Denki Kaminari X Reader ~ Eup...

By Xenia_Cenia

433K 12.6K 43.4K

Katsuki Bakugou's little sister was the exact opposite of him in every way. He loved his Quirk... she despise... More

The Start
The Test
The Short Chapter
The Super Long Chapter To Make Up For The Short Chapter
The Idiot Nearly Kills You
The, 'Oh Fuck Kaminari is Dead,' Chapter
Looking For Light
Broken Girl
Falling Through Hope
Love Goes Awry
Broken Kids Fix Each Other
Yikes, Is She Okay?!
Victim Vs Villain
Broken Kids Brake Once More
Frozen Heart
Happy Endings
Sakurri First Meeting
Another AN (sorry...)
Maybe last A/N? Idk im sorry
Yall I-

The Lonely Life of Ai Itta

2.6K 70 34
By Xenia_Cenia

The day she was old enough to walk by herself she found her parents beginning to forget her. The brown haired girl would sit in front of her mirror and would use her fingers to push her lips up to form a false smile, ignoring the tears falling down her cheeks. 

When she walked into elementary school and found herself being ignored. Everyone in class was focused on the girl in the back whose parents let her dye her hair purple. 

She would never complain when someone would steal the chair out from below her or would ask why there was a paper left on the empty desk. 

Hell, she never complained even when she was forced to sit in the back of the class alone. The brown haired girl watched her life spin into isolation. The day before secondary school started she walked to the store, grabbed two things of hair dye and marched home, determination in her ignored eyes. 

She closed her eyes and tried not to imagine what would happen if she messed up this hair dye. After a few seconds she took a deep breath and gazed at herself in the mirror.

She could almost see the words floating around her reflection.




Waste of space.

The girl with no presence shut her eyes once more, wiped the tears away and began dyeing her hair. 

After it was done she grabbed two red ponytail holders and tied her newly dyed hair into two loose ponytails and gazed at herself in the mirror. She walked down to her family hall with a small smile on her face. She expected her brother and parents to gasp when they saw her. To yell, laugh, something. Instead she got her only constant: nothing. 

No reaction. 

Was I wrong then?

She sighed and left the house. No resistance from anyone in charge, the cyan haired girl walked soundless in a world full of screams. 

As she grew older she began to look for the small things in life. The petals on a rose, the raindrops clinging onto windowsills and parents holding their laughing children by the hand. She would smile to herself and repeat the same phrase in her head:

It's okay. It's all going to be okay. 

On her first day at U.A. high she saw the (h/c) girl walk in with a loud blond male. She had looked at them in interest, but didn't really pay them any mind. As the year progressed she watched in awe.

How could someone who detested attention get so much of it? 

Ai had tried to talk to the girl but the girl was always staring at some guy or was deep in thought. And, like always, Ai was alone. She had just been looking for a paper that flew out one of her classroom windows when she saw the body falling.

After the adrenaline wore off she took deep breaths and found the girl who fell - no, jumped - was the girl from her class. 

When the sports festival happened and the girl made sure to have Ai on her team, it felt nice to be noticed. She had never realized how nice it felt to have the crowd cheering for her. 

But, of course, those spotlights flickered and eventually powered off. 

The disappearance of Denki Kaminari and (Y/N) Bakugou. Every news channel covered the story, every set of eyes were glued onto the theories. Webpages went up displaying crude and awful ideas of what happened.

 [JXnnY6996] I bet he raped her.

[nyaaah] Nah hes tryna be a hero remember

[IStanHammy] What if she killed him? Both of their quirks were used.

[OwO?] werent they dating? 

[JXnnY6996] does it matter

[AllMxghtFan] what if they became villains? like we all saw with (Y/N) did to that poor aiko chick...

[nyaaah] maybe...

Ai just couldn't stand it. Her friend - they were talking like this about her friend. She dismissed all of the rumors and waited everyday for (Y/N) and Kaminari to come back. 

It wasn't until the summer camp that she believed it. 

Watching in horror as (Y/N) and Katsuki fired ruthless attacks at each other, both of their irises flaming red. When Ice Queen stepped beside her - and the only reason that she survived was the villain not noticing her. 

When (Y/N) faught All for One she was at home watching it all on her t.v. with tears in her eyes. She didn't like seeing (Y/N) bleeding out - and she couldn't believe how she was still fighting. All those injuries must of hurt like Hell, right? 

When she saw (Y/N) again the girl was in a hospital bed. She had smiled softly, walked into the room and sat in one of the empty chairs. She had hesitantly placed her invisible hand onto the hand of the girl who never escaped the cameras. 

To her surprise, she heard the girl moan and saw her eyes flutter open.

"Oh... Ai..." she sounded woozy as she attempted to squeeze Ai's hand, "i'm so happy... t-that you're okay..." the girl tried to manage a weary smile before her eyelids fell. 

Ai carefully took her hand off of the sleeping girls' and spent some time staring into space before the tears fell.

You're alone Ai.

She noticed me.

Nobody cares about you.

She cares about me.

Why not just die?

I... I can't leave her alone like this. 

She wiped a tear from her face and tried to supress the smile on her face.

"Thank you, (Y/N)," she looked at the sun rays beaming through the hospital window, "Thank you for showing me i'm not alone anymore."

Word count: 939

Bonus points if you got the reference :)

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