Talk show Q and A
Steve says
Talk show part two
Secret Love Child
Final round
There's that light again


14.3K 449 719
Jello13e tarafından

Killua POV

I hate this.

Why does this world care whether or not a kid has a job? Everythings easier in our world because we have a hunter license which lets us do anything we want, but no. This world doesn't work like that. We have to follow laws and stuff. How annoying. Look where it's gotten me! I'm walking in an ally with a mask and hoodie on while hoping I can find a guy who will pay me to kill people.

What would the heros even do if they saw that three minors lived by themselves and paid for their own bills? I'm sure they would be concerned or freaked out.

How am I even supposed to find a dealer in this world? Let's hope they find me.

"Hey, kid!"

Speak of the devil.

"Why you got that mask there?" I turned around, met with a hero with a questionable expression on his face.

"Why do you want to know?" I asked with my voice altered thanks to the mask I built.

"Take that off right now. You're not supposed to be out here this late at night." He said walking over to me wearily.

"Nah, I'll do what I want," I say, walking away from him, deeper into the ally.

Go ahead and make the first move, hero.

He sped over to me, reaching out to rip the mask off my face.

Nice try.

I made my fingers sharp, slitting his throat in one swift movement. Blood gushed out of his neck. He desperately gripped his own neck in attempts to stop the blood from pouring out, but it still seeped through his finger like a waterfall.

"Why?" He gasped, choking on his own blood.

"Self defense and no witnesses." I plainly said, watching as his small aura became even smaller, barely there. "Sleep now." I shushed him in his last moments.

I soon heard clapping coming from behind me. "Nice kill, boy."

"Who are you?" I stared the man as he appeared out of the shadows of the buildings, coming into the moonlight.

"I'm Kurogiri from the league of villains. How would you like to join our cause?" He asked. "You are very talented. You will do great deeds if you join us."

Does he really think it will be that easy to gain allies? If that works to gain allies then the people joining them are either desperate or stupid. Maybe both.

"I'm not interested in joining any league. However, I can offer my services to you," I said as I turned to face him completely. He most likely has a gas type quirk or some type of portals. The purple wisps coming from his face and hands flowed upwards, disappearing into the air. His quirk is most likely portals. I couldn't sense him until he spoke and he doesn't know how to use anything similar to Zetzu.

"If you pay me, I can work as an assassin for your so-called league." I offered, crossing my arms.

His yellow eyes narrowed at me for a second before he responded, "That will work. You have yourself a deal."

"Let's meet back here at midnight so we can plan and exchange information and cost."

"Alright." He said, creating a purple warp hole, walking through it and vanishing.

That was easier than I expected.


"Run around the forest and around the meadow as many times as it takes for me to get there," Bisky ordered killua and gon as she planned to take her sweet time getting there

They both did as told, running towards the forest that was behind their house.

That was until a familiar aura spiked.

Followed by another spike of aura which was poorly managed. It would randomly spike and die down. Clearly, someone doesn't know how they were using nen.

"Whos aura nodes did you open!?" Bisky growled lowly, ready to punch one of them.

"No ones! They already could do it!"

"Explain." She demanded as they walked towards the forest where the people with spiking aura reside.

"We noticed that they both were using ten and ren, but they are very bad at it." Gon said.

Bisky understood as she nodded her head with her hand on her chin in thought, "I'm sure they don't know the existence of nen, otherwise they would have at least questioned you." They all entered the forest, quietly approaching the two aura users, hiding in the shadows of the massive trees.

"Maybe they have a quirk that does it? Is that even possible?" Bisky wondered. The two boys simply answered by shrugging their shoulders as they did not know the answer.

The three hunters hid behind the bushes, seeing allmight and Izuku standing across from one another.

Suddenly Allmight's ten dissipated along with his buff form. What emerged out to the smoke was a scraggly and skinny blonde man who tried hopelessly to mentor the greenette.

"Just imagine the egg in the microwave." The man said.

'What?' The three hunters wondered. 'What does training have to do with microwaving eggs??!!?

For a moment they kept on watching. Izuku would turn his quirk on and off. This would cause his aura to spike uncontrollably then die down to his normal non-powered aura.

He kept on doing this several times, gaining fatigue from using all that life force.

"I can't watch this anymore," Bisky grumbled, getting up.

"Seriously?!" Killua whisper yelled not loud enough for the two to gear them. "Are you seriously going to tell them about nen right after we tried so hard to keep it a secret?" Killu pulled her back down.

Bisky punched him upside the head, earning an annoyed groan. "Be that way. Go ahead. Tell them all our secrets." Killua mocked.

"Just follow my lead and don't tell them more than they should or need to know and we will be fine." She said getting up and approaching the two.

She was honestly disappointed and a bit saddened for them. They most likely don't know how to control it because no one taught them, but then again... Allmight should at least teach Izuku to do better than that. He sucked at being a teacher. Izuku should be using it throughout his whole body. Not just a finger or fist.

Bisky waltzed on over there, towards the two with an upset expression.

Allmight's eyes widened upon seeing her, "When did you get here?!" He spat out blood accidentally.

"Nevermind that. You two are wasting your potential." She scolded them.

"What is she saying?" Izuku whispered to Toshinori.

"I don't know." The blonde shrugged his shoulders.

"You're not teaching your student poorly. He has so much potential and deserves better than that." She said.

"BISKY! THAT'S MEAN!"Gon yelled, coming out of the Bush with killua following close behind.

"What are you guys doing here?!" Izuku yelled in confusion. He soon realized he was yelling and turned into a muttering mess as he threw apologies at them.

The three just sweatdropped at the mumbling greenette.

"What do you know about teaching and what makes you eligible to criticize my teaching?" Toshinori asked bisky.

"She's our teacher," Killua said simply.

Allmight and Izuku looked at each other in confusion before turning to them with confused faces. Allmight and Aizawa were their teachers. Not her. What does she even teach them anyway? The teacher's claim would be more believable if she was an adult, but she is just a kid their age.

"What do you teach them? I'm assuming some type of tactical skills." Allmight asked, looking at her short stature. He wasn't sure what she would even teach them besides that. She was very small and didn't look like she had any muscle on her, so physical skills were out of the question in almighty mind.

"She taught us more advanced skills," Killua said.

'So she doesn't too physical training? Was I right?' Allmight wondered.

Gon then added on with an innocent smile, "She's the one who taught me to do those powerful punches. I actually have a long way to go. Even with the ability, Bisky is definitely stronger than both of us." Gon said pointing to himself and killua.

Allmight stood there with his jaw hanging in stupor along with Izuku who almost fell over from both shock and exhaustion from using his quirk. 'The little girl is their teacher and is stronger than both of the kids who broke the entrance exam records.

"I'm going to help you both train to use your nen better," Bisky said.

"Nen?" The two wondered.

"Ok. The three of us are going to trust you with a secret." Bisky told them in all seriousness.

"Why us?" Izuku asked.

"Because I feel the need to help you two. You both are only injuring yourself by using your nen or what you call 'quirk' like that." Bisky scolded.

"We also know your secret, so we're going to be even, Allmight," Killua said, looking at him in the eye.

Allmight's eyes widened as killua said that name, "How did-"

"It was pretty easy to figure out based on your nen which we will explain later. We also saw you deactivate it when we were passing by." Killuas eyes narrowed at the hero, "I told you not to underestimate me."

Allmight gulped nervously at the boy. He was so quick to figure it out and spot him deactivating his buff form. Allmight knew to be wary of the boy.

"So what is nen?" Izuku interrupted the staring contest between the silverette and the blonde.

"It's one of the reasons why gon is so strong." Killua simplifies the answer so they could take it in slowly.

Allmight and Izuku both nodded, wanting them to go on.

"Aura is your life force, your life. Nen is basically the prosses of using and controlling it to do things." She lectured. "You following me?" She asked the two.

"Yes." They replied. It was a bit weird to take a bunch of people they just met a few days ago and a complete stranger, but they were offering to help and they were quick to figure out Allmight's secret, so there wasn't much harm in letting them help.

"You can do various things based on your aura type. There are six different types of categories you can be in. Enhancer where you power up your physical abilities. Transmuter where you can change your aura and so on." The two listened intently to her, processing the information. "I'm pretty sure you both are Enhancers, but to double-check, we will do something called water divination." She explained, motioning for killua and gon to go get a glass, water, and leaf.

Killua and gon both went into the forest, out of their sight.

"Book," Killua called, getting the glass. Gon found a leaf with a water droplet on it. He smiled, picking it off the bush. He walked over to killua as he held out the cup. Gon tipped the leaf, letting the droplet fall into the glass. They both went back to bisky with the glass, leaf and only a drop of water.

Izuku looked at the glass with curiosity. "Didn't you say a cup of water?" He asked bisky.

She just smiled at Izuku, letting gon do the work.

Killua placed the glass on the floor. Gon sat down, placing his hands around the cup.

"I want you two to try to feel gons presence as he does this." She told the two.

"I have a quick question," Izuku spoke up. "I'm sorry if this sounds rude, but does this all mean that you all are quirkless?" He asked.

Bisky looked at gon and killua who nodded, shrugging their shoulders.

"I guess so." She replied.

"So all the superhuman things you have done were all some type of nen?" Allmight asked for confirmation. 

"Mostly," Killua replied. "In our homelands, we had different circumstances. For example, gon grew up in the forest so he has a better sense of smell and various other things. Me, on the other hand, grew up training so I'm way stronger than a lot of people without using any nen."

Toshinori and Izuku nodded, understanding the basics of what he explained. Izuku felt as if he needed to take notes for his hero analysis for the future. This is astonishing information. It's not a quirk, but its an entirely different type of superhuman power. Definitely noteworthy. However, he had to suppress his urge to take notes and focus on listening to them.

"Yeah, Killuas house is crazy. It took leorio, Kurapika and I about a week to open their front door." Gon remembered. 

"Didn't you try climbing the 50-foot wall with your broken arm? Your crazy one." Killua laughed as he poked his arm. 

"Its not my fault it was broken!" Gon yelled.

"Yes it was! You decided to use freaken ZETZU against Gidos Battle waltz!" You could have DIED if that hit a vital spot!" Killua raged, pulling his hair. 

Gon fighting back, tackling him to the floor yelled, "YOU THINK I DIDN'T KNOW THAT?! IM INPATIENT AND STUPID! GIVE ME A BREAK!" 


"ITS YOUR JOB TO KEEP ME IN CHECK ANYWAY! WE ALREADY AGREED TO THIS ONCE WE GOT AWAY FROM NOBUNAGA!" They kept on wrestling, rolling on the floor, away from the others who were watching them bicker. They felt the ground become uneven and tumbled down into a ditch, slamming into one another at the bottom. Gon got a hint of Dejavu, "There's a pig!" 

"Wait my brother is here?!" Killua exclaimed in fake interest, looking around with his hand shielding his eyes from the sun.

"Come out piggy! Let me rub it in your face that were got into greed Island and you didn't!" Killua laughed. "I even made an 'in your face' dance too" 

The three watched gon and killua from the flat ground, above the ditch. They were dancing wildly, flailing their arms around, carefree. "They have so much energy." Allmight sweatdropped. 

"They seem like they've been through a lot together. Izuku said longingly. He never had a friend like that before. Yes, there was Kachhan who he knew since he was little, but he was mainly his bully.

"What does confuse me, though, is why it's only you two know nen," Bisky spoke up, turning her gaze away from Gon and Killua and toward the One For All users which both visibly tensed at her question.

"Are you going to tell them about it?" Izuku asked allmight nervously.

The blonde thought for a moment before sighing, "They are being so nice by teaching us this, so I guess so." Allmight knew it was risky to tell people he didn't know that well, but they already were helping Izuku so much. He knew he couldn't teach them as good as bisky can. He only knew her for around 10 minutes, but he sensed a surge of wisdom and knowledge coming from her, a kid. Allmight knew he was a terrible teacher and mentor, so he believed that having the three help teach izuku how to control One For All was going to be the best choice he could make right now. Right?

Bisky seemed to have sensed the small conflict going through Allmight's brain. "If you tell us then we would be able to help you learn how to control your powers better. You two wouldn't get injured as much." She reassured him.

Allmight sighed once more, looking at Izuku's hopeful face. From one look anyone can tell that Izuku was eager to learn and grow stronger. He could spare a secret for the success of his pupil.

Gon and killua climbed back up from the ditch, still giggling. Bisky quickly gave them a glare which shut them up quickly. Izuku hid a little behind allmight after seeing such a glare.

Allmight sweatdropped and proceded to tell Killua, Gon and Bisky about one for all. He told them how it was used to pass on quirks to other people. He told them how it grew stronger with every single transfer. He explained how he got weaker due to his scar and the fact that his quirk was solely getting weaker because he passed the quirk to Izuku.

The three took the information in, processing how they might have been able to gain nen.

Before they can start brainstorming, Allmight asked, "I know you didn't know the existence of one for all before this, but while you were at the field, before is had my... discussion with killua." Allmight chose his words carefully. "What were you referring to when you kept on saying that 'ill lose it' ?" 

Gon and Killua thought for a moment before killua snapped his fingers, knowing the answer, "You mean that! If we use a technique called Gyo," Killua pointed to his eyes,  "Then we can see a person's aura. What we meant by it is that you might lose your aura or your ability to use nen because you are overusing it. Same goes for Izuku. He doesn't know how to control it, but that's why we're here. To help you not hurt yourselves further."

Allmight ummed to himself in thought for a second before ending that conversation with a short "Got it" It was a bit odd, yet comforting that they were concerned about Izuku and himself from the moment they noticed that they were using it wrong.

The hunters then went back to trying to figure out how they got the ability to use nen in the first place. It didn't originate here, so how could allmight and Izuku have it?

"Maybe someone punched a previous holder with nen, making them gain the ability?" Gon wondered as the three hunters huddled together like football players, leaving the two heros out of the conversation.

"What are they doing?" Izuku whispered to allmight, still confused about the whole thing. He hadn't heard the first conversation of the whole it deals, so he was kinda lost.

"A team huddle?" He sweatdropped, watching the three hunters place their arms around one another's shoulder. Despite getting an explanation of one of their many traits and actions, they were still a very odd group.

"No, quirks are from family genes. You can't just gain the ability to use nen when you are born." Killua said. "Maybe one of the users meditated and ended up getting it."

"I don't think so. No one besides these two has the ability. If people were able to meditate to gain it then normal citizens could have nen ability. That also means that if they punched a person with closed nodes then they would know nen too." Bisky took down the idea.

"True, the meditating option would lead to about half the population to know nen already." Killua simplified Bisky's answer.

There was a brief silence before gons face brightened, "What if its just a quirk?" Gon looked at them with a hopeful look in his eyes.

Bisky and killua smiled at the new idea. They may have just figured it out.

"Do you know what they are talking about?" Izuku asked allmight.

"Not really. I'm assuming they're trying to figure out why we have neen or however they call it." Allmight shrugged. 

"I'm honestly hoping they could help you learn how to control your quirk. I'm not sure how I can help you, but they seem like they know what they're doing." Allmight confessed.

"You're not that bad of a teacher, your just not that experienced in teaching..." Izuku dragged the rest of his words, not knowing what else to say. 

Suddenly the three dispersed from their little huddle conference. "You have a life force quirk," Gon announced to them.

"The most reasonable explanation would be that its a quirk where you can control your life force and use it to enhance your skills," Killua added.

"That does make sense..." Allmight thought.

"Now that we have that done, we should have you guys do the basic training. Gon will you demonstrate?" She turned to him. 

Gon smiled childishly, practically skipping over to the glass they had, ready to show off his skills. He placed his hands around the one droplet filled glass. Quickly, the drop of water whooshed around, filling up the glass. It kept on rising right until it reached the brim of the cup with the leaf resting on top.

"Woah! Is that nen?" Izuku asked as he examined the cup. There was only a drop and now the cup was completely filled.

"With this technique, we can figure out what your nen type is, but I'm pretty sure all of us besides Killua are enhancers," Bisky mentioned. "If the water rises then that means your an enhancer just like Gon."

"Who wants to go first?" Killua asked. 

"I guess I'll go." Izuku stood up, walking over to gon. "What exactly do I do though?" He sheepishly asked gon. 

"Oh, Bisky you forgot to have them do ten." Gon told her.

"Ha! The Baba is forgetting things!" Killua snickered. 

Bisky glared at him, swiftly punched him into the air, hitting the trees. Both Toshinori and Izuku looked concerned and also a bit scared. "Does this happen a lo-" Allmight was about to ask but was cut off by gon.

"All the time. Killua alwase teases her for being an old lad-." Gon was cut off by a punch to the gut, making him fly into the air as well. 

As Gon flew, he saw killua staring at a bird who was currently flying.

Allmight and Izuku who were still on the ground, asked bisky, "How old are you? I thought you were the same age as us, but they're calling you that." Izuku chose his words carefully, not wanting to get punched in the air.

'Yup. I can believe that she is stronger than them.' Allmight winced, thinking back to when he trained under Gran Torino and got punched frequently during practice.

"I'm only 57." Bisky simply replied.

Izuku looked as if his soul was trying to escape while allmight spat out blood. 'I thought she was a kid!' They both thought.

"Hi, killua!" Gon smiled as he caught up with his friend.

"Oh, hi gon." Killua looked at gon, still above the trees.

"Wanna catch dinner?" Gon asked, pointing at the confused, flying bird.

"You bet!" He smirked. Gon and killua released aura from their feet, projecting them towards the bird. Gon tackled the bird, hugging him. Killua simply followed gon, pressing a pressure point so he didn't have to stab it and make the blood come out.

They descended to the ground right in front of bisky. "What's that?" Izuku asked still mildly confused.

"Dinner." Gon answered. 

"We will be cooking while you teach them," Killua said, walking off with gon.

"No, you don't. Your coming with me." Bisky scolded, dragging Killua back to Allmight and Izuku who were still trying to get used to the fact that they are being trained by their classmates/students. 

"Why can't gon do it?" Killua groaned for a moment.

He suddenly walked back to the heros. "Nevermind."

"Tell them about ten," Bisky said, tired of explaining things. 

Killua groaned in annoyance, wanting to eat chocorobo already. "What does it feel like to use your quirk, Izuku?" He asked him.

Izuku got a bit nervous at the sudden attention on him. "W- well it's kinda like an egg in a microwave." He explained. 

"Who microwaves eggs?" Killua abruptly asked.

"I did it once when we were at a hotel. I don't know why though, it cost us more to use the microwave than ordering one with room service." Izuku scrunched his eyebrows, "It tasted weird."

"Ok? What else?" Killua raised an eyebrow, wanting him to elaborate. 

"It's like a rapid surge of power that's ready to burst at any moment and when it does I end up breaking bones," Izuku said. 

"That's you activating ten where you wrap your aura around yourself. The bursts of energy are you using ren where you make your aura spike or burst out as you said." Killua explained.

"You don't know how to control your aura which is why it randomly spikes. You also are also putting all your aura in one part of your body. When all of this is added together, you are basically making your bones explode." Killua said, bored.

The amount of information given was astonishing to Izuku and allmight, to say the least. This boy sounds like a pro. Killua was super smart too. He got all of that just from previous knowledge and a microwave analogy. Pretty amazing.

"This is why I'm going to teach you how to control your aura or what you like to call, quirk," Killua said to Izuku.

"You on the other hand..." Killua turned to face allmight, "You're a different story, but I'm sure bisky wouldn't mind helping you." Killua smirked at bisky who rolled her eyes and grabbed a cup of hot tea out of nowhere. 

She glared at killua for a second who was simply smirking at her. Allmight was very similar to bisky... in a way. They both have different forms that they don't want to show. Allmight dint wants to show his weak form and Bisky dint want to show her strength/ true form.

She tched, motioning for allmight to follow her to the other side of the meadow where they had more space to train one on one.

"Now, show me what you got," Killua told Izuku who looked at the younger boy with determination in his eyes.

Okumaya devam et

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